Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 23 March 1888, page 3


A few weeks ago we regretted to have to announce that Mr. Henry Hunter, a gentle-

man who has been closely associated with

the progress of this city, and has discharged with zeal and credit important public duties, had made up his mind to leave Hobart after some 37 years' residence amongst us, and enter upon the practice of his profession in the larger field which the capital of Queensland offers to men of pro-fessional skill and business ability. We ventured to anticipate the regret that would be felt in many sections of the com-

munity at this determination, and since then this regret has been demonstrated in a manner which shows how highly Mr. Hun- ter's skill, integrity, zeal in whatever cause he advocated, high sense of responsibility in the various duties he undertook, genuine social qualities, and good citizenship have been appreciated by the people of this city, to say nothing of the still higher qualities which the members of his own religious denomination have recognised in him. We are sure that nothing can possibly be wanting to make Mr. Hunter regret leaving Tasmania, and that nothing but proper regard for his own chances could have induced him to seek a larger field. As the citizen we are about to lose, has been iden-tified with the last quarter century's growth of this city very closely, it will interest our readers to briefly sketch the outlines of his


HENRY HUNTER is the son of a Notting-ham builder and gained some of his early experience in his father's office. His brother, the Rev George Hunter, the late Ven. Arch-deacon, was a friend of the late Bishop Will-son, and on the promotion of the latter from his office of a missionary priest at Nottingham to the episcopacy of Hobart, he expressed a wish to accompany him, which wish being complied with Mr. Geo Hunter came to this colony, in the year 1844, where he afterwards took holy orders, and became in course of time Archdeacon, and died at Hobart in 1868. The rest of the family which included Mr. Henry Hunter, his

sisters and their parents came out to Ade-laide in 1848. Two or three years subse- quently both parents died, and Mr. Henry

Hunter decided to come on to Hobart. He was then a very young man, upon whom the attractions of Victorian goldfields were not likely to pass unheeded, and early in 1852, he was carried away by the gold fever. Pro-ceeding to Victoria he was a fairly successful

gold miner on the famous Bendigo diggings

for a short time, but the island colony where his brother was, now appealed. to him with the attractions of all that he could call home. On his return to Hobart he connected himself with the timber

trade in the Huon district, at that period a very lucrative business in consequence of the active demand for Tasmanian timber in the adjoining colonies, and he spent a few years profitably in this way. In the year 1856 he married Miss Robertson, the orphan daughter of an officer, in the 70th Bengal Native Infantry, and the niece of a learned Dublin professor, somewhat celebrated in his day, and in this lady he

found a wife who has been the true centre of his home. The same year saw him estab-lished in business as an architect, and all Saint's Church, Macquarie-Street, was the first edifice of importance that arose under his professional skill and superintendence. Success in his profession was rapid, and is evinced by the many handsome buildings in Hobart and throughout Tasmania that will be lasting monuments of his taste and ability. We may here mention some

of the chief of these to show the

active part he has played in the progress of this colony. He was the architect and supervised the construction of the Hobart Town Hall, the Museum, Mariners' Church, St. Mary's Cathedral, and Convent Buildings, St. David's Cathedral, Deanery, and Mission Church ; St. Joseph's Orphan-age ; churches at Ross, Campbell Town, Fingal, Hagley, Westbury, Deloraine, Brigh-ton, the Huon, New Town, New Norfolk, Swansea, and other districts ; the Masonic Hall, Hobart, the offices of the Derwent and Tamar Insurance Co, Australian Mutual Provident Society, Tasmanian Steam Naviga-tion Co., Hobart Marine Board, and Messrs. Burgess Bros., the Van Diemen's Land Bank, the additions to the Hobart General Hospital ; the State schools at Charlesstreet, Launceston, Battery Point, Trinity Hill and Goulburn-street, Hobart, at Beaconsfield, Campbell Town, New Nor-folk, and other districts. In ad-dition to this list of public buildings and companies' offices he was also the architect of a very large number of private residences and business establishments in Hobart and other parts of the colony. Mr. Hunter has always taken a prominent part in matters of public interest, outside of his profession which has often been put to public use. He was appointed a territorial magistrate on March 21, 1881, just seven years ago. For many years he was a mem-ber of the board of management of the Queen's Orphan Asylum, New Town, having as co-labourers in this good cause, the late Messrs F. M. Innes, W. Henty, W. E. Nairn, W. Rout, Drs. Hall Bedford, and Crowther, He was also one of the commis-sioners of the New Norfolk Lunatic Asylum from 1866 till 1886, when a change was made in the administration by the appoint-

