Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (Vic. : 1851 - 1856), Thursday 24 May 1855, page 4

IMPORTANT NOTICE. SPIYALTE PAVEMENT.-Messra. Veue,? Co, respectfully beg to inform the public or Geeleng that, at thoeir a request, they applied for, andll obtained pennistion. to acbmit a speclmen of the' PATENT ASPHAL'FE COIPOSITION for pablic in,apyeelon, and which con now i.e e.en In a iniehed state, 'kittleg the of Mtssrs. BRIGHIPT & CO., Deapare, Market Square, Geelong. A ThiCs ompositb has been laid in the principal -hor.othfares of Mebeourne. for a pered of froteen month,. and han been fouod to answer admirably. In durabillity it surpassees any other kind of pavement ,lst, and can be warranted to last any number of yeMen. lit peculiar advantages conslist-igrsty, in lIs extreme cheapness,-.Seeondiy, its great durability, and "-L.astly. itc uniform appearance, preserving to the last * meooth and even surface..Trhe ejet of the Patentees by this snvertstement Is Seidraw ten attention of the public to the important feet. - tat by adopting the Asphal:e Comositilon, in the repair ef the town streeets, there will not only be a great .saving of public money, which is of great consideration, bet a deare of comfort will be secured to the Inhabi'ni- in their peregrtnations hitherto unknown. t In referee to the above. Messrs. sBURDtELL Ac CO are authorised to negotiate or contret, and by whom mery'aseplanailon will be given on application at the Olee, I10 Morabool-street, Geelong. :AGRICULTURAL LAND of the uinest deseriptfon, situated on the Bars'boel s-ills, to be sold In quantities to suit Purchasers. Apply -, WILLIAM C. HAINES. "Mount Morino. Oct. rth AMERICAN TUBS.-A large quantity of - 'A. the above on sale at A. R. REiID & Co., *::. . , Moorubool.street. S]LASTING POWDER.-BLASTING "Jil POWDER.-On Sale by the undersigned. A. It. REED & Co., rrenmongere, &c., Moorabool-street. C'OAL-COAL- COAL.-Coal of the beot quality at thu lowest price. Steam Vessels can arrange for a - regalar supply from floating cargoes. THORNE, KIMtiER & Co. TATrobe Terrace. near the Rlalway Terminus. ;i:X L1t14 Arrivals.-On Sale at the Stores of Slice undersignedPLºTED WARE, of every description GUTLERY, do Hall's Powder - Single and double-barrel Guns Pistols obet DISHING RODS (a large usoetment) Do Tackle ' do . F. AUBR'S STORES, . Ryrio-street..

-.::,AM-ILY and PULPIT BIBLES .5." pocket Bibles, with and without Scotch Psalms 'r . - Watt's ditto, Index, Notes, References, kc. Common Payers, plain, morocco and velvet Chuc? h Services, ditto, ditto '-'ThM above are kept in great variety, gilt clasps, rims, 5evet bindings, 4o. - THOMAS BROWN. Bookseller, *; " Moorabool-street, Geelong. S U?R.&-A Beautiful Assortment of Ladies', ." Oirs,' and Children's boas, Victorines, Cardlnals, and cub, in real ermine, chinchilla, stone martin, XolinOl sqnirrel, mint, musquash, and other choice Surc, Jast 'opsoed, and for ste by the subscribers, at C. rieme to smitevery purse. t . Vi :,BROWN, BROTHERS, 14, Great dalop-rtreet West. - -ILTEBERS.- On sale, a large a assort" meat of Filterers. 3;'wesn-:We-al: P. BLUER. OR FO$E SA'T, 4,000 Bushels Prime Potato ,. Oats. ',pply to THOMKAS MARSHALL, Wool H Mi't, Mereer-street. (00D, CHEAP, and SEASONABLE. -,'.i JAMiE0M. ASNDISON, Malop-street, respectfully :.:,rpe?a 'the atteation of kis friends and the public Sto the following list of reods which he can recom end i ?it being really good and decidedly cheep--I S00 dos men's lambswool socks, trom 94 per pair, 8s . per dos I10 dos men's L W stockings, from Is 3d per pair 150 do0 wo0 'n's L W stockings, from lid per pair; 10 dos men's L W vests and pants, from 2s 4d -ji ?lbt aid beaver coats, from t10s d r.; . $0 double milled undressed tweed, 2is S00 pales lined woollen cord trowsersr, 1s, very bert " 100 pais mler's and drab mole trousers, 4s ad to +.ew100.doa Scotch twill shit,, bet quality 'Preach meetnoes, from 3s per yard, vburgs, 9S d ,ln; i pl- plalds, from Itao the very beat at 2sad Plannel, from 9%d per yard .; rints,'53(d to 7%d +.. ;Union damaeks, lea.d to lsald SAi "wool damasks. 2S per yard , iafllnhahibltcort, 92, 10o, Is, is 3d to 04s Od Sewa muslin can,. at nomlnal prices blankets, sbeetloqs, towellingo, linens, lawns, ander" f.. t ,ca.liios,'seýd and cheap , Lx.,.t J.?Ust opened two canS of smallwaree, Ineluding several ?iry ai"are 'article., both in Vrelbourne and ý,,,qseslg. .The ab,,o articlis have all been bought in r,.?this-aadket during the late depresiotn, many of them ateJc?a' di-count frm the Eocli.h co ,t price, whlchbis abetn?ter'Lguiranice to the public than'tiselr being my ,i. Wn imlportations. r;

