Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851), Monday 16 June 1851, page 2

GOLD DISCOVERY. (From the Times) IT is generally known that " our reporter" has been scouring the Planty Ranges with the two fold purpose of supplying the public with the latest intelligence, and of deciding if gold really did exist. Woe publish his final communioatinn below; there is little doubt that he has dis covered the precious metal, but at the same time we will not vouch for it until it has been nccu rately tested by the committee enpointed at the public meetiga.; because happening to be from honme when lie reached the Times oillce, he went to the Mayor, and in his absence, it was sealed up by the Town Clerk. We think that if the metal stood tie tests described by " our reporter" it could not be either mundie or native copper, both of which often run through both quartz and sandstone, asd must be actually gold. The following is his official report: GOLD DISCOVERY IN TIIE PLRNTY DISTRICT. (From our own Reporter.) I have the honor to inform you that my exer tions with those of r Welsh, watchmaker, have heen crowned with success, for on Thursday last, the 12th instant, we discovered a rich gold mine in the Plenty district, extending over several miles, which can be worked with ease; the foundation on which and slate, with perpendi enlar veins of quartz, in sizes varying from an inch to twelro or eighteen "incises in width, and widening as they descended into the earth. The description of gold which we were for tunate enough to find, is termed gold dust, and in such quantities, that is will prove a very pro fitable occupation togrind the slato topowder and wash it out. It is precisely similar to what is taken out of tlhe Wicklow mines In Ireland. But l?st we should have been deceived in the matter, we submitted it to the following test previous to bringing the specimens toMelbourne. -We ground the stone and quartz to powder, theri washed it clean and dried it; after which, we nade an amalgam with quicksilver, and gilded over some copper and silver coin :; we then fuirther tested it by " aqua regia," which I racess'gave the most satisfictory proof that we could di s'r. We, therefore, thought it pru dent to bring thire specimens to town, and lay claim to the reward offered by elbourne, 1 called upon this Worship who was not at home; I subsoquenitly delivered them up to ,the Town Clerk, who examined them with Mr Bowler, the solicitor; they were seale.l up in my presence to be delivered to the following certificate: " Melbourne, 13th Jinne, 1851. "I hereby certify that Mr Henry Freneham has, in the absence of his Worship the Mayor, deposited with ime, at five o'clock P.i., this nay, a pnokago containing spreciumens ofrnative gold, for which he claims the reward offered by the committee of tihe late meeting. " (Signed) Wi.. cKEsa, '" Town Clerk.', I have, therefore, much pleasure in giving publicity to the above fricts, which I hope will iin some measure be be gratifying to my fcllow-citizens. Mr. Walsh and myself are satisfied as to the re sult, and are willing to submit to the enquiriesof scientific gentlemen,aind that specimens may be tested in any way the Comnittee may deem no cessary, provided onlv, that we are present. ,1 remain, . Your obedient sorvant, H-.nYa FREacuAs. Juno 13, 1851.