Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 17 April 1895, page 2




This is the last day for allowing discount on March quarter gas accounts.

St Mary's race meeting to-day. A good promised provided.

Gas Miss, teosei

secure discount, must be paid to-day

Report of Port Cygnet Hester sports appears in this issue.

Miss Hogg resumes music lessons on


Members of Hobart Lacrosse Club, and persons interested, nest at Carlton Club Hotel to-night.

Customs returns for week ending April 13 ? , Hobart, £2,073 8s. 44; Launceston, £3,123

At in conference in Hobart yesterday a committee was appointed to inquire into the chances of developing the idea of establishing cool storage for farm products, with the object of forming a company.

Peace treaty signed by China and Japan. Cholera increasing in Japan.

Professor Dana, the eminent geologist, is


Sharp skirmishing still reported from


Organised resistance to income tax in America. as.

British and French friction In Burmah intensifying.

IncenoÛaristattoatpt to tan a btioHttv IWBt(aOtOty.v. j greasy, Wolf i I I

Nicaragua desires appointment of a commission to settle question of indemnity to be paid Great Britain.

French Consular Court at Cairo headjudged the Suez Canal Co. to be absolutely


Great earthquakes in Austria and North Italy. Much property destroyed ; many lives


Judge Noel, at Georgetown, Queensland, roundly charged a jury with corruption in bringing in a verdict against the weight of evidence. ^^^^^^^^^^^ '

THERE are certain aspects of the social life of nations to which sufficient attention does not appear yet to have been given. MACAULAY in one of his famous essays has shown that the modern Englishman has a host of advantages which the ancient English-man had not, such as gas, hospitals, paved streets, varieties of food, and many other things altogether unknown to the days of what was called "merrie England." On the other hand, we have Socialistic writers who pile up all the social horrors that they can find, and ask us to believe that modern civilisation is altogether a failure, which should be swept away as soon as possible, in order that a new order may be made to prevail. It is possible, according to the view we take, and the evidence that we may choose to collect, to show that we live either in a most enlightened or most brutal age, in one in which benevolence prevails or callous

competition crushes out life and makes

the worker no more than a beast of

burden whose powers are to be used up in the manner most profitable to his owner. We have a host of strikers

on both sides. The curse of the day,

both in writing and speaking, is that all sorts of incompetent persons have come to judgment, who are incapable of seeing more than one side of a question, and so we have the wild and foolish writing of wild and foolish women, and the diatribes of men who have never mastered the simplest elements of the questions with which they undertake to deal in a most decided and even dogmatic fashion. MACAULAY seems to have made the mistake of gauging the social condition of the workingclasses by the physical advantages which they were able to obtain, without taking into account the conditions under which the working-classes are compelled to live. For example, the Manchester cotton worker, whether man

or woman, has a host of advantages which a man or woman in the bush in these colonies can never hope to enjoy. There are free libraries, paved streets, gas and electric lights, hospitals where the highest skill can be had without payment, not to speak of newspapers, books, theatres, and a host of other things. The man in the bush, the struggling settler or the settler who has got over his early struggles, by none of these things. Yet, we my ask, which of the two is the better off in Which is the better man Which leads the freer, the happier, the nobler life ?

Our answer would be the man in the bush. It is true that, he

has much to suffer, and lacks, many things. He has to put up with coarse fare, though he often makes it coarser than be need ; he has to work hard ; he has to plough his way over what are termed roads and he has no music-halls, theatres, concerts, and other amusements to enliven his evenings. Yet we do not think that there can be a question as to the superiority of a bush life as compared with life in a factory, in spite of all the advantages which the modern factory worker is able to obtain. It was some such perception as this which caused Lord SPENCER, in his "History of England," to contend that the people in the reign of QUEEN ANNE were better off than they are in the reign of QUEEN VICTORIA, mainly because they had more real enjoyment of life. He has shown that there is a great deal to be said on this side of the question, in spite of COBDEN, who used to ridicule the old-fashioned, slow ways of doing business, and we are inclined to the opinion that our modern progress is purchased at a price which makes it come very dear to us indeed. On the other hand, we have to bear in mind the fact that Great Britain has now to sustain an

enormous population, which could not be sustained except by a development of manufactures which enables her to obtain an enormous quantity of food of all kinds from abroad. What was possible in the days of QUEEN ANNE is altogether out of the question in the days of QUEEN VICTORIA.

