Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Tuesday 24 June 1879, page 2

NOTES AND EVENTS. The forthcoming shire elections which are to take place in August next are now giving some little food for gossip, though very little interest will be taken in them. The retiring councillors are ;-For the riding of Corangamite, Mr. Edmund Cooper; for Beeac, Mr. Charles Beal; and for Weering, Mr. Charles Buchanan, It is doubtful whether there will be contests for the three events. We believe that a requisition is being got up, requesting Mr. W. Robertson to stand for Corangamito, and that gentle man is likely to be opposed by a local resi dent, not altogether "unknown to fame," Mr. Cooper having notified his determina tion to retire from council labors. Mr. J. Hills;.will stand for EBeac, and the present member for Weering, Mr. Buchanan, will probably have a bloodless victory for his seat, as we have not yet heard of any one having the temerity to oppose him. A special train, conveying Mr. Anderson, the traffic managei, Mr., Wihtsmn, the Eagi. neer-in-chief, and some other officials of the Railway DJpartment, arrived in Colac onI Friday afternoon last, They. have just con. eluded an inspection of all the lines and sta tions in the colony. The object of the tour was to ascertain what would be the require. ments for railway purposes, in order that proper provision might be made in the esti. h mates which are now being prepared. Every. I lthing on this line, as well as on all other ineso, werag found to be in a satisfactory state, '

A meeting of the Colan branch of the' National Reform League will be held at liv.,n's Royal Hlotel to-night, when it is ci cated that all members will put in an ap - pearalee. The good that the various Sbranches of the League did in Ihe past should not be lost sight of. Unity is s lenglth, and by remnaiing United the Lber:ls of the colony will nson have the satisfaction of knowing that just laws will have succeeded iniqtitions ones, and that responsible government will give proslperity to the linest country in the Southern hemi sphere. i "onor to whom honor is due,"is a motto that apparently is lost sight of by some per Sones who delight in self.glorilication, even at the expense of truth, and are ever reatly Isto misguide the unniwary regarding iltportailnt facts. An instance of this has reeently been prominently brouglht uder our our notice. In a codemllorary on Saturday last there ap peared a letter, purporting to have been written hlv ir. Adam lea (who did not write the ilterestiny; epistle, although he may have had something to do with cencocting it), which, in a hifalutin style, dilated oil Inany things, and was headed by a few sen: ences draw'ing the attention of the public to " the tinme and money" MIr. Rea had spent in trying to acelimatioe fish in Lake Colanc. Now, most of our readers are very w l 11 atware that Mr. Rlea never spent ai cent is endeavoring to stock our waters with fish, although he may have given a little useless time to thle undertaking. Collections for the . ol j,.et, were nlnays maule oni a large scale by !Mr. lRea. No b.sluice sheet has ever been 1:u!'ihed ; no account aver given of tllon'e received 'or expended, and it is quite pro Slah!e that if M1r. Rea would refresh his nemomy lie might lind that lie had money in hind that hoe was in dilty hound to forward to the Fi-h Acclimatisation Society which has iemn lately reorganised. ALnd further, the idea of stacking Lake Colae with lish never originatell with Mr. Rea. For this the peol;le of the distiict were idcebted, as they were also for many other philanthropic move mrenIlt to the late Dr. ankltivell, who, during his sojourn in Colae and up to the time of his lea Ih, was universally esteemned as a lhulie benefactor. To give our readels the benefit of the true facts in connection withi the Ieginning of flsh iacelimualisatiso in Colec, we appelnd the plarticulars of thi beginning of the movement, for which we have to thaink. onef eour oldest residents, Mr. James Hills. The first meetitng held for the pur pose took place as far back as February, 1858, and was attended iby nearly all the old residents of Coble, including the late Mr. Hugh Murray, Dr. Nankivell, Messrs. John hl'Kegg, James Hills, J. Chapman, it. Darby, and others. In the following the follg March the first fish, consisting of carp and the Mnurray cod species, were consigned to our waters, and the stocking was continued at intervals el most upl to the present time. Of late years -Mr. J.dH. Conner took greater interest than any other person in endeavoring to stock the lake with fish, and did give time and money to the work. It will therefore be seen from the above that MIr. Rea had little or nothing to do with bringing fish to our waters. We must not omit to state that Messrs. R1. DarEy and J. Chapmai did a great deal to further the project of late years, but as those gentle men don't delight in self-glorilication, less honest individuals take the credit for what they never did. It is certainly amusing to see men wrho have only resided