ment of official visitors in lieu of the com-

missioners. He was appointed a member of the Board of Education in 1875, and con-tinued a zealous and active member of that

body till its abolition in 1885, under the present Education Act. On the 27th May, 1885, he was appointed a member of the Council of Education in succession to the Rev. J. C. Whill on the return of that gentleman to England. He was architect to the Board of Education, and his professional advice at the board meetings was of great service to the administration of the Educa-

tion department His services were also given as examiner in drawing in connection with the pupil teacher classes, and he acted as examiner in drawing to the Council of Education from its initiation. When the Public Health Act was passed in 1885 the Government of the day, recognising the business ability and conscientious discharge of duty which had been displayed by Mr. Hunter in other directions, requested him to

act as a member of the Central Board of Health, and though that body was a short-lived one, Mr, Hunter brought to its delibera-tions valuable practical knowledge and an ear-nest desire to effect improvements. In musical circles few singers have played such a pro- minent part for so many years, his fine tenor voice giving great assistance in the render-ing of various oratorios and the concerts of the two Orchestral Unions, of which he was an energetic member. He once took part in an amateur performance of Trovatore, on which occasion Miss Amy Sherwin, then a lady amateur, made her first essay in an operatic role. Very shortly after he had settled in this colony he commenced to dis-charge the duties of leader of St. Joseph's Choir, in which he has loyally continued for over 30 years. The Catholic community testified to these voluntary services in a very marked manner as far back as 1874, when £50 was subscribed by the congrega-tion to purchase a piece of plate which was presented to Mr. Hunter by Mr. Thos. Sheehy at a complimentary tea party called for that purpose. At the meeting the present Bishop expressed the opinion that there never was a testimonial so well deserved, and his pleasure that the Catholics of Hobart had recognised Mr. Hunter's services. While he was at all times an active and good member of his own Church. Mr. Hunter is widely known outside of that Church as one whose gener-ous philanthropy made him the friend of almost everyone in distress whose case came before him, and he has always been a liberal subscriber to public subscriptions and charities. It would lengthen this slight sketch further than we intended to detail the many excellencies of Mr. Hunter's character, and the great respect and esteem in which he has at all times been held by all classes of people, so we will conclude it, feeling sure that we only express a general sentiment when we say that he will be greatly missed in Hobart, and will prove in various ways an acquisition to the city of Brisbane, whither he will be accompanied by the good wishes of a large circle of friends for his happiness and prosperity.


The various building trades, including the contractors, carpenters, stonemasons,

bricklayers, ironmongers, etc., of the city, united in organising a farewell banquet and presentation to Mr. Hunter, which took place at the Mayor's Court, Town Hall, last night. Besides the various representatives of the building trades a very large number of other citizens availed themselves of this

opportunity of testifying their respect for a worthy citizen and an old friend, assembling

around the tables to the total number of

about 100. The banquet was provided by Mr. Chapple, who furnished a capital spread, laid out with great taste and complete in every detail, including an active staff of aids. The Mayor (Mr. A. Crisp) occupied the chair, having on his right the guest (Mr. Hunter), Alderman Reynolds, Messrs. T.

Lewis and E. Maher ; and on his left the Premier (Hon. P. O. Fysh), the Attorney-General (Hon. A. I. Clark), Messrs. J. Gellie,

S. Kennedy and Jas. Fincham (Engineer-in Chief).

After the removal of the dishes the CHAIRMAN proposed "The Queen," which received a loyal and warm response, Mr. Buck playing the National Anthem, and " The Governor," referring in the latter toast to the active interest His Excellency took in anything that would advance the interest of this colony. The second toast

was drank with musical honours.