In these days we are somewhat the victims of statistics. They are most valuable things when properly compiled and properly used, but they are, probably, the cause of more absurdities than any other product of human study and ingenuity. In England, of course, trade statistics, that is, statistics of exports and imports, are of great importance, because" the nations may be said to live by trade, and must trade to live. But, even in Great Britain down to this very day; in spite of all that has been written, the meaning of these figures is widely misunderstood, so that the most comical errors are promulgated, and even made the basis of a new movement. It was the absurd blunders of the Fair Trade party which caused it to be laughed out of existence. It lamented over the magnitude of the imports as compared with the exports, as if a man or a nation gained by what he gave away and lost by what he received. In these colonies, too, there are numerous statistical-fallacies

current, mainly in regard to imports I and exports, but also in connection with other matters. Tasmania, for example, comes in for much con-temptuous criticism from our bigger neighbours, chiefly because we are not able to match their figures in regard to trade. But, when we want to inquire into the condition of a people we have to consider other things than "red lined accounts," a great many other things, in fact, from which we ! deduce the conclusion that this colony I would be able to show that it is quite

as well off as its neighbours. In some respects it may be behind, but, then, the point is, how are we going to define the term "well-off," as it may be made to mean many different things? Lord SPENCER'S opinion of the days of QUEEN ANNE is not that of COBDEN, but which was the true philosopher The

recent holidays have caused certain visitors to make reflections. They have declared that Tasmanians are, good at, holiday-making, if at nothing else. the visitor. hM^MÍd

that they take to holidays like ducks I to water, and he does not seem to be a very wrong. Well, what then The answer is, that a people that does not work hard cannot expect to be rich. The wealth of Victoria was due to the energetic, ceaseless toil of the early immigrants, who knew nothing about any eight hours movement. A barren country like Scotland has been transformed into a rich country by hard work, frugality and skill. The French holder of a little bit of land lives by incessant toil and incessant saving. In Germany the women work harder than the men, and there are even places in Tasmania where the German women scrub the land' and the men take contracts. In all these cases success is the result, and an example is set which, to a certain extent, is worthy of imitation. The difficulty is, to keep the golden mean. Many of the failures in this colony are due, undoubtedly, to the want of wise and steady industry, but more to the settlers not being willing to " creep before they gang." Hence come the mortgages that eat up the profits and eat out the hearts of the workers, and ruin follows from despair. This is the dark side of the picture, the other side might have been seen on Monday, and may soon be seen again, in the thousands of holiday-makers swarm-ing along all the, roads, all well

dressed, and, what is more practically all well behaved. As a visitor

said, a country that can show such' scenes as this cannot be a bad one, and if the people are slow, they are at least wise enough to know that life is something to be enjoyed, especially when the glorious sunshine makes Nature look as if we lived in a world where nothing can go wrong.

IT is to be hoped that the Conference held in Hobart yesterday on the subject of cool storage and meat export may, at any rate, serve to stir up the agricultural interest to resort to more combined efforts to improve the position of the industry, for, according to more than one speaker's remarks, it is at present in a very languishing state. This is mainly attributed to low prices and an insufficient market ; but how the provision of cool storage works will at present improve matters is not by any means made apparent As the manager of the Australian Land. Mortgage, and Finance Co. pointed out in his able letter which we I published yesterday morning, on the mainland of Australia and in New Zealand the supplies of meat and" produce are actually in excess of the local requirements, and with enormous possibilities of development ; whilst Tasmania does not even produce all she wants. During the greater part of the year the colony is an importer of