in Colae a short timne, and never did anything to for. ward the interests of the place, endeavor on all ocasions to push themselves forward as phiilantlhropalbts, and try to wrest the laurels from the veterans who have borne the heat and brunt of the work that had to be over come in bhinging our town to its present forward state. A great number of such per sons are amongst us, butit shall be our duty on all occasions to unmask any individual who, like the Jackdaw in borrowed plumnes, tries to pass hiiself offlfor what he is not, and in so doing we will uphold the motto which we quoted at the beginning of this paragraph, "HIonor to whom honor is due." It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we chronicle the death of Mr. Nicholas Cole, of West Cloven Hill, Darlington. For same time past Mr. Cole's health has been on the decline, and his once vigorous and strong constitution began to show the hard ships that the settlers of forty years ago had to experience. He had not been confined to his room until quite recently, but it was anticipated that a general breaking up of the system would take place. These anticipa tions, unfortunately, were too well founded, for death ensued early on Sunday morning last. The age of the deceased gentleman was 68 years, and he leaves behind him a wife and family of five. The deceased gen-tleman was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western district, having arrived at the Cloven Hills, his place of residence, over forty years ago, when things were not nearly so comfortable and pleasant as they are now. The difficulties that surrounded settlement in those days are little known to the residents of later years, but he, being a man of indomitable energy and perseverance, surmounted them all, and he amassed con-siderable wealth, which he distributed on all sides with a bounteous hand. He was a great exception to his class, and as regards liberality he was more like Mr. W. J. Clarke than any other landed proprietor in this district. His loss will be severely felt not only in his immediate locality, but throughout the whole country, for he was well-known and universally esteemed. One memorable act of the deceased, which showed an admirable trait in his character, is worthy of record. Some years ago a meeting of landholders was held, when it was proposed that a night's lodging on sta-tions be denied travelling swagmen unless they paid for it. Mr. Cole, who was present when the proposition was made, immediately rose and said, " Gentlemen, I must leave you, because while I have a sheep I shall never deny a working man a night's lodg-ing." This outspoken language had the effect of dissolving the meeting and crushing the parsimonious proposal. The remains of the large-minded gentleman will be buried in the Camperdown cemetery to-day, Some people have very little idea as to the destructiveness of shags to the finny tribe. Yeaterday Mr. George H. Hills shot on his dan, at Tarnalla, a shag which, when opened, was found to contain nio less than 1 120 little fish quite perfoect, and also about twenty or thirty others partially digested. I The fish were very much like the guarimi imported from Mlauritius by the Acclimatisa tion Society, a number of which were sent 1 to Colac, a few being given to Mi. Hills to stoclk his dam. This fact of such a great I number of fish being found in the slinhag I ought to be suflicient to stir up somne local spostsron to go out iand shoot these birds, for they are so numerous about the creeks and lake as to set at defiance the efforts of the local Acclimatisatjion Society, The pleople of Geclong will be well pro- 1 vided with news in the future, as we are in fornled that that the Plivot will soon be able 1 to boast of onte evenilng and three daily papers. It appears that the proprietors of the Evening "imlles ittend to pullisht that journal in the morning, and also publish an evening paper which is to be entitled the Evenin! Star, and that a diff'erent company intend to establish a paper to be called the IIdependent, slwhich, combined withl the Ad vertiser, should make things in the news paper world particularly lively in Geelong. We were yesterday shown a beautifully built flat-bottomed skiff, the hlandiwork of MIr. 11. Page, a well-known local tradesman. The skiff is twnenty-two feet long. and othler wise proportionately modelled. Shite is fitted up with sliding seats and all the latest appli ances, and is not only a creditale piece of 1 worlkmnanship, but will also be an trnament and an addition to the fleet on thie lake. A very severe froset was experienced here on Sunday night, lwhich will doubtless prove very injurious to early crops and the young grass which has recently been springing up in a very promising manner. Yesterday morn. I ing ice, varying in thickness from a shilling to one incl, was fenound in standing water and in pools in the vininity of Colaoe. and the ex. 1 tremo coldness of the early morn was sue- I ceced by a beantifully sunny day, more like that pertaining to the season of spsing than midwinter. -. " .

