Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851), Tuesday 20 May 1851, page 3

NOTICE. THE following Bills, Cheques, and Orders, having been enclosed in a letter which was abstracted from the Mail, on the road from Melbourne to Geelong, on the 15th instant, the public are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same:- . £ s. d. H. W. Bell, on Bank of Aus-tralasia, Geelong ............ 2 18 6 J. W. Belcher, on ditto .... 2 1 0 w. L. Hawkins, on ditto....I 1. 5 0 J and W. Birdsey, on ditto .. 5:.0 0 J. Armstrong, on ditto .... 9 11 3 L. Wilson, on Union Bank Geelong ..... .... 3815 0 Muirhead and Parkes on ditto 50 0 9 Atkinson and Pepper, on ditto 3 0 0 J. G. Ware, on ditto ........ 15 15 10 J. G. Ware, on ditto ....... 6 2 6 P. Sharp, on ditto........... 7 10 0 - Anderson, on ditto ... ... 2 0 0 R.Paton, on ditto ........- 3 1 0 - Steiglitz, on ditto ........5 0 0 A. Patterson, on ditto...... 20 0 0 - Brown, on W. Timms ... 9 10 0 - Gardiner, on Dunsford and Co .. ............ 2 8 0 - Chirnside, on Dalgety, Gore, and Co .................. 10 1 0 C. H. Armytage, on G. Army- tage .............. ........ 4 0 6 W. Cowie, on James Cowie .. 3 10. 0 Bills. E. Forrest, to Jackson, Rae, & -Co., due 20th May ......... 43 1 5 Gibson and Curle, to W. H. Barnes and Co., due 23rd May .. .................... 79 0 0 W. Timms, to Alison & Knight due 24th May ............150 0 0 Wilson, to Alison & Knight, due 30th May ............ 33 10 0 Wm. GOE. BELL, Acting Manager. Bank of Australasia, Geelong, May 19, 1851. -AUTION.- The Public are hereby cautioned against the negociation of the undermentioned cheques, which were feloniously abstracted from the Geelong Mail, of the 14th inst. 1st-Drawn by R. Forrest, on Bank of Australasia, payable to C. Ellershaw, at Geelong, dated May 10..E 16 12 0 lnd-Drawn,by Jno \\ allace, on Union Bank of, Australia, payable to Jno. Arnold, at Geelong, dated May 1... .. .. 1 5 0 3rd-Drawn by Dunsford and Co., on Union Bank of Australia, payable to A. Love, per order to T. Norcott, at Geelong. dated May 14 .. .... 26 14' 6 4th-Drawn by M Holmes, on Union Bank of Australia, payable to Henry Dewing at Geelong, dated May 5 " 7 13 10 For the Union Bank of Australia, Melbourne, CHIAS.' BRADSHAW, . Managei.

NOTICE. Po the Miembers of the' United Ohurch of England and Ireland, residing near the Township of WVinchelsea, on the River Barwon. IT the request of the Right Reverend the Bishop of Melbourne, I hereby al a public meeting, to take place at the 3arwon Hotel, To-morrow, the 21st y of. May, at Eleven o'clock in the orenoon, for the purpose of electing a it and proper person to represent them, a a conference respecting the affaars of be Chu ch, to be holden in Melbourne, in the 24th of June next. STios. Au'rxr. liver Barwon, 3rd" May, 1851. INDUSTRIAL . ASSOCIATION. Geelong CGomnittee. riHE members of the Geelong committee of the Victorial Indust ial Association, are requested to 'meet at the tnuncil Chambers, in Yarra-street, i'o-morrow, the 21st instant, at 12 o'clock, soon, to make arrangements for the exsibition of stock and products of industry , be held at Geelong in the current rear. A. TuoesoN, Chairman of the Geelong Committee. LAMP OIL,.PHE'undersigned have received their I winter supply of Sperm, Solar and Black Oil. A. REED & CO.' Sheffield House. A.. . REED, & Co. General, and Furnishing Ironmongers, SHEFFIELD HOUSE. HAVE received, by late arrivals from England and Sydney. -considerable additions to their already extensive atock of Ironmongery, to which . they beg to draw the. attention of the Public. Parties furnishing will find the stock well assorted, and every article of firstrate quality.ALSO, ALSO, ON SALE, ! great variety of fancy and useful articles. rHIP CHANDLEIIY, ON SALE at the stores of the undersigned Twine Bufting Pitch . Stockholm and coal tar Blocks Tar brushes Scrapers SDeck scrubbers Varnishes Paints .Oil Spunyarn ' -- . Rope . . . Marline' . -, Oakum anbd a general assortm..dt of goods in A. R. REED &; Co. S WINTER!! Ak SUPERB assortment of 2, 3 and 4 burner shop lamps la?s .r, Back and Taylor's patent tallow Green, blue, saffron, crimson, straw and coloured patent wax tapeis.. A. R. REED.& Co., Sheffield House,