fat sheep and cattle. To talk about cool storage for treat and meat exportation from this island just now is therefore unfortunately little short of an" absurdity. Several speakers evidently saw this, and admitted that it is at present impossible to send beef and mutton to the London market in competition with the larger colonies, which possess far greater resources and better facilities ; but they thought cool storage would be an advantage in the development of butter and pork factories, and possibly

hereafter in connection with the export of poultry. Before we can export mutton we must have the right sort of sheep for <" freezers." and in very large nuniberaj'íor'smalP'íiues" do not pay. We have scarcely any sheep at all suitable for the freezing chambers. The carcases of most of those we have would-turn black in the process. Such crosses as the Lincoln

Leicester and the Lincoln Merino require to be bred for the purpose. These are some of the preliminary requirements of the business which have at the outset to be supplied, and which Tasmanias "" graziers are deficient in. Whilst a sin table place for storing dairy producerfüfcid perhaps work, in Hobart at ccrta.uVtimes ot'.thiiyear may prove to some extent ' advantageous, inTioubtedHBie best tang our agriculturnstiles body can do to improve theitSpMrrkets and prices is to Pinkus . united effort to bring producer and consumer together, and thereby minimise the great margin of profit in almost all " fines," which is now pocketed by the middleman. Some evils are more apparent than real, but this one is even more real than is

generally made apparent, especially in relation to the sales and purchases of live stock. One instance given at the Conference suffices to prove this in a striking manner Mr. Cotton said that on an average the farmers sold their meat at 5d. per lb. We can all calcu-late the great difference between 11d. per lb. and the prices paid in the shops for butcher's meat The same thing applies in an equally striking manner to numerous other agricultural productions, the difference between the prices received by the producer and those paid by the consumer being unreasonably great.

THE new development in journalism under which ordinary news and general literary articles are alike supplemented by pictorial illustrations finds a striking example in the London Daily Chronicle, one of the most powerful, if not the chief among the r daily press of the great metropolis. Its pages are now livened daily by pictures of a bold and striking, type illustrative of passing events, and, as occasion arises, specially produced to mark any important event in civic ^ Or national

history. For instance. New London,

her Parliament and its work-that Is the County Council, in its now and forward development -has recently been described by Special Commissioners, and the records of their pens have been supplemented by copy right. pic-tures illustrative of many phases in the great work of control and organisation of labour which the Council has undertaken. Portraits of members of the

Council, scenes in Technical School class

rooms, lodgings of working men and women, in the old and new style, places of health, pleasure, and recreation, are all lined with free and vigorous pencillings, and angelica to this good work, Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart, the greatest living English artist, has drawn for the readers of the Daily Chronicle a picture, in itself a poem, of labour in the morning of the world, when Adam delved and Eve span." A picture which included in the ordinary price of the publication, is of such rare artistic merit that it has been decided to rescue it from

the ephemeral form in which it was first produced, and to publish it in a form suitable for permanent

S reservation. All this marks the new

development of journalism, which, to keep pace with the times, must beguile the ? time by every aid and adjunct. Men have become too busy or too nervously impatient, to read laboriously thought out and carefully digested essay. They want their mental like their physical food, condensed, sub timed, rarefied, and served with prompt-ness and despatch, lucidity and brevity

are of more value than learned disquisition, and every aid and supplementary adjunct that will

enable him who runs to also read is hailed with pleasure. Thus a great change is working out its own manifestation. Where multitudes

congregate there the illustrated daily J broad sheet finds favour, and its some tine novelty is now fast settling down

to place among daily needs. Quietly going non-progressive communities may still deem the innovation of freehand pictures in the columns of daily news sheets a subject for amused surprise, rather than worthy of support or countenance, but by-and-bye even they will wake up,, and at no distant date there will scarcely be a

daily paper published that will not "hold the mirror up to nature " in more attractive guise than close serried ranks of type. As a means of education to the masses these news-pictures, though rough bown and impel feet as works of art, fulfil a wide-spread mission.

