South Australian Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1895), Saturday 16 March 1889, page 24

«OCTHACETE£OA2J CHRON1OLB. Id crder to cziEuxe jtrej1** ClaKlficstlon It Is necesWUS tbtt ADVERTISEMENTS for the Scufft AtcstnUkm ChxcnicU should reach this Office NO1 SATEB than MIDDAY IEORSDAY. Bomber of Icttrticns sfcculd he inven In ell cases. . EAFtNDA MARKET. J XCESDAY, Hsrcb 19, at 2 o'clock, DEMPSEY, WILKINSON, and SANDLAND (LIMITED), will cell, as above— 2530 Tsx AXD SI-)EE SHEEp50 Fat Ewes t9 dado. £0 do. Welters 300do.da 1 £00 very forward Store Wethers I 200 Ewe Wearers J 100 Fat Ewes £0 Fat Welters c ISO Sound- nxtdh Ewes c l£0 Fat Wethers ISO do. do. EO 6-tooth Wellers t 200 Ewes, In Iamb : 60 Miwd Eotrgt'-s £00 Ewes, Id Iejeo 2S9 Store Bwee 160 Sicre Wethers J £0 io. co. 35 FAX AXD SIORE CAIILE. I5F£tC«t:e 5 do. ca. 10 Store do. a Ycucg Cattle. ? EOP.SES, &c, &c. fcc. 75.7x75 ? JAMESTOWN, t On THURSDAY, Jlsrch 28, at 3 o'clost. AI 1EE GL02E EOIEL, JAMESIOWN. VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARM IS BELAHB, '. CONTAINING ' 1064^CRES- ] BY- OEDEE OF THE MORTGAGEE. , DEMPSEY, WILKINSON, i AND SA5DLATSD, LIMITED, aie instructed : by the Mortgagee to sell by auction, as above — i The woole of that VALUAB oE FREE SOLD FARM i ]n BELAUE, within three miles ot Jamestown, cam- -prising Sections 79. SO, 81, and 44, containing together ; 1.C64 ACRES of first-class agricultural land, and . known as the farm of Messrs. E. E. and H. H. Coiling. The improvements coEsist ot etone Honse of eight ' looms, stone stable, barn, sheds, underground tank, two wells, good dam, and the fencing is all* sheepproof. : - i Nearly the whole ot the land is pioughabie, and there are 100 acres of virgin soil now in fallow, and 200 acres uncultivated, which is splendid grass land. A conriderable portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. . For further particulars apnly to the Auctioneers. ? x-5 IMPORT.VNT LAND SALE. \ UNDER IEE WILlTop THE LATE WM. KOSCROW. On SATURDAY, April 6, at 3 p.m. AI GEAY'S HOTEL, CLARE, TREED and C O. ? are instructed. by the Trustees in the estate of the late Win. Roscrow to sell by public auction the undermentioned Property— Lot 1; Known as GOILDFGRD PARB, containing 43 seres ot first-class AGRICULTURAL LAND, being subdivision of Section Si, HUNDRED of CLARE. Jhe improvements consist of Stone HOUSB of si: rooms, with passage, underground tank, and cellar, : stable, bu#py shed, and chaffhouse. There is also a large garden planted with choice fruit trees in fall bearing. The land is all fenced and euboivided into convenient paddocks. ? LotS. Being Section 262, HUNDRED ot GLARE, 33 seres good GBAZ«NG LAND. Improvements cODBirtof large dam, ring-fenced with plenty of nseInl timber.' ' Lot 3. Being Allotment 68 cf Section S5, containing 31 acres 16 perches, well timbered, suburban to the Sown of Glare. Lot 4. 29 ALLOTMENTS, laid out as NEW CLiBE also suburban to the Town of Clare, Nos. 1, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 85, 26, 27, 2S, £9, 30, 31, 32, 51, 52, 53, and 66. Title Good. The Auctioneers can thoroughly reconimsnd the ' shove to Farmers, Gardeners, Speculators, and others sb a 6&f e investment. TermE— 20 per cent, st Ifill of hammer; balasce in ODe month. . Her further particulars apply to the Auctioneers. 74oe95xJ5-82 AI KB. W. El'S RESIDENCE, HOBROCKS PASS -'? ' (Four llilee from Wilmington). '^^-V^ On XCESDAY, March 19 next, at 1 o'clock sharp.' EP. DIG NAN has received ? IrtEtmctioce Ircm Mr. W. Ey (who Is leaving ? — ?? The PaHf1) to sell as shove, without reserve— Black Xare GIPSY, with Foal Dy Pride of the Mom lFiHyc.yTrifcoftfceG!en - Bay Howe Doe', Grey Mare Pet Bay Xare Issue, Brown Hare Jessie ' 1 good Cow snd Calf. 1 Heifer. 10 Pigs IBagjry with pole and shafts, 1 Family do. de. ? ' Set Dontfe Harness, Set Single do. 1 Sausage Machine 1 .do . do. with filler, euitable for butcher lBatect Washing Eschine 1 Mangle, 1 Wriccer 260 feet l$-ineh Iron Pipe, 200 1-inch do. do. 3 Wooden Troajths , 1 Galvanized Iroa do. €0 feet 3 Inch Iron Pipe SO feet Bnbber Garden Hose, -with nozzle Lot 5-leet Palings, lot C3iaff bags Let ErlckE, bundle 'Wire-netting . M.H. Sporting Eifie, Choke-bore Gun, No. 10, with ? : cases and slier complete 1KB. Gun, Hazzle-loading Sporting HiSe A quantity of good Furniture (tor paiticulars ot which eeepoetere) And a qnantity of Snndries too numerous to particularise. ; - Approved Bills over £30. The Auctioneer calls special attention to the Genuine Sale. The Horses are really a first-class lot, and aU are to he sold. ? S68-75 3,000 ACRES OF FREEHOLD A2JD LEASEHOLD LANS FOR SALE. A GEAKD OPPORTUNITY. JOHN BOND, inefcracted by J. C. Gal), Esq., baa lot private sale, in suitable eub. ' ??' divisions— AT LOW EBSERVBSThe whole of the FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD FEOFERIIES known as LILLIMUE SIATION. This land is without a doubt the pick of the Tatiara district, is splendidly situated with regard to a railway. etation, and is all virgin eoD. '' _ The tencs, which are exceedingly liberal, and* wonld {liable an energetic purchaser ti pay for the property fxom harvest returns taken off it, are as onaer:— ''One quarter cash ; balance payable by five yearly instalments, bearing interest at 6 per cent, per annum. AtSQ, A Large Area of really good JIALLEE C0DNTR7. rcrther particulars mdy be had on application to the Auettanftr. Saul, Vietoris. ? X6S-1Q3 WEDSESBaT, March 20, 2 o'clock pm. CS TEE fESMISES KKOTN AS MR. JA'ilE3 JULBSHALL'S, Jck. OKE -HLE SOUTH OF EIVEETON. CXDER KEG1STEEED BILL OF SALE. JAS. SCHOLEF1ELD has received instractione from ilr, A. Chigsidden to sell by public aucton. without reserve— ? £- Head DRAUGHT HOBSES.l Foal 3 Cows, lCalf, 40 head of Poultry Double Plough, Eiccle da. Scarifier Harrows, Besping H ichine, Winnower Koreerate, Mo» ing HCscfciiie.Eoller, Boiler laz Eoree-Drey and Frsrae Lesdir/g and Shsft Harness 2 Trougbe, Plants, Ssck Truck Plough Cbainf. Ssince, Wceel barrow Ladder, Gricdetoce, \i Poets, Hayforks . 