PRELIMINARY. NOTICE. OPENING OF THE CIHEAPSIDE HOUSE;- MAR-, KET SQUARE. To the Ladics, Gt itlemen, Aristociacy, the Middle and WIorking. Classes of the lWVstern District of Victoria.;: and particularl, the inhabitants of the Township of GEE.LONG. A LL parties contemplating the purchase ofWINTER WINTER DRAPERY. Ofany description, will do well to await the opening of those Elegant and Commodious P?ernises, now in process of completion ; erected by the advertiser, after a design, and under the superintendence of J. Youtng, Esq. late Government Architect; and to be known in future as.the ,. CHEAPSIDE HOUSE. -THOMA? TOWLE, Direct importer of every~description of Drapery, Ready-made Clothing, &c., &c., has the pleasuire to announce to .the public that the' above splendid and capacious premises are now inearly completed, and will be opened, on MONDAY,.- the 5th of MAY, at 12 A.M. with the richest,.- most varied, and extensive stock, ever yet offered to the Geelong Public, the whole having been Imported expressly for the occasion.' T- TOWLE Not feeling sensible of any advantage derivable by importing goods round by Sydney, at a ruinous expense, which of course must fall upon the consumer, begs to point out to the notice of purchasers, that his importations are di- rect, which may be ascertained by an inspection of the manifests of British vessels, pibl shed from time to time by our local press ; thereby realising for the Geelong public, one of first fruits of

Separation ,from Sbydneqy, A saving of expense by direct intercourse with Britain. JUST ARRIVED Per' Anna,' from Liverpool, and will be open for inspection, at the CIIEAPSIDE HOUSE, The following goods-selected by the propr etor's agent in England; and in consequence of a great flatness in the Market, caused by the anticipated CONTINENTAL WAR, Purchased at a considerable reduction'on the prevailing prices':Real French 'Merinos, Of every shade, including several new colours , German Merinos, similar colours to the above-lower prices 6-4 soft all wool tartans British mierinos, Cobourg cloths, Orleans, and fancy stuffs, in new styles, from the checpest to the most expensive and newest fabrics 7-8 and 4-4 gala and ivorsted plaids .' `. Dark fancy dresses, very rich, in de laine, cachmere, and other fabrics : Ladies' dark winter paletots, visites, &c., in tartan; velvet, silk, satin, &c., &c A'so, Ladies' and children's knitted polkas. : THE SHAWf L STOCK Will comprise some of the finest quality long tartan shawls manufactured; together wi-h a great variety in other" makes and qualities. IN TIIE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT A lage stock of rich damasks, in all colours Watered moreens, fringes to match 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 blankets, all qualities, and'direct from the maker. .THOlVIAS T'owLE , Having never for a moment contem-. advance in price in consequence of an advance in cotton and wool at home, begs to apprise purchasers that on the contrary', he is resolved to remain firm to his principle'of making, Continual Reductions in Price, wherever practicable; , and callsthe attention of purchasers- to the immense stock of heavy goods the very low import cost of which enables him'.to offer these goods cheaper than any house in the colonies. The following are well worthy the attention of wholesale purchasers:White and unbleached calicos and calico sheeting, in every width, quality,' and price Welsh, Saxony, and patent flannels, cot'-' ton and linen tickings, diapers, Irish linens, lawns, huckabacks, towelling, white and coloured counterpanes. Sacramento quilts, toilet covers, &c., &c. A beauiiful assortment of .7-8 and 5-4 chintz prints, of very superior styles, from Ihomas Hoyle and Sons, Mayfield. T. TOWLE Thinks it scarcely necessay to add a word of commen:'ation to the extensive and well assorted stock of ready made clothing, suitable for either the town or the bush : he would merely remark that it is imported from the justly celebrated house of Messrs Favell and Bousfield's,. manufactured by them to his orders and of that uniform good quality, thathas g ven such satisfaction. Double-milled pilot American jackets Tweed, Doe and Buckskin coats Drab and black cloth and Buckskin trousers Dark.fancy vests of every description Blue cloth and Moleskin jackets Superior woollen and cotton cord trousers Blue'serge shirts of the well, know supe= n:rior quality, all wool, indigo dye Superior Paris ae.d velvet nap ha's Gent's superior felt 'hats;' and you h's ditto Youth's and men's cloth caps To the Ladies of Geelong, I r T. ToWLE begs to: state that, while he is desirous .to sell for cash, as much 'as possible, for which purpose .immense reductions have been made: he hopes notwithstanding that-those who hitherto Javoured him with their accounts, will continue to, do so, and afford him that share of their confidenoe which he has hitherto enjoyed.