THE piece of bounce of which the New Plymouth bondholders were guilty has been very properly met by Mr. Ward, who flouted them in return, and laughed at their threats to do the stocks of the colony harm unless the Government came to the relief of their unfortunate speculation. They must have formed a very erroneous opinion of Mr. Ward's character, _ after short acquaintance with him, if they supposed that he was the man to be either intimidated or coerced into recommending what his own convictions had not led him to perform, and it is pretty evident that before this they have found out what a Tartar they have caught. Mr. Ward, of course, has right on his side. The New Zealand Government can no more be called upon to make good the unfortunate speculation of the New Plymouth Harbour authorities than they could be asked to prevent any individual bankruptcy in the colony, and make up for the losses from it. The bondholders, in this instance, went into the affair with their eyes open, lured into the scheme by the tempting offers of large interest which were made. If they did not scan closely enough the security offered them, and chose to believe that it was authorised and guaranteed by the Government, that surely is no argument why the Government should have to bolster up a project with which they had nothing whatever to do. Still more unfair is the threat of intimidation now held out as a menace to secure what cannot be got by fair means. The use of Sir John Lubbock's name in this connection is not at all creditable to that gentleman,

for it has usually hitherto been

associated with liberal and broad ideas, very different from such an attempt at blackmailing as this. However, it matters little who was at the bottom of the movement ; Mr. Ward has given the busybodies their reply, and it is one which will be heartily approved and endorsed wherever the facts of the case are truly known and appreciated. There is very little fear of a new loan being hurt by such conduct; it will be taken for what it is worth, and stand or fall on its own merits.

HOMEWARD ENGLISH MAILS.- The English mails homeward bound, which left Tasmania on the 11th ult., arrived in London on the 14th inst. per K.M.S. Rome, They were due on April 16.

THE Knorr CONFERENCE -Mr. James Wilshire, F.L.S., president of the National Horticultural and Genealogical Society of New South Wales, has been on a visit to Hobart, but left yesterday by the ss. Australia, regretting that he could not stay for the Fruit Conference and Show next week, Mr. Wilshire has, however, contributed a paper on the export question, in which he takes a great interest, and having travelled a good deal is able to write with authority.

TECHNICAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE A meeting of this committee was held at the Tech Real School last evening. Present: Messrs. A. J. Taylor (chairman), J. Bradley, M.R.A., B. Pemberton, and Hon. H. Lamb, M.L.C. A letter was received from the Minister of Education approving of the apportionment of the sum of £5 to one of Mr. Kingsmill s students who had pasted all classes, to act as assistant demonstrator. The Finance Committee reported that they had examined the accounts and found every, thing correct. Certain accounts were passed for payment. The committee recommended that ices, etc., be lodged in the bank and paid out by cheque, and also that the caretaker be voted £1 10s. out of the receipts for use of the lecture hall for the University lectures. The report was adopted. The matter of inspecting the lighting arrangements with a view to reducing the consumption of gas was left in

the hands of the chairman and Mr. Bradley. It was agreed to grant the Sanitary Association the use of the lecture hall for a lecture on "Bacteriology by Mr. Park, gas and attendance only to be charged for. The secretary reported that 14 additional pupils had joined the classes since the half-term commenced. The Chairman announced that a circular had been received from the Art Society of New South

Wales stating that three prizes of 75, 25, I

and lSitua. each were offered for the best three pictures on " Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom." The pictures might be either oil or watercolours, and the competition was open to artists throughout Australasia, The trustees of the National Art Gallery of New South Wales had consented to act as judges, He thought this opportunity should be embraced by some of the Tasmanian artists. The Chairman also drew attention to the success which the art class was meeting with. An opportunity was now being offered to students to work from living models, and great benefit was resulting. Specimens of sketches from life were exhibited on the table, and warmly admired by the committee. During the evening Mr. L). McIntyre, president of the Builders' and Contractors' Association, Sydney, was introduced to the committee by Mr. Pemberton, who afterwards showed the visitor round the institution, with which he expressed himself highly pleased.

