Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (Vic. : 1851 - 1856), Friday 1 December 1854, page 4

Esroar.-The escort from Balarat arrived in Geelong yesterday, bringing from Ballarat for Geelong 2957 onnces 15 dwt. and £118 in cash. From Creswick Creek, 1406 ounces Odwts. and 503. From the Aroca, 726 ounees IG dwts. Joca-stuo r-Tte Portland Herald has re commenced publicat;on, once a week, on Friday. Its appearance and contents are very creditable to the Ialy, Mrs Laurie, widowof the late editor, under whose naspices it now is. Ponrce Cocar.--Thursdy, 30th ovrember, bfore Iis Worship the ?tayor and Police M3,g5'rate.--Charge of Frat?l: a respectably d!resd man of the name of Smith was placed in thie ouck charged by the Detective Police, with obtainiag goods in Me:boor.M, under false pre tence-, aod making his way with the same over Iand to this town. Upon investigating the chrge, the oesation against the man eppeared to be unfounded; and upon his girmn his parole that he would attend the ctuat at any future period should the Bench deem it -coi YayD wa discharpd.

PUBLICAN'S LICENSES.—The following in-dividuals have lodged applications for Publican's Licenses, to be entertained on Tuesday next, the 5th of December, at the Court House, Yarra-street : —Patrick Melville, New Town Hill; Daniel Hurley, Pakington-street; Thomas Ryan, O'Conmell-street; William Bradshaw, Bates' Ford; William Gundry, Pakington street; Martin Lyan, Gheringhap-street; John M'Kenzie, Fyans' Ford; Frederick Kawarau, Skene street; Charles Corbett, New Town; John Raycroft, Church-street; Joseph Rowe, German Town; William Clarkson. Ryrie-street ; Thomas Jennyns, Russell-street; John Stewart, Ryrie-street; James Fisher, Corio-street.— TRANSFERS—Garrett Brien, from John Thomas, Race Course Hotel; John F. Gleeson, from Edwin Hooper, Mack's Hotele; John Wiggings, from James Holman,. Royal Hotel; James Newall, from John M'Guinness, Travellers Rest, Bates' Ford. STRAILL. OCCrnREnCEx.-A poor woman of the name of Sutherland, living oifi Maude-st., in this town wishing to join her husband who is at Ballarat, agreed with a carrer to convey her and her two children to him; aceordingly the carrier started yesterday morning with his passengers; having gone a distance of some two or three hundred yards he observed some thing very strange in the woman indicative of insanity, whereupon he immediately re turned, declnining to take them on; the poor woman attempted to get another conveyance but did not suecedl; she then went into the carrier's house and remained until the follow ing morning, Thursday, in a very delirious state, when shn died, no medical man having been sent for. Lxrxcu.-A- fine schooner'of 42 tons, built in Geelong, was yesterday, (Thursday) lamn ched in the presence of a select company, andt the first, we believe ever launched in this port; her name is to be the Esther Mary. 'The owners are Messrs. Bentley and Rollin son. TtrE. Poon Box.--His Worship the Mayor gave £1 towards the supply of this excellent charity :-Considering the good that has been effected by the timely distribution of the funds (which are exhausted at present)-it could be wished ihat a more ample supply was made by the public. R?.s?o ox Dnrts.-This pernicious prac tice seem to prevail as much as ever, notwith standing the numerous accidents that daily occur. On Wednesday afternoon a man that was driving along Rvrie-street, and riding in front of the dray at the same time, fell off at a sudden jerk of the vehicle and narrowly es caped with his life. GEELONG IroIRou tY ASD BE-EyOLErT Asr Lcxe. - Patients in the House, November Admitted since ................ It --S Discharged................ 9 Remaining November 29th...... -72 [AnvR?arsEtEt7- r.-Particular attention is requested to the extensive clearing-out sale of flour, cod fish, tea, beer, &e., de,, and an ex tensive stock of pror.sicns, by Bowrness & Cane. anctioneers, at their rooms, Little Ryrie-street. [ADvesEErIS.EIT.]-Attention is requested to the unreserved sale of Wines, Spirits, Beer, &e., to take place this day, Friday, at 12 o'clock, on the premises of Messrs. Thorne, Kimber, and Co. The sale of Timber advertised for II o'clock, this day, is unavoidably postponed till Tuesday, December 5th, at II o'clock, on the Beae.-J. B. Hnatton, Anetioneer.