South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1881 - 1889), Saturday 3 May 1884, page 11

' A telegram from Sydney announced the death in that city of Mr. Joseph Skelton, editor of the Northern Territory Times. The cause of death was low fever. Mr. Skelton was formerly a merchant in Adelaide. We understand that Mr. Jacobs, of the firm of Stock & Jacobs is retiring from the practice of the legal profession with a view of following commercial pursuits in conjunction with Messrs. Charles Jacobs & Sons of this city. The directors of the Bank of New South Wales have declared a dividend at the rate of of 17& a half per cent per annum, and will put £20,000 to the reserve fund, and carry over £8,000 to profit. This amounts to a total profit of £153,000 for tie half year. An accident recently occurred at the col-lege buildings now in course of erection at the experimental farm at Roseworthy. A man named Bently, we are informed, fell from a height of 35 feet, and sustained a fracture of his arm and other injuries. Mr. Andrew Bradley, of Medindie has just made a chess table, the top of which is con-structed of a cement composed of marble, granite, and other ingredients. Mr. Bradley, who manufactured the oompouud himself, claims that it can be profitably made in the colony. The three or four measles patients from the steamer Iberia have been taken to Torrens Island. It is not intended, we believe, that in their case strict quarantine regulations shall be observed, but merely to detain them there for a few days, when it is expected they will be quite restored to health. Ad other instance of the remarkable ignorance of people in England with regard to Australian geography is given in a letter from a leading London publisher to Mr. W. W. Winwood, of this city, bearing the follow ing address :— ' Mr. W. W. Winwood, book seller, Adelaide, New South Wales, Sydney.' Colonel Williams, director of army remount operations for India, has just arrived in this colony. He was deputed by the Indian -Government to proceed to the colonies for the purpose of collecting information aa to ihe pit sect state and future prospects of the horse trade, as affecting the supply of rcmoants for the army in India. f The city coroner was informed on Sanday April 27, of tbe sudden death on that day of Mr. John Baker, of Bose Park. The coroner on making enquiries found that Dr. Oamp bel], who attended the deceased, considered the cause of death to be chronic disease of the heart and Btomach. An inquest was con sidered unnecessary. ? .- We are informed that Mr. Alf red W. Hill, formerly pupil at Prince Alfred College, and brother of the Bev. J. C. TTI11. of Magill wbo last year passed the primary examina tion of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, has this year also passed the primary examination of the London Boyal College of Physicians. We learn that the Bev. J. B. Fergusson . baa withdrawn the resignation of his charge of the Presbyterian Church at Golden Grove, and has acceded to the urgent request of bis congregation to remain with them for another twelve mrothe, on the understanding tint he ib allowed leave of absence for two or three Sundays during tbe year. The sixth half yearly meeting of the Northern Land and Investment Company was held at the company's office, BeaconsSeld Buildings, on Tuesday, April 29, the Hon. J. B. Spt-nce presiding. Tbe balanze-sheec for the past six months was adopted. It was reported that owing to the dullness of the land market no transactions had been effected girir-e the last meeting. The meeting then adjourned, An accident happened on the road from Williamstown to Sandy Creek on Sanday afternoon, April 20. A Mra. Johnson and her son were driving along the thoroughfare when owing to a calf causing the horse to swerve the vehicle capsized, and the occu pants were thrown out. Mrs. Johnson re ceived a nasty cut on the forehead and a severe shaking, while the young man had his arm badly hurt. By the arrival of a recent English steamer tbe ranks of the Anglican c ergy in this colony were supplemented by the addition of tbe Revs. A, C. Hoggins, B.A., and B. B. Taylor. The first-oamed gentletnaa catno to the diocese to undertake the supervision of the mission work in the northern areas, and Mr. Taylor has accepted the incumbency of the churches at Laura and Gladstone and tbe surrounding district. Seme time ago the town clerk of Adelaide was instructed to ascertain whether any land grant or title had ever been issued on the purchase of the park lands. This he has beto usable to do, and on Monday he was directed by the City Council to report ' in recpect of tbe purchase of city park lands by Governor Gawler in April, 1839, and to ascertain whether the pirlUsaeatsry title acquired by such purchase is sneb a tide ' as cannot legally be disturbed.' ' On Friday, April 23, Messrs. Beaglehole, Laid well, members of the tlouse of Assembly, waited on the Minister of Edu cation, and brought under his notice the argent ceceesity of increasing the accommoda tion both for teachers and children at the schools at Port Victoria, Carrsmolka, and Maitland. The Minister replied that he would have the matter looked into at au early date, and would endeavor to meet the wibhcB ot the deputation as far as possible. BAt about 4 o'clock on Tuesday moraine. April 22, a fire was discovered to be running in the cellar of the Venus Bay Hotel, JBlUs ton. Mr. Symes, the proprietor of the house, first observed the flames, and with the assist ance of Mr. A. Day and Corporal Clade, soon succeeded in extinguishing them, bat not be fore the cellar and bar had been damaged to the extent of about £250. The place is in suted. An aboriginal named Mealey has been arrested on suspicion- of having caused the fire. As will be seen by reference to oar Earo pean telegraphic columns, the police bave made an important discovery of papers be longing to Patrick Egan, the late treasurer of the Land League. It appears that the pre mises occupied by Bgan were searched, and the papers in question were found buried in the garden. They contain plans for a general rising in Ireland, besides lists of arms de posited in various places. Egan