Mr. F. Buck then sang "The Swiss Alpine song," to which Mr. K. Munro con-tributed a clarionete solo, the performance of both gentlemen being exceedingly good, and fully meriting the warm applause


The CHAIRMAN said he next had to pro- pose the toast of the evening, a toast he was sure they would all join in heartily re-sponding to, the health of their guest, Mr. Henry Hunter. (Loud and prolonged cheers.) Before proceeding to make any remarks he desired to apologise for the absence of Mr. G. P. Fitzgerald, who had written to express his very deep regret that he was unavoidably prevented from being present that evening. He also had to apologise for the absence of a gentleman prevented from attending by a very painful circumstance in which they would all sympathise with that gentleman, as he had won the very general goodwill of all people. He referred to Mr. C. H. Grant(cheers) - and he thought Mr. Hunter oughtto to be proud of the following letter he had received from Mr. Grant:-

" Hobart, March 22, 1888.

"DEAR MR. CRISP, - I notice that you have kindly consented to preside at the banquet to be given to-night to Mr. Henry Hunter on the occasion of his leaving this colony, and should you have the opportunity, would be greatly obliged if you would express my deep regret at being unable to attend this banquet, as I had earnestly hoped to do.

" I am sure that no one can have a more sincere admiration and respect for all the ex-cellent qualities which have endeared Mr. Hunter to this city, in which he has spent so many years, and where the marks of his skill are so apparent in all our public build-ings. It is indeed a great and irreparable loss that the city has to bear in his depar-ture therefrom, and were it not that his merits will be so fully dwelt upon at your meeting, I should indeed have liked to have descanted upon them, and doubtless you will from the chair remark upon his ines-timable value as a citizen.

" I join all present in the hope that in his

new sphere Mr. Hunter may spend many happy and prosperous years, and both him-self and family retain that good health, without which success of life is of little


"I am, dear sir,

" Yours sincerely,


He could hardly find words to express him-self that night, because he had known Mr. Hunter for many years - he might say from his (the charman's) infancy, and he was one of the very large number of people who had the highest respect for that gentleman. As Mayor of Hobart and the chief magistrate of the city, he thought he was but expressing the common opinion of the whole body of the citizens when he said they unanimously regretted that Mr. Hunter was about to leave our shores, (Cheers.) Mr. Hunter had endeared himself to the people of this city. He had been mixed up with that gentleman in business matters and in a great variety of ways, and could honestly and faithfully say that in Mr. Hunter they had all found an honest and upright man, Mr. Hunter was a citizen of long standing, and he could appeal to those around the tablethe members of the different building trades, and the truly representative gathering of public men, and all classes without fear of contradiction -whether they had not found Mr. Hunter, no matter in what capacity they had met him, pursuing an honourable and right course. (Cheers.) Tasmania in losing that gentleman would lose a man she could ill afford to spare. Whenever Mr. Hunter's services had been called upon, for purposes of charity or the public welfare, he had ever been ready to do all he could by his ability or talent, and had always come forward willingly and cheer-fully in aid of any philanthropic movement. He had occupied many important positions in this colony -a territorial magistrate, a member of the Board of Education, an examiner in drawing, a member of the Central Board of Health, and a member of many other public bodies. He was a man of great ability, which alone would make them regret they were about to lose him. As an architect, a skilled designer, and a superintendent of works, he had designed and superintended the erection of most of our public buildings. The very building in which they had met had been designed and carried into execu-tion by Mr. Hunter to the entire satisfac-tion, not only of the citizens, but of the community, and visitors who came here eulogised the architect who designed it. He had also designed and carried out most of the public buildings erected in his day, as well as the principal private buildings in Hobart and other parts of the colony. The departure of such a man was not only a private loss but a public loss : but although they were all sorry that he was going from them they would be glad he was going to Brisbane, where a larger field of profit-able enterprise would open to him. He (the chairman) was pleased to find that Mr. Hunter had already obtained important employment in Brisbane in con-nection with the erection of new premises for an important financial institution. Though he had known Mr. Hunter for so many years he could not express what he felt about that gentleman's inestimable worth. A great many of those present were able to say of Mr. Hunter that he had always dealt out even-handed justice to both prin-cipals and employees, and earned the respect of both. As far as the benevolent institu-tions were concerned, Mr. Hunter had will-ingly and cheerfully assisted them in every-way. During the 30 years he had known him he had always been actively assisting every good public movement. Socially, he was a gentleman they were all pleased to be associated with. He would not detain them further, but would ask them to join him in expressing the hope that Mr. Hunter might be spared for many years, and

that he, together with Mrs. Hunter, might long be spared to enjoy health, prosperity, and happiness. He invited them to drink the health of one who had been a most valu-able citizen -Mr. Henry Hunter. (Cheers.)