To the Public gdeieirall"j. The: advertiser offers a stock of goods, wbhichin extent can compete with any in the colonies, and at Prices assimilated as nearly as possible to the BRITISH COST ! In directing the public attention to this announcement, T. Tow.E feels, that it is impossible .in an advertisement to convey, an adequate idea of what a personal inspection can alone do justice to; to state,-.that the labour of Lwelve months, and, a voyage to Engqland have been undertaken'to render Cheapside Hotiseas iittr~ctive as possible' to . isitors, a benefit aiid coniveniiencet t' the piblic; and an tirn'aieritito our towi.'?.; . OBSERVE!. CHEAP SIDE.HOUSE,.. M ARKsE T SQUvARE, GEELONG `OPPOSITE TIIH NEW T NICx )'.!: NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MANCHEST ER HOUSE. J. LI. TURPIN TEG?S to'apprise.his friends that lie ' hns this day. REMQVED-D his. Business to the premises, Cii'iiei of Corio and tooraMbool-streets, lately occupied by Mr. ToiWLE,. and is desirous to-acquit himself of a" heavy debt of gratitude for the very'liberal support with which he ' has - been favoured, and begs to assure 'his' friends that his system of doing business will be rigidly adhered to, namely- " The smallest possible profits on ',the import prices.. ' . But one price asked, and no abatement made in any case. . J. M. T.'s stock is at present large and well assorted,, being lately much. increased and enriched, by arrivals from home direct, and he is determined that if lowness of price is any criterion that he will be outdone by none. OBSERVE !-THE NEW MANCHESTER HOUSE. Corner of Corio and Moorabool-streets, opposite the Watchhnuse. Saturday, May 3rd, 1851.

BRIGHT'S MOORABOOL-STREET, CORNER OF MARKET-SQUARE. t B. BEGS to announce his first importation of general "goods. suitable for the present season -per Waverly DIRECT FROM LONDON. He' would especially solicit the attention of Ladies to his elegant-and fashionable assortment of WINTER BONNETS' Consisting of beautiful jet aind' bronze straws,' plain and fluted chips. in all colors, fluted and plain Manillas, the Albert cord, bonnet (entirely new) and others-too various to'enumera'e. Notwithstanding the many novelties that are each season introduced 'in Paris and ilondon,: none have.surpassed' 'that late .introduction,' .,the.?~jtent colored felt hbbnnet, which, for its exqdisite shape, lightness, ;diirability . and color, stands unrivalled; V B. is'the sole iriporter. of this charm`iig novelty now worn by: her. Majesty .and the nobility and'gentry' of London' and Paris. i ' .. JUST, OPENED , .A case ;of fancy articles, comprising a beautiful assortment of artificial flowers, b "nnet :fronts, .lace, and muslin sleeves, cuffs, collars; :ladies' riding collars and gauntlet cuffs, silk braids, ginips, fringes; children's ahoods, worsted boots; boys', Byron,; Shakspeare and Alfred collars with fancy ties, black and colored belts ; gentlemen's satin stocks, glace ariels, opera ties, white shirts, regatta shirts, belts &c., :- . :FURS. A rich assortment:of:boas, victorines, cuffs,' in sable, kolinski, .mink, sl uirrel, British sable, musquash, Hun .arian add Mexican. .A variety of children's ermine victorines.. -GENERAL DRAPERY: 'A choice lot of novelties in merino's alpaca's Orleans;,' tartans, plain and checked gala plaids, printed cashmeres, dark 'delaines &c. 