was at once arrested, brought before a magistrate, and re manded. On Sunday, April 27, tie city coroner was informed of tfce sudden death of Mr. Henry Locgbottom, butcher, of Angas-street east, which occurred during tbe afternoon of that day. Just prior to the death of the deceased Dr. O'Connell was sent for, but on his arrival life was extinct. Dr. Thomas, in reply to the coroner's enquiry, stated that he had attended Mr. Longbottom when he was suffering from epilepsy, and he had no doubt that death was to be attributed to that disease. An inquest was considered unnecessary. After five or six months of inactivity, the Salisbury branch of the Blue Bibbon Army held a meeting on Wednesday, April 23, at which upwards of a hundred persons attended. Speeches were delivered by the chairman (Mr. J. P. Swann), Mr. J. Hooper, the Bev. B Jackson, and Mr. Mellor. A sacred song was contributed by Miss E. Middleton, recitations by Messrs. H. Pater noster, and £. Alger, and readings by Messrs. B. J. Swans and A. Mellor. Twelve persons signed tte pledge and donned the blue. Some little time ago Mr. W. H. Charnook, a member of the firm ot Stflling & Co., left for England with a view, it was presumed, of endeavoring to come to some arrangement with the Oxient Company in connection with the loss of the Government hopper barge at the time of the stranding of the steaaiship Sorata at Cape Jervis. We understand that an arrangement has been made by Mr. ChaAock, and that the action, which was to have been the subject of an appeal to the Privy Council, has been virtually settled. On Wednesday evsnteg, April 23, tea and public meetings were held in the Wesieyan schoolroom, Gawler, to welcome Mr. B. Cramp, missionary, who has been appointed to the Gawler circuit, and whose station is to be Williamstown. There was a good atten dance at each meeting. The minister of tfas circuit, the Bev. J. Nicholson, presided at the latter »tbering. Addresses were given by the chairman, Messrs. Annels and J. Limb (circuit stewards), Mr. OoUias, who represented Williamntown, Mr. Bray, of tha Gawler Biver, and Ma Crump. A meeting of the Trades and Labor Council was held at the Sir John Barleycorn HoteL on Friday evening, April 2Sk The president Mr. F. Adam Freer, occapied the chair, ana there was a large attesaaaoe of delegates. The Matters* Liability Act, the Factory Act, and the question whether a law should be passed to constitute eight hotm* labor a day^s work, were disuusssed at sojne length, but zt was ultimately decided to adjourn the debate until after tbe return of the local delegates at tbe eight hoBrs*and labor-conference meetings which are now being held fa Hefboarne. &Tfae following is extracted from the general orders uaned by tbe staff offioe on Apul 23 :— Extract from Government Atutte .'—'Staff Office, Apxil2L Hia Excrilancy the Governor bas been pleased to accept the resignation of Lirutecant H. D, Abbott, of the A*»TMtido Bifles, and to appoint Private £. O. O«m to be lieutenant therein ; also to accept the resignation of Lieutenant T. Youul of the Rifle Volunteer Some.' Withrateotooi Tto the ab^^ Lfeatcnant Owen is vetted *»-A Company. Ovponl Ssvan, (I flessmnjiT mctea s- rasamw.

TheBev. B. Bion, Baptist missionary from Bengal, wa» welooaaed at tea and pobUo meetings held at the North Adelaide Baptist Church on Monday evening, April 28. Share was a Urge attendanoe at each gathering. Mr. C. H. Goode prtsided at tbe public mw»anet at which addresses were delivered by tbe&eva. A. W. Webb (chairman of the Bipfist Union), S. Mead, and B. Burn.. Mr. Bion, who was well received, gave a long and an interesting sddress, in which be desoribeda number of . adventures that had happened to him during his thirty-seven years,' labor aaa misaiaaarf in Eastern Bengal. Probates and letters of adeainistnrtioa were granted during- the week ended April 26, as follows i— Probates— H J. Kenihaa, £1,000; Patrick Beiana, £50; Wiltiaa Ha*ke,£500; Charles White, £1500: Base Conlon, £1100; Esabella Carrick £170; Ann Stanton, £800; Bichard Whitfield, £160; Jobn Krearsco, £200. Letters of administra taun— WiUUm J. Wells £200; David Donald son, £4.300; Emma Harriet Gope, £220; William Gardiner, £90 ; Sarah Skinsoa, £70 ; George Goodchild, £U000; James Ctdemso, £21.0; Paul Peisko, £50; John Lush, £615 Johan F. Anderson, £25,000. Tbe monthly meeting of the Adelaide Manx Association was held in Mr. D. R. Gold mith's large room, Tynte street, North Ade laide, on Thursday evening, April 24. The business transacted consisted of the election of officers for the ensuing twelve months, and the reading of correspondence from the Sydney and Melbourne branches. The fol lowing officers were elected :— President, Mr. D. R. Goldsmith ; treasurer, Mr. Joseph Hogg; secretary, Mr. J. H. Garrett; com mittee-Messrs. William Goldsmith, John Gill, John Kelly, James Farghar, John Cain, Thomas Corlett, and Andrew A. Garrett. A representative meeting of the officers of the Bank of South Australia took place a^ the bank premises, King William-street, on Tuesday, April 29, tbe object being to present Mr. Carrie, the late inspector and colonial manager, with a riiver salver and claret jug as a slight token of the appreciation in which he is held by ths officers throughout the rolony. The presentation was gracefully made, and Mr. Carrie in returning thanks expressed the regret he felt at retiring from such a service as that of the Bank of South. Australia, and spoke of tbe satisfactory manner in which the officers had performed their duties since his arrival in the colony.. Mr, Fry, the scenic artist, who has been resident for some time at Mount Gambler, has painted in oils a large pioturo of the famous Blue Lake, which stay be inspected at Messrs. Culiey & Warming's establishment in Pirifr street. The lake is evidently a soote wbat difficult subject to treat satisfactorily on canvas, and Mr. Fry is not the first artist who has failed to invest it with that rife ani charm which are the -principal featares of a good picture. The cliffrf, tbe engine-house, and the trees and shrubbery are all well enough worked out, but the lake itself woald hardly merit tbe designation of a 