CITY POLICE COURT. - Before Messrs. Thomas Bennison and J. W. Johnson, Js P., yesterday, Alfred Biggins was fined 10s. 6d. for disturbing the peace in Harrington-street in the small hours of the morning. Ellen Lee was sent to gaol for three months for being an idle and disorderly person. Ellen Lavell, an old offender, was fined 10s. 6d. for making use of obscene o expressions. John Sullivan was fined 10s. 6d. for resisting Police-constable Johnson at the Hobart railway station. Isaac H. Palfreyman, Charles J. Atkins, Alfred Kennerley, A'ulrov V, Miller, William Leary, Ah Wong, and John Langley' were each fined 10s. for offences against the Codlin Moth Act. In the case of C. J. Atkins the costs were remitted., 'SUEZ i

FIRE AT ARöti.ß-süattäf.-About 9 o'clock last evening Constable Hicks heard cries of fire proceeding from MS, Argyle-street, which is occupied by Mfu Hofdcfoft. When the oiEwr entered the house! he found a bed and bedding well ablaze, after the room filled with smoke. The fire was promptly extinguished by a few buckets of water. Superintendent Maher of the Fire Brigade, was present, and saw all safe before leaving the house. A few minutes before the outbreak some children were in the room looking for a coat, and it is supposed that the fire originated through some lighted matches accidentally dropped on some papers which were on the bed. The damage was of trifling extent. *

FKKAIX FOBÏSTBV.-Court Florence Nightingale, A.O.F., female lodge held the usual fortnightly meeting at the Temperanceball on the tJth inst. The chairs were taken by the District officers. The dispensation was presented, said three names selected as founders-of the court, viz., Sisters Hollis, Pregnell, and Johnson. This want has now bean opened nine months, and has some 60 members on its roll, and is progressing favourably. At the end of the meeting it as proposed by P.C.B. Sister Hollis, seconded by Sister Marriott, treasurer, that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to the executive for presenting the dispensation and ritual, also-for their attendance that evening. The District CR. Bro. R. H. Stabb, S CB. Bro. Kalbfell, and the District secretary. Bro. Stump,suit»bly replied.

ROAD TRUST ELECTIONS The annual election of two trustees for the Augusta Road Trust District takes place to day, and for the Oatlands Road Trust to morrow. In connection with the Road District of South Bridgewater the annual election takes place on the 24th inst. Nominations will be received up to 4 o'clock to morrow.

NboiiALGiA TROUBLES a great number of people at this season of the year. It can be successfully treated by taking Gould's Neuron done, which is a speedy and effectual remedy. Prisulbud by leading doctors and used by great numbers of people in Tasmania. It is sold in bottles at ls.6d.esob, with full three tions. and sent anywhere per post for is Od Gould Neuralgic Paint is an external application, which has a marvellous effect in relieving at once severe nerve pains. Price as., per post, 8s. 3d.; or the two bottles posted for 3s. H. H. T. Oovu> fe Co, Pharmaceutical HOMoMpetnlo t caentMfcfra, Hlsabetti-street

lsTrm<;itf^liii|^|lii7fWVti^rÍTt turn Ttijnht

MlLitARV.-Tho.War Office has forwarded a long-service and good conduct medal for Quarter-Master Sergeant Hardy, B.E., of the Tasmanian Defence Force, stationed at Hobart, and the Government will see that the honour is presented to him upon some suitable public occasion,

i MIGRATION STATISTICS. The Government Statistician (Mr. R. M. Johnston) has just I issued a return showing the number of per-sons who arrived at and departed from the

colony during the quarter ended March 31. The total number of arrivals was 7,744, against 8,146 for the corresponding period of last year ; of this number Victoria contributed