The Local Land Board will hold its usual sitting to-day in the Court house, commen-cing at ten o'clock. The business is of a more lengthy character than usual, there being some fifty-three applications to deal with. The greatest interest is centered in the blocks which form the area known as Harker's reserve. For this there are thirty-two applications. Mrs Peterson will be allowed to select two blocks, and a similar application will be made on behalf of Mrs. Berson. Mrs. Berson is a poor widow woman, with five young children, the eldest of whom is only nine years of age, and the case is a most deserving one—quite as much so as any we know. The board, by recom-mending Mrs. Berson to two blocks, would be doing her a great benefit, whilst inflict-ing a hardship on no one, and we are sure the recommendation is one that would meet with the hearty approval of the public. A number of applications . for land in the parishes of E.liminyt, lNatte ,Iourrang, Brunbra, Irrewillipe, and Barwon Downs, will also be dealt with. The B iard will comprise, as usual, Mr. Wimble, of the Lands Offlice, Melbourne, Mr. Shattock, of the Survey Olfice, Geelong, and Mr. Cooper, President if the Colac Shire Council. The residents of Gerangamete have f, r somre time past suffered severely from the ravngecs of wild dogs, otherwise known as dingoes. One night last week twelve sheep belonging to Mr. Win. Price, senr., were killed, and many others much injured. TI e dogs, which arce so mischievous and trouble. some, are irincipally of a mongrel breed, betwen domestic dogs and dingoes. Tl.o sheep in the district of Gerangamete have ao;v to be yarded nightly to prevent theti being destroyed, and the residents of the hush are resorting to all available means for the purpose of killing the hordes of the canine species, which have made sheep-farm irg anything hbuita paying speculation in the district of Gerangamete. The C'acnm erdoasn Chroanicle has received notice from the local post office that a day mail service will be established between Colac and Warrnambool on and after tlt July. The time of arrival and departure of the new services have been given as follows: -Leave Colte, 11.45 a.m., Sundays ex cepted; Pirron Yaloak, 12.30 p.m.; Camn iaerdoa'in, 3.15 p.m.; due at Warriramrbool 9.45 Return mails leave Warrnam. sbol 5.45, Sundays excepted; Camper down, 11.40 a.m.; Pirron Yaloak, 1.40 p.m., due at Colac 3 p.m. This, in additian to the usual night service, will be a great con venience to business people all along the line, and thoePstmaster-auneral is des-rv ing of the best thanks of the public for his continual and studied efforts to meet their requirements. While on this matter we cannot help remarlting that it seems very strange that we have to go from home to hear news. If the Chronicle was forwarded the above intimation on Thursday, in time for publication oin the following (Friday) morning, the question arises why wore we not permitted to participate in the same advantage. Surely intelligence of a public nature ought to have the fullest and earliest publicity, and it is the duty of the officials to ensure it if possible. On Friday morn ing, of course after we had published, Mr. Dore, the local postmaster, informed us of the alteration, when he had received intima tion of it the previous day, and when it could and ought to have been forwarded to us, in order that the public might be made acquainted with the proposed extra service. We waited on Mr. Dore last night for an -explanation of the matter, wlen he in. formed us that he had only received intima. tion on Friday morning by train. This is, however, incorrect, as he told us of the matter on that morning before the arrival of the train, and this is borne out by the fact that the information was published by the Chronicle on Friday morning, and the same information would of course be conveyed to all offices interested in the proposed service at the same time. This is not the first time we have had occasion to complain of the local postmaster withholding items of public interest which we had a perfect right to .cow. We were treated in a precisely similar way in