Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Thursday 19 April 1888, page 2



There ia ia a recent number of the Revue Des Deux Mondes an anonymous article on the European Situation, which sets forth with un-usual force and clearness the actual

position, of Frauoe. The article ap-pears te, have been written by one who has given a great deal of study to the subject with which he deals, as may be gathered from the fact that he reaches conclusions which, though j disaccordant with general opinion,

appear to be sustained by a careful consideration ot the position. ¿It is pleasant to be able to say that such a writer is strongly of opinion that peace is likely to be preserved, because it is to the interest of all parties that it shouldJbe 'preserved. In France, he declares, the great majority of the people aro pacific, whilst he thinks that war would bring such risks fpr Russia as she would not readily face. ' At the same time, it must not be overlooked 'that' the writer

himself regards the Jstate of France as-very-bad indeed, for the action joV < universal suffrage 'has been, only tci, place power, in the htt-MB of the incapablet, who succeed

i,". "'t ft *i 4 i~* \

each other wita bewildering rapidity, but who aie jiever'.replaced by jteonj; and capable rulers. This, being the case, of course, anything is possible, since the incapables, and especially the ambitious' incapables, are very prone to precipitate great events, if only because they do not see all their consequences. These considerations must be set

against the undoubted desire of a majority ot the people for peace, as the nation is always in presence of the unknown, and is liable to be the victim of tho reckless and the stupid. As for Russia, though she seems to have a great deal to risk by war, it must not be forgotten that she has before risked all to gain an advance towards Constantinople, and there does not appear to be anything to prevent her incurring a like risk again. It is truo that she now stands in presence of the Triple Alliance, which is understood to have been formed to check a decided advance such as will imperil the in-terests of Austria and Italy, but whether that alliance will prove n sufficient barrier to the progress towards the south, so long characteristic of Russia, is precisely the problem to be solved, and which can only be solved by the lapse of time. The writer whom we quote sums up concisely the position. Ho says :-" The road to Constanti-nople passes through Vienua, and the road to Vienna passes through Berlin." This being so, beyond all doubt at the present time, it follows that Russia cannot carry out her traditional and unchangeable policy without coming into collision with Austria, and she cannot hope to reach Austria without having disposed of the opposition of Germany. Nor is this all, as matters stand. Any attempt on the part of Russia to secure the command of the Mediterranean will

be opposed by an alliance which in-cludes Italy, and thus we have some guaranty for peace in the enormous force which Russia would have to encounter. And, at this point, wo find that the interests of France and the Triple Alliance coincide, since the presence of Russia at Constantinople means the loss-to France of all her influence in the East, on which1 she sets so much store, and for which she has made so many sacrifices. The writer says-" The Power which shall hold Constantinople will dominate all the East,' above all if that Power is Russia, which holds already Asia Minor by the other extremity, threat-ening the plateau of Armenia and the sources of the Euphrates," Such a result for France, he concludes, would be to lose in one hour of madness the result of ten centuries of effort.

We are now able to discern the strangeness of the situation, which is fully recognised by the writer of the essay in the Revue. <An,., alliance between France and -Russia,, which should enable the latter to'accomplish

her designs, would be disastrous for ', France, as it would deprive her of all her influence in the East, for which

she has so long contended. But, it1 , would do a great deal more. Russia j could not succeed, so far as the pre-, sent appearances go, until ,she had first'

subdued Austria, and the virtual I destruction of Austro-Hungary as now

constituted means a most serious >

danger to France. This appears to be ' the one most important factor which

hal been generally overlooked in con- ' sidering this question of the European

Situation,aud the writer has done good i service by calling attention to it, as it

materially alters the general view of . the position, Ho says :-" If there is < one country interested in^the existence

of Austria, it is France. The day i which sees the Austro-Hungarian ' monarchy disappear or reduced to the < country of the crown of St Stephen, i will seo the end of French power." The reason for this belief is, that

Germany will assuredly absorb territory ; until she possesses central Europe from the North Sea to the Adriatic, in which event she will so dominate France as

to reduce that country to very insig-nificant proportions Thus, it is not only to the interest of France to pre-serve Austro-Hungary, but aid her in extending her power towards the