5,723, and New South Wales 1,628 ; 77 came from the United Kingdom ; 317 from New Zealand and 1 from South Australia, The total number of departures during the quarter was 6,900, leaving an excess of arrivals numbering 844

Ox THE WING. Many travellers on the trams will miss the genial face of Mr. J. M. Hume, the late inspector, but his many friends will be glad to hear that he has been offered and has accepted a lucrative and more congenial post in Sydney, whither he left on board the s.s. Oonah last night. We wish him every success in his new sphere,

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. - A harvest thanksgiving festival is announced to be held in this church to-morrow (Thursday) evening, at half-past 7. The choral evensong will include Goss' anthem, " O taste and see," and a duet from Israel in the Wilderness, " As the manna fallen." The Rev. Charles Vaughan will be the preacher.;

THE HOLY TRINITY CHERRY-The memless of this organisation held their annual picnic at Kingston on Easter Monday under most favourable conditions, the weather being all that could be desired. The gathering included the members of the Trinity Bellringers, who, in conjunction with the choir, played a cricket match with the Osborne C.C. The Rev. O. W. Shoo-bridge and family were also present, and assisted by the lady members of the chair most successfully supervised arrangements in connection with the outing The conductor, Mr. F. P. Bowden, arranged foot races, etc., for the boys, for which suitable prizes were provided, and when a start was made for town it was unanimously agreed that the day's outing was one of the most enjoyable that had been spent by the choir | and their friends.


annual entertainment by the boys of the Training School takes place to-morrow evening at the institution. A lengthened and admirable programme of songs, recitations, etc., have been provided, and there is likely, as usual, to be a crowded attendance. Friends desirous of being present may procure tickets at Hood's, dr at the school. Sir Edward Braddon presides.

MASONIC Brethren of the Pacific Lodge, No. 5, T.C., are reminded by advertisement that (be regular meeting will be held at 7,30 this evening, and members of the Tasmanian Operative, the Tasmanian Union, and-the Rechab Lodges are requested to meet at the hall for the purpose of attending the installation of the W.M. elect of the Pacific Lodge.

SALVATION ARMY. - Colonel and Mrs.

Dowdle, the veteran officers, of this organisa-tion, continued their mission last evening in the Memorial Church, in which a large COR-, gregation had assembled. The Rev, J, T, Piercey was upon the rostrum, and spoke as to receiving the blessing of entire sanctifyCHUÇnt.-ïfte .C9l?i>?i ^«a-fléilvcred bis against atom 1. John I., which lasted for some 40 minutes; in which he forcibly set forth the meaning" of the different verses and words mentioned in that chapter, showing the perfect salvation which Christ name to give his people, following it up by illustrations from varied experience gained in his travels throughout the world. The address held the lirgs/asjdience right through, and, judging from the faces of the people, was a great help to all. This afternoon Bin. Dowdle gives a- bible reading in the Memorial-hall upon Abraham's life and character, sod to-night the Colonel and his wife will be at the Primitive Methodist Church.

BAPTIST UNION The annual meetings of the Baptist Union of Tasmania are announced for to day and to-morrow. At 7.30 this evening Pastor E. Harris preaches a sermon. To-morrow morning at 8 a Zenana missionary will be held, and at 7.30 p.m. special addresses are to be given.

ORDINATION SERVICE. Rev. W. Perry Hart will be ordained to the Congregational Church, at New Town, on Friday next at


LINDISFARNE BAT QUARANTINE STATION. All tenders for the rental of the premises and grounds at Lindisfarne Bay, known as the old quarantine station, must be sent in by 10 o'clock this morning.

BANK HOLIDAY. To-morrow (Thursday) has been gazetted as a Bank Holiday at Wynyard.