60 BagE, b tone good Eay. EOTJSEEOL0 rDRKIr CRE, consisting ol— 2 Cedar Tables, 2 Deal do. I-ono?e Eedetesds (2), Cot Jteatesies (3), Ooct, 3 Cedsr Chairs. ? Ttrae Cash. ? 72x75 IHUfigDAT, ilarca 2S, 2 o'clock p.m. AT AKCLE VALE FARM. 4 MILES NORTH OF TAELEE. JAS. SCHOLEFIELD has been fevowd with inetructioEE from Mr. W. G. GUI, who intends keeping sktep, hj sell by public suctioa, without reserve—3he 3he 'Whole of his FARM STOCK and IMPLEJIESTS, zoneisttng cj— 6 Draught Hoieee, inotcozVly et&nch 3 Saddle Hackr, I Spring-can Horse 8 Colts and fillies, ucbroken JSPige 1 8-fnirow PJcueb, S Ue-sble Plougbs 3 Scanfiere, 2 sett E&rmwe 2 Respine Maccinte, TFiBEower 2 Eoglieh Wac^one Ecree, Dray, Spr;ncDn.yDrake Screen, Kc:'t r 2 Saddles sra Erides ffacdriee, &c. ' ' Tcrrae — Approved aceepi&cc-EE for same over £10. ? xVa-S-Z SATCRDAT, U&rcb 23, at 2 o'elosk. AT TEE AKGAfcTv-S HOTEL, ANGASION. EW. ROBERTS £s Instructed to Bell, ? ae £Gove— All that valuable BLOCK of LAND, being portion ot Section No. S4& HUNDKED of MOOROOEOO, ad joiniDg the township of Angaston, containing about 16 acres cf first class arable land, subdivided into two paddocks: (ax acres or thereabouts of wnici a planted with choice fruit trees, vines, &c., just co-nin£ Into full bearing. A substantial Stone House of four good-sized rooms hse lately been erected thereon, with large underprsuad tank, outhouse;, &c. This property commands a splendid view cf the whole township sad euncnndiE£ country . To be sold in one tit mere lots. Title-R.P. Act Alto, iffiteed^aitJy sitei tee above— S€5o»e, Ets.1 ^iJtiif: Sctxifirrttnc) ecar)f:ti Et/TC'r8 Fiscy. Poultry .' . £0 pcrc-tred -\i;iie Eiifcmiw ? j. ? iff Fa»e-'t»ed AmerioaD ErooiewiEg INirireye . ,Oaite, i^paliiEi;, £.ud cU-l J^owit ALdEiot ©JBuirfrms. x75

? Auctions; ? On ilCNDAT, Kirch IS. a*, 11.S0 a.ia. AT TEE CORPORATION YARDS. 1 jr/k PRIME FAT CATTLE FSOJI J-Oif IXNA.MINCKA. ELDER, SMITHTandCO , LIMITED, will tell bv auction, ag above — 3£0 Prince FAT CATTLE. ? 75-7x75 On FRIDAY, March 22, at 2 o'clock. FOR POSITIVE SALE. SECTION 93, HUNDRED OF WILLOCHRA. ELDER, SMITH, and CO., LIMITED, are instructed by order of the Trustees of the Jftete of the late Rev. James Trego to sell by jnblio auction, at their Salerooms, Currie street, Adelaide, on Friday, Jlareh 22, at 2 o'clock— SECTION 93, HUNDRED of WILLOCHRA, containing: 509 acres, per Certificate of Title, Vol. iccsc., Folio ;a For further pirticulare apply to Mesere. Fieher and :ulrosB, Solicitors, Adelaide. ? e7,72.Slx6g-75 ELDER, SMITH, & CO,, LIMITED, ADELAIDE. Srsccb Establishments at Port Adelaide, Eocringi (Eurrs), Broken Hill, and London. CAPITAL, £1,000,009. HERCHAKTE, SHIPPING, AED INSUR1NCE AGENTS. WOOL, GKAHT, AXD PRODCOE BBOKKBS, iUCttOXEEBS, STOCK SALESMEN, STATION ASD FISAKCIAL AGEKTa WOOL sold at cur Part Adelaide Wsrehouees, or ?hipped to Europe on the most favorable terms. SKEKS of all descriptions, HIDE3. TALLOW, md other .PRODUCE Sold at our Adelaide Ware* houses. WHEAT, FLOUR, BARE, 4c, Bold or shipped under advance or otherwise. &^3£ *!~JB STOCK SALES.— WeeWy SaleB of Live Stock held In Adelaide and Broken Hill. Monthly Sales at Kooringa (Bnira), also at Wallaroo and other lame centres. Every attention eiven in connection with trucking, drafting, and sale of Stock. Private sales of Store Stock negotiated. Weekly Market Reports and Ltets furnished on application. - -^TB) LAND and STATION SALES conducted. Fff^ ' WOOLPACKS, WIBB-NETTIKG, and all Station Requisites supplied. Station orders executed, and best arrangements made for transit of same by Railways, River Steamers, Teams, or Camels, as required. -i'SSBSShipping Shipping and Insurance Business transact. CaEh Advances made on Stations, Stock, jWool, Sc.s fcc, on liberal terms. -~--'2 Every attention given to Payment of Pastoral Bents and Transaction of Land Office Business on behalf of constituents. ELDER, 'SMITH, & CO., LIMITED, ? Evri:lx5:362 ON THE FARM. LINOOLVSFIELTX SECTION * Ko. 263, HUNDRED OF WILTUNGA, | __g Known as late Mr. W. Malcolm's Farm. . , On WEDNESDAY, March 27, at 10 o'clock, sharp. UNDER A REGISTERED BILL OF SALE. SUPERIOR ERAUGHT MARES AXD GELDINGS. DRAUGHT ENTIRE GLANCIEB (Bred by Hon. J. H. Angas). HAKD3OME PONIES, SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN. IMPORTED PEDIGREE BULL, JERSEY PB1XCE. PURE AND WELL BRED COWS in rn'Jk and in calf. CALVES, PIGS, SHBEP, AUD POULTRY. FARM IMPLEMENTS, MACHINES, BUGGIES. WAGGON, DEAYS. HABNESS. AND FASU SUNDRIES. SUPERIOR EODSEHOLD PORNITUHE AND EFFEOrS. AND A LOT OP USEFUL SUNDRIES. MALCOLM and CO. are instructed to sell as above, without any reserve. Full particulars in future issue and posters. The