'A superior .lot of yard wide flannels (decided bargains). A-lot of cheap blankets and counterpanes 'and 8-4,9.4, 10-4:sheelings. New pattern dark prints, yard wide (fast colors.) Hosiery of all kinds, ladies', maids' arid girls' stays. . !. .: : . READY MALDE CLOTHING. : It is almost superfluous to naniemthis department (W. B's. conistant supply'of clothing of' unrivalled quality ;nid price being so 'well known and' appreciated) but for the informat on. of. numerous fresh'arrivals," he'would mention that he can offer at the lowest scale of. profit a carefully selected assortment of coats, trousers, vests, shirts, h 'se, hats &c., of he best fabrics and workmanship. NoTice.. W.' B3. is'da'ly in expectatinnof receivins fronimLondon direct, an additional assortment of suitable winter goods. r VHE uidersigned respectfully begs to : inform the ladies and gentlemen of Geelong and the surrounding district, that.havirg disposed of his old stock, he has now OPENED an invoice of New and Fashiobable GOODS, consisting of .Fancy soaps, oils, pesfinmes, and essences of every description. F. F. has also on hand, Jenny ,.Lind carved and other back cinbr, of ..the ,ewest and most fashionable style; also,' side, dressing, and fine tooth combs. P F. F. having 'mode arrangements with a comb manufacturer in Melbourne, will always have on hand a large :supply.of every description of combs equal to those of English manufacture,; , ,; . Also' on harnd, a, variety of English maniufactured combs, brushware of every description, ;genuine , Russian bears' grease and pomades, &c. &c. F. FRANCis, Hairdresser aud Perfumer, TEMPLE OF :FASHION, Corio-etreet, Geelong.

TENDERS, W7ILL be received until Wednesday 29th instant, for the whole or r everal works required in the erection of Two Stony Hrick Building, at the e 1orner of Bellerine and Little Malop- i treets. - t Plins and Specifications at the office f the Undersigned. J Jouin ,YOUNO, Architect. Market-square, South. TO :CONTITACTOJBS. ENDERS' will be'received'until the 23rd ins'aott, for the? several works' f&a two story shop inid dwvellinig house, o be erected at the coier 'of 'Mi-orabool nd Little 'Ryrie-streits7 for 'Mr- A: Devii.: :. . . =" ] Plans and Specification` to be seen at he office of the undersigned, : issnERIDAN & RIGHsT, ' A rchitects. S Teacher W::anted.: " WTANTED, for the Boninyong school, S., a second master, qualified to teach he common branches of education. Unexceptionable. teferences as to character vill be required. ,The salary. will, betides board, be £30.p r annum, .biit will be regulat dby:t he extent of the .futnds, and _tIe satisfaction giventby the teacher. Application to be made by letter to the, Rev. Thomas Hastie, Boninyong, before the 31st of May.' TO SETTLERS AND OTHERS. A' YOUNG: MAN and'Wife,ivith two' 1. childrei?, are des:rous of: obtainin': situatio's-the '`one, as '"Storekeeper or otherwise; the ivife as' Housekeeper,- or, if in a family,'to teach Music, and'the usual routine of-an: English education. Address by letter, free, to C. W.,' at this Office. : LOST . WO small gold'seals and watch key, on'a ring. On one seal, an arm with broken spear, on the other as'cttee.' One pound will be given on 'iestorasioin. ALFREDi DOUrLAss. Wool Mart, ' May 20, 1851. 5 POUNDS. REWARD. - Whereas many she-oak trees have been recently cut down on the purchased seetions Nos. 18and 19, Modewarre, (at the foot of Mount Moriac) by persons who camp out and trespass thereon with` their bullock teams, Notice is hereby given that a reward of Five Pounds after conviction will be given by the undersigned to any person who will give information of the offenders. Cattle and other stock found on the said land, and on sections Nos 1, 2, and 3,, Gnarwarre,, leased by. the undersigned, will be impounded. _., * BENJAMIN TINDALE.. Corio Bay, May, 19, 1851..: .. . Lost.fronm near Pollock's Ford, A STOUT bay Hrse, one white hind, foot, branded W. near side,under saddle; and K: near shlulder. .5.. Two pounds reward will be given for his recovery, ir one pound 'for information"where he may be running., JOIINr' KIDDiE :ONE POUND REWARD:. GTRAYED. from.the Heads, a black ,horse, about 17 hands high,'large white star on forehead, and' white from. nostrils to upper. lip, branded TA on near shoulder. Whoever will give- informatioin of the above horse, shall receive the above reward, ' on application to . , J3tes[ MATisisoN, Dr Sproat's Station, May 13,'1851. S?