The situation is, in fact, a sort of dead-lock, and is recognised as such by the most > caroful thinkers in France. The interests of that country must be opposed to those of Russia, because tho latter seeks to dominate the Mediterranean, once called a French Lake, the result of which would be the shutting out of France from all the cherished influence in the Eoat. On the other hand, she nurses still her hatred to Germany, and the desire to get back the pro-vinces which have been torn away from her, and this she can only accom-plish by1 an alliance with Russia, by which she must pledge herself not to offer opposition to the advance oftbat Power. We thus may be said to catch sight of the difficulties and diversities

of interests which render the situation so puzzling even to the most shrewd observers, and which give rise to so many rumours aud contradictions. France is forced into the arms of Russia, to whom she cannot sincerely wish success in her designs, and yet without whom she cannot well hold her own even <as a matter of what is called prestige. It is the perception of these contradictory facts, no doubt, which has created so large a party in France in favour of peace, and yet that party, which may be said to include the great majority of the people, may be overwhelmed any day by the influence of some ambitious aspirant to fame whs is able to gain the popular ear. Nothing can be more true than the concluding words of the writer whom we have

quoted :-" If a peace maintained so laboriously, by means of'a kind of equilibrium of forces, ' 'appears pre-carious,' it is, alas! the only peace that the new Europe can know for a long time." .

j y -:-; '

The Engineering and Mining Journal of a recent date, publishes an article on "The Use of Electric Motors in

'Mines and Mills,"'which ^ought ^to possess some'intenist for'miningcircles, and particularly so at this present1 junoture. This is ' of course as-suming, that, the interest in mining is not limited i to the float-ing of companies for the j purposes pi'scrip-mongering, but that there ,is a Lbom /Wftintention/on the partofithe promoters .of'/at -least many of the numerous companies that'have lately beat)' formed ¡'ia* Hobart and 'Lana

«¡V< í*h. 5ft I 5

cestón to work the ground for the. purpose of bringing some oflthe hidden treasures tPUiglit. It goes without saying that economical .work-ing is one of the most essential con-ditions of succobs in mining opera-tions. Those who are acquainted with the past history of mining in Tasmania and in the other Australasian colonies as well, could tell many a tale of how mines that have been proved beyond all doubt to be rich in ore have nevertheless brought nothing but ruin to the shareholders, in consequence of the inordinate ex-pense incurred in working thom. The question was, in fact, debated for a very considerable time in Victoria as to whether every ounce of gold brought to the surface did not cost

more than it was worth when

raised. The logic of facts was opposed to this pessimistic view. The cities of Ballarat and Sandhurst, not to speak of Clunes, Creswick, Castle-maine, Heathcote, and other centres of mining population, speak more eloquently than words of what mining has done for that colony. There is no reasonableroomfordoubt that the rapid development and present prosperity of Victoria are due, not to the .fiscal policy, to which they are commonly attributed, but to the attraction of population consequent upon the dis-covery of rich deposits of gold. ,

In the opinion of exports who have made an examination of the country, Tasmania is scarcely less rich in mineral wealth, and the future prosfierity of this Island depends in a very arge degree upon the means that may be employed for the development of this wealth. With the value of electricity as an illuminating power the public have long been familiar;, in fact, it has for Years past been extensively employod for this purpose in all 'the principal cities of the Australian Continent, although it may be doubted whether, during the lifetime of the present generation, it will entirely supersede the use of gas. There can hardly be any doubt, how-ever, that within a very short time it will be generally availed of as a motive powor in mining operations, and for the reasons set forth in' the article in

the Engineering and Mining Jpurml before referred to. Electricity may be regarded as simply an agent of trans-mission-a convenient, tractable, yet powerful moans of carrying and distri-buting energy from one point to others. As a means of transmission ' it is far more flexible ,in its, arrangements, and capable of a more ready ramifica-tion and distribution than any of its competitors. It can . bo used under very much higher pressure than gas,

water or steam, ana can be distributed with very much smaller conductors, aud consequently at a much lower cost. The utilisation of the wasted power of the wiuds, and of the water-falls has long been the > aim of engi-neers, and much progress has' of late years been made in attaining this end Every one is familiar with the general utilisation of this variable and uncertain power in pumping up into the rivers the waters from the great areas of land which lie below the level of the sea of Holland. The ability to store the water in the canals and drains there' makes it possible to use an intermittent power. The converse of this i problem is now being worked oufr satisfactorily in accu-mulating this variable energy of tho wind ¡n..the formof electricity in storage batteries, from which it can be drawn off aA desired to perform intermittent work. This j is now being done in many cases where the electricity is re-quired' for: lighting, and it is also coming into use for driving tram cars and locomotives, etc. Electricity can transmit power for almost any dis-tance, and deliver it directly where the work ha» to be done, and with a