Auctioneers direct speciil attention to th's genuine unreserved sale. The Stock, Implements, »cd Furniture are all very euperior, and cannnt be too tiishly recommended. Ko Reserve. Terms Cash. Luncheon provided. Xo other Stock can be admitted at th'a Sale. ? X6S75 LAURA. On WEDXESDAT, March 20, at 2 o'tfeck. lOTCBELL'S YARDS. SPICER and~~WILKINSON wiUsdl— SO Prime FAT CATTLE 4O0FatSheep 35 head Troung Cattle 800 Store Ewee. Terms— Approved bills ? x75 BOOYOOLIE. FRIDAY, March 22. SPICER and WILKIMSON have received instructions from Mr. W. Hill, who has sold one of Mb farms and the lease ot another one, to sell tt the homestead, one mile vest of Laura, without any reserve, at 12 o'clock sharp— The Whole of the First-class STOCS and IMPLEMENTS of the said Farm, comprising— 32 head Draught Hones (good workers) and Harness 1 pair of Bturgy Poniec, stanch 4 head Light Colts 1 Bull, 2 Cows, and some young cattle 6 Reaping Machines, 3 Waggons 3 Mowing Machines (one side delivery) 1 Horse-dray, 6 double Ploughs 2 Single Ploughs, 3 Winnowers (Bagshavr'6) X Set Scarifier Harrows 1 S-tine Ssarifier, 2 sets 4 each Light Harrows Chaffcutter and Horseworks, complete 2 Seedsowere (Double's) S Hayrakes 2 Land-rollers, set of Blacksmith's Tools Anvil and Eellowe, lot of Harness I Set of Double Baggy Harness And a fcoet of Sundries. ALSO, The Surveyed BLOCKS of First-cla83 Garden LAX**, adjoining TOWNSHIP ot LAURA, comprising 151 ACHES,.in 19 lote. « Terms— Approved bills. No Reserve. Sale at 12 sharp. Luncheon; 3.75 W1RRABARA. SATURDAY, March 23. SPICER and WILKINSON will sell on account of Mr. J. JL LUchfield, who ie leaving for the west — The Whole of his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECIS, at 1.30 sharp, comprising— A first-class AMERICAN ORGAN Sofas, Tables, Chairs, Easy and Booking Chairs 3 Double Bedsteads and Palliasses Washstuid end Toilet Sets Large Meatsafe, Sinner and T-& Seta LampE, Vases, Churn, Sewing Machines Cooking Utensils, Tube, Hay Knives Scythesand Forks, Oren, Stilllards And a lot cf Sundries. Also, 1 Cow and Calf, 2 400 gallon Tanks Small Stack of Hay Hew Pair of Buggy Shafts ?250 Empty Bags, Scales and Weights. ? Teraie Cash. ? x~5 SXO5E HUT. 1ECRS1-&Y, Iferca 28. SPICER and WILKINSON will sell, on acc-ourt of Mr. G. J. Kirk, who is leaving the colony — The Whole oJ hie STOCK Fanning Implements £K1-Sundries. Without any Reserve. ? I'all particulars next week. ? \73 On IEUBSDAY, March 2', at 2 o'clock. TWO JULES NORTH-WEST OF STOCKPORT. JO. W ILK I N S O N ? is instructed by air. J._O'Dea to sell, as above — The well-known DRAUGHT ENTIRE Lord Rantin — Pedigree at time of Sale 1 Draught Entire Colt, 2 years old ?1 Draught Horses i Draught Mare on foal, 1 tsro-y ear-old Filly 1 Cow, 3 HeUere, 1 Steer, 1 Yearling SPJgB' 1 German Waggon 1 Buegy and Harness 1 set of 4 Harrows 1 Scarifier, 1 Winnower 1 400-gsll Tank Stack of Hay, shout 10 tons And a let ci Sundries. ? Tf rms at tJme of Sale. ? \75 FORT AUOITSTA. On TCESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March 26 and 27. EOCSEKOLD FOTNITURB AND EFFr.0T3 OF BOVAC, BOTE0. UNDER A BILL OF SALE. AE. S mTt H and C O. ? sre instructed to seU by auction, a-i above— H«U8EH-iLl» FURMIUKE and EFFECIS. ? x75_ iSALE BY AUCTIOX. On l^EIDAY, Match 22, at 1 o'clock. ON THE FARM OF MB. L. E LANGE, ABOTJT 1?. MILT S FROM TEE CI.ISIOX POSr-OFFICE. * SHANNON and FRICK have received ' instructieng to eell by auction, without the Iea3t reserve — 8 good FARM HORDES 3 Cows in milk, 3 Calves I fet Steer, 8 Pise, 60 Fowls 3 Geese, .Express Eaggy mearlv ne^) Sot docble Baccy HsmcEe DEBop-we&trje^Kcaper. by MEriin Winncwtr.. e'cjrle larrcw Plcurh £ iCO-fs'iiOD Taut 6 J rOCcfc51-r-Tt*-Etr - ?? Let ct £biEeet, P.cjf h, '^fiiinE, ani SJodrie*. Tie Tfitin win -t;e offered: sit tfce laine time en*jeet tb«iLcrle££C. ' -? ' 2«tB» it gilt. 3-5

? Auctions, ? Cn TUESDAY, March 26, at 2 o'clock. ~~ AT TEE ANGASTON INSTITUTE HiCL. BY OEDKR OF THE LiTE G. F. AUGAS'S TRUSTEES. f* VON BERTOUOH and CO. will \^# offer by auction — 12 VALUABLE FARMS near ASGASTOX, TANUNDA, and TRURO, as foIJowe:— to r^i3 s0?0^1??7^1 ^° i° f* o _ -CTJ 'O f£.w--' i^rts w ts tc to ta w to « tataw»o ? a ° li ^_ ? ^ g g -= 3 — r~- e- H. ' ? ?— '? ^ I Ililfflliillil I Is § sif^5 ~- s -1H is * i P2 I ? II ? S It if H S » !i ° a § s s »i & « * S ' 2& « g 2! S' «g a a S ?p. » a & 5 S3 SS 3*U Sg 3 g £3, - Si2oS« I- p Terms— Oue-fourth Cash, and one-fourth yearly at 6 per cent. For farther 'particulars apply to William Clark, Angaston ; or to the Auctioneers, Tanunda, x75-S2 On TUESDAY, March 19, at 1 o'clock. ON THE FAB.1I OF MESSRS. ROBERT HATCHE1 AKD SOX, LEWISTOS, AND KNOWN AS HORW HARDPS FABM, FIVE MILES SOUTH E 1ST OF IWO WELLS, NORTH OF MR. HAYMAS'S. ~ ~i JAMBS LINDSAY is favored with instructions to sell, as ahove — 40 HEAD OF HORSES, comprising— 20 Drauehts 14 Saddle and Harness Hcrses 3 Buggy Paire, good in harneBS 36 Cows and Heifers, springing 2 Bulls ]00 Merino Ewes, to lamb in M3y 100 good Stores, well wooiled. Kg Reserve. Terms Cash. No other Stock Admitted, 75x75 On TUESDAY, April 2, at 12 o'clock noon. AT IMPERIAL CHAMBERS, ADELAIDE. EV ORDER OF THE MORT&AGEES. 