OW to Settle, with Colonial Farming and "'J Ordenieg, s ed. "Exactly the information."Heasid. THOMºS BROWN, Bookseller, S. r Moerabool.street, Geelong. 1 UST RECEIVED, and for sale by. the - a , lvlne lIron wheelbarrows Bansomm's chaff cutting machines Do ; "xtr. Of knives for chaff cutlers s,' Do Best ploughs, complerte Si.. . . . BLUER. Ryrle-esreet. gsslosg, -January I-th. 1855. mot I -LIME-LIME.- Purchasers of the dbova can meet with i cheap lot, ty applying at Builders, r .:; ' ?" ' r Preston-street.Ashby. " T 'DIES' WINTER BONNETS J, . Ia?tles' WINTER BONNETS ". 1., Ladles' WINTER BONNETS tt mand. fashionable shapes In Bilk Velvet, Silk Plush, and Satin, all trimmed, and now landed, and for sale S. . W. H. BROWN, S104, Mercer-street, 106. ijt iP OILS. - Just received, and on J-;sal. t theunderslgned, a large quantity of Sperm, sine, and Black 0il. iodaa varied assortment of A Dle Armn and Boxes. S. £ ". B. BEND dk 00,, il i ... Moorabooltreet. :KELLAR & WOOD, Little Malop-street, imL- West; hive on BaleCock butter, hams, bacon, preserved game s. ardlnes, salmon, . herrings n tins liquorice Jitsis kottled.fralts, sances, pickles, ko Starch, mustard, whitlnglinseed oil.' paints OCrnants, raisins, almonds, figs, plums, nuts Holloware, glass, earthesware, perfumery . S"llt,saltpetrs, soda crystals, chicory, lime Juice ]wbank's nails, tin plates, lead, F ironmoagety ..... Tsmbstones, coffin furniture Door, sashes, easements, window glass - Tebacca?-aelret'; 5hellardts pipes - _ll x e, 9 x:e, 7 S%, 6 a , 7 y 7, 8 8 Slates, Roman and Portland cement, plaster of T. Paetn . ~Pent felt for roofng, Iron store S Ca-rrugatd? galvanized Iron nalls and-rivets S1 b Bar lron-Staffordshlre, assorted .:h oveel; brlht;D handlo, ke -Picksl--mall driving, and slnolng Wrbought lIon tanks, with taps, for cistems and + " - n . ,boilers' 'lorse'hair, fSock and cotton wick Bootand h -oes-Wltsr's goods, Jame' washing Slops, mo, doe, twesd, pilot, woollen cords 'Uh tn-Scotcb twill, fancy, bluk serge Blankets, flannels; and hosiery ""iS9k pteeek and dresses l-aIn grey sheeting? printed druggets ae , -?avasashirwg, shop twine, sack trucks T Bqrosp 5;|hj?.lfiotla %4-inch cope - " ' vr;s ? hl?tyeeit sarss, pls, needles, corks, toys ,,Li:, glood4 o W, paper "-shs, Harrows, shovels, mattocks; gate, fnelnci wire , -, fed?a ? eci y, saddle and strong cart and gll'barneu. • Dray wheels 5ft 6 In xi aft. ales, wheelbarrows] ;:c!sail[s lhrplos', sick trucks stout In ottle,Boboert Porter's O ie, 'do Allopp ' . Sh!lahdsTr n'p Porn ?lnu, butta?d bottle'." S0?.Dlrandy anl, ollands, in case Bstuing macimn"s FURNITURE 'Dwlr?ewe ites,"elieosu of drawers Sius,'uflgalaar. and other chains .-Wardrobes book cases,'children's carriages Easlos and slde-boards, large and small Iron bedsteads, mattrasses £.G. Guttering, ridge capping, rc. MR 'PUNCR'S PICTURES OF LIFE AND a 1 1 CHARACTER, by John Leech. "The most i-al-ea g drawing?.room table-book ever published." -Popular opinioo. 'rTRiOMAl S BROWN, Bookseller, Moorabool street.. ONSale by the Undersigned, |Invoices of the "' "~j follwing . Barege and bayadere robes Coburgs, de lains and Alpacds S . Regatta selrtsj sa"s ::"+ ergedo --THolmery p lanke', 7"'r. " . ", GeSid plead++ r Meleskin trowsers Priltchard's silk lits and;Thr.hers . [?, :Briody In' bulk and cae. --e-c Sheerrido doisd oRu ine nd Senese red case Champtogne P.resrved snd bottled fruits (Guntersy "Oilman'. Stores ,kc., 1c. 's -.: - TIMMS. WILSON & 0O0 . ALE by the Undersigned :+ - Oalvanlised corruated irleon Tiles ,; e ,t• Outtering, k.c. , Okafcoalsbeetlron I. . . and rod :tton. best Btaffordmlitr . "s(L eplesta aseertment, asltable tor bla kmmlthe, •'Ula sltlhllke,, Just landed.) .1 Stool-cost, shear, bhlter, s?rilng, &oBellows, of all slues, for blacksmlth' use knlls - • -Vices and hammlers " -Bo pedsal ,"oltd edlt' Raw/, . gn .ini. Zted pollnt2 , Forpnd cemnent B" alirnI do

O . N S ALE by the undersigned :-Y / .Pleks' in great variety]'Collins' American Gilpin's best Englilsb &e, Siovels, Englishand American cast steel S Buckets, galvanized Iron, sine, &c. Rope, banills, of all'sizes Masons' hammers DressIn g -ies. e. Lmerlcan cast s'eol anes F. BAUIRl. Ryrlo-slreet. N SALE, AT A. (R. REED & Co.'s Moorabool~street, A large quantlty of white lead, of nalitles An assortment of black, blue, red and green paints Dry colors, of various descriptions Lamp black, boiled and row eit, turpentine, -e Painters' and grainers' tools and brushes Glazlers' diamonds,. &c., ?e.. See. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED -Bar and bundle iron, of all sizes, round, flat and uars Perforated, sheet and plumbec zinc Sheet lead Shear and blister steel Shot, balls and bulloets, of sizes Powder, shot and amuntlion of all descriptions A Liarge assortment of blaeksmilth', carpenters', coopers', cabinet-makers', plumbers' and Ltinmen's tools, always on hand, at :[A. it. REED & Oo's., Sbhefold Warehousa Moorabool-stree SN SALE at A. R. REED and Co's ioorabool-street. Paotent borin machines saving thebo use I augurs and much seanual labor. Paten" wheat guladinoand flour dressing mnsehnes to be worked by hand, and performing both objects at one time, and saving much labor and expense, only requiring to be seen to be appreciated and used. Wheat and.flour mills of all description son hand.: ON SALE, at F. BAUER'S Stores, Ryrie'.1 streetIRON BEDSTEADS, in great variety• CHILDREN'S COTS Shower Daihs Slipper do "ner,dors and Fire-irons OILS, PAINTS, AND COLORS.--- BRYAN & RANNISTER have just landed, ex Marchlo-. ness of Salisbury, a large oennsleanment ofWhilte and red lead Pains in every shade and color Sash tools Boiled and raw oil Turps and varnishes Gold size, putty Pumice atone Whiting .Sp: rm oll, in 2 gall drums, t&e 8, Markeh-sq'arequae _

O ATS I OATS! OATS !-For sale at the SStores of the undersigned, Seed and Feed Oats in any quamtity, of the very best quality, at low prices; also Flour, Potatoes, Barley, Bran, Maize, ce. DENNIS & OSBORNE, LMalop and Byrle-streets, Geelong, PA "NTS-PAINTS-PAINTS.-On Sale, by the undersignedA first-rate assortment'of bestpaints,Justrecelved, and'eomprisieg color, blue, rad ann green, kc?., from the best maufaectorles F. BAUEn, Geelong, Dec. 16, 1854. Ryrle-street. RICH ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, Ex Li OOST INDIEN.-FOR.SALEElectro-plated Dish Covers, of the most novel designs and of superlor.quality. from the house of. EIkington, Mason & Co. Electro-plated Soup Toreens and SlHe Dishes. Electro-plated Cruet Frames, richly cut glass bottles. Electro-plated Liqueur and Spirit Frames, do. Blectro-plated Tea and Coffee Services, Claret Jugs. Electro-plated Candelabra, Salvers, Waiters, &c. Electro-plated Table and Chamber Candlesticks. Electro-plated Spoons, Forks, &c. Together with a complete assortment of General Furnishing goods, including Papler Mache Trays, Cut Glass and Ormolu Chandeliers, Solar and Camphene Lamses. Steve Grates, Fenders, Fire Irons, de., rc. F. BAUER ' yrle-street