The toast was drunk with cheers and musical honours.

Mr. Alderman REYNOLDS said it gave him great pleasure to have been deputed by his colleagues in the building trade to present Mr. Hunter with an address aud testimonial on his approaching departure from the colony. He could speak, himself, of Mr. Hunter's career for over 30 years, having been brought into contact with him, and had many opportunities of becoming acquainted with his qualities. He was not going to say that during those 30 years he had never seen a frown on Mr. Hunter's face.

(Laughter.) But he would say this - he had never known him to say a word against anything without cause. (Hear, hear.) He had always found that, if they differed in opinion at any time, there was not anyone

who did not believe that Mr. Hunter was conscious that he was acting rightly in what-ever he said or did. (Cheers.) Of course contractors and builders were sometimes like horses who wanted a tight rein kept on them. (Laughter.) But they did not want to be jerked about-a method of driving which gave horses very hard mouths. There was a way to guide a horse so that he should do his work pleasantly, and he had always found Mr.

Hunter a gentleman who, finding a wrong, expressed his opinion, but as soon as it was set right he would express himself satisfied. (Hear, hear.) If Mr. Hunter had any trouble it was always unpleasant to him, and if the builder did his best to put matters right it pleased him. It was not to be wondered at if during 30 years there were a

few bad horses who tried to kick over the traces, but he did not think Mr. Hunter had ever used the whip unmercifully, with these few remarks he would proceed to read the following address from the building

trade :-

" Henry Hunter, Esq.

" DEAR SIR,-The members of the build-ing trades in Hobart hearing that you are about, permanently, to leave Tasmania, feel that they have a duty to perform. You have been identified with us for many years as an architect, and we are conscious that

your departure will be, not only a pro-fessional, but a public loss.

A large number of the public and private buildings which adorn the colony, but more particularly the city of Hobart, have been designed and supervised by you, and will remain for a long period specimens of your taste, skill, and judgment. Apart from your professional ability a widespread feel-ing has existed that, between principal and contractor, you would dispense even-handed justice

The Executive Government, the bene- volent institutions of the city and colony will lose in you a judicious friend and wise counsellor. In severing your connection with us, we feel assured, that a like con-fidence so long reposed in you in this colony

will not be withheld by those doing busi-ness and associating, with you in your new

sphere of labour. And while bidding fare-

well to you as an architect it is also to one who has given an incentive to the trades and a high moral tone to society.

" With a small token of our esteem which we desire you to accept, permit us to wish you health, prosperity, and happiness, and may the Great Architect of the Universe bless you, Mrs. Hunter, and family.

"We are, dear sir,

"Faithfully yours. "March 22, 1888."

[Here followed the signatures of, the sub scribers.]

The address, which was printed in illumi-nated German text, within a broken wreath border, composed of native berries, was the joint production of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Taylor, and was very tastefully executed. It was framed in a very beautifully marked piece of native musk tree, by Mr. Robin Hood, the whole forming a pretty memento of Tasmania, fit to grace any wall apart from the sentiments expressed in the text.

Mr. Alderman REYNOLDS added that it

gave him great pleasure to present this ad-dress and testimonial, and it would serve to remind Mr. Hunter of the people with whom he had been connected in business affairs and the people of the colony he was leaving. They were sorry for the event which occa-sioned this address -(cheers)-and wished Mr. Hunter to accept, as a testi-mony of their esteem a purse of sovereigns, which he might spend in selecting something to remind him of old friends in the land to which he was going, where they would all wish he might meet with happi-ness and prosperity. (Cheers.)

The purse which contained the sovereigns was worked by the Lady Superior of the Presentation Convent, and bore the initials " H.H." in gold, upon a crimson ground.