'VTATHL. OLDHiM and SON, XH under instructions from the Mortgagees, will offer by auction — BHCTIOXS Nob. 199 and 200, in HUNDRED DALKEY. containing 261 Acres of good Agricultural Land, well improved by fencing, buildings, &c, and known as the late Edward Wall's. title— R P.A. ? x75 | On TUESDAY next, March 13, at 2 o'clock. AT THE KILE-END YARDS. X00 PMME FAT CATILEELAUGHTON and CO. are ? instructed to sell, as above— 100 Prime FAT CATILE. ? 75-Sx75 THURSDAY, March 28, at 1 o'clock. ON THE FARU, I2OIAN HILLS. ON ACCOUNT OF MR~PETER ANDERSON. WHO 15 feELLIKQ TO REPLACE WITH SHEEP. SS BEAD CATTLE, HOUSES. PIGS, POT7LTRY, FARtt IMPLEMENTS AND SUNDRIES. JOHN CORNISH will sell, as above, without reserve — 30 DAIRY COW'S, young, in milk and to ca!ve' 4 HoreeB Farm Implements and Sundries. Terms— Three months, £20. S75-S2 SALE BY AUCIIONj On WEDNESDAY, March 27, at 22 doob. AT THE RESIDENCE OF HR,. EANALY. ABOUT tTHREE MILES EAST OF MACLARfcN VALE POST-OFFICE. PAVY, BL4CKEB, and FtD&E are instructed by Mr. Kanaly, who Is giving up terming, to tell by auction, without reserre— | 8 Draught HORSES, Broken and Unbroken 4 Uilch Cows, 2 Heifere, 15 Pies And Usual Farm Implements and Sundries . AIeo, Stack of Hay, about 7 tons, and 25 bsera Seed Wheat. Luncheon. s~S-£2 On FRIDAY, March 22, at 2 o'clock. TOWN HALL, ADELAIDE. UNDER 1XSTRUCHOSS FROM MRS. ELIZABETH CHEVttL. SPLENDID FARM AT MALLALA, 683 ACRES. WB. WILKINSON will sell by ? ? auction— SECTIONS 58 and part 5B and 60, HUNDRED GRACE, 683 acres excellent Agricultural Land, adjoining Mallala township ; Stone House, seven rooms, with kitchen and cellar, dairy, large stone barn, also stone Cottages, four and two rooms each, well of good water, underground tank, and all necessary farm mprovemente. Terms very liberal. — W.B. WILEIKSON. 71, King WQliam-street. 72.5.80x75 WHEAT. TO^EW ZEALAND LOAN AND '^ MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL, £4,500,000. Reserve Fond, £270,000. WOOL, GRAIN, HIDE, A2,T- SEIN BROKERS, STATION, FENANJIAL, and MERCANTILE AGENTS. Tre Company makes LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on Wheat consigned to their Port Warehouse and sllowe THREE MONTHS' FREE STORAGE therecn. EOLAKD STRACHAN, Manager. A. S. CHEADLE, Wool and Produce ilsnarer. EcaicxEo WILKINSON & LAVENDER, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK, STATION, A3TD GEHEEAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SYDNEY, HAY, WAGGA WAGOA, AND BOUBKE. rAT STOCK SALES conducted at HOMEBUSH. Corresponding Agencies all over the Colonies. ? *me /GEORGE LA.UGHTON, LIVE VJT STOCK AUCTIONERR, holds SiLKS in CURRIFSTREET o? SALTED HIDES every MOSDAY. DRY SHEEPSKINS every FBIOA.Y, and FRESH-SLACGHTERED HIDES and SKINS every TCESDAY. THURSDAY, and SATURDAY at the Hide and ^tin Market. Prompt cash settlements. ? S06a311c ACOTIONEERS1 POSTERS made a speciality at the ADVERTISER GENERAL PRINTING OFFIOE. SEND orders for Posters with advertisements. r Bnsinesseg, Partnerships. TENDERS will be received np to March 20, 1SS9, for SALE of STORE and BUTCHER'S BUSINESS at LADY ALICE MINE. Store built of stone wall? and iron roof. The lowest or any Tender uot necessarily acsepted. Apply to M. Smith, storekeeper, Williamstov.-n. ? xflS-75 FOR SALE, a profitable and good going BUSLXES3 in one ot the best areas ; satisfactory reasone given tor dispostng of same. Apply to D. & W. Murray, or D. & J. Fowler. z!3eowcx47o ? Matrimonial. ? A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, aged 26, wishes to correspond with a young Lady with a view to M&TBIHONY ; money no object ; must be fond of home ; photos exchanged. Address ' D.L.S.,' P.O.. Jamestown . ? X7S-32 RESPECTABLE PERSON would correspond with FARMER or tradesman view to MARRIAGE, 35 to 50. Address ' Genuine,' this office. ? x75 THREE YOUNG MEN in good circumstances wish to correspond with THREE YOUNG LADIES with a view to MVTRUIONY; must be good JookiDp, fond of home and children. Money no object, Photos exchanged. Address 'P.L..' 'M.S,' 'T.K.,;l Wilgena Stition, NorthWest. ? x75 ESTEY ORGANS 'lead the World and sin?: their own prai6e.' b% 19s ? KSsceEageocg. ? -t i- PAIRS Ol FERRETS FOR SALE. Appiy to I -5 F. & W. Tiller, MenicgJe, Lake alsert. ' - 275 £3

? Produce. ? E* W. HAOKETT ? OFFER FOR SALE— For Fresect Sowing:, CABBAGE SEED, all the meet uiefol eorts. CAULirLOWKB do. do. do. TCBSTIP do. do. do. CELERY iio., Including 'Plum*.' BROCOL1 doH do. Veitch'e. BRUESELS SPROUTS. ALSO, TARES, RAPE, MOTTARD. BUPERPBOSPHATE, BOKBBtlET. IB, BUNDLE-STREET, ADELAIDE. ? 66:63x54:46 fVRUlT and VEGETABLES of best quality Forwarded to sll Parts of the Colonies. JOHN F. PA800E, Wholesale Fruiterer, *543:?«1 East-End Market, AfleTttide. GARDEN SEEDS, new, own growing, about half usual prices. Storekeepers and others, enclose st amp for priced catalogue to W. Jones, Eacit-on-the-Hili, Orafeig. ? s75 TZ\ANGAROO SKINS. X^ KANGAROO SKIN'S, KANGAROO SKINS, RABBIT SKIKS, RABBIT SHINS, RAEBIT SKINS, ALEO, OPOSSUM and SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, IALLOW, BEESWAJ, HORSEHAIR, GUM, gtc., PURCHASED FOR CASH. HIGHEST- PRIOEB GIVEN. -WM. EACGHTON ft CO., Currie-street, xlE«:l68 ? Adelaide. TO FARMERS AKD OIHERS, CBAFF, MAIZE, OATS, And all other Produce rej^ilarly. Terms— Cash, Correspondence1 or wires Inimediately answered. Address Arthur Tretnayne, secretary and manager the Carriers' and Carters' Union of the Barrier Ranges ot New South Wales, Broken Hill, N.S.W. xl2-38 ? Money. ? MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage of Freehold ; small sums of £100 and upwardi at 6 per cent.; large Bums at 6 per cent. FEKN ft HARDY, Solicitors. gtOCxSF9c ? 