SOPE, ROPE, ROPE.--A small invoice of . the. above now on board the Aldebaran, from u ndont, and coofialnrng-Sndo ,a 2 Coils I inch Manila; 2 coils I do do; 2 coils 1% do do; 3 cot'sl 104 do do; 3 colst 2 do do; 6 oile 2t/ do do; 6 coils 2% do do; 6 coils 21 do do; 7 coils S do do. 1 Coll I Inch Patent White; I coil I% do do; I.coll 1,1 do do; I coll I do do; I coil 2 do o ; 8 coils 2; do do; l coils 2A do do coitells dodo; Sctlls do do. For sale, by. G. & W. H. BROWN, 104, Mercer.street, 106. QTORE SHEEP. STORE SHEEP. -For '?.Sale. 14,000 Store Sheep. Apply to FRANK GRIFFITH and CO., Geelong, May 7th. Market Square. POUTS-SPOUTS-SPOUTS-Five pence per footPump a, White lead Sheet lead Boiled and raw oil Sheet zinc . Colour., varlos, Piping, . Paints for use alvanilzed O. G. & half round guttering. TAYLOR ant APPLEBY, Plumbers, nuot George Wright's, Ryrie-street.. _

LATES.--SLATES.-SLATES, ex EMU, on 85,000' Best Bangor States, assorted sies. Et. BAUBR, Byrle.street. O Settlers.-On Sale at F.-BAUER'S, Ryriesir'eet?- r , , 10 BEGS ABSENIC - . SORBY'R crown SHEP-SHBARf B Y SICKLES Patent scythes 'ay knives Raddle S CORROSIVE SUBLIMATI Blue stone Pitch Turkey .stone ko., &e. (110 FARMERS and others.- Colonial Produce.-The undersigned is a purchaser of wheat, barley, oat, ay,' eC, rc." D. COOKS, Preduee Merchant., No. 19, Little Byrie.streetlWest, Geelong. April 28rd, 1855. THE undersigned have 'a large quantity of Candle and Lamp COTTON. For sale at a low figure. . A.R. REERD a,00. E1HE undersigned have on hand 'the 'J undermeatloned goods at very moderate A large assortmentof double and single iron e steed ,s ' " Japanned chamber service, complete Iron lm, drawback," dead, cupboard, and che t locks Hinges of every duscrlptlon Carpenters, bricklayer, masons, cabinet makers, and coopers' tools of all sorts Carpenters' baskhets and mallets Bench, vices, and screws Together with every varlety of articles of the best manuftctures usually kept by the tradeo A. B. REEDl k CO., Moorabool-str

fjIMBER, Doors, Sashes, &c. James Fort .I has now on Sale at his Timbor Yards, Groat lyers-stret, near the Farmer's Hotel. M000 feet Baltic flooring gBoved and tongue, at 3 pence,per foot. 60000 feet red deal weather boards, at 2 pence per foot Yellow aud red' deals of every widlh and thlckness, equally ch'eap.' Hardwood beamsJoists and quarteilng, all lengths. Battens, paling, shioglei, laths' ' " Room papers; belled oil, whltelead, locks nailli. kc. James Port would, hav e fact known, that le Is 'doln' business eotlrely for cash. thereby* being able to offer many advantsges not to be obtained »w sre tle credit s stem is adopted. 10 WHEELWRIGHTS, &o; - For Sale by! JL the Jade"siknedr, 'e Emu6 pairs beitLiverpool hanrd-made OAIT WHEELS. 6 ft..2 in., painted, complete. ,F BAIUIR, Ryrle-street, 'tHITING.-WHITING.-WHITING. A quantity of the above on rate by the undersigned, in parcels to suit purchasers. F. BAUER, Geelong, March 21st. 1a15. Ryrlre.treet. W ATERPROOF. - WATERPROOF. -WATERPROOF. Waterpronf coats, 1s Cd and upwardj Waterprcor cloaks ano caea, los and upwards Walteproof leggiln.s, 2e ed lo 7, Od Walerproof caps and hats ZTho wet. weather hiving set In, gentlemen would do well tol?oro plurchasleg to call and In.pect Ihe stock of tie above at J. M. ANDERON'S, Malop street. TO LET, that old established Grocery and Provislon Store, now occupied by the undo:s[lned the premises are lofty and extensive yard and stabling the connrlton Is gooe , so that any one taking the place, Swill at once step into a firt rate buslnues. JOHN KELLY. Little tMalop-strcet, weat. TELASKER COTTAGE-To Let, for twelve L monlths,n a moderato rental, formerly tile realdonce of Foster Fyans, Esq, pleasantly situated on tiae Barwon River. For particulars apply to HENIRY DUINSFOID. Yarrna-slret, 18th May, 1855. TO LET those capacious and substantially built Premises adjolaing the Bank of Australasia. Apply to J. I. HUTTON. T O Market Gardeners.-To Sell or Let, at a omoderte rent, 21 Acres of Land, about % mile from the Bridg,. South Geelong, In the Parlsh o0 Corlo, E, quire at the Produce.Bale.Rooms, Markelt-qusre. ARWON- TERRACE.-To be Let,' Two 'Verandah Cottages, each containing four rooms, with detached kitchen and pantry, pleasntly situated, near tLt rlsdence of 0. Btladen, Iksq., South Ucelong., Btent only 2:s perweke, If taken tor a period. The opposite side of the terrace not bleog built upon renders these coltages most desirable residences,bhalng an uninterrupted view of the Barrabool HIlei, g$. ApIyplyao ,BrI .n-t"Iraoe.

0 LET. on Lease, several lsections of 1 Agricultural Land, varying from 4) to S0 acres each, asituate i miles from OGelong, adJolnrig Governmeet Reserve at Waurn Fonds. Roent Itrom los to 20 per acre. GIBSON BROTHERS & Co, Record and Registration Offiet, 44. LTittle Malop-street east. CAPITAL CHANCE.-To Let, that first-rate Shtop in Saffron-street, now in ite ocoupation at B. Hltall Co, doing a good trade as Drapers and Grocers, but who. on ccount of other enagements, are retiring fromt t1he sane; ai o their branch Store in Paklngtoa-street, opposile the Cremtnorne. Appltc.tlon to be made to B. HALL &'CO, 4d S?8'ronatriet, Obhltlwell.Slap Slap 1. l85r. F"ARMS to be Let on Lease at Duneed, and SParaparap.-Farms from EtO to 150 acres, in all about 17,10 aces. To Indutrious careful men, with families, ihe:e Farms will belet on easyytren. For part!culars apply to JAMES HENTY, & Co, Little Malop-street. 14th April. 1855. FIOR SALE or to 'LET, LAND near Station Peak and the Railway Station, on the Duck Ponds, suitable for Farms, in lots to suit purchoaera. TO LBT.-- Acre allotments fronting Richmond Place, and M'Killop-street, Geelong. 040 Acres at lount Shadwell, very rich, suitable for wheat. Apply to "oHOi AS BATES. Jun FIOR SALE or TO LET, a number of four and two-roomed cottages, and one six-roomed cottage, on Belmont. near the Race Course Hc' el, on the South side of the tarwon river-also. lots without butildings for salnte. Application to be made toUTON, Mr J. B. GUTTOf," .Yarta-atrcet; or, to Mr AL EX. M'KENZIE, On the adjoining property.