£': REWARD.; I OST-One- blacek bullock,. brandea AM on off .shoulder. The above reward will be paid on his delivery at the Black: Bull Inn, Malop-street., January 31, 1851 TEN POUNDS 0 ZEWARAi2D.' STOLEN, 'or strayed, from the station of the unidersigned, about the' Ist February last, a strong.cart colt; color bay, four years old, white star in forehead, one white hind foot, much hair about pasterns, branded G near shoulder. Two rounds will be paid upon delivery of said horse, at this station, if strayed, and Ten -Pounds if stolen, -after conviction of the th ef. , HENRY 'GIRD. Eelyer, Bolac Plains, By Fiery Creek,. March 12, 1851. , TWO POUNDS REWARD: LOST, A BLACK0 HORSE, fourteen hands high, branded JD on near shouldei and a blotch brand underheath, small star on forehead, short switch tail, when lost had hobbles on,.etrap round the neck. . Any person leaving him at Mr Patrick Preston's, Sportsman's Arms, Ashby, will receive the above reward. RICIARD WINDERS. Better known as Black Dick. January 8, 1851. . ' LOST, from Buninyong, ab ut-' two months ago, a Bay Mare, black points, aged, branded CO near shoulder, was in foal, and is now supposed to iaire a foal at foot. £1 Reward will be given to any persois who. will deliver her to Mr. tNeil Jamieson, Hininyong, .or to the undersigned, at the Station. , A:. STWarT. Balangurm. ' S T May 6th, 1851. £ 5 RIEWARD. STRAYED from the stockyard of the undersigned 16 heifers branded s in circle'on'the off rump, and other birands, eight of which'are branded C on the off neck, one branded TiI on the near ribs and other brauds. The cattle have formerly-run on the station of Johni Bown, Esq., at Mount Napier, £5 reward will be paid to any settler or stockkeeper who will detain them in a stockyard and gave notice to the undersigned.. : . Also, from Mr.Bowden's run, Barwon Heads, a black mare, branded DL on the near ribs. A reward of £2 will be paid on delivery of the same to the under signed. THOMAS PEARSE.

.ROSE VALE NURSERY & VINEYARD. 'HE PROPRIE'rOL wishes to acquaint the settlers and inhabitants ,f Geelohg, that he has for Sale, a very sealthv and choice, collection of Fruit rees, Vines and Shrubs of the very best lualityv, of several thousand different cinds OFPears, Pears, apples Peaches, apricnts , Plnuis;: damsons .Cheiry, figs "Mulberry, strawberry -And Seeds of the very best sorts, all of which he will sell at moderate prices. Trees carefully .packedr for town or ountry, at Rose Vale Nursery, Fyans's ourd. All orders sent to: Mr James or Wiliam Noble's shall'.be carefully atten'ded :.JOHN'CALDWELL. UPWARDS 'OF: SO S L AT T 0 I A ,.-. T . T I .E D AND ' .NURSERY:: r E I proprietor most respectrfully begs - leave to 'call ih'e attention of the gentry of-G'eeling and Melbournie, wi'li the public at liirge, to his very choice, and ivellselected:?ssortment of vines and Iruit trees, which he flatte-s.himself cannotibe, surpassed in the colony for quality, &c., &c. ASSORTMENTS 'AS 1FOLI.OWs':Apples, 34 different sorts Pears, 11 ditto. Peach, 12ditto Peaches (Camden collection),;7 ditto Apricot, 2"ditto Plums, 8 ditto Damsmns, 22 ditto . Cherry, 11 ditt,? Figs and -Mulberry; &c., &c., Strawbeiries, &o. All of which he purposes t6 sell at such moderate prices, whenr combined with the quality, as he trusts will secure a share of their patronage.!i ", -N.B.-All trees at 'the VIcroasA NuasBEY will be warranted free of blicht or disease, and carefuily packed.. to suit for town or country. ' , All orders throuoh the Post-office will be carefully.attended to. ...: DAVID Loins :PEIrAVEL. Near the Colac Road, about Ssix miles from Geelong. .