loss which manufacturers of electric

plant are ready to guarantee will not exceed, according to distance, and other conditions, 30 to 50 per cent of the power used in generating the electricity. Steam, water, or wind power may be used to drive the dynamos, and it is claimed by the Sprague Electric Company that the loss of power in converting the euergy at the dynamo does not ex-ceed 10 per cent., that the loss by transmission for one mile is within 10;

per cent., and the loss by reconver-sion at the motor is, say, 10» per cent If the motor be applied directly to the machine doing the desired work the loss of power, as well as the expense in shafting aud belting is avoided, while the cost of the con-ducting wires is a mere trifle as com-pared with that of pipes for carrying compressed air or water. The dynamo ¡takes the place of the air compressor at much less cost, the conducting wire that of tho air pipe, and the electric motor that of the compressedair engine. These are facts which are worthy of the attention of mining managers and others who are honestly desirous of working the mining pro-perties under their charge in the

most efficient and economical manner.

Cable News.-The latest bulletin con-cerning the Emperor Frederick li «lightly re-assuring. Disaffection in Roumani» has ultunated in a oonfliot between rebel pea-sants and troon« called out to diiperse dis-orderly gathering«. It ia aaid the territorial troops fraternise with the rebels, The Standard, referring to the New South Wales loan now about being i floated, «ay« it is imprudent even for that prosperous colony to inorease her burden, of publie debt. The Secretary, of, State for the Colonies ha« approved of the amendment« in the New Guinea constitution «URgeated ibythe Queensland Government, and hu ¡promised that the proclamation of British rule there «hall »tartly ensue, All applica-tion* for land in New Guinea have been ! referred to the Queensland Government for ,report. The-death ia annoanced of Mr. .Roscoe Conkllng, who during the Grant atad Garfield administration* figured prominent»/ in American politics., Of lato year« he dm taken no active part in pabilo affair«.

' Roab Tbd«t Klsotionh. - The annual election ol trustee« for the Huon Road Dis-trict ha« been fixed for Saturday, the 98th ins t., on which date four trustees have to be returned in place of Messrs. Jno Fitapatriok (resigned), Thoa. Barnett, Wm. Cuthbert, and Henry Watson. Nomination* of (ier'sons qualified to supply the vacando» are to be sent to the chairman at tho Medíanles' Institute, Franklin, bcfoie 4 o'clock on Saturday next The three last named trus'eea are eligible for reelection. The Oatlands Trust have .selected 'lhursday next for their election at'tho lawn Kail, and the nominations have to be forwarded to Mr. J Carr Lord before 4 o'clock' this afternoon. The retiring trustees are! Messrs. William Burbury, A. T. FUlenger, and J. Ç. Lord, all of whom are eligible for re-election,

St.) Andrew's iChobai. Association./The members at St. Andrew'« Choral asso-ciation are to meet foripraotiou shit evening at 7*30. The honorary.secretary is anxious .for a large attendance^ in order, that all may 'obtain tue f ullibeaefiU linkable from win« ben, . iihuiTwi }? "H < J . ' SSZ

1 SiiirMENT or Salmon Ova.-The «j.

Kaikoura which arrived last evening had on 1 board a shipment of 400,000 ova of the true & wlmo «alar in charge of Sir Thomas Brady, e Immediately upon arrival of the steamer last s evening a party consisting of thoTremlèr, 1 Messrs. A. G. Webster, A. Morton, and H. v W. B. Robinson, private secretary to His 1 Excellency the Governor, proceeded on è board, ana «elcomtd Sir Tilomas to Tas- I mania. Ho stated that ho hod been > ory for- A túnate with his shipment, and feels confident c that tho loss would not amount to 1 por cent. ' 1'he ova aro packed in specially insulated n cases in a special icehouse, lhe highest Î temperature of the chamber during the pas- a enge was 39dog. On the 10th of the present li mouth 4'1 of tile ovu were taken out of tho t insulated cases from a température of 34Uog. v and placed in Sir Thomas Brady'* cabin, the C temperature of which was 55i<log. The' ova s have hatched, and upon arrival of tho steamer v here the little fish wero to be seen swim- 1 ming about in healthy condition. Tho t arrangomeuts made tor placing them in tho ii salmon ponds at New Norfolk ' are for the t: p.». Monarch to go alongside the ship at 4 c o'clock this morning, at which time the t boxes are to lie tianshipped, and it is' ex- I pected that they will be taken aw*y to New i Norfolk soon after daylight. The Governor's t pi ¡vate secretary went on board to take Sir a Thomas Brady back to Government House t with him, but he stated that he would nut c leave the ship under any circumstances t until the ova were taken of!, and conse- I quently he remained on board all night, t