TNN to LET, for a term ofyears.-Dunlop's I Hotel, in Ashby, on the Melbourne ERoad arid main line of traffic to Batlarat. The premises are extensive and well finished, with good stsble and lorge yard. Apply to GIBSON k OURLE, Moorabool-street. REMISES to LET, in Skene-street, New Town.-A Six-roomed Cott?ge. with two sallted Stable, and every conveonence attached, a good garden well stocked with choice fruit Iree,, and in excellent order. For terms, apply to Mf. A. ESBGAR, on the premises. 14ih May, I855. NOTICE TO THE FIRE POLICY HOLDERS or 7Z1 GEELONG AND WESAERN DISTRIOT FIRE AND MARINE INSURtANOE COMPANY. Na pursuance of certain Resolutions passed at a Public Meeting of Shareholders. convened at the offices of the Compaty, on Friday, 27th April, 1855, to the effect that the affairs of the Company sould be wcund u o and-negotiations entertained for transferring the liability under their fire policies. The undersigned Directors beg to announce to the Fire Policy Holders, that arrangements have been completed with the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company. by which that Co.dy und rtakes the liability of the existing Fire Policies, all losses occurring under which, will from the date hereof, be paid by the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, In easequence of undertaking this respensibiitty, the undersigned Directors have pledged themselves to use every-exertion to perfect the transfer of their buineas toi the Liverpool and London Company, which, from io s large sutescribed capital of £1,500,000, and accumulated funds, ofnesrly£700,Ohi, aswell as the known influence of its Directors, constitute It an association which they can recommend to the rotfldeece of their Policy Holders and the Geelong tublie, wit, the undersigned hope. will extend their patronasge and interest to the new Comnany, in the same manner as they have heretoorer conferred it upon the Geelong and Western District Company. (Signed) JOHN S. HILL. CHARLES JOHN DENNYS. JAMES NOBLE J. 0. CARR. " In order to effect the transfer alluded to In the foregoing notice, the Directors of the Liverpool and LondIon Fire and Life Insurance Company, beg to request that the Fire Policy Ho'dere will without delay, be good enoughto send Inte the officvs of the late tdeeleng and Western District Insurance Company, In hloorahoolstreet, or the office of Messtrs. James Henty and Co., Little ,Salop-street, Geelong, the Policy or Policies ellected by them with that Association, as it is their intention to Issue Policies of the Liverpool and London Company in substitution. They beg further to request their perusal of the following particulars relating to the Company's resources and stability, those referring to the Life Department the more especially, and to assure thess thlt it is their intention to conduct the business of the Company in Geelong, Portland, Belfast, and the other towns in the Western District, wiltl as great liberality as is consistent with safety, By order of the Board, W. MURRAY ItOSS, Resident lecretary.

fIHlE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE TL' AND LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY. Ea STALIeR'BD In 1806. EMPOWERED BY OACTS OF PARLIAMENT. Subacribed Capital, £.1,500,000; accumulated Funds, £670,000. Unlimited liability on the part of the Shareholders. No reference home required. Losses paid in Melbourne and Goelong. SVIOTORIA BRANCH. Dranoroaes I! MaxLooQmx.:Chairman-The Hon. J. F. Palmer, M.L.C., Speaker of the Legislative Council. Francis Murphy, Easq., M.L.C. James Henty, Esq., M.L.O. John F. L. Footer, Esq. Resident Secrotary-W. Murray Ros, Esq. Bankers-The Bank of Australasia. Agents In Geelong-Messrs James Henty & Co. Life Assurance in all its branches, including the sale and purchase of Annuities, Reversions, and Contingent Interests . . -ThIs Company offers.great advantages fto parties desirous of offe, cing Life Asuaance. The. numerous establishments of this Company viz. in Liverp ol, London, New York, New Orleans, Sydney, and Melbourne, ,eslde a system of Agencies so etort. sire that in no place, either at home or abroad, ia it unrepresented, offer facilities for the conduct of life business which few other comranies can present. For if parties holding ito Lire Policles are travelling, they wili find It very convenient to pay the Renewal Premium to the Company's representative in tihe place where they may happen to be at the time of the annual payment falling due. Rates for a simple Assurance of £100. Age Payment Age Paymentea Age r Payment] £ s. d. e £ e. d. 25 117 08 5 2 06 45 364 30 ,. .2 6 40 2 16 0 3 5 10 8 RBatesa for £100, with Guaranted Bonus. 200 ,Pe a . geI Payment I Ace Payment 1 s d. I £e. d. £ s. d. -5 2~1 80I' 85 2 10-S 45 I n i 9 30 2 9 5 40 I 5 5 0 4 12 7 The Bonus beinz guaranteed, is not, as in most other companles dependent upon profits, and is as follows :If a Policy for £?00 is taken out at 25 years of age. it would in ten years represent £109 las-ted; in tweety yesrs, £110 7s Sd; in thirty. yearn, £152 Is; and in forty years, £187 l1s 4d; or if the life died between any oo there periods, the Policy would be added to at the rate of 17s 6d per annum. FIRE DEPARTMENT. " The premiums received., In 1807, were £11,907........ In 1840, £23,004 Ini847, ,, £49,402........In 1850, £90,650 . In 1054 .... :.......... 140,000. Since Its establishment in 1830, the - Company has paid, for Losses by Fire, upwards of £450,000. S LIFE DEPARTMENT, Thle Premiums receivedeon Life Policles amounted Ia 10837 to '£1,753.... ........In 1$42 to £3,163 In 1847 to £21,127.............In 1859 to £50,800 In 1854.............£67,000. The many various modes of effecting Life Insurance a as to make provision for a ,a'aily, or ; to accomplish .ýomo financial object, can be learned on application to ResDloNT SBacaTArnT:-W. MURRAY ROSS, Or, the Agents In Geelong. . JAMES HENTY & CO. iaAMAR FIRE AND MARINE INtURANOECOMPANY, LAUNCESTON. V.D.L. DIRtECTORS. 14 C.Ounn, Esq., J.P., Ohalrman. William Williams, E?q, C. J. Irvlee, Esq. .ervae B. DuCroz; ,Esq. -- Joih Crookes, Esq. Boerotary-Ales ndnr Learmnouth, Esq Accounntant-Mr Arthur B. Willis Solrlletors- VWm. Douglas, Req. Ifarlne Surveyor, Launcestonr-Catain Win. Hennikee.' Agent at lnobart Town-P. A. Downing, Esq., J.P. MIarlno Ourveyor at llobart Town-Captain J.R. Bateman, Esq 1 gent at Melbourne.T. A. Williams. ieq , AGlefT AT GEELONO--t.LARRIOUTII, REq. Agenlsat Portland eonors A. R. Oruikehaek snd Co. Agentat Warrnambool-bMfesrs Manifold and Bosteock Agents at Sydney-lMeserl George Thorno and Co.I darinn Surveyor at ditto-Captain Samuel Sierling Agent at Adelaide, Richort Adams, Esq Bankeros-leek of-Ausiralasla.l TIHOSE insured in 'this office aga;n?t Oasualtles by Fire, are reminded that Annual Pollelesexpire on tlhe lt January, Ist April, let July, and e1st October. LAUNOESTON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANOB COMPANY. OAPITAL - £00,000. DIinTOns Fisher I W. 0. Sam, William Williams | John Fawns o .m R. H. Mleonsie. Secretary-John Grant Smith. Solicitor-Adyo Douglas. Marine Surveyor George Pryde,. Iankers-Commercial Bank. Agent and Marino Surveyor at Hobart Tows-J. R, . Bateman. 'o&gonn at Melbourne- Falaenetein & M'Kochoney. Acenti at gee!ong--Messrs Ranken and Douglas. "IRE anti MARINE - risks are now L taken by tle Company. ' " Parties insured at tifis Ounice agalnst Fire rlsks~are requested to take notice tiat anaual policies will scpire on 1st day of April, let day of dune, l1t day of Octobeo, and the lot day of January. aoa.nsgton, 10th Ueuitmkfber 1050:

C ORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE INSURALN C& FOjlMPANY, LAUNOBSTON. !,..,: shod In 13?1.) jiBluoyosu: '. .1.. I Richard Green. e .'..t.tnon. 0O.ld. CnanrbtL Secretarf-James Aihonbcd. Account nt-Mrttliews Tyson follcltors--Olcadow lnd Henty. Ifarino Surreycr, Launcoeton--W. Ilernltir. Agent %t Hlobart Town--U. 11M'Ph'eron. Uarine Surveyor, Hobart Town--Hy. TonkIn, Agenc at Melbournc--Pultn and milth. Agent at Adeltide-Abraham Scott. "QE.NT AT OEELONO-ALFP-ED DOU1LA3S. hioso Insured In this offce rcainot casualtlle by nre, emtlndor thlt aona pollcies crplro on lit January %onrl Iat Jlv. and tiC October. PROFESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMP.ANY, LONDON. Capital £250,06, with upwards of 1400 Shareholdoers. Advantages secured to the living not to ibe found In any former olsating COmpany, Policies, when once Issued, Indisputable. All Claims paid In the Colony. Lo"rno DIanTrons. Major Henry Stone, L.L.B.. ehbarman. James Andrew Dorham, Deputy Chairman. W. Wellinaton Cooper, Jacob Monteflore, Esq., J.P. A. Dushrtn, Bath. Rev. J. W. Cleadall, M.A. Rur. II. Hamilton, Kmgatow William Ilesattlne, Capt. ;C. N. Norcott, R.N. T. 0 Williams E.G. Winthorp O0o31 No BOARD oP DInnOTnoB . Jacob Monteflore, J.P., Chairman. Alfred Doueines, Charles Nuttall Thorne James Buchanan Hutton BenJanm:n Scott BENJAMIN SCOTT, Manager. Charles5Eaward Strutt, M.D., Medical Referee. antdford and Ilarwood, ............Sollcltors Bank of New South Wales ..................Bnkers. Annual Premiums for Tnsuring £100. Age....0 f 0 40 tO yeara. £1 101 £1 tOls d £2 1S 64 £S8 18s 6d Prospectuisoand Tables, and further Information of lite many advautageo to be found In thlie.Company. to ho hlad, at the office ol JACOB MONTEFIIORE, J.P., Yarra-street. Resident London Director In Australla; or of BENJAMIN SCOTT, Mananer and a Diraotor'

TICTORIA FIRE and MARINE INV RURANCE OOMPANY. (Eutablishedi n Melbourne in 1849.) CAPITAL, £1,000,000. DIREOTORS MILLER, M L 0., CtArnAxw. -WILLIAM B. BURNLEY, M.L.C., DEPUTY CHAXRMAN. JOHN BROWN. FREDERIOK COOPRER. A. P. A. GRFRVE4, M.L.O. WILLIAtt HULL, J P. WILLIAM A. ORB, SncouTAry. AOnRY AT GanLONa0. M. SMITH. The position this Company has attained, is such as to warrant the Directors in calculating upon a large share of public support. An Immense capital has been accumulated, of which a large fund is retained in band for contingencies, and the balance Invested in convertible local securlties. so as to be readily available to meet any possible demand. The most extensive Shareholders in the Company, are gentlemen of well-known private means, reildents of acd having their property and tnterests in the Colony of Victoria. This fact, together with the guarantee afforded by the names of the gentlemen forming the Board of Directorsin Melbourne. will satisfy insurers that their interests are secure The Geelong branch is conducted by the undersigned at whnse office forms of application, &c,, may be obtained. C. M. SMITH, MBoorboel.aireet. Opposite the Bank of New Souti Wales.

WTANTED A GROOM.-A steady industrious T man for the Crown'T lotel, Asthby, one accustomOed to horss. A sintle man preferred. Apply to Mr THOMAS KELLY, Crown Hotel, Ashby. 51st May, 1855. W ANTED, a Boy, about fourteen or fifteen years of age, who understands- to nsisst In S Draper's Outfitting Establishment , reference required.. App;y at JNO. DBVINE'8, 98, Moorabool - street. Geelong. W7ANTED, a Housemaid who thoroughly uV nderstands her work. Apply to Mrs Hutton, 8unville, N?ew Town. - ANTED, by a gentleman, a situation as SCllerk, Manager or a Store, or any other appointment r'f trust and confidence. Itas betn accuutomtd to book-keeping for the last twenty years. No objection to the country. Good reference., and security if required. Address, E., Mr Mitchella, 51, Mtyers-street, Geelong. W A?T TED an Apprentice to the Printing V fBuolness. He most be able to read manuserlpt. Oood wages will be given. Apply at this otfce bhtweot seven and eleht o'clock In the evening. W ANTED, Twenty Horse Dray. Highest Wages gIven. Apply Ito William MOonloe and Co., Contrarto.s. Colac Road. A WIDOW, with one child, wishes to obtain a situatlon to take ceare of a Solicltor's fcees. Apply at Mr IgANNERMAN'S, Kardila-street Geeloac.