FRUIT TREES, VINES; &c. . A Larqe qudiitity oqf all descriptions of Vines, and Frdit Tr'ees, is now on Sale at Ne.ufokatel,.Pollock's Ford. T H E trees consistd ofa good collection of-Apples, 1, 2, and 3 years old Plums . . Damson : Cherry Pear. :, Peach, and Nectarine Apricot aid Medlar Mulberry. 'PFig Currants, black and red TGooseberry " Raspberry Adsid a ;zrioty ojf Shrubs. The above fruit trees are of kind. and grafted fiom, the best bearers, according to experience in this colony. . These trees will be warranted free from blight. The priced will' be moderate, according to quality and age.. 'l1he trees, the greater part of which will bear fruit this year, will be delivered.'in Geelong ac ord;ng .to order, well.packed,,s ' as to be forwiarded to any part'of the country. Letters transmitting orders will be received at the Post' Offlice, or BREGUET;& ADMIE T. Neu fchatel, Pollock's ,Ford, May 7, 1831. .. GARDENS' AND VILLAS. THE undersigned will be happy to give designs; and-superintend the laying out of grounds, on the land-cape principle : as also to stock the same with ornamental shrubs, indigenous to the colony of Victoria. As the success in removing the native shrubs, depends much on being transplanted as-early in the season as possible, Mr. B. would recommend that no time he lost. " ' Terms moderate. Application to be made to DANIEL B UNCE, 233, Little Collins-street, East Of, to mIR. DANIEL HARRISON, Collins-street, West; Or, Geelong, to MIt. JAMES BROWNE, Yarra- street, Geelong. Geelong, May 14. ADVERTISEMENT. F W. EICKE, and THOMAS OLD. r M AN, beg t.i notify their having entered in'o partnership as AUCTIONEERS AND COMIIMISSION AGENTS, and having procured the remises lately in possession of the Towi. Council, will be happy to undertake sales of all descriptions, classing of sheep, wools, &c., &c. ,This last is particularly desired to be observed, as very great benefit will attach to having wools carefully and thoroughly classed, for the town market; and Thomas Oldman having been for several years engaged as buyer in the London Market, for large consumers, is fully prepared.:o undertake such a duty. On the other hand, F. W. Eicke having been fo,r many years connected with the sale of stock of every class, feels a. like confidence iii being able to give every satisfaction to those who may honor him by their patronage and support. Corio-street, Gee'ong, 18th March, 1851 . NO TI? C E. ' DUGGAN having aranged with * Joseph 3rifiin. Esq., for the whole of;the premises in Malop-streat, lateli in 'the# possession of. Horsburgh aund IBrodighton, and having made suitable improvements thereon is now ready to receive' every descriptioin of property for sale by anction. r~ %'