'symphony1* . in bloe. A smaller painting of the blae lake by moonlight is more meritorious. A decision upon a very novel point of law, as far as Victoria is concerned, wa3 given (says the Melbourne Age) in the County Court by Judge Cope, in the cose of Foster v. Foster. The action was brought by Mrs. Foster to compel her son to contribute to her support, and it was argued by the solicitor far .the plaintiff that according to the authority of several Ecglish cases a mother was en titied to be supported by her son. His Han or held that the mother conld not sue for maia tenance by her son by the law of this country, as the cases quoted in support of that vie v wexe decided under the poor laws of England, and that in any case the guardians under the pcor laws were tbe only parties who e-aald tne. A nonsuit was therefore entered. The report and balance-sheet of the direc tor* of the National Bank, to be presented as the annual meeting of shareholders to be held at the head office of the bank in Melbourne, on Tuesday, May 6, has been published. The net profits of the bank for the six months ending March 31, amount to £59,391 Os. 2d., and this, with recoveries from debts previously written off and balance brought forward from the previous half-year makes a total of £66,739 5a. 2d. Deducting from tbis £1,700 10s. 2cL, Victorian note tar, leaves £65,038 15s. available for distribution, and tbis sum it is proposed to appropriate as follows:— To pay a dividend at the rate of !2£ per cent, on the paid-up capital, and a bonus cf 1J per cent., carryine forward to next half-} ear the balance, namely, £9,033 15s. On Monday, April 2L Mr. Bkhanbon he-id an irquest at Eshucga on the body of J. Latter, who was accidentally hilled at the OckspawDga races on Easter Monday. It * appeared from the evidence that the deceased was kcecfecd down by one ol the horses in the feurdle race, which bolted off Use ttotrrse and collided against him. -When picked np be was quite izrseaaible, and' although Dta. Esau and Bees were quickly in attendance, the unfortusate xaaa died while being xo-moved to his home at Echunga. when examined by the medical gentlemen it was discovered that Latter, who was ah old man, had received a bruise on the head and a rib onhisteft&idehsd.beenfractoDted.* The jury returned a verdict 'That the deeeawd oame to his- death through being accidentally knocked down by a racehorse.' The Bev. B, Bion, who has for the last thirty-six yean been engaged as a missionary in India, arrived in tbis colony by the B.M.8. Shannon. His object in coming here is to visit tbe churches of the Baptist denomina tion, with which he is connected, with a view to stimulating tbe missionary zeal of that body, which is doing a special work in India in the district of Forreedeore. Mr. Bion is- a native oi Switzerland. He received bis edu cation, with many other gentlemen whose lives have been spent in the same work, fax tbe missionary institution at Basle, and was a fellow-student of Wertbreoht, tne energetio and successful misnanary, who labored att Burdwan in connection with tbe Church cf England Missionary Society. Mr. Bton will . remain in this colony for a month, and will then proceed to Victoria and New Sooth Wales. Our telegraphic columns convey tbe ia telligence of the death at the age of 74 of Sir Michael Costa, the well-known mnTfeal oom -poser. The deceased knight; who was born %t Geneva, and early displayed nnxracat ability, studied at the Royal Academy of Music at Naples, where he made rapid pro gress. His first original composition was a cantata entitled 'Innnagine' which was very successful, and Ins succeeding works invariably met with a good re ception. He became a naturalised Bdtish subject in 1839, and a few years later brought out his celebrated opera, ' Don Carlos.' Mr. Costa in 1846 became conductor of the Phil, harmonic concerts, and was afterwards con ductor of the Sacred Harmonic Society, and : of the Royal Italian Opera, Oovent Garden. His most celebrated works are. the oratorios of 'Eli' and'Naaman.' He was knighted by the Queen inlS69. The following is the annual report of ths directors of the Town and Country Bank :— ' The netVofita amount to £U£24 lls. 10i, which your directors recommend shall be appropriated as follows :— Dividend at'rate'ot 7j per cent per annnm, £7,500; reserve fund, £1,000; balance carried forward, £324' lls. 10d. ; total, £11,824 lls. 10d. The reserve fund will then amount to £20,000. Your directors beg to refer you to the following comparative ttatement:— Circulation, Marco ' £6, 1883, £23839; September M, 1883, £29,058; March 31, 1884, £37,124, Deposits, March 26, 1883. £240,397 19s. 2d. ; September 24, 1883, £280,328 13s. 9dL; March 31, 1881, £364,97219. 3d. Advances, March 26, 188% £369,627 18s. Id.; September 24/ 1833; £447,087 Us. 5d. ; March 31, 1884, £523,563 12s. During the half-year branches have been opened at Ardrossan, Oallington, Gal towie, Jamestown, and Minlaton.' Tea and public meetings to celebrate tbe sixth anniversary of the opening of the Oity Mission Hall were held at the hall en Monday evening, April 28. At the latter gathering there was a large attendance, and the Mayor ' of Adelaide (Mr. W. Bundey) occupied th« cbair. Councillor Green (treasurer) read a statement of the financial position of the mission, from which it appeared fbatr the erection of fencing and file for nishiDg of the haO had cost £Sfi\2, of which amount £4*8 was etifi owta*. During the past year £100 had bees pofct off -. the mortgage, and there was £61 in the batik. Addressee were delivered by tfce Bern; B. M^ Hunter (president of the- Wesleyan 0on-ference), K Gratton, John Lloyd, and W. Davidson, and Messrs. Janes Scott and Berry (city missionary}- Among the andienoer at the pnblier meeting were a auniber of GMnamen, who appeared to tharaagB|yenfgr tbe proeeediBgs. Goodpcogress has been, made with, theoao* :. stxection of that portion of the ihtonoloa&l nSwey which Ues between ZZafraci andTtbe Murray Bridge. Many thousand jatds oE ? ? excavation, remarks the Moonjfc Barkee Courier, have been taken out of the cuttiasK through the friTl' mm ?KT^itfin^ TT«nim»j-^«y~ moi OaH&wton, and a coruspondfhg portion, of the embankments ia the Sana locautifltaas been completed. Wherever tiwroatoisaigBte4 frcm the main-road then are sJgnaof vigorous and pezattte&t mi, m*i it & ftvfifanttbat Meesrs. Bobihsen & Safe har» aad« tte very best use of the r^—ni days. #E rammer. At CaHingten a gabg.£«rtaiea- jg emplojed in breaking up heapraj&alafi Into metal for betest ad roil furSbsw. Tbe quantity et bulk naOarial is-p^etiSr naliinited, aactll — JtaMejn itr*-=iT*-rirfBtr -: bag stretch ot lisa, aoft tf sMHtaMiMHi^ ^ ^