We understand that Sir Thomas will bo the t

guest of His Excellency during his stay in s the colony. c

Council of Education.-Tho Tasmanian j Council of Education held a meeting at tho J Masonic Hall yesterday afternoon, the * following members bein« present ;-The ; President (Canoa Archer), Hous. E. N. C. ' Braddon, Alfred Dobson, Messrs. G. W. )

Waterhouse, R. Beadon, Russell Young, null J T. Stephens. Tho minutes of the previojs Í ordinary and a special meeting ,wero lead : and confirmed. The President welcomed J the new member» (Messn Braddon and j Beadon) to the council, and o < pressed a hopo j

that in future there would not bo bo much ' difficulty in obtaining a quorum at tho moct- " bigs as had hitherto experienced. The c. Secretary (Mr. Ck, Richardson) read letters ! fromMessrs.J. W. Agnew, E. N. C.Braddon, I and R. J. Beadon thanking the council for ! having elected them as members. Kio k resignation of Dr. H. A. Perkins as a memb ii ' of the council was read and'accoptoil. A ? letter was read from the Chief Secretary,

approving of the uso of tho Masonic Hall lor . the purpose of holding the council's meet-

ings for three months until the Government '. could make further1 provision for u place of

meeting. The President submitted the re- ' port of the committee appoiutod to prepare " «.scheme for the examination of candidates c

for the council's exhibitions, 1889. He j stated that the scheme was nearly the

same as the one adopted lait year, * the only exceptions being in'sectious 4 and ' ' ?V In the former ¡turn C, ''Outlines of ° Romas history " had boon deleted, as school

masters found from experienoo that it was * rather too much to teach boys under 14 a years of age the outlines of ti«¿a histories

English, Sacred, and Roman. An alterna j tive proposal had been made to teach the ! three subjects up to a certain limit, but tho ' committee had decided to strike out tho ! Roman history instead of fixing a limit in

all three branches. The alteration in «Lcticn ' S was an addition of Ithe words i" lia Tas

mania "after the woriUJ'the exhibitions will

be tenable at such schools." Mr. Dobson ' .aid that as the council had to appiovu of

the schools it was not likely thst they would J allow the exhibition» to be tenab)o]ut schools J out of the colony, but it would, perhaps, bo I as well to have the. precautionary words io J sorted in tho clause Mr. Braddon suggested * aslightverbalalteratiou in the clauao, and the .

scheme as amended was adopted on tho j motion of Mr. Dobson, seconded by Mr. J

BradddU. The Secretary stated that lie had rccoived two oopios of a digest of| the

evidence taken beforo the Royal Commission a

on technical instruction in Great Brit tin in

1882, as prepared by the Minister of Public a Instruction of Victoria (Professor Pearson). " The copies were ordered to be circulated ° among tho members. ' He also reported the . dca til, of Mr. John J. Macnamara, one of. the

Tasmanian Scholars,'and tabled a copy of J

the London University Matriculation regu-lations for 1888. Mr. Dobson askod if any

notico had been received of the intention of ¡ tho Gilohrist trustees with regard to the n scholarship. The Secretary suited that

he. luul written to them by direction of ( the council urging,them to reconsider their *decision, but han not received any reply. Mr. Dobson said they had asked the opinion

of the council on. tlie subject, and that had f been, scut. The Secretary said tho opinion J of-tho whole of the colonies had been Bought, I but some of there, had expressed a wisTi to Ï haye tiie Boholarships made tenable at their 5 own universities! and the trustees had j decided to withdraw thom altogether. Mr. ' Dobson thoucltfc it was a pity that tho '¿ scholarship» had been withdrawn. The '? snbjpct then dropped, and the council went .