the matter of the recent alteration in the morning train, the Ondit nail arrangements, and in many other equally important matters whieh were rhanded to another section of the press, although such intimation was received at the local post office in plenty of time to be handed to us first. Whether this matter has been so systematically carried out for political purposes rwe know not, but when it has been so often repeated we cannot think otherwise. It appears to our mind that Mr. Dore is linked in with a little political clique, and he uses his office to asosit the organ of that clique in a way that would not be tolerated in any other town ship, and the sooner he desists from such a course the better it will be for himself and the public generally. However, to ensure this we will take care to have the matter brought under the notice of the Postmaster. General, and see if his kindly interference will have the desired effect, and act as a caution to others. We are glad to be able to state that the Land Tax has already had a beneficial effect in "bursting up," one of the estates in this district. There are now 934 acres of the " Watch Hill" estate, which was recently sold, under cultivation. The land has been sown with oats and barley, and is in the hands of the following holders :-Mr. J. B. Wiltnore, 400 acres; Mr. W. Somerfield, 100 acres; Rankin Bros., 100 acres; Mr. Johnstone, 164 acres; Mr. L. M'Intyre, 170 acres. It is to be hoped that the "bursting ap" will continue, so that the advancement if agriculture may make this district as prosperous as its resources will admit' of. For some time past we have not been re. :eiving the Portonlian, an Adelaide comic paper, and could not account in any way for lhe proprietor's omiiqsion. However, N e otico that an explaatioun appears from a ariter in the Souti-Eansteon Slur, who states that the editor has been acting as interpreter" f tile Zulu language, and the Porstoniim was uospended for a time "in consequecce. It ill interest asome of our readers to know hat the gentleman wla Irs adopted the role f editor of a comic paper in South Australia rd is 10ia acting as interpreter of an Aftric. lasguage, is the ierson who was at one tios e knoccn here as Mr. D. C. F. M'Donald slica lIalphc Otto, the erratic correspon. Icnt of a Geclog evening contemporary. Whil in Colac he has always "bigo on the cacffre language, and now apa cars to be putting his knowledge to prac ieal use, .ie docsnot intend, thougi, to remai log asrany from hris editorial dnties, or he says, (to use the language of the ,vritr ine the ,S'ta) that " The Poratomici is nly buiedt, like seed, for a while, to come ut ii fresh fns, annd with renewead vi or ioio timein Joly." g Wer hare been siown a rery useful minis ature tir lamps constructred by Mer. atviol rcherb, the wel klniowun inventor and patetee of theI Acrial Tramwray. Thelamp is ofa the form of a pyraaid, shows a very god light, is about six inches in length, rovided crith a borcer and wrehetor rande ery ingeniously pu m together. The lamp nay be obtained at a very trifling cost; all hte cheapest kinudso of oil and fat might he tilised in cornection with it, and it would therefore bh very useful for stations, se lectolr, and splitters, and all persons who equiro cheap litght, and have not tnime to attend to lamps of a store costly description. G-rubs arc very plentiful in tlie vicinity of the Wanrrioans. They ar-e destroyinfn reat deal of grass, and nlaking their pre. onice felt in a very undesirable way. They cave considerably altered the appeai icco or Thie land belonging to Mh'. T. C. hIrie " lea Tree, it., Ecren M'Donald, and Allen, IVarrions. Isusany cases gcioc" cave been compelled to 'reduce the norhlmo of stock in consequence of the ravages'of hese pesats. Tire contest for the Fitzroy electorate has een narrowed dosn' to two canididntes-his. Gray and Mr. Blackett. Mlr. Evons baring withdrew his norsirnation, has shirwn hlit he is a true Liberal at heart, and that re would not endanger the interests of tIl sausc by going to the poll, and giving tl e Cocservatsve candidate a cetain victory, TIne polling day is Wednesday.