Waterbouse arrived at bis office in Water-house Chambers. King William-street, at 9 o'clock on Friday morning, and on entering the inner room wn surprised to find the door leading into the yard wide open. Oa further examination being made it was discovered that the door bad been bunt open. On the floor of. the room were found a jemmy, a dark lantern, and several housebreaking tools. Mr Watertouse's office adjoins the shop of Mr. F. W. Wheeler, jeweller, and no doubt is entertained that the housebreakers mistook the door of the office for the back entrance to the shop, and after effecting an en-trance and finding that they bad blundered were alarmed and made off in a hurry, leaving lhe articles mentioned behind them. Mr. Wheeler has burglar-alarms connected with the entrances to his premises, and also keeps a night watchman in the shop. The would-be robbers are supposed to be a gang of pro-fessional burglars from the other colonies. 'The Northern Argus states that on Tues day morning, April 22, as the .Saddleworth and Clare mail coach was proceeding to the latter place the driver (Douglass)' saw smoke issuing from the coach, and thinking it was from the Inside he pulled up and looked in, -but could find nothing there. He then found that the smoke was issuing from the boot, which was filled with parcels of mer chandise and newspapers. Oa removing the cover he found to his astonishment that the parcels were burning. He threw them out, trod some of the passengers exerted them srives in extinguishing the smouldering fire. One parcel of drapery, which was placed sear the bottom of the boot, va^ completely destroyed. Fortunately the mail bag« were in another part of the coach, and therefore sustained no injury. It is supposed that some one on the coach while smoking had carelessly dropped a burning match or some fire from his pipe into the boot Perhaps it is as well to mention that the driver does not smoke, and but for his promptness in detecting and extinguishing the tire more damage would have been done. Through the decease of Mr. Christopher Giles, sen., whose remains were interred in the West-terrace Cemetery on Tues-day, the members of the Exchange will miss a familiar face. The deceased gentleman arrived in this colony with his family in 1849, and imported a considerable quantity of merchandise and other property. He settled first on a block of 400 acres on the Upper Wakefield, in which place he was some years afterwards the first chairman of the district council. Subsequently the deceased gentleman embarked in pastoral pursuits, taking up some country as early as 1852 in the north- eastern district, now known as Ketchowla. In this run he was some years afterwards joined by the Messrs. Boucaut, but the severe droughts which had prevailed rendered the undertaking a losing one, and in 1864 the run was sold. After that time Mr. Giles led a very retired life in Adelaide, but notwithstanding the advanced age to which he lived, he retained his faculties un-impaired to the last, being only a few weeks before his death engaged in a long and in-tricate audit. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow and six children, all of whom are settled in the colony. In the Supreme Court, on 'Tuesday, a case of a somewhat novel character, as far as the nighertribncals of this colony are concerned. was heard on appeal. A waitress named Parker having entered the service of Mr. Boberts, landlord of the Prince Alfred Hotel, on a certain day, subsequently gave a ?week's notice to leave, which notice did not expire on a day corresponding to that on which the service had been entered into. Miss Parker, on being requested by Mr. Roberts to continue working beyond the period of seven days from the day on which she bad given notice, refused to do so. This refusal led to an interview with Mr. Beddome, when that magistrate decided against the waitress, who now appealed to the Supreme Court to quash the conviction. Counsel were heard at great length on both sides, and at one time if. seemed as| if Mr. V. Smith, who appewed for the appellant, had got the court entirely with him, in the absence of any very clear precedents as to the law of the case. In the . end, however, the Attorney-General succeeded in cities some English cases, which were of an analogous character, whereby decisions similar to that given by Mr. Beddome were upheld, and the appeal was therefore dis * missed, with £7 7s. costs. There was a large attendance at the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce which was held at Montefiore Chambers, Waymouth street, on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. S D. Gljde, chairman of the chamber, presided, and in an interesting speech, reviewed the work done by the chamber during the year. The Hon. H. Scott, M.L C, took occasion to -refer to the present dull state of trade, aad urged importers and merchants to be very careful during the next few years not to import so heavily as to cause a glut in the market. Mr. B. Cowderoy (secretary of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce), who was present, was asked to speak, and in com plying with this request gave some particu lars as to the action taken by the Chambers of Commerce in London and Liverpool with reference to an alteration in the form of bills of lading. Unfortunately, he observed, the .feeling1 of the shipowners had been so strongly against tbe proposed reform that no practical result bad been obtained. Mr. Cowderoy urged the chamber to co-operate with the chambers of Melbourne and Sydney, so that a large committee cf London merchants interested in the Australian trade might be formed, and by this means he thought they might be able to get over the difficulty that had arisen in the matter. 