WHEAT.-WBEAT.-Wanted to purehas Sa quantity of Wheat, the highest price given Apply to MR. OSRI.Y, Geelong Mills, South Geelong Mill next the Bridge.. -Geelong, 11th September, 1854. A YOUNG Man thoroughly acquainted with S the Drapery, Grocery and Provision trades, with book-keeping by double entry. is very anxious for immediate employment in any capacity. Unexceptlonable references. Address, Perseverance," office of this paper. SITUATION WANTED. - Wanted by a young man of tcspectability, and some years' colonial experience, ho has filled a similar situatlon. and well acquainted with the treatment of seab, a situatlon as Superintendent or Overseer upon a sheep station. First-rate teetim'nials as to character and abilities. Apply ti ROBERT ANDE3OON. Esq., 187, Swanston-street, Geelong. 'EN One Horse Tip Drays wanted. Apply to SJohn Potter. near sfr Tweedy's public house, on, thebo Co!acn rood, six miles from town. Geelong, May 21st, 1855. -O BRICKLAYERS.-Wanted Persons to c?sntract for the Building : of two Roms and itetcn. Brickse feund by the proprietor. Immediate applicetion is necessary to Mr NASH, Preston's Botel, Ryrie street.

A R. REED & Co h e n MJand, for sale - a great variety of SlejEeld gccds, .comprl:, ilootro plated, British Fplatec, p;r : metal, cruet frames, liquor it e. , .: - es and pickle frames Oandlsticks. chamnber,tct .. . Balvers, cake baskets,? .- . desmort knires andforks,in cas. Complete sets of electro peseeu spudns, forks, ke., " about 8 dot, In polished. 9ak chests, well adapted for perecns travc!3 i?; or frequently changing tneir rote seccOlas,echina,. and papio. n' .? co.a tents, In grea rtiey ]BEvery description of artries requisite for domestic purposes, will be found in their show rooms, and warehouses, Moorabooa-strEet. TO Timber Merchants, Joiners, and Car, penters. 5000 feet 4, 5, and 6 Inch arehitravcsal 6000 feet 1t, 2, 24,'and S inch mouldlngs 00 jolners bench screws, and 3 crab winches' a consignment of above, now landing, en M'Duff, from Liverpool, and for sale low at the stores of .0. &I W. H. BROWN,. ?104. Mercer-street, 100.

SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES RECEIVED h for- .oun t w The Art Journal I Blackwood's Magazine Dublin University Maga- Punch London Journal Famlly'Herald Fashion Books Household Words Home Nows Chambers' Journal Navy List Army List Patrictic Journal Leasure Hour i The Neweombs ,The Martins ac., he. Which are received by evry mail ship, or any o'Ite publication published In England. THOMAO BROWN, Bookseller, &e., Moorabool-street. F RESHII arrivals of New Books.-TIhe undersigned have now landed, ex late arrivals, an Immense variety oi Books, in edery deoartmoet of literstore , which would rqulre thic Go.long Advertliser to publish anedition extraordinary to enumerate the whole. Annexed is a short list:Weale's itudimentary ser:os Alloion's History of Europe, ~ Carpentry andJoin- (cheap oditom) cry ic rhcklandr Lives of iho Elementary, 74 plates,new Queens of England edilton, 2 vole, cloth itrickiand's Lives of the Warren's MLscelnnies,rriltl- Queens of Scetiand ca', Imareginative, and Ju- Dr Marius' otudies of Nadicial tlreMemorials Memorials or J. Hampden. The Horse, by YoutU, witllh by Lord Nuaent supplement by Opooner Murray's Mdern Cooke y, Hord Times for tihese 'fles (ouw edition) by Charles Dickens Frank FIorlelgh, by Smed- Bleak rluseo ley Together with the complete works of the following Authors, Diokenes Douglas Jerrold Charles Lever Captain Marryait " Sir Walter Scott Cooper Ol lHumphrey Tom Illood Albert Smith W. l'rescolt Alesworth Cummings 0. P. R. James d Mayne Hold, &e., ke.;&c. In a few days will be landed other Importations, ox Boomehar, Blue Jacket, &c, catalogues of which wlI ba published, and thle entire stock enumerated. Catalogues forwarded post tirer, on the receipt of a postage stamp. mo THOMAS BROWN- ." Importer of Books and setationiry, Moorahool-atreet, Ge olg EDESTRIANS AND EQUESTRIANS. -Pleso call and Inspect our stock of iotla Poercha nd Oiled Waterproof Coats, Trowscrs, Letggings, and Sou'-Westegs, with and without capes. Also, Ponchos, Beaver Great Coats, Pilot PeaJackoet,' Ohesterflelds, and other winter clothlng, Just opened. BROWN, BRiOTIHERS, 14,. aea* malooD-S.e Weal.

& OOKS of Reflerence for Co?taoial pur-:. J.Jposes.-The undersigned have just landed a supply of the following noruns~Ur's ailtionary of Aria tand Mat,ufacturirs,2 vols. hil calf M' tll!oh'a G.ographical. Silalltillcal, ani Historleal Dictonary. 2 vuos, halt calf M'HOulocu's Coommercial Dicthlnary, half calf Poster's Double Entry, elucidated Laurle's Interest Table Ditto ditto, large edl Ion ' E.ans's Discount Table w'ood's ditto ditto Levi's Manual of Mercantile Law Laws of War affecting Commerce and Shipping Atkinson on Shipping and Insurance Arnold on Narine Insurance antd Averages lobler's Merchant Manual Hiorsburgh'u East India Directory aper's Navigatlon Nosie's Elitomno Pldding:on's Salloro' Horn Book " Leo's Shipmaster's Manual's Laws of Shipping and Insurance Jackson's Bitok-teeping Chambers Bootkkeeping ' Marryalt's Sigoals Johnson's Variations of the Compass 'hompson's Lunar Tables Norle's Measuror Hoppus's Timber Measurer Waterston on Assaying Gold tnd Silver Mathtmatnial and Commercial Tables THOMAS BIROWN, Bookseller, &e. Moorabool-streete Oeelong. aCULLOCH'S Commercial Dictionar( Etrongly bound In calf, latest edition. THOMAS BROWN, Stationer, 2Ioorabbiol--traot.

