Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851), Tuesday 1 February 1848, page 1

FASHIONS FOR OCTOBER. (lrom the '! London and Paris Ladies Magazine or Fashion.") Tlie, autkumnal .dresses are. frequently ornameihted With velvet of contrasting color, and the: demilongue sleeve pointed cuffs, fixed by a velvet nceud, and on the flounces several rows of narrow velvet. The form -of dresses: varies- but little corsages are always tight, ornamented in a variety of ways, reverse branienbourge formed of chefs, in guimpe with buttqns ; a new style of guimspe -trimming forms a new series of leaves; imitating' oak, &c., placed contrariwise from the throat to', the bottom of the skirt, increasing gradually in size. Am mg the newest materials for travelling dresses and robes de chambre is the chatoyante. It is of grey worsted Chine, with large check of red, orange, or blue silk, made with a single deep flounce, cn biais, and corsage gunimpe also en. biais. The skirts seem to be increasing still in length, but are worn shorter in front. A pretty novelty for walking dresses are those of cachee. mire, with application of cachemire on the front. of the cQrsage; and chatelaine in rich rosasse, pins, &c. &c. Redingotes are very -much worn, and generally in the aniazone style, but shorter, sometimes .ot the waistcoat form, showing the muslin chemisette. -Bonnets begin to assume an autumnal appearance, :capotes of -tafftas-are made- with pinked trimmings, an'dlnouds 6fvelvet inside; the deep colour of which forms a contrast to the light bonnet. Neglige bonnets of fancy straw are lined with gros de Naples, and ornamented inside by poppies and tulle and paille color, with double bavolet of taffetas; pinked and simple nceuds and brides of pinked taffetas. Cocks' feathers will be'agail fashionable, one half black, the other green, blue, or any contrasting color. Another novelty are the marabouts and follettes glaces, with the natural wings of insects, the varied tints having much effect both by candlelight and in the sun.. New mantelets are in preparation for the autumn the prettiest are of cassimer satin, jaid Satin de Cliine Many new styles of trimming vill also bI. introduced in. manteaux, the Girondens of black or very dark colored satin, the reine Marguerite of velvet, and the Marie Stuart are spoken of. Tisr LosT WnIAs..FISHERts.-On Wednesday last, seventeen of the seamen belonging to the Boai Accord, of Hiill, and the Alfred, of Bowness, arrived here by the steamer from Lerwick,,where they had been brought by the Peru, of Copen= hageti, from Egedismunde, a Danish settlement on the east side of Davis' Straits. The poor fellows having lost all their clothing were dressed in the seal-skin attire of the Esquimaux, and, as was to have been expected, attracted no small attention as they passed along the quay. Some others of their shipmates went to Copenhagen, intending to go thence to 1-lull. Others (about nine of tslemn re.nained in Greeriland, therp not hleing accommnodation for the whole of them on lDiraL the Peru, They seem to have undergone tmuch privation, having had to remove from one settlement to another on account of the insufficiency of provisiois. The intelligencethey bring of the other vessels leads to favorable expectations. When the Beon Accord and the. Alfred were lost, on the 9th July, the other vessels in, when last. seen, were a long way a -head of them, with open water half a mile dis-tant. Next day there was not a vessel in sight, they haviilg evidently got through to the west. They report that several vesselshad fish. The Pacific is said to have one, and a vessel they saw passing down the Straits, opposite to Egedismunde,.. was sitting very deep sn the water, and apparently full.-Aberdeen Herald. Tit? MODERN RUINS qo Tr?E tMODERNa ArftfEs. -A tew movement is making in Scotland towards a renewal- of the works, in imitatiois of the Athenianf Parthenon on the Calton-hill, of the northern capital. It is now proposed, we are, tqld, to cut away the church and sepulchre clauses from the act for its erection, and to devote the edifice at large to the purposes of a " Scottish Pantheon, or Gallery of 1-lonor, for the reception of monumental busts and statues of great and distinguishied men, whether statesmen, warriors, poets, ames of literature, science, artists, &c., not limited to Scotland, or even Great Britain, but open to men of all nations." The Iedimnentsand matopes, together with the friezes of the peristyle, are to be decorated with national sculpture, and the interior with paintings illustrative of Scottish and British achievements, in fresco, encaustic, or oil, as may be decided ipon. A new act is to be applied for, providing for the establishment of £5 shares to the amount of £150,000, itistead of £25 shares to the amount of £100,000, formerly proposed. The mere lay'ing of the foundations. for the original plan, and the rearing of the picturesque pillars which have so long stood on the hills'as at once an ornament and a rebuke, cost, it is said, no less a sum than £15,000.Globe. Tot: Paovisto? CONTRaAc.-The naval contract is announced fqr 5,000 tierces .of beef and 11,000 tierces of pork ; but it is worthy of remark that this contract is not limited, as heretofore, to beef and psrk. cured in thesUnited Kingdom, but admits' contracts from all parts of the globe. This is the first tiine tlat the provision contract has been extended beyond the United Kinsdotsn arid the alteriition has been rendered insditpe?ssible by the failure of the potato crop in Irnladl/d anid its' consequences upon the'supply and :plice of the description of curedi meat required, 'esW pecially .ork, -qtblin MdIei'ntise AdvertiseF,