ROAD TRUST ELECTIONS As only the required number of persons to fill the vacancies in the South Arm, Glen Fern, and Old Beach Road Trusts have been nominated, the nominees will be duly declared elected without a poll. For the Richmond Road Trust election six persons have been


WHAT THE PEOPLE SMOKE AND DRINK.On the motion of Sir F. Seager Hunt, a Parliamentary return, illustrated by diagrams, has been issued showing the consumption from 1861 up to the latest date

of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and of tobacco, compared with the increase of population in Great Britain. The general teaching of this official statement, which has been prepared by the authorities of the Custom House, is, remarks the Westminster Gazette, that of beverages the augmentation in the consumption of non-alcoholic drinks tea, coffee, cocoa, and chicory has far exceeded that of the alcoholic liquors. The former has risen from 125,009,0001b. in 1881 to 2Q5,O0O,O001b. in 1893. The figure in the diagram relating to these issues is a sharp and continuous gradient upwards. On the other hand the consumption of British and foreign wines and spirits has risen from 35,000,000gals. in the same period to about 51,0u0,000gal.; but it was considerably higher from 1872 to 1878 than it is now. In the same way, the quantity of beer drunk, though about 60 per cent. more than it was 30 years ago shows a decline when compared with the years from 1872 to 1878. Exhibited in detail, it appears that the Spanish wines attained their maximum in 1873, and that the sale is less now than it was in 1861. The consumption of French and Portuguese wines is greater than was the case 30 years ago, but the totals were larger in 1875 and 1876 than they are at present. Wines other than those of France, Spain, and Portugal show a slight advance. The consump-tion of tobacco has risen in the interval from 29,000,0001b. to 62,000,0001b. The most remarkable variations are shown in regard to beer. In 1861 the average amount consumed per head per annum of the population of the United Kingdom was about 24gal. In 1875 this had advanced rapidly to38îial.; it then fell steadily to 27gal, in 1880, JW has now? risen again to 29Jg»l. Foreign writes In tile Mospetons times of 1874 0 rose to 44 pints per head yearly average, and they had since declined to less than 3 pints. Spirits, British and foreign,

exceeded 10 pints per head in 1875, and they know average less than 3 pints. Of tobacco, the people of these islands consumed each, in 1801, 19oz. per annum on an average, In 1893 the use of the weed had risen to 2(JLZ, per head.

A CURIOUS PROCLAMATION The North China Herald states that the Shanghai Taotai has issued a proclamation offering a reward c4 lOO.OOOtls. to anyone who succeeds in defeating the enemy, causing a loss to them of several thousand men, and a similar sum whenever a Japanese ironclad Is destroyed or captured, the reward for vessels of smaller size being cut down by one-half. The troops holding an important position who succeed in beating off the enemy will be rewarded with 30 COOts., and a similar sum will be given in the event of a Japanese converted cruiser being destroyed, while the reward for the destruction of a torpedo boat will be 20,000tls. The destruction of a ship's boat belonging to the enemy, and the destruction of 10 or more of the crew, will be rewarded with 1,000 tis,, and anyone presenting the heads of Japanese hands will be given 60yds. apiece. Generals and colonels of battalions who have succeeded in defeating- the enemy will not only be rewarded according to the above scene, but their names will also be submitted to the' Throne for extraordinary promotions,


velvet cannot fail to be very large this season on account of the quantities that will be needed for trimmings, even if, as a regular dress material, it does not occupy a very prominent place. At this early date velvet is much asked for for Hat and Bonnet trimmings, also for collar facings, bows, and rosettes:, the colour being principally navy, brown, maroon, green, and black. It is, however, the chief fabric to be used for Bonnet and Hat making, the latest colour being called Valkyrie ; possibly there will be quite a run in the shade. Mr. W. M. williams, ever to the fore with the latest novelty, whatever it may be, has at present a good supply of this new shade as well as a good assortment of Velvets and Velveteens, in all the saltablecoiours, which are commanding aqojcksal*. Mr. Williams wishes to remind his patrons that, on account of the holiday