iT ROMAS BROWN, Account.-Book ManuSfaceturer, Bookseller, stationer and Printer, Moorabool-street, having removed to thoro commodious premi'es a ftow doors from his formrr establishroent, Pone door from Ryrlo-streut, respectfully Informs his numerouso friends and the public, that ie has in stock Books, viz- -Ledgers, various bindings Journals, doCash books, do + Account current do Do soles do do "i' Invoice do do - : Day , do do . Waste de do ' -Minuto do do Guard do do A splondid set of account books, fuloil bound calf. extra, Russia bands paged, &c., vizledger, Journal, Account Sales Books, 'Account Current book, preico -0 Bill books, payable and recelivab e, and every size and, description of pass and memerandum books.Every Every other description of office and tradesman's stationeryAccount Account books, to ary pattern Having received a supply ofat the finest Kent handmade papers, viz- . Imperial Foolscap Super royal Post lloyil note Medium I Briref nd Demr I blotting T. B, an undertake the execution of any commands lie may receive, with promptness, and in a style bearing favorable comparison with the workmaanship of first London houses. Copying Presses, &c:Copying presses, the best London make Do letter books Do do paper Do lok Damping brushes Do paper : Oiled, paper .. r MiscellaneousManifold writersExtra Extra superfine wax • India rubber bands Rulers, 12, s15, 18, anld 1 ibnches SSpring letter files Upright'do ' Rook do Band letter clips Envelopes, commercial and official Do cloth lined Despatch. boxes . Log books Cargo do bhiis' articles' f11lott'e peas, slip and magnum bonum Milchel's do do T. Brown's office pencils Arnold's, Walkden's, and Stophenont fluid Inks Drawing paper Do pencils. Tracing paper - -Black ebony and walset inkstands Pewter, wharf, and other do .-. Letter balances , Date indicators Hudson's bay swan and goose quills : Desk knives . .. , Erasers, Ivory knivesand folders, Parchment, 2 a S2, 24 x:s8, 18 zx27, 18 ?x94 Memorials , -. -Pink tape, o , . N Stationer THOMAS BROWtN,, Stationer and Eeokseller,.Moorabool-oteeet.:Oeslong. -

G. U. O. O. F. HE members of the various Lodges of the sbove order are requestoa to meet at Knight's, o Thursday evening, May 24th, at 7 o'clock, on business of the greatest Importance. By order of thb D. D. M., P.. PIEAROBY, I A. SMITH, District Sceratarr. TiHE th ANNIVERSARY BALL:L . LOYAL-BRI1OTHBRS .LOOGE, -:to 15, A.I0 o O.F.,.' Will be held in the New Room,.ISo.t Brother Jones's, Lord Nelson Motel, Great Malop street Geelong. on, TiSs EVENING, 24th May. 1525. STicete to be Lhad of the. tewards :Robert Courrie, John. Knox. Charles 0. Earle, George Maynard, William Ashion.

FAMILY MOURMINr G.-Faonilies 'going ;into Mourning will find it Ito their advantage [to calf and inspect tihe extensivo and well assertedl stck of the subsr iberes, where they will find a good article at a fair price. BROWN BROTHER\ 14, Great Malop street West. THE ALL-HEALING REMEDY. HOLLOWAY'S' OINTMENT A most astonisthing Cure of Scrofulous Ulcers a case certified by the Mayor of Boston. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Mayor of Boeaton, Lincolnshire. To Pzoresaoo HOLLOWAY.-Dear Sir,-Mrs. SARAt Dnxow of Liquorpond-strect, Boston, has this deposed before me, that fora considerable period she was severelry afflicted with Scrofulous Sores and Ulcersn t tier army es, and legs, and otherparts of her body :and althougha the first of medical adevice was obtained, at the cost of a large sum ormoney, sheobtained no abatementof sufler. Ing but gradually grew worse. Being recommended by a friend to try your ointment, she prorared 3 small pots, and a boa of the pills, and before that was all seed symptoms of amendment appeared. By pernsevering with the medicines for ashort.tlme longer, according to the directlons, and strictly adhering to your rules as to diet, ke., she was perfeotly lured, and now enjoys the best o. health. -* r I remain, dear Sir. yoUo'a truly, Dated August 4lth. 1083. . (signed) J. B. NOBLE. An extraordinary and rapid Cure of Ery. sipelas in the Leg, after medical aid hada failed.. Copy of a Letters from Mr. Elisabeth Yeates, of the Pest Office,. Aidwlk- road, near Bogner, Sussea dated Jan. 12th,Ji833. , To Pnopnasson HotLowAt.-ir,-I suffered for a onsiderabhle period from a sever attack of Erysipills wlich at length settled in my log,. and [resisted snedlcal treatment. My sufferinge were very great and quite despaired ofasoy permanent amendment, wheos was advised to have reourse to your Olntment andI Pills. I did to without delay, .ard am happy to say the result was eminently eucsful, for they etfected a radical cure of my leg, and restored me to the enjoy. meot of health. I shall ever speak with tihe uuto confidence of your med'clnes, and have recommended r .am to others In tins neigbbourhlood similarly aetiected, e'ro derived equal benefit, I am, Sir, year obliged and faithful servant, Stgnsod ELIZABETH YATES. A dreadfsdlydiseased Ancle cured after being given up by the faculty ad Malta and Ports. mouth Hospitals The following important communltcllo. Ihas been forwarded to professor Holloway for publication, by Mr. Dixon, Chemist, KIng-streot, Norwich. Gopy of a letter from Captain Smith, of Great Yarmouth, dated January 10th, 1858, To Mn. Ltxow,-Ienr Sir,-I nend you the partlculers of a cure effected by Professor Htoltoway's valuable meliclnest-Mr John Walton, late In tier ManJesty's Service, in the British thr at Malta, had a very bad ulcerated ancle, and after having boeen in the Malta Holspital for six monthe, was sent to England as an Invalid to Portsmorauth Hospital, where he remained an inmate four months, there, as at Malta, refusing to have thie limb amputated, hie was turned out ineurable lIe thioen came to Yarmoutllh, and was under a medican gentlleman for about three months, but bie anclo became so much worse that allt hoio wa out. At this period, by my advice, he tried llollowsy' flintement and Pills, which, by unremitted application, healed all ishe ulcers, and restored him to perfect health ant' ttrength. (I em, Bir, yours very truly, (Signed) JOHIN 8tMITIl, Albert Hotel, Great Yarmouth.. Surprising cure of a Bad Breast, Nervov Debility and general ill health. Copy of a letter from Mr. T..F. Kmr, Chomist, A,& Lower Moso"tene, Manchester, dated Feb. 19, 1833, To Poorasmon HOLLOWAY,-Dear Sir,-I have great pleasure In forwardlng to you the particulars of a very eatraordinnry cure of a bad breast, effected solely by tire use of your celebrated Ointment and Fills, Mrs Martha Bell, of 15itt-etreet, in titls town, had been, for a considerable time labouring under nervousdebillty, loss of asppetite, and geoneral'l health,' occasioned byulees rateld.wounds tIn the breastn, She had had muoch speylenase In the use of all the hasy-On remedies forthe cuge of ulcers, bht without tay benefictal '*ct,' In f act ba"

had nearly losIt all faith and hope of a cure being effected. In this dlslreasing. and .painful. conition e body and mind, elho was persuaded to have recourse to your invaluable Gintmoot and Pilli'awhich she lmrmee dlaicip did, aud'lnltoe course of i very'short imo the effect produced was most astonishing; bher appetite was speedily improved, the sores and ulcers on the brent grndunlly healed and the nervous excitement of tle system was wholly removed. I remeo.n, dear slr, youra faithfully. (signed) T. FOe.BTER KRitR. Tho'pills asi:?uld be used conjointly with the ointment In is of the following ncses:lRed legs Cone (soft) Rheunmatism ]Bad brjensts Cancers Scold; nbrns C,.ttracted and Bore nlpples lBunions stlfl'Jolets ore thaonts Ble of morquo- Eleplrntlas!s SheI disease t a and sand Fistulo - S'eurvy -files (tCut Sores Coco-b?ay Glandular swel- Tnrnorte Chiego foot l]ins Ulcers Cbhlblains L"mLbngo Wcunds Clhapped hands riles Yarva Sold at the establishment of Profe sor Hollway' traend, (near Tempoe Bar, London) and by- all reasp:ct ohlo Druggists and healers in budlclno terouglote t thla world. Wholesale agent for OGelong, TIIOMIS BROWN, hdoorabchl-street.