62, King WIlIlatn-Etreel. MONEY TO LBND. COTTON ft OPIE, Sweocx2o ? i ? Adelaide. MONEY TO LEND at Lowest Rates. SHUTTLEWOP.TH & LEICHFOED, SeowcxEc Land Aeents, Kine William-st. MONEY TO LEND at Lowest Oarrent Bates on Freehold Security. . JOHN WYLES A CO. (Late David Tweedie). Advertiser Chambers, King William-street. LICENSED LAND BROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. TRANSFERS, MOBTGAGES, LEASES, «nd all Other Documents under the Real Property Act prepared. 7au:6qx6:4qmHE mHE SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH X AUSTRALIA. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage of Freeholds at J per cent. Apply to 2O0eccx2GlQ E. B. PEAROE, Accountant. sJ~5» TO C5OO ADVANCED ON BILLS OF SALE, BONDED CERTIFICATES, PERSONAL OB OTHER SECURITY. Repayments by Weekly Instalments or otherwise. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY. ASHER & KING. Itiduetral Euiidingf, King WiUhm street ? ? 23S:231x;3S:236 The Mortgage Company of s.a., ld. -SJiMrtors : Hok. Sm Wiujak Milne, Chairman. Sm Tboiias Elseb. Joseph Fishkr, J.P, &. Babe Smith, J.P. William Kat, J.P. H. T. Spares, Manager. Capital, £1,000.000. LIBEB&L OASH ADVANCES At Gdb&bnt Rates, hn or Oomjiission, axb Allottikq or KEPATMENTS. H. Y. SPARKS, Hanazer. OFTICES CCEEIE-EIEEET ADELAIDE. 312aiae x310o Insnranse Companies. AUSTRAL PA Iff MUTUAL ?**' PBOVIDENt SOCIETY. Ectabhehed 18i9. rSveeted Funds Over SEVEN MILLIONS STEELING. ^wTinai income Over ONE MILLION AND A QUARTER, The Oldest and Most Prosperous LIFE OFFICE, and SHE ONLY AUSTRALIAN OFFICE DECLARINQ A BONUS EVERY YEAR. EOBEbTb. CAMERON. Resident Secretary. Abeljusb Office— S3, KING WILLIAM-STREET. llflwi:U7»Ilfl:llg SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DfSUJRANOB OOMFANY (LIMITEDJ. Kbshetb Fesd— £50,COC. Boixb Of DnuwMMi— Seoige Searte, Esq. (Chairman). Luther Scammellt Esq. (Depnty-Chtlrrcsn). Dharlee M. Mulrhead, Eeq., J.P. Arthur Waterhouse, Esq. Eon. Alexander Eay, M.L.C. ITRE and MARINE RISES at Current KMei. MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. Insurance Chamhers, Adelaide) »sd «t ererj SowMhip In the Colony. ixo . ? THO3. P. DeOEAK SecreUrx. IMPERIAL FIRE J9FFICE Capita! __-_-_ £l,6&ir,00 Inverted Funde exceed _ «. _ i,e50,000 LoaeeB Paid upwards of _ _ _ 10,500,000 Dii^ctoee— S. El Wakefield, A. L. Harrald, G.S. Fowler. Insnr&nces effected on all kinds Of Property at LOWEST BATES. Clalm6 tor loss PROMPTLY and LTBER&LLY met. Office— Eagle Chambers, King William-street. And at every Township throutrftout the colony. J. B. FEBGUSOff, Manager. ? 2i0^50owecx262o Professional and Trade Addresgea CH A S. C H E W I N G S, GRSXFELL-STREET. ADELAIDE, and at HEKGOTX SP111XGS, with Agencies &t Port Augusta, Farina, Anna Creek,: AUce Springe, K.T., and BIrdeville, Queensland, ic, tx. Telephone No. 413. Stock and Station Agent, Sharebroker, and Dealer. Land MiniDg, and Commission Agent. Railway and Came! Carrier. Receirtnc, Forwarding, and Genera! Agent. HembeuS the Stock Exchange ol S.A. ?^i £tiuaex01e j^ LICENSED Qk. ^ LASD BROKERS, '^ 4^7 LASD, LOAN, O^ J§? HOUSE, ix» ESTATE AGENTS, ^U ^V Wsitrhouee Chambers, Eing Wm.-rl j? MOSEY ¥~O LE3TW., Leases. Tranefere, &c., prepared under R.P. Act. All business w ith Government Land Office attended to promptly. Sale and purchase ol Land and House Property negotiated. 2aulci6c LYONS & LEADER. IMPERIAL CHAMBERS, ADELAIDE, E.AKD, ESZAIE, AKD FINANCIAL AGSHTS, U0KN8ED BROKERS UKCE8 KJUIi FBOPEHXY AC*. iKCOxuAtsr to auBBsraa t\ lowest current Rates on Freehold Security, City, Suburban, or Country. AITbnBfoeM under the Real Property Act transacted, toane negotiated. Sovernmeai tui ctbei Lind Satet ttended. Iweoczle FREDK. WRIGHT, LAND, LOAN, ASD FINANCIAL AGENT. TRANSFERS, LEASES, MORTGAGES, snd aU . Business under the Real Property Act promptly prepared and attended to. MOSEY TO LEND, with optional repayment by instalments end corresponding rcdaeticn of Interest. Offices— 24 and 2S, Exchange Buildings, ArielaMe. ^______ ? ^2360 AGENCE HAYAS, 8, Place de la Bonree,F«rJs. Agents lor ttie 'South Ad» ratiitH Aevkbreeb,' ' Saracs,' cod 'Cekkklb/ to FtanoeandBcigtem. ABVEBTEEEMEKXE aui be rtGerred cad £Ja el Oat shste srmp*pe« iatpeoteS cu

WL', the TindersiprjetJ, in retunuDg Thanks to Farmers Mid cur Oaetomere for past favors , wieh to notify that we intend (D.V.) to carry on the old-tBtftblishei and well-known BuEineea of of the PIONEER WORKS, ADELAIDE. The fact of our Mr. J. A. BAGSHAW (who has had over 30 years' experience in the late bueicese) will be sufficient Ruarantee for the future of the new firm. Also, oar Mr. T. H. BAGSHAW being a thoroughly learned and practical Engineer enables us to manufacture, fix, and erect our work opon scientific principles ; and by still making oar Machinery Al at REDUCED PRICES we hope still to merit that patronage bo literally beetowed upon us in the past. J. A. BAGSHAW, T. H. BAGSHAW, Pioneer Works, Elizabeth'Street, Adelaide. March 14, ISS9. 73zx75 Summer Rearing Sale. HALL JTSAVAGE'S HALF - YEARLY CLEARING SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS. Post Orders receive Personal Attention, and the beBt Bargains are sent. The enormous iccre&Ee of our Country Trade ie the sure proof of the value we give, ?

MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT White Calico, Ie. 6a.. Is. lid., 2s. lid. per doz. White Calico, hest make, 8s. lid., 4a. lid. per doz. Grey OaUcces, Is. 6d., Is. lid.. 3s. lid . 4s. lid. Grey Calicoes, our noted 3b. lid. line, yard wide ; sale Bale price, 2b. lid. per doz. ' coured Calico, 28. 6d., 2s. lid., Ss. lid., 4b. lid. Heavy Brown Holland, 2e. lid.. 8s. lid., 4s. lid. Heavy Brown Holland, 6a lid. per doz , worth Ss. lid. Cretonnes, 2s. lid., 3s. lid., is. lid., 5s. lid. pei doz. Cretonnes^ choice Scenic Patterns, 63. lid. per doz., original price, 13e. 6d. per doz. Forfar, 3s lid., 4b. lid., 5b. lid., 6s. lid., per doz. Roller Towelling, Ie. lid., Ss. lid., 3s. lid. per doz. S-nanskiD. 4s. 6d., Ss. 6d.. 6s. lid., 7e. lid. per doz. Heavy White Flannel, 6s. lid., 6s. lid , 8s. lid. Heavy White Flannel, special value. lOJd. per yard Fine Flannel, S£d., 10£d., ll£d., Is 2d. per yam Scarlet Flannel, 5s. lid., 6s. lid., 7e. lid. 9s. 6d., lie. 6d. per dcz. Flannelette, 3s. lid., 4s. lid.. Es. lid. per doz. Striped Bed Tict, 2s. lid., 3s. lid., 4s. lid., 5s lid. Sheetinir, Grey Twill, 5s. lid., 7s. lid., 10s. 64, 12b. Bd. per doz. Special Line 72-Ineh Grey Twill Sheeting1, fijd. yard Sheeticg, Plain Grey, &£d.. 6$d., 8$-J., lOJd. per yard Sheeting:, White, double width, 7jd., 9M. per yard 80-in. White Twill Sheeting, Ie. yard, worth Is. 6£d. Cotton Shirtings, 3s. lid., 4s. lid., 6s. lid. per doz. Cotton Shirtings, special value, 6s. 6d., worth 8a. lid. Blue Serges, 1b. per yard, to clear at 6jd. per yard Bine Serges, PJd., lljd. per yard. Table Damask, 6Jd., 8Jd., Hid., Is. 3d. per yard White acd Colored McleaHns,. Is. 3d., Is. 6d., is. lid. Shepherd Check Moleskin, 1b. lid., 2e. Sd. yard Lace Curtains, la. 9d., 2s. lid., 3s. lid., 6s. lid. Toilet Covers, 6Jd., 8Jd., lljd. each White H.C. Towels. 1b. 6d., le. lid., 2a. lid.. 49. lid. White H.C. Towels, very large, 5s. lid., worth 7s. 6d. Brown H.C. Towels, Is. lid., 2s. lid., 3s. lid., 4s. lid., 6e. lid. per doz. Turkish Towels. 8s. lid., 4e. lid., Gs. lid., Ss. lid. Bedside Carpet Slips, Is., Is. 6d., 18. lid., 2g. 63. each Table Kapkins, le. lid., 2s. lid., Ss. lid., 6s. 6d. DRESS DEPARTMENT. Prints, Is. 6d., la. lid , 2a lid. per doz. Prints, choice line, es. lid. per doz., to clew 3s. lid. Prints and Srillettes, superior, to clear in lots, 4s. lid., 6s. lid., £s. lid. doz. Plain Cambrics, 4jd., 6Jd., 6Jd. per yard. Galatea Stripes, Ss lid , 4s. lid., 5s. lid., 6s. lid. Nainsook Muslin, 2s. lid., 3s. lid.. 4s. lid., 6e. lid., Ss. lid. per doz. Tweed DreES Material, original price, 9s. lid., to clear 4b. lid. doz. Dress Serge, 4s lid. per doz.. worth 6s. lid. per doz. Homespun, 6b. lid. per doz , worth Ss. lid. per doz. Beige Dress, 7s lid., Ss. lid., 10a. 9d. Choice Striped Drees, double width, original price, 2e. lid., to clear at Is. 6d. per yard All our new lines double width Dress Material, 2s. lid. toSe.lld. per yard, thrown out to clear at Is lid. Colored Lustres, slightly damaced, original prices, 1b. 3d. to Is lid. per yard, all to clear at 6s. lid., Es. lid. per doz. Black Grenadines, 3s. lid., is. lid., 5s. lid. per doz. Colored Cashmeres, double width, Sid., ll£d.. Is. 3d., lE.9d.,ls.lld. per yard Black Caehmeree, double width, S$d., ll£d., la. 6d., Is. lid., 2s. 6d., 2s. lid. per yard Black Lustres, 4^d., 6M., 9Jd., Is., Is. 3d. per yard Silesia, 2e. lid., 3e. lid., ie. lid., Be. lid. per doz. White unmade Embroidered OoBtumes, 78. Bd., 9s. 6d., lie Sd., 158. Elcttfrig-paper Pink unmade Embroidered Costumes, Se. lid., worth 16s. 9d.; 12s. 9d.f worth 26s. Wincey, 2s. lid., Ss. lid., 4s. lid., fie. lid. per doz. 8H0WB00M. LsdieE' Print Coetumes, clearing lines — 2s. lid., otigisa! price 46. lid. 6s. lid., orieinai price IEe. 8e lid., original price 6s. 7s. lid., original price 17e. Jld. 6d. ie. lid., original price Ss. Ladiee' Print Pompadour Overalls, 2s. lid. _ Children's print Costumes, to dearIs., original price Is. lid. I 38. lid., original price 7s. Is. lid., original price! lid. 36. 6d. I 4b. lid., original price 9s. 2s. lid., original price 48. 1 lid, lid. I Ladies' Kantelettes and Capes, clearing regardless of coet, le , Is. lid., 2s. lid., Ss., lid., 6b. lid., 7s. lid., 8s. lid., 10s. Bd., 12s. 9d. Ladies' Dust Cloakssi to clear, Js. lid., 8s. lid., -10s. 9d., 12s. 9d. Children's Silk Dust Cloaks, to clear, 4s. lid., Es.lld.. 6s. lid., Ss. Hd. Ladies1 Felt Skirts, special values, 3s. lid., 4s. lid. Ladies' Chemises, Is. Sd , le. lid., 2s. 6d., 2s. Ud. tartlet? Sight Dresees, le. 6d., le. lid., special line 2s. lid., worth from 3s. lid., to 6b. lid. LadieB* Drawers, Is. 3d., Is. 6dU, epecial line Is. 9d., worth 2s. lid. to 3s. lid. Ladles' Corsets, Is. 6d., 2a. Ud.. 3a. lid., 4s. lid. Children's Corsets, Is., Is. 6d., Is. Ud. per pair Feathers, Flowere, and Hat Ornaments, Id., 2d., 3d., Cd., la, Is. Bd., le. lid. each Children's Son Eats and Bonnets, slightly damaged, Sd., 6d., is. each