'The directors of the Alma and Victoria Gold Mining Company are carrying out,' remarks the Burr a Becord, 'an enterprise of national importance. The Waukaringa dis trict is a very dry one, and the mines are so situated that if water can be got there by boring it is most probable that in can be also got over a very wide area of mineral and pastoral country all round. Some time ago ' the company imported a diamond drill, and are boring for water on their property, and are down to 274 feet, in hard, limestone rock, similar to the hardest of the daxk colored rock in this town. The drill cats round a core, of 1J inches in diameter, which is broken off and brought to the sur face, showing exactly the nature of the strata pierced. A piece of this core may be seen iu tbe -window of Messrs. Drew & Co.'s establish ment, Kooringa. The bore is costing a large amount of money; but with commendable enterprise the work is being pushed on. Such a work as this the Government might fairly assist, .seeing that in reality they will gain more by the work than even the company ' itself. Several other owners of mineral leases are waiting to see the result of the work, so that the Alma Company is prose cuting an enterprise of which they bear the whole cost, and others will share the profit.' Torrens Island was vacated on Saturday by the Borne passengers who were quaran tined there a fortnight previously. There bad been no indications whatever of an out break of smallpox, and in other respects all the occupants of the station were healthy. Dr. Toll (health officer) superintended their removal to Port Adelaide, which was accom plished by means of the Government steamer Lady Diana. On the day previous to leaving the island the passengers invited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis (the superintendent and his wife) into the dining-room. Mrs. Lewis was unable to be 1 present on account of illness, bat Mr. Lewis was present. Mr. B. Cowderoy pro posed Mr. Lewis's health. He said the ex - ceptionally willing and anxious attention of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis had tended to make the passengers so comfortable that many of them -would not be in a hurry to get away from the island .if it was not for the loss of valuable time and absence from business. He then presented Mr. Lewis with a puree of sovereigns and an illuminated address on parchment, in which the passengers expressed their thanks for the attention that had been paid to them. Mr. Lewis thanked them for their gifts, and said he considered he had only done his duty in attending to their wants. Money presents were left with Mr. Lewis for ids subordinates. The representations made by a number of residents of North Adelaide as to the abomin-able smells issning from the sewers in that part of the city have borne fruit. The Hydraulic Engineer, in order to obtain a more thorough ventilation of the sewers and so to remove the unpleasant smells, proposes to carry up pipes behind the trees on the park lands, and at the fortnightly meeting of the City Council held on Monday a letter from him was read, in which he asked permission to erect a temporary pipe for experimental pur-poses near the City bridge. When this com-munication was read it was received with cheers, and the permission asked for was readily given, but the opinion was expressed that in granting any further concessions of a similar character care should be taken that the appearance of the park lands was not spoilt. The city gardener reports that the gases escaping from the pipes will not injure the large trees or shrubs. The only difference of opinion amongst members of the council was as to the locality in which the experi-mental pipe should be erected. Two or three insisted that what might be called the prize stink was to be found in the neighborhood of their residences, and therefore claimed that the experiment should be made there. The Hydraulic Engineer, however, was allowed to have his own way in the matter. The S.A. Yacht Club celebrated the dudneof tbe season 18834 by a demonstra tibbJODlne Port BiveronSaturday afternoon. April'96. The proceedings took the utual v- .fora of a little yacht manoeuvring, with some ; ? scratch noes as a sort of enlivening wind-up. ?.?? ?-'? A steamer provided by4fce club and crowded ; with passengers moved away from tbe ?:'.vyfout ? to a tone from the band at - about nalf-pwt 2 o'clock, and piooeeded

slowly down stream behind the yachts. These had previously started from a line to round a buoy off Queen's wharf, and thephai -then tof olio w the commodore's ( Mr. B. Honej) ; yacht Zephyr down to the North Arm. The ciaft. which took part besides the Zephyr were the Trio, Banshee, Satanella, Comet, Desiree, Gipsy, Gazelle, Hydaipss, Tyropaau, Io, Rote, May, and Addie. They looked a very neat little fleet when all together, and were certainly handled with the precision of good : sailors. After the yachts had gone through some evolutions there were races among the smaller yachts. The Trio and Banshee took first and second place respectively ia the third-cl&s race, and the Gipsy and Comet ia the same class. The Port Sawing Ciub was represented, and saluted the commodore as , they passed. They afterwards engaged in ; some contests amongst themselves. Tiieclub , steamer reached the wharf at about a quarter ( past 5 after a very pleasant trip, the afternoon having been exceptionally fine. At the meeting of the Glenelg Board of Health, held on Friday evening, Apnt 25, the health officer (Dr. Fergusson) attended, and re-ported upon the prevalence of typhoid fever in the municipality. He stated that there were five cases of the disease within his knowledge, and almost all of these had occurred upon a tract of swampy land at the rear of the gasworks at St. Leonards, where a similar epi-demic broke out five years ago. The epidemic, however, did not seem to be spreading, and in his opinion the ratio of the occurrence of typhoid fever in Glenelg as compared with other places in the colony was only as one to ten. As remedial or preventive measures he