SALES BY AAUCTI0N.GT This Day, 20t1aInstant: PORT AND MADEIRK WINE, S HONEY, &. : B.- 'DART.`. CARVER -AND; DALTON Will sell 'by- public auctiiii? at their Rooms,Moorabool.street, n.'This DAy, 20th instant, at 12 o'clocki.} 20 Cases" vry- 'sperio- Pdrt 5 Ditto ditto Madeira 40.Jars fine new Honey.TIIl'S D AY,. CARGO . . t . 'OF, TIHE Jane. and IElizabetl.. OCARVER &s DALTON. Will sell. b.y Public .Audtion,- alongside the above vessel, at the Jetty, Thisday,.. (Tuesday), at- one o'clock, ? T.ONS .CIRCULAR HEAD £ J-POTATOES of a very supe" . ori quality .. . 6000 PALING, 5 feet . Atay 21st; at 12 o'clock. CARGO OF THE SD AR- T. CARVER & DALTON Will sell by public auction, on :the' Wharf, on VWednesday, May 21, at 12 b'clock, 40A 000 Feet timber, consisting of boards, joists; quartesing, "and battens 28,000 Laths 10000 Paling, and 6 feet. S600n FEET BALTIMORE PINE BOARDS, of.. various lengths and thickness

SThursday, 22nd Instant. CARGO OF THE ,' ALBERT S,, PACKET." SCARVER & DALTON Are favoured with instructions to sell by public auction, on the Wharf,' on Thursday next, 22nd instant, at 12 o'clock, 4A (t 00. FEE r of Timber, consist-, S ing of boards, joists,. and quartering 14,000 Laths 9,000 Shingles S6,000 Paling, 5 and 6 feet Thursday, 22nd Instant. CARGO OF THE "SCOTIA." CARVER AND DALTON'. Will'.sell by public auction, on theWharf, on thursday-next, 22nd'inst., 'at 12 o'clock. S30,() ' FEET Timber, consisting _ 00V0 of boaids, joists, battens, a.nd quartering 15,000 Paling, 5hand 6 feet 10;000 Laths.'. : . Thursday, 29th May. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. To -Farmers, Dairymetn, Buti?hcers, and .Others. SOARVER & DALTON..Are favoured with instructions' from Mess-s. C. J.- Dennys 'and Co., to sell by, at t'eir establishment, dear the Breakwater, o .T'hursday,. 29th "May'; at Twelve. o'clock, pie isely. ' -' 41-Q PIGS, consisting oft413: Bacon hogs Porkes a Breeding sows Slips and boars All:of a first-rate breed and quality. Full particulars in a future advertisement. :SThisday,. SThisday,. 22nd May. A' well-finislied Brick Cottage, concontaining Four Rooms, with Garden and Large Allotment enclosed and sub - divided in O'Connellstreet, Ashby.,J. J. G. CARR Has been favoured with instructions froms Mr. Martin, to sell by auction, at One o'clock, on Thursday, 22nd May, on the premises, in O'Conn.ll-street, near theMelbourne Road. VERY Desirable brick cottage, four well-finished rooms, "ith a well laid out garden, and yard, completely enclosed. The land has 50 feet frontage, by a depth of 145 feet. Thus forming a most desirable residence for a respectable family, or a good investment for a small capitalist. Title, unquestionable. Terms, very liberal. TO MARKET GARDENERS. [ AND for Vineyards or Build ng Sites, - nar Mr. Fisher's, Bar'r.,bool Hills, only two miles from the Bridge, and close to the River. In Lots to suit Purchasers. Apply to J. G. OCARi. A MONTHLY SALE. A. LEVY WILL hold a SALE the second WedSnesday of every month at Mr Walfords, Til.YouNo QUEEN, South Geelong, of every description of Stock and Merchandize. Parties.desirous of embracing this opportunity of parting with their >urplu Stock, iill Ih kind enough to leave theis instructions with Mr Walford,' at least two days previous to he.Sale, which will be punctually attended to. A.. LEVY.