Millinery Gauze Trimming, lljd., Ie. 3d. per yard. Children's White Pique Pelisses, 2a. lid., 3a. 6d. Children's Pinafores, 4M., 6^d , 9Ji, la. Infants' Merino Cicalas 6s. lid.. 8s. lid., 10-. 9d. Infante' Kobes, 4s. lid , 5s. lid., 7e. lid. Children's Leghorn Hats, le., worth 2s. 6d. SLOP DEPARTMENT. Hen's Blue Serge Suits, 1-29. 9d.. wortb 193 6d. Men's Tweed Suits, I4s. 9d., 17s. 6d., 21s., 238, Men's Berlin Suits, 35s , worth 45a. Trousers and Vcste, (is. lid., 7s. lid., 10e. 6d.. 15s. Tweed Coats. Ea. lid.. 6a. lid.. Se. lid.. 10a. 9d. Tweed TroaBere. 3s. lid., 4a. lid., 5s. lid., 6a. lid. Youths' Tweed Coats, 6a. lid., 6». lid.. 8s. ltd. Youths' Black Cloth Paget Coita, original price 22s 6d.. forSs. Ud. Boys' Tweed Suits. 9s. lid., 12a. 9d., 15s. Touthe1 Tweed Suits, 10a. 9d., 13s. 9d.. 16s. 9d. Boys' and Youth6' Holland Coats, 28. 6d: Men's Holland Coats, 3s. and 48., only 2s. lid. Men's Silk Dust Coats, to clear at 12a. 9d , 153. 8d. Boys' Tweed Trousers, 28. lid., 3s. Ud. Youths' Tweed Trousers, 3a. lid., 4s. lid. Bovb' Silk Coat*. 6s. lid., worth Us. Bd Boys' Tweed Knicker Suits, 2s. Ud , 3a. Ud., 4s. Ud., Boys' Serjre Sailor Suits, 3e. lid., 4b. lid. Men-e White Moles, 3s. lid., 4a. Ud , 6s Ud., 6s. lid. Colored Moles. 3s. lid., 4s. lid., 5s. lid., 6s. Ud. BoyB' Colored Holes. 3s. 6d., 3a. Ud., 4a. lid. Youths1 Colored Moles, 3s. Ud., 4s. Ud, Men's Colored Cotton Shirts, lUd , Is. 6d., Is. lid. Our ' Indestructible Shirts,' -tarinir 8*le only, 2b. 6d. Men's ' Solent' Shirts, new, 3a lid., 4g. Ud.' Men's While Shirts, 2s. lid., 3e. Ud., 4e. Ud. Brown Cotton Under6hirts, UJd., la. 3d., Is. 6d., la. lid Merino Undershirts, Is. 3d., Is. 9d., 2s. 6d., Ss. 6d. Brown Cotton Pants. Is. 3d., la. 9d.. 2a. 3d., 2s. Ud. Merino Pants. Is. 8d., 2e. 3d., 29. lid., 3a. Ud., 4s. 9d. lien's Colored and Blaok Soft Felt fiats, 2s. Ud.. 3e. lid., 4b Ud , £8. lid , 6s. Ud. The new Terai Hat, 5s. lid., 6s. lid.. 8s. lid. EoyB' Felt Hats. Ss. 6d., 2s lid.. 3s. Ud. Men's Travelling Caps, le., Is. 6d. Is. lid., HOSIERY &c. Women's Oxford aad Cambridge Hose, 6£d., 'id. Children's Oxford and Cambridge Hose, 3£d., 4£d. BJd., 6Jd. Women's Brown Cotton Hose, 5Jd , 7Jd., 9Jd. Women's Fancy Striped Hose, 4£d., Bid.. 8Jd., Hid. Women's Navy, Seal, and Black Hose. 6^d., 7$d.. 11 Jd. Children's Colored Cotton Hose, 2*d., 3Jd., l%&. ChUdren'8 Navy, BUcfcHose, 4id.. 5id.,€id., 7id. Men's Brown Cotton Half-Hose. 2jd., 3Jd., 4jd., 6Ui. Hen's Merino Half-Hose, 6Jd., 7Jd., 10id^ Is. Men's Lambewool Half nose, 6Jd , 8h$., lljd. Men's Military HaU-Hose, 64d., 7id., lljd., le. 3d. Men's Fancy Half-Hose. 4£&, 6^d., 9d.. lid., le. lid. Boys' Brown Cotton Half-Hose, 4dM 6d., 7d. Bgvb' MiHtaiy Half- hose, 4Jd., 6jd. Colored Braide, to clear at 3jd. per doz. White Handkerchiefs, la. 6d, 1b. lid., 29. lid., 58. 6d., 7s. 6d. doz. Fancy Buttons, 13. doz. Ladies' Jersey Gloves. 7Jd., 8}d., le., le. 6-3. pall Children's White Gloves, 14 pair Lace. Is., Is. 6d., Is. ltd., 2a. lid. doz. Packets Haberdashery, 63,, Is. each Ladies' 4-button Tan Eid Gloves, le lid. per pair LadieB' 2-button Black Kid Gloves, 6, 6£, 6Jr only 6d. Ladies' 2-button Colored Eid Gloves, Is. 6d. pair Embroidery, le. 6d., le. Ud., 2s. lid., Se. Ud. Insertion, Id., 2d., 3d., 4d. per yard Frillinge, Id., 2d., Sd., 4d., 6d. yard Ribbons, Id.. 2d , 3d., 4d. per yard Ladies' Collarettes, ejd., 9|d., Is. Colored Cottons, 3d. per dozen. TAILORING. Special values during Sale« — Sac Suits, from 60a. Trousers, from 12s. 6d. Blue Serge Suits, superior, 57s. Cd. Our Celebrated ' Escelslor' Seree Suits, 65s. ' 'All good Tweeds. Fit snd Workmanship of the best Patterns and eelf -measurement forms tree by post* Tweed, la, Is. 6d., Is. U-J.i 2s. lid., 3s. Ud yard. I BOOTS, BOOTS, ADELAIDE HANUFACTOB*. iniants' Patent B.S. Boots, 2a. Sd., Ss. Sd. Infants' Lace Boots, sizes 3 to 6, Is. lid., 2s. 6i, St. Ud * Infante1 Boots, E.S., sizes 3 to 6, Ss. Ud., 3s. 6d. Children's Lace, eize fi to 9, 2a. 6dL, 2s. Ud., 8a. 6d. Sizes 10 to 13. 2s. lid., Ss. 6d., Se. lid. Children's Leather E.S.,Bzea 6 to 9, 2s. Ud., 8s. Sd.. 4s. 6d.; sizes 10 to 13, 3s. 6d., 3s. lid.. 4s. Ud. Children's Balmoral, sizes « to 9, 3a. 9d., in. 6d., 6s. id.; sizes 10 to 13, 4s. 6d., 4a. Ud., 6s. Ud. Hen's E.S. Boots, 68. Ud., 6s. Ud., 8s. Ud. Men's Bluchers, 6a. Ud., €s. lid. Men's Bluchers, Hongarttn called, Se. Ud., 6a. Ud. Men's Balmoral Boots, Ss. 6d., Be. Ud., 6s. Ud., 98.6 Women's Lace. Ss. 6d., 6a. Ud., 6s. 6d.. 8s. 6d. Ladies' E.S., 6s. 6d Se. Ud.. 6s. Ud., 7s. lid. Maids' E.8., 4a, 6d., 6s. 9d., 8s. Ud. Maids' Lace, 4e. 6d., 4s. Ud., 6s. Ud. Youths' Bluchers, 6s. 3d., 6s. Ud., 6s. Ud. Youths' Balmorals, fie. 6d., 7s. 6d., 8s. 6d. pall TouthG' E.8., 6b. Ud.. 6s. 6d.. 7s. 8d. p»lr. Ladies' Phenalla Boots, 4e. 6d., 46. Ud., 5a. Ud.