considered that the swampy surface referred to should be drained, that the low lying lands in the town should be filled up, that the back yards of all the premises in the municipality should be regularly inspected, and that no refuse should be allowed to remain in the water-tables. Amongst other matters Dr. Fergusson also referred to the Patawalonga Creek as a great source of danger as the sulphuretted hydrogen arising thence rendered the system more liable to take germs of disease than it would other-wise be. The board decided to carry out the doctor's suggestions as far as possible, and at the meeting of the local corporation held the same evening it was decided that the public works committee should bring up a report upon the drainage of the swampy land. ?'InoDeway,'remark«thePortPirieG!ff.i'-,M0t 'the ship Lady Isabella, now lying at che Queen's wharf, is the largest vessel which baa yet been in harbor, although her regis tered tonnage is considerably under that of tbe Sierra Blacca. The differencs arises from the fact that the Lady Isabella has a double bottom, which is utilised for water ballast. BeckotiiBg in this space her tonnage would be a good deal over 1,600 tons, as the billast space is equal to 300 tons. Although the prin ciple of water ballast is no* very generally adopted for large steamers there are but few sailing vessels so fitted— we understand not half a dozen all told, and three of these are now in Australia, The witer is admitted to the compartments between the two bottoms by means of valves worked from tbe deck, and is pumped out by steam. The Lady Isabella is an almost new vessel, having been launched from McMillan and Son's, Dumbarton, Clyde, in August, 18S2. ' She is of iron throughout, and is classed 100 AL Her dimension! are:— Between perpendiculars, 255 feet: beam, 33 feet 6 inches ; and depth of hold, 20 feet 6 inches ; and she draws when loaded 21 feet 4 'acnes. She came np the stream drawing 11 feet 4 inches, and is now on her second voyage since leaving the stocks. She is of great carrying capacity, having taken a cargo of 2.420 tons of wheat from San Francisco her first voyage. The vessel is not intended for passengers, but nicely-fitted accommodation is provided in the saloon for a few.' A peculiar mishap occurred at Port Ade laide on Friday, April 25, to the carpenter of a large ship lying in the S.A, Oo.'s Basin. The masts of the vessel are of the hollo V iron type cow generally adopted in the class of ships to which she belongs, and, as usual, there is a hole at the foot of each mast for the purpose of admitting a man to examine the inside for flaws. The carpenter, who is a broadshoul dered man, got into one of these holes with acme difficulty early on Friday morning, and having looked over the inner surface, com menced to make his way oat again feet fore most, He found, however, that gef-icg cut of a close - fitting cylinder where he could hardly move his limbs was quite a different thing from getting into it from the deck, where his legs could obtain plenty [of purchase. After struggling for a few minutep, and finding that he could barely get half his body out, he withdrew his legs again, and made an attempt to climb np the cs finder. The mast, however, tapered 'towards the joint, and the carpenter, after squeezing himself up for about half way, found himself nearly stack hard and fast. He came down, and once more essayed the bole, and being again unsuccessful thought it time to call for assistance. This he ac cordingly did, but, as might be expected, his shipmates could render no assistance E tea tually, after trying many expedients, it was found necessary to send for a blacksmith to enlarge the bole. The carpenter was thus liberated, after having been in the mast for about an hour. We have been informed that a memorial, signed by fourteen engine-drivers employed on the Government railways, has been for warded to the Commissioner of Public Works, representing that an injustice has been done to Mr. Thow, the locomotive engineer, by tbe South Australian press, and that Mr. Thow has been unable, owing to his official position, to reply to the strictures passed upon him. Toe memorial, which is '-a protest against the abuse heaped upon the chief officer' of the department 'by tbe press of the colony,' states that ' Mr. Thow has raised the depart ment from chaos to a well-regulated whole, a result which merits some other reward than newspaper abuse, which displays in every in stance, if not absolute ignorance, at any rate a very imperfect knowledge of the subject.' Further, the memorialists assert that the en gines of the colony will bear favorable com parison with thoee of Europe and America. Tfce Commissioner of Public Works, it is said, would not receive the memorial nnless signed by the whole of the engine-drivers employed on the Go vernment railways, and consequently he returned it. Efforts are now being made to have a second memorial rigned by the drivers on the Adelaide and Northern railways; but as it does not meet the views of those who are desired to sign, it has been returned to the sender, and the matter now remains in statu quo. The subject is causing a good deal of excitement amongst the engine drivers and others connected with the loco motive department. ' The South Australian finances,' observes the -Australasian, 'are going from bad to worse. lhe statement of revenue and ex penditure for the quarter and year ending March 31 shows a large decrease on the quarter's revenue amounting to £30,000, while the expenditure shows an increase of £22 000. Similarly, the receipts for the whole year exhibit a decrease of £67,000, while the ex penditure is increased by £182,000. And as the revenue returns are still continuing to fall off, it-is now pretty apparent that the colony will, at the end of the financial jear which closes on June 30, have to face a deficit of some £300,000. This is a serious position, and yet there is no reason whatever to doubt the capacity of the colony to promptly restore* the balance of its finances had it a Ministry compe tent for the task. The difficulty is less a commercial one than a political one. Had it rot been for the waste