into oommittoo. *

City- Poliok Cocbt.-The occupants of i the bench at this court yesterday morning I were Messrs. James Harcourt and George ( Crisp, J's.P. Geo. Johns, a map severely s afflicted withi the malady known as the St.' s Vitus dance, pleaded guilty to a charge of ] begging^ and was remanded to admit > of i communication being mado with tho New i Norfolk police, in willoh district ho resides, j Thos. Merry pleaded guilty to disturbing j the peace in Maaquano-strect, and was j fined 5s, or seven days. Norah Dhu pleaded

guilty to a charge of insulting passers by in ( Liverpool-street, and was fined 20s. Oil , in ] default, one month's imprisonment. W. ' Johnson, and A. Dcntith pleaded guilty to j the charge of leaving their vehicles, and were '. each fined 5s, the costs were remitted, i In tho case of the Manne Board v Boon, for ( a breach of the harbour regulations. Mr, J Cecil Allport (Dobson, Mitchell, and Allport) i stated that an apology had been received I from, the defendant and accoptod by the ] board, and requested permission to with- I draw tho case, which was granted. Charles I Burnell »leaded not guilty to a charge of ] assaulting Catherine Carrol. It appeared

from the evidence of the complainant that ¡ she, in company with her two daughters, i visited Burnell'» house for the purpose of j regaining possession of nu album which he i had borrowed. Whilo there the defendant ' uti nek nor a blow in the face, from the ! effects of which she was still suffering. The ] defendant denied that ho struck her, and

alloged that he himself had been assaulted Í by tho complainant and her daughters, i Both partios called w itnesaes iii support of i their statements, but, after hearing the ' evidence, tho Bench decided that the accused ! had acted in a cowardly mannor, and in» I dieted a fin« of 20s., or one month's impri- i sonment. This concluded the business, and i the Court then roso.

Glfnobouv.- l'hi> caso, Cionan v. II';

Penn Smith and Another, in which the ' plaintiff endeavoured to prove a common . assault, and wluoh had boen adjourned for ' the opinion of tie Attorncy-Geueral, was ' heard again on 'thursday last at thcpolicc j court. Tho Attorncy-Geueral considerad

that the charge resolved itself into a ones- < tion of title, and the title having been ' S roved by th* defendant, the magistrates '

ecided that they had no power, to adjjuidi* este in sucht a matter, and dismissal tb*


Claming« Parsonaok Fun;».-A sale of

produoe of every description,, calces^ etc.» ' commenced at the Bellerive institute yester-day afternoon. The proceedings were opened shortly after 3 o'clock, by the Rev. J. H. Rswsell, who brief!« stated that the object of the fair was to aid' in liquidation of a debt of £80 «till remaining on th* build-ing, and for whiob several gentlemen in the district are responsible, He also, thanked the sadie* for the hearty manner ia which they had taken this matter in, aand and 'carried it through. The roon wa» tastesally decorated with flags and flower«, and the table« waloh stood oa both «Mea of it were heavily ladea with tooth-some viands of avery kind, «almlated to please even the mest fastidióos taste«. These were presided over by the following ladies forming the committee:-Mesdames West« brook, Mcintyre, H. Lamb, Bignall, StanHeld, Towers, and Chapman, ably assisted by Mr«. Calvert and Mrs. Burges« ; Misses Lamb, Calvert, 8t*»8«M, Mcintyre, Morrisby, Westbrook, and Huckcon. Mrs, Burgess bad charge of sha flower table», en which »»me choice plant« were displayed, while Mrs. Slower« presided at the refresh-ment stall. There was a good attendance of buyer«, and business prooesded briskly, raffles being introduced during the evening for the disposal of same of the mo» costly articles. Owing to the large number of articles which remain uusold tim committee have decided to continue the sale to-day.