HEALTH RtTiORED. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Surprising Cure of a Confirmed Asthma, after Five Years' Sufering. The fo'lowing testimanial has been sent to Professor Hollroway, by a cen'tleman named EMiddleton, in Scotland-road, tiverpool.?rn,--Yourplls ?rn,--Yourplls hnave boon the eans, under Providence, of rostoring me to sound heath, after five yearo of seovrea oil etlon. !'urine the whole of that .erlod I suffere the most dreadful attacks of anthm., frequently of several weeks duration, ntteuld with a violent eoupht, and continual priptlln? of phlegm, Intermixed wlhi blood. Thm eint shook my consiution that i was unfitted for any of the active ?utces or hfe. I was attended by roamue of thto must emineont medical man of this hewn, but they fai'ed to give me the alehte-t relief As a aest remredy g tri d your pills, and oin about three months they cffee:ld a perfect cure of the disease, totally ertdinated the cough, and restored toneo and evigor to the elcts and di:edtive er;a?e l I am, Sir, your obedient aerrntt, (Sinned) H. MIIDDLETOI. Dated Jan. I a!, 1e53.I A Perm-,?i t 'Cure of a Diseased iver, ofI moany years' o'nration a. (Copy of a lller heto Mr. owmis, Chemnslet, Tocel, t S to Prost festesr ilolsoeswy ) DuAlS Sit,-In sitls ditri t ytar gsill etmnenn I a more-eatees've rale than any oiter prtrfeieierv m-ticlne before the public. 'm t ptroof of their imosey to Liner nud llolu Cump'ail ae, I m-ty mtentios th fotllownt ereo :-A lady of this town with wh om I am orasnhlly acqsai, e I for years, wenu a ooeo?e euS'erer frotot, diltasa of the litvr. aed digestive oreans; hit medisal altendant assured her that Iet could o r, othlig t0| reteata her rutstslrg, and it was not Itiely she a could suroive manry onho. Tihis announcu ment t natar?'.ily caused great alarm amossat her fetdds and relateits, and thor' induced her to mabe a tetaI of your ptlls, which soimppoved her gen, r.r heltth. that s?h, was ittdueed t0 cnntis.uo them until salo received a perfect curs. This Is twelve monat' ago, und site hse s.oteupcrleneoi any stmptoms of relapse, and often declare, that your pills have been tite means of savag her life. I remain, dear Sir, your's truly, (Slegsed) J. GAHIS. Nfovember 23rd, 1852. These celebrated Pills arc woonderfully efficaciouts in the following complaints :Ague Dyseitry Liver Complaint Asthma Errstpelse Lumbnago tillious complaints Female irregula- Piles Blotehes ona she eki chiio Bheauatim ilowel complaints Fits. Rettntton ofurnes Cellts Gout Scrofula or King's Consttpatton of the Headache Evil Bowels Indigestion Soreehroats Cuonsumptlon Inflammation S:one and grvelt Debility Jaundice Secondary sympDrmpsy Fevers of all klnds toms Tic-douloreti Tumours Ulcers Venereal affec. Wooms of all Weakness efrom tions kinds wha!ever causea Se. Sc. Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 24, Strand,anear Temple Bar, London, and by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the world. Agent for Geelong, IHOMAS BROWN, Iooraboolstreet.

JOB PRINTING at the ADVERTISER.Office L This department of the office being now vely efficient tin all requisites, every description of printing can be executed in a superior style, at'very short notice, and at the lowest remunerative stes. DANIEL HARRISON & Co., Advertiser Oeerie Malop-stkreet. THE GEELONG ADVERTISER and INTEL-. S LIGENCERi Is published daily. Binalo.copy ad Subscriptlon Quarter, credit....... £0'17 6 Do, in advance .... 0 1t 0 Half-year, do .... 1 7 0 Year, do .-.. 2100 Subscriptions may be commenced or termlnated at any time, and only charged from or to that lime. Advertlslntg -rit Lines of Space, or under .o .£ a O Beath additional il6e........... O" 0 a A small discount allowed on advoetlsemonts inserted over one month . . A lower charge if prepaid, is made for adveItlimentaf of lost stock, missing frlende, and situatlonswanted via Lost ock, per week ..........0 12 0 Do ' do fortnight ............. 1 0 0 Do do monthl..e............ 115 0 Mis frlends, aned esituations tc wanteed, first Insertion .... 0 s 0 Each subsoequent Insertlon ...... 0 1 0 Advertisements are received up to eovee o'clock, p.m. Oriners for lilthdrawal or altoraton up to 10, a.m. Whlen the number of Insertloen Is not written on advertieemente, they' will Ite Inserted till eounteimanded.. Ordert for insertion, wltbdrmoale or alteration of advertlosements to be In writing. The Adverttoer is delIvered to enbscehers ain all psris' ef leolong and Suburbs, every mon lng. Complaints of non-dehvery will be carefully attended to, if made In wrliing, and the enact address given. No copies are etlowed to be sold by lie runners. Subscribers are To juested to take delivery of their papero promptl, soi s lent to delay the runners. A Country Edition Is published every TugbDAT snd FRIDAY afternoon, containing the wileOl of ttee read'"g natter and advertlsencents of the previous three days' edItIons. Thu ceoarge to subscribers wilt, including postage, be the same ao for tile daily without polOStiS -.~naeely, or Quarter, oredlt ....£O 17 6 Do, In advance 0 1'.0 Half-year, do 1 7 0 Year, do 2 10 0 A Weekly Edition, under tlhe tltle of the NPlWS Of TOE WEEK, Is 1 tbllshted ovecy FRIDAY MoSUIISO price Is. Agents for the flee!nog Adveertiser eBUxrrNOxO .... XV. B. Smith, Nugget Hole. /?LLo T'..... . J. Armstrong, New Bead. MnLD0noxn~.... J. T.Filendy, tHmlth-str' .t. Qno?'eOLtP3.. Jolen ilklngton. AvoeA.... W. A. Laysell. Printed and publishcd be DANIEL iAR*ItSO1( lt his Office, No ,i8, Alalop-atrcet1 WwN @1 long.