of last session the finances of the colony might now be in a Bound and balanced condition. Even now, when the financial question is the urgently important one on which the credit and borrowing power of the colony depend, the Ministry persist in asking the country to regard their financial scheme not as a means of restoring balance and order to the public exchequer, but as a piece of machinery for bringing the Council to its knees. Surely it is time for the colony to insist that whatever Government is in power should take a business like view of the situation, and should put the finances in a sound condition before engaging in any political skirmishing or playing pranks with the constitution.' The following appointments have been ap proved of by the Minister of Education :— Second assistants— William Hoaking, East Adelaide Model School; Robert Anderson, Kapunda. Third assistant — Sarah E. Jones, North Adelaide Model. Locum tenens— Kate Maher Dutton. Provisional teachers — Horatio O'Sullivan, Walloway ; Mary Roach, Bichman's Creek; Alice L, Boys, German Flat ; Lydia Bundle, hundred of Tiparra ; J. J. Cogan, Limestone Well; Euphemia H. Hervey, Pekina Extension ; Bessie Nicholas, TelowXe ; Thojias W. Jackson, Appfla North ; James F. Davey, Morchard.- Sewing mis tresses — Sarah Coare, Clarendon; Agnes Kerr, Stansbury; Selina Tillbrook, Koo lnnga; Lucretia S. Wood, Mallala; Cora Hayward, Stirling North; Mary Dalli son, McLaren Vale: Henrietta Kennlth, Goolwa, Pupil Teachers— Charles McLean, Lefevre's Peninsula; Janet Laird, Penola; Mary Nicholls, Norwood Model ; James Stewart, City Model ; James S. Hammalt, Wflliamstown; Catherine Bamsay, Grote street; Helena B. Slater. Port Adelaide; Matilda re^rnwn, Kingston; Edith Boberts, Hindmarsh; Clara Chesterman, Hindmarsh ; Alfred E. Dawe, Willunga ; Elizabeth Hicks, Kensington. Monitors— Amy C. H. Provis, Gladstone: Elenor Jones, Melrose; Annie Martin, Caltowie; Louisa Good, Port Pirie; Alice Davey; Wirrabara; Elizabeth A. Pelton, Grassy Flat : William J. Shearer, Oaklands; Ethfl L. Dennis, Georgetown; Lucy J. Miller. Malttand; Alioe Polnton, Ourramulka ; Alice M, Humphries, Orroroo

Donald Houston, Lucieton; Jesrie Hef terson, , Marrabel ; James McMahon, Woorolong. j As 'a wail of lamentation,' the Western \ Grazier publishes the following : — ' Wil canDia is just now Buffering from a cam- I plaint, by tbe side of which all the evils of tbe di ought and the irritating delays of tbe Land Bill fall into insignificance. A scarcity of water is bid enough, but a plethora of litigation and a scarcity of lawyers ia really alarming. During the bearing of a case in the Petty Debts Court recently the P. M. asked a plaintiff why be hud not employed a solicitor to have bis case arranged ia something like systematic order, and the person addressed, with tyes expanded in woful despair, aud bands held up in expressive helplessness, said that there was only one professional gentle man in tbe place, and that he had been secured for the other side. It was a calamity that he evidently felt intensely, and the doleful countenances of the spectators showed that he was the object of general sympathy. The court was as usual attended by an idle or un employed crowd, wBo seemed to recognise the gravity of the position, and to meditate upon what a slight chance there was for any of them in a place where a couple of la wyera could not get a livinp. The affliction is not so keenly felt at all parts of the world, for it is related that when a Czar of Russia was told that there were several thousand lawyers at the courts at Westminster, be was struck wIEh astonishment, and txclaimed that he had oaly bad two in all his wide domini his, aud that he had hanged one of thecn. He added, more ever, that tbe country got along quite as well afterwards. We hope that the sign of lajryew leaving is not like that of certain animals that are said to leave a sinking ship, and that Wilcsncia will be able to survive Buch. cruel desertion.' Concerning the drying up of Victorian lakes, the Australasian writes as follows :— 'A year or two we commented on the drying up of Lake Hindmarsh in the Wim mera district, which was once regarded as one of the largest lakes in tbe colony, bat is now divided into grazing areas and let on if»se. A paragraph now ttttes tba~ Lake Albacutya, an expansion of the outlet creek from Lake Hindiuareb... is nearly dry, and that its bed is to be similarly divided and dispoEed of. The r- s alt is a rj i 1 of abou»- 30 square miles of what is probably fertile lanfl, but it would be very interesting to knov what is the ext- nt cf the loss we have to pat &8 a set-off against this gain. There is the drying up and disappearance of two large sheets of water which used to figure eon splcuouslylon the map of Victoria, which is too ill supplied with inland expanses of water for us to look with indifference at the loss of those we have. No one can doubt that in the arid district of the Wimmera these areas of water wtre far more useful than the same area of the most fertile land can be. But we do not propose at present to consider the influence they exerted over climate, but rather to ask to what change of climate or other con ditions this territorial dessication is due. The evidence, is, we believe, that Lake Hind marsh has never been known to be dry in the severest droughts until lately. The question then is, are we to attribute this drying up of the chain of lakes to a chronic diminution of rainfall, or to any interference with the inflow of water, or to any other cause ? It is a very ominous change that is going on in this north western district of Victoria, and it would be very interesting at least to know to what causes it is due, if it is possible to ascertain them.'1 Some time ago Messrs. Stevenson Bros., jewellers, of Adelaide, presented to the Port Adelaide Rifle Company a silver challenge cup, to be tired for under the following condi tions :— Matches to take place every three months ; Government Martini- Henri rifles to be used; ranges, 300, 500, and 600 yards; seven shots to be fired at each range ; Wim bledon scoring; firing to take place in any military position except lying