;ALES--B'Y AUCTION. TO SETTLERS, DMIERCHANTS, AND OTHERS.; -A. LEV ..., . I1AVING obt"iiied' a reiewal f' l his Auctioneers' License, begs to offer is Services to. the, above; on. the mor'. iberal terms ; and flatters himself that is experience in the mother country aind he Colonies. of all sorts of Stock, that he 1as the advantage. bf any Auctioneer in" ieelong--and froiin iis long and conistant application ii the. mercantfle business, re hopes to obtain.the support of the derchants,_whoml he has -hitherto'been ratronized by. ' A. L.'will hold a SALE of HORSES rnd, other :Stock, ev?ery, Sattirday, at: DrEWINo' BSZAAR. IEMPORARY OPFI(e, DEWING S BA'ZA"AR: " ; A. LEVY. N.B.-Account Sales relidered miinerliately:after.the Sale.- " :PELIMINARYB .NOTI,: DALMAHOY o0AMPBELL Will sell by auction, in the Long Room, Mack's Hotel., G elong, oi. a day in the first week of..iane, due notice of which will be given in a future ad' vertisement,' SECTIONS Nos. 3 and .10, Paris' of Gheringehap,: wi:hin 7 ,miles of Geelong, divided into convenient lots. ALSO At the same time and Place, Portion of Section No 6,:parish of Gher. irigehap, within 3, miiles of Geelong. in lots of from 20 to 72 acres: r NOTICE."' " :.?. Any p*rson cutting downv or removing' Timber off'these sections will be prosecuted. 880,000 acres of splendid Run, with 24,000 Sheep, and 2000.Cttle, FOR SALE '':' Delivery to be given after next'Slea'ring,' ABOUT 200,000 acres' of the .'above country is 100 miles distant from' Melbourne, and sonsidered one of the best runs in the colony. The rern'ining 180,000 acres is first rate winter country of the most'facening -description. The stations are about ninety miles apart. " Terms-£3000 cash and the balance by instalments ,exteiidinig over a period of six years, with interest payable yearly at the rate of ten pericent. ` ** '.The whole of the country is on 14 years' lease. For further particular', apply to BEAIt & Son. Exchange Rooms, ' Queen-street, May 16, 1851..:.. NOTIGC TO THE P UBLIC. O'FARRELL & 'SON, LAND AND STOCK AGENTS, S-GEELONG, BEG to annouince to the public, that the following article will form a part of the conditions of :their÷Sales" of Stock', held at their Y'Yrds in Ryrie street,- on every. Wednesday and Saturday, at One o'clock: :,: ' ".That no Vendor with-whom they are noti personally 'acquainted, who- has dispos'd of property at this sale, will re-' ceive the proceeds' thereof until a satisfactory reference has been given to some respectable;.person with whom they are acquainted, or a. printed form of-a billk( of sale .produced:froin so0Le atictioneeYr in the colony. " That no Stock will be offered for Sale,'that is not entered in th. ir book, and arranged rin the Yards, previous to the' commencement :of tlih Sale." 'I he object. of. this arrangement is, 'to prevent thieves fromn hay ng the opportunity of disposing of stolen property, at their sales at least.' .' The agents 'hope that no gentleman will be.offended should they be called upon to fulfil the foregoirnu conditions; but rather assist in carrying ,out our design, as we are determined to enforce it without respect. to persons. .. .' FOR ;PRIVATE SALE. TWO BRICK HOUSES,i near Mr; -Devin's,' t racer, South Geelong. . Houses and Land in -all' parts' of the Town ad Suburbs.- Apply to M. O'FAltRE?L, . a. Auctioneer, : .Moorabool-. treet,. Geelong. TWO CIIOICE Azi, MSTO SELL 42 ACRES EACH. J. B. HUTTON & GO , -Have for Sale, . Choice Farms, 42 acres each, situated at Point Henry,- aid commandliWg:a delightful' view of the shipping-aird country around Geelong, the soil is first rate. :' Terms very liberal and Title a Grant from the Crown. Apoly at the Mart, Yarra-street. BY PRIFATE CONTIRACT. THE unsold allotments of the VILLAOE of HmouroN, the property of J. HIOHErrT, Eso., beautifully-situated in the parish, of Barrabool, only' 2 miles from Geelong, being pairtof Sea.-'XlX1 A plan to be seen atthe Mart.. • Terms very, liberal. S - J.'B. Hvn'rroN & Co. Nov. li 1850 NOTICE'. DISSOLUTION OF1 CO-PART'NEBSIIIP. THFHE co-partnership of Hitchins and .Hutton,Auctioneers, Yarra-street, ('eelong, is 'dissolved, this day, by~the' etirement of Mr. F. I-litclin?. All persons having accounts'against the late firm, are requested to furnish themi without delay, as also all persontis indebted to the late firm to make ims mediate payment to Mr J. B. Hutton, who continues the brisine's at the' same well-known Auction Miart, Yarra-street, Geelorig, under the firm of "' . 'J. B. HUrtroN & Co. As witness our respective signatu"ies this 17th day of April, 1851. . FnED. HITCHIS,• J . B.: HdTTir ?.roK. Witness- ". I" EW. H. Scorr, EDUIN (COn. "'.