Queensland appears to he passing through a crisis similar to that which we experienced here four years ago, when the M'Culloch party were in power. The people of Brisbane, hoeever, according to the Age's telegraphic correspondent, do not intend to stand quietly by and watch the iron hand proceedings of the Government without protest. A meeting was held in Brisbane on Saturday evening, at which about two, thousand persons were present, and hundreds of others were unable to gain admittance, to the town hall last night, on thle occasion of a public meeting that had been called to consider the policy of the present Governmeet. Nearly the whole of the Liberal members of Parliament were present and great enthusiasm prevailed. Resolutions were unanimously carried as follows :-lst. ,T-,-+ this meeting regards with great disA etion the policy announced by the 2^vernmernt, as it not only ranges class sgaist class, but will be injurious and emlbarassing to the welfare of the colony." 2nd. "That this meeting tenders its cordial and appreciative thanks to the Opposition members for their lirm and intelligent resistance presented to the Government proceedings and policy." 3rd. "That this meeting desires to express its regret and disappointment that the Liberal side of the H]ouse of Assembly has been weakened by the withdrawal of their support by representatives of several leading Liberal constituencies." -Messrs. Douglass, Griffith, lRutledge, Fraser, llea, Grimes, Brookes, and IHockings were amongst the speakers. It will be seen by advertisement that the first consignment of coal from the local mines will be sold on behalf of the Colac Mining Prospecting Company by Ihr. Win. Finnis on Friday, the 27th inst., at 3 p.m., at Mr. H. 3f. Hearn's livery stables. The interesting proceedings should biduce a number of persons to put in an appearance, aend we hope to be able to chronicle that the Colne coal will have brought a higher price than any other in the market. We would again remind our readers that the Uncle Tom's Cabin Company will appear in the Oddfellows' Hall to-night. The company, as we have said before, is a large and talented one, and has been highly appreciated iu all parts of the colony. Particulars of the entertainment may be obtained by perusing oar advertising columns. A fine fish was found on the shore of the lake near the boathouse on Sunday morning last by MIr. John Thompson. The lish was a Ballarat perch, was twelve inches long and nine inches in the girth, and was quite fresh, apparently having only been thrown up on the sand. The third of the series of Popular Enterwill take place in St. John's schoolroom tomorrow evening, when a lengthy programme will be gone through. M r. J. G. Jennings will occupy the chlair. A man named Kirkwood was arrested yesterday afternoon.' by Constable Williams on a charge of wife desertion. The wife of the deserter lives at Leigh Road, where he he will be remanded to this morning, after appearing atithe local Police Court. Applications are invited by the Colac Shire Council from six good men for spreading maintenance metal on roads within the shire, who are t> provide and keep in repair their own tools. In connection with the above .--tcrpe will also be required three draft horses and harness, with driver, for rolling. Applications must be sent in not later than eleven o'clock on Saturday next, to the Public Works Committee. The Minister of Publi" Instruction invites tenders for the erection of a wooden building for state school purposes at Camel Springs. Our advertising columns give full particulars in connection with the work required. The issue of a new license to Isabella 31. Walford, for 20 acres, in the parish of Cressy, has been approved. The applications for licenses of John George Brunt, for 57 acres, in the parish of Bambra; Michael Ml'Grath, for 103 acres, Gerangamete, and John Nelson, 3 acres, Elliminyt, have been approved. The license of Charles Russell, for 100 acres, parish oi Lorne, has been declared void.