PRICE-LIST SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. Kindly send remittance with order. Xo ensure safety please forward email amounts in Postal Notes parable to Hall A Savage, and amounts over £1 in P.O. Order, Bank Draft, or Cheque. It stamps are cent le. la the £ must he added for exchange. HILL & SAVAGE, Drapers, Tailors, and Outfitters, 06, BTJNDLE-STjIEBT, ADELAIDE. x3460 Si w Ha HARRISES'



Sold by all Saddlers, Ironmongers and Storekeepers, Mi Manufactory : 57, MANSELL STREET, LONDQ!LJ&i ? ^ot aa Emulsion and consequently does not contsia sn eaual ^tantityol (oraEj) g water charged for at the price cf Oil. ^ WWnFnfflBmrw^^^^^Tnr^fflrRJjjffiffi \ E I SB S^ ES| ffjijrnm |Kfjgg B8BLW| HH ^sBL ^B^^B ^21 £ lie puc 'Bcrid rencvtod Oil, perfected is. etc cp«Tfetion. e on ?«o neatly neecics V. T-O Rff»r u'n.»'H}1«i-;n-i» — r«.r ?,\\ ? ? r ? .....-?_ ' For EOOPEE'S L!CT5 fcr FTR'Ttfi.' i -.?; iilssLffofe KOTE!— Wtttin the* £ vejj- large ccmbe» d rrfetitiiry letter* ^^3L ^^MTnS^^^T teeth «i eurin(j ee-. er&! ytare paet, nj;O macv n-eri-«! (\\i'i\ik ro- taBfflStJgSBFmiSiGS&BKlBm/b ctntly, picvinp ifaat in titrv case ttcple satiBfaoticD is glvtn. bolb ^SSmS^S^ISKSalSIISXS'^ hy the value uxi qualitj oi the Goods etnt, ua tj our very csroiisJ j^^atoa^BBWyBSi^^ WE AIK «t givtotr cur OOUKTKT OmOontert cooi resvert tar ^^SES^^^wB^'|i|B'illl trusting ce, hence onr prtit and increasing eaocege flrajBij^ffl|K^8ft Write to ue for Prices for anything wanted sbent the Eox»e. We f^SSMi^^SBSllSsSSma ? §xt at tHJ Umet pleased to fiend the £dle*t kJcntsticu cuotit &ny H§»Hp*'\359M9iHnHBHH We wtD nafce yxro urthlcg yon ftotee tc crtitr. t'^H| KPH^flBi We cive very Gpeci&I lnducemeriK for Caeh, but we tre TrHSicj to ^^KS^SBS^ &3V^^I^BS9 try and arntkgc tuitaLU ttrtnt for you. ^^ I^^^^BR ^?SIbB Oar Stock contains every Article required Ie » he-use. IJS1 5S 13Bk I^^EB^B Do yoa vant a new Cinkg Table, Me»tn4o: Sofa, or BedstefaO, of Igrff ^BB VVH ?^Tthi&gT Xbm write 1c ut lor prices u«d deacriptioB. fi^H ^S^^ iHSPv HO O P ER'S|I %m 40t ttlKDLtY STBt£I- ADELAIDE ^ ^BfiBBUE^

? Fnblic Companiea. ? THE WAERA WARRA. CUPPER HIKING SYNDICATE. NOTICE Is hereby given thit a MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS in the ahove Syndicate will he held at the Office of the undersigned, 71, KingWillam-etreet (opposite the Royal Exchange), Adelaide, on THURSDAY, March 2S, 18S9, at 3 o'clock. ,W. B. WILKINSOX, 74x75 ? Secret iry. WHEAL WATKINS SILVER AND LEAD HIKING COMPAMYj NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby Riven that a FOURTH CALt of TnREErExcE per Share has this day been made by the Directors, payable at the Registered Office of the Company, Eldon Chambers, 90, King Wiillametreet. Adelaide, on Wednesday, the isth day ot Maich, 18f9. .As money is required for pumping machinery ehareholders are tptcially urged to pay their call without delay. AU chares on which the call is unpaid on the 27th March will he absolutely forfeited. H. GOMGRAVE, Manager. March 1, 1SS9. x75 Tenders and Contracts. TEKDEKS will be received np to 23rd March, 1889, for DEEPENING a TANK to 16 feeb (about 9,000 cubic yards to he excavated), about four miles west of GIBSON'S OAMP. Specifications at Mr. Jaffrey's oGSce, Quorn ; at Sir: Sanderson's rffice, Port Angosta West ; at the Tank ; end at the Yudnapinnie Bead Station. X47-76 TO FARMERS, WOODCARTERS, &c. We invite tffers for the Sapply of One to Five Hundred Tons d»y PEPPERMINT FIREWOOD, delivered at our North terrace yard. For further particulars apply JAMES CBOCKEB & CO., *'5r ? e9. King William-street. ? Bootes, Stationery, ? OOKS FOB. LENT AND OTHJER DEVOTIONAL WORKS. Guide to PaEBinc Lent Holily, 6d. Bickersttth— Yesterday, ToKlay, and Forever, It., 2e. 6d. The Churchman's Daily Remembrancer, 2s., 3e. 6J., 6a.. 7e Gd., 9d. A Short Manual of Prayers for Communicants, la. Everard— BtDeath the Cross, la. 6d. Oxecden— Fervent Prayer, Is. The Hidden Life cf the Sod], 6d. Oxenden-Zhe Earnest Churchman, 5b. Scudamore— Steps to the Altar, is. 63., 2s , 5s. 63. The Rule o! Life, 6d. The Rule of Prayer, la. Ridley— Path of Duty, 18. Ridley on Praying, Sd. Carter— The Treasury of Devotion, 2s. Oxenden— Earnest Communicant, Is. ?Ridley— Holy Communion, 7d. The Narrow Way, all editions from 6d. upwarde. The Book of Private Prayer, 2e. Daily Round, Se., 3s. 6d., 7s. 6d. Abrillon- Devotions at the Blessed Sacrament, Is. Bajnee— A Manuel for Holy 'Communion, Is. 6d. B:ckerBteth— From Year to Year, 3s. 6d. Pinnock— Rubrics for Cummunicants, Is. 6d. Wilson — Sacra Privata, Is. Lyra Mystics— Hymns and Verses on Sacred Subjects, 3s 66. Lyra Eueharlstica— Hymns and Verses od the Holy Comuranion, 3=. 6d. The Christian Year, all editions from Is. upwards. Liddon's Easter Sertnonp, 2 voIb., 10?, Gould (BariDg)— The Seven Lsst Words, 2s. 6d. W. O. RIGBY, Importer of Boots and Stationery, 74, Kine William-etreet, Adelaide. . Telephone 325. lCEaiucx2c KOTICK. TOTE'S VENGEANCE. ANEW NOVEL ! Ey the Author ot ' GUlian'a Love Story,' -£n. Is Commenced in FAMILY HERALD PART for PEBRUARy. IThlcb contains also the Continuation ot QEUEL KINDRED, ANEW NOVEL, By the Author of 'Wedded Hands,' ' Madam's Ward,' ' Hull and Void,' ' The Houje in the Cloee,' fee. Also, complete Stones, Eesays, Answers to OorrespcndeDt-f, Cookery, Uiceilmea, Enigmas, Cbarades, riidctles. &c. ?piAMILY HERALD, Part 549. FAMILY HERALD PART for FEBRUARY, The Australasian says:— ? ?'.=. ' This favorite domestic magazine retains alljits old inter est and variety.' Price Sixpence. E'AMILY HBRALD, Part 519. The Daily Argus says :— ' *= ' This domestic magazine is eecond to none with which we are acquainted. *Y Price Sixpence. , , FAMILY HERALD PART FOR FBBRUAHY. The Darting Downs Oazttte says :— 'Among the ^Engliah periodicals received in Australia there is one, we believe, that receives a warmer welcome than ie accorded to any 'other publication of its kind In the world. . . . Its reputation has been ably preserved, and ite character as the best family magazine of light, wholesome, and amusing reading has been nobly sustained.' The FAMILY HERALD may te had la Hall yearly Volumes (4s. 6d.) and in Monthly Parts (6d ) ot all Colonial Booksellers and Newsagents ; or the Monthly Part direct from W. Stbvens, 121. Strand, London, for Ma. per annum, post tree. London : W. Stetehs, 421, Strand ; and at all News* vendors. ? 79.81E78 80x75-82 THSTEY AMERICAN ORGANS at

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