upon the back ; all competitions to be fired in uniform ; any member winning the cup tot four consecutive times to retain possession of it, tbe name of each successful competitor to be engraved on the cup after each match. The first natch for the trophy was fired at the Glanville ranges on Saturday, April 26. There was only a moderate attendance of riflemen, a fact no doubt due to the counter attraction of th« sachtiog demonstration. The weather was very unfavorable indeed for shootiag, there being a heavy wind sweeping across the rear left range. One moment a sudden gust of wind would pass over the range, and the next there would be scarcely any perceptible stir in the atmosphere. This state of things made it necessary for the riflemen in some cases, especially when firing at the GOO yards range, to use the wind line, as at that distance the range was almost invisible. The match resulted in Private J. B. Smith being the successful competitor with a score of 77 points, Private N. Hawke following closely with 7G points. The others who made scores worthy of mention were Sergeant Wade, who totalled 72 ; Captain Mason, 65 ; and Privates Wigmore and G. Hawke, 55 and 52 respec tively. Mr. L. M. Tier, of the Commercial Hotel, Port Adelaide, has presented the com pany with a gold medal, which will be fired for next month. Discussing the subject of Bible-reading in State schools the Perth Inqvirer considers that the meeting of ministers of various de nominations held lately at Adelaide, followed by the conference of school boards in Mel bourne, at which also the question of religious teaching wad discussed, 'revives to a certain extent the disputes between the secularists and their opponents throughout these colo nies. It is a pity that the good people who are so continually agitating for the deseculari eation of State schools should persist in tunning their heads against a stone walL Tbe public opinion of the great majority of Australians is dead against them, and will continue to be against them. It is as impossible for them to prevail as it would have been im possible for Den Quixote with his lance to have demolished the windmill. The fact of the matter is, the position of the majority is logically impregnable. The irreconcilable differences upon the theological questions which prevail amongst the numerous denomi nations professing faith in revealed religion, together with the fact that the State is a purely secular institution, holding completely aloof from all these doctrinal dissensions, absolutely prohibits our Governments from undertaking to include religion in the curriculum of national schools. All that it is possible for them to undertake, all that they are fitted to undertake, is to provide instruction, accessible to all, in those branches of knowledge, ignorance of which in any large number of our popula tions would, under free political institutions, be not only disastrous but dangerous. We talk about State education, but as a matter of fact the State cannot pretend to ' educate,' all it can do is to provide the means for ob taining certain necessary elementary teach ing, and to see, eo far a* circumstances will permit, that such teaching is made generally available.' We regret to have to announce the death of Captain H. Simpson, of Port Adelaide, who was 69 years of age. The deceased gentleman arrived in this colony in August 1836, being at that time the second officer of the John Pirie, of which vessel he subsequently became the master. Some time, afterwards Captain Simpson left the John Pirie and took charge of the barque Lord Hobart. Still later he purchased a cutter and established a trade between Port Adelaide and Kangaroo Island, but afterwards he rejoined the Lord Hobart and continued to be the master of that vessel until he received an appointment as wharfinger at the old port. From this posi-tion Captain Simpson was at a later date transferred to the new port when the road from Alberton to the Flagstaff was con-structed by the South Australian Company. The deceased gentleman was associated with Messrs. Phillips and Horn in the formation of a shipping company, which, however, collapsed at the time of the gold fever in Vic-toria, and Captain Simpson, affected by the prevailing disorder which led so many South Australians to leave for the neighboring colony, took his passage to Victoria, and worked as a digger for two years. On re-turning to Port Adelaide Captain Simpson engaged in the coaling trade. For a long time the traffic between this colony and New-castle was carried on by means of sailing vessels, but at last Captain Simpson decided to introduce steamers for the coal trade, and imported the Birksgate, Tenterden, and other vessels. During recent years Captain Simpson was much assisted by his son in the work of the firm with which he was connected, and was to a great extent relieved of business cares. The deceased gentleman always manifested a deep interest in local matters at Port Ade-laide, and was highly respected by the resi-dents. The news of his death was not un-expected, but created a general feeling of re-gret throughout Port Adelaide, where, as a token of respect to his memory, the flags at a number of business establishments were half-masted on Sunday. The cause of death was the effects of a paralytic fit, by which he was attacked on the preceding Tuesday. The funeral took place on April 28. The cortege left tbe residence of the deceased gentleman, Ridge Park, Glen Osmond, in the afternoon, and proceeded to the North-road Cemetery, where the remains of the deceased were in-terred. Around the grave were a large num-ber of gentlemen, amongst whom were the Mayor and Town Council of Port Adelaide, Sir Henry Ayers, K.C.M.G., Sir William Milne. K.C.M.G., Captains J. Simpson (nephew of the deceased), Bickers, Lawrence, H. Quin, and Ward, and Messrs. Jas. Simpson, Henry Simpson, and William Simpson (sons of the deceased), A. Von Treuer, G. Boothby, P. Levi, George Simpson (brother of the de-ceased), Wm. Milne, jun., Leslie McLaren, and George A. Connor (sons-in-law), J. S. and G. L. Anthony (nephews), Jos. Boothby, J. Monteith, J. Lloyd, G. Anderson, W. B. Cave, and J. Neill.