A THEATRICAL BENEFIT. - Mr. Tom Pollard, of Lilliputian Opera renown, upon whom evil times have of late fallen, a fire in New Zealand having well nigh wrecked himself and company, has been accorded a substantial benefit at Christchurch, the distinguishing feature of much benefit being the aid rendered by lady musicians and vocalists of the city. Referring to his claims on the public the Lyttelton Times says he deserves a high place in citizens' regard. " Un-assuming, genial, frank, generous, and honourable, he has gained the not overcommon distinction of being liked most by those who know him best. As a public entertainer he has a wide and well-deserved popularity, His relations with the throng of young people who form his company are exceedingly creditable to him. Many of them have been taken from poor surroundings; all of them are watched and guarded with scrupulous care, and are being put in the way of entering a profession in which they may attain distinction, and will, at all events, be able to maintain themselves. How well Mr. Pollard treats his young people is tolerably widely known but it may not be so generally known that he has, in spite of bad times and bad luck, retained children who, if he had mnuuguu his business on hard commercial principles, he would have sent back to the scenes of their earlier life. The benefit is, we are sorry to say, much needed."


an encouraging character are to be found in the first report of the Rev. Herbert Mills on the subject of the home colonisation experiment, begun something like two years and a half ago in the county of Westmore-land. Mr. Mills, who proclaims himself the most sanguine man in England, as regards the principles of home colonisation and co-operative village life, laid down from the first, as necessary conditions of success, a fair trial of at least seven years and a capital of not less than £7,000. The money, thanks in great part to the generosity of Mr, Thomasson, of Button, has been forthcoming, but the stipulated period, it will be seen, is far from having expired. However, us there has been a notion in some quarters that the experiment has been abandoned, Mr. Mills has come forward to state how things really stand at the present time. There has, he says, been no halting or interval in the work from the first settlement of two or three colonists on four acres of land until now, when the colonists number 32, and the freehold land under cultivation consists of 130 acres. The question is In the colony selfsupporting? By the very nature of the problem it is one that is difficult to answer in the early stages of the experiment. Every new industry is expensive at first. But the future prosperity of the colony Mr. Mills

considers to be assured.


LIFE Regarding the cable message published a few days ago in reference to the engagement of the Duchess of Marlborough to Lord Wm. Beresford, Outward Bound has the following : - " Much interest is aroused by the announcement that the Duchess of Marlborough is going to re-marry. The bridegroom was said to be Lord William Beresford, a V.C., and extremely popular man, but this has been denied, and another member of his family is to be the lucky man, This still young and charming lady is one of ourfflosUhtihtftfllWt! and boltliked Anglo-American society women; "R Uat that includes Lady Randolph Churchill, the Countess of Craven, and many more peeresses. The Duchess of Marlborough was widow, when she married the late Duke, and having been once the wife of an American millionaire and then of one of the few dukes of Great Britain, there is nothing left for her to gain by marriage, except personal happiness, which it is to be hoped will be attained. The best testimony of her character and disposition is the affection that she enjoys in the family of the late husband, some of the members of which are constantly with Her


A WHALE ON FIRE A fire, which might have proved a great disaster, broke out recently at the Casino de Paris, just as the performances at the contiguous Nouveau' Theatre and in the Casino itself had terminated. It originated in the great whale, the inside of which had long been used as a little concert-room, The pitch and tar with which the carcase was bedaubed offered such good food for the flames that the con-flagration spread with great rapidity. Though the Casino was still fairly full of persons, who had commenced dancing, no one was seriously injured in the panic which ensured. The servant's of the establishment, acting with great promptitude and pretence of mind, threw open all the doors, and in a few minutes every-one was in the street out of danger. The ballet. girls employed at the Nouveau Theatre were, at the moment when the cry of " Fire 14' was raised, just changing their light attire for their walking dresses. Some of them were terribly frightened and rushed into the street east they were, with very slight attire. - Within an hour, the firemen, who had arrived almost immediately from the fire brigade station in Rue Blanche, had completely mastered the flames. About half the Casino de Paris was also

destroyed. a