Concert,-A concert was held last night in the Exhibition-building, The programme' cotnpiised songs, instrumental music, and a' clog danae, and the distribution of a host of present«. 'Mr. Wilson contributed the bulk of the vooal - muslo, Mr. >B. James, did tho saltatory business, and > Messrs. Dentlth and Cane'» »trina band1 contributed a «election from " Lucia di Lammermoor," and the waltzes "Isobel," "Thistle," «. Lancer»,", and ". Latona,') i Among tbe present» giro «waywMèWy'stoliw.tcbr - ?-?,.-V'>

Anglo - AusnuLAUAsr Foonauus.This team arrived her« by the New Zealand

Shipping Co.'« K.M.S.S. Kalkoura last

ovoning. They were met on board by the leoretary and representatives of the Southern l\*«n»Wa»FootbaHA«socIation,b*fwhomth«y

were escorted frota the steamer to the Town Hall, whero His Worship the Mayor, Mr. A. Crisp, wa« in waiting to receive them. Light refreshments had Been provided in the Mayor's roon, and thither the visitor« proBonded. Tho Mayor proposed the health of " The Visiting Team, coupled with the liâmes of Dr. Smith, the manager,, and Mr. R. L. Seddon, the captain, expressing it tho «arno time the pleasure it gave liim to have the honour ot welcoming tho first team' of footballers who had visited those colonie« from the Mother

Country. Ile rogrettcd their «tay would bo no short, and 'addod tho hope that they would be ablo to arrango a match with a tasmanian toanv before, their return. Tho toast was enthusiastically received with musical honours. Dr. Smith and Mr. Seddon responded on bohalf of the visitors, each of them- expressing great pleasure at the manner in which they had been received. l)r. Smith proposed "The Southern Tas-manian Football Association," coupled with tlie name of the secretary, which was also received with musioal honours, aud to which Mr. Finlay, in a few wellchosen word« responded. " lils Worship the ¡Mayor,.'propised by/Dr.. Smith, and received in the same manner, was responded to by lila Worship and the proceedings thoa terminated. The team, is composed oí stalwart young fellows from tho various clubs in tho United Kingdom, and coinarises three International men:- K. ? L. Seddon, H. Eagles, and-W. H. Thomas, of Cambridge University and. Wales, all for-ward«, together with the following ;-J. 1'. Haslam, A i*i>ul( Lancashire), .backs ; H. C. Speakman (Cheshire), Dr. 11. Brooks (Durham), J. Anderton (Lancashire), threequartor backs ; W. Brumby (Lancashire), J. Nolan (Rochdale Hornets),, W. Burnett (Roxburgh County), hulf-backs ; and the follewing other forwards:- C. Mathers (yorkshire), S. Williams (Lancashiio), T. Banks (Lancashire), A. J. Stuart (Yorkshire), J. 1*. Clowes (Yo.-kshirc). T.' Kent (Lan-cashire), A. P. Finboth (Isle ol Man), R. Burnett (Roxburgh County), A. J. Laing (Roxburgh County), and last, .but by no means least, Dr. J. Smith, til« famous Scotch International Association player, who has come out us umpire, but will, now and then, throw some of that IS .stone of his into tho " bully " for a charge.

Cbkam Milk.-A new dietetic article b-mring this name is umiduiiced* in our advertising columns as now obtainable in Hobart. " Loellund's cream milk, con-densed aud preserved without sugar or antiseptics, and perfectly puru und rien in cream, as well as free from all organic gorum and ferments," Is all that it is represented to be : a rosily rich cream of perfect purity and freshness, suitable for all purposes

where ordinary milk is unreliable. A sample loft at this office fully bears out all that has been said respecting it. If sold at anything liko a reasonable price it should spoodily come into general use.

Soi-thhus Tasmanian Footbali. Asso-ciation.-The annual meeting of thu mem-bers of this association will be held at the Mayor's courtroom, Town Hall, on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. His Honor Sir Lambert Dobson will preside. Members are requested by advertisement to present their

tickets at the door.

Cmmiied Foot.-Robert Cooper, aged 24» a lumpor, was treated at the hospital yester-day for a contusion of the foot, caused hy some iron falling on it whilst he waa engaged in helping to unload one of the vessels at prosent discharging at the wharf. After the wound had been dressed the injured man proceeded to his home in Argylo-Btreot. '

Royai, Society op Tasmania.-The open-ing meeting has been postponed frcm to-morrow evening until Monday evening, 23rd


Hobart Cnsw accordance with a notification issued some days- ago, the members of the Hobart Chess Club are to attend a special (¡ennrul meeting to bo held at Pressland House- this evening, at 7


Chalmers Lhkbaky Association.- Mr. L. G. (Jookhead is announced to give " Im-pressions of London," etc., at thameeting of this association this ovoning.

In another column, it is announced that the Missos Maillard give lessons in French and music at schools or. pupils' rosidoaccs.