Mr. Robert Young, at this stage of the proceedings, sang two of his inimitable comic songs, which highly delighted the


Mr. HUNTER rose to reply amid cheers loud and continuous, after a lull in which he said: Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, -To say that I am proud of my position to-night but very feebly expresses my sentiments. My

personal inclinations at first were to shrink from such a demonstration, but when I look round and witness the high honour and com-pliment you have done me in this the grandest testimonial I could wish for, I am inspired with feelings which my tongue can-not give utterance to. The trial of parting from so many old associations is much easier to bear when I know I am carrying with me the universal goodwill -(hear, hear)-of those with whom I have had intimate busi-ness relations during so large a portion of my life. During my career in the colony, notwithstanding the large and important buildings with which I have been entrusted, it is something to say that I have never had a disputed account. (" Hear, hear." "Happy man.") This I attribute to the fact that my desire has always been, whilst protecting my employers interests, to be strictly just to the contractors, and their cheerful and ready submission to my decisions has been always gratifying to me. (Hear, hear.) The same generous consideration has been extended to me by my clients. Whether it has been the Government of the day, building committees, or private individuals, my certificates have been invariably and promptly honoured, by payment, without question, of the amount certified. You will, I am sure, feel interested to know that I am going to Queensland to associate myself with an old pupil of my own-(hear, hear)-one whose career in my office many of you will remember very favourably, I refer to Mr. Leslie Corrie, who at present occupies an excellent position in the profession in Brisbane. My son has already preceded me, and goes with me into the firm-(hear, hear)-so that with the energy and ability of the young, and my own somewhat matured experience-(hear, hear)-Messrs. Hunter and Corrie may reasonably hope for a share in the large works that are in prospect in that rising colony. (Hear, hear.) I desire to apologise for my son's absence to night, an urgent telegram rendered it necessary for him to go off at very short notice to assist in work that is already pressing. It is a building of some importance on a conspicuous corner in the city, for the Queensland Deposit Bank and Building Society, for which society Mr. Corrie obtained the appointment of architect, on its formation nearly two years ago. It is a great undertaking for me to sever all old associations and friendships here, where I have spent the greater part of my life, but I feel convinced that I can place those dependent upon me in a far better position in the larger colony than I could ever hope for here-(cheers)-and rather than break up my family, I prefer that we should cling together and brave the ordeal we must undergo in leaving dear old Tasmania. I look forward confidently to returning to the colony - (hear, hear) - and my dearest hopes are that I may be permitted to end my days where so long and so happy a part of my life has has been spent. I thank you gentlemen from my heart for the response you have given to the toast so kindly and flatteringly proposed by His Worship the Mayor. I especially thank you, Mr. Mayor, the Honorable the Premier, and the other dis-, tinguished guests, for the great honour you have done me in being present at this splendid demonstration. To Mr. Grant who, under such circumstances as he now lies, I owe a deep debt of gratitude. His thought-fulness in writing is indeed a touching episode in this evening's festivity. I thank you all from my heart, and shall ever re-member with the warmest feelings of grati-tude, the eminent services you have rendered me to-night. With your permission, sir, I will read my reply to the address.

" To the Members of the Building Trades of


" MY DEAR FRIENDS,-I am quite unable to adequately express the pleasure and gratification with which your address and presentation overwhelm me.

" There is great cause for feelings of pride, which I am not ashamed to admit, when you tell me that, in the fulfilment of my many onerous duties and responsibilities, whilst I have been true to the important trusts confided to me I have won your esteem and approbation by the manner in which I have discharged them.

" I shall very dearly cherish your beauti-ful address as a public and splendid recogni-tion of your appreciation of my conduct in the numerous and varied dealings we have had together during the past two and-thirty years. It shall have a place of honour in my new offices, so that it may be pointed to for the edification of all who see it, and as an incentive to those who are going to share with me in the business I am about to join in Queensland.

" Permit mo, then, to offer you my most grateful thanks, and be assured that the knowledge of my having gained your esteem whilst living and working amongst you, will bq to me always a happy and consoling recol-lection, and will prompt me to still continue to my new sphere to discharge the duties of my position faithfully and fearlessly.

" For your good and kind wishes for the future of myself, my wife, and my family, all of whom, I need scarcely add, share largely in my pride to-night-let me tender my most sincere thanks. ' '

" Your souvenir I gratefully accept, and be assured it will (if such were necessary) always keep your memory and your kindness

before me.

I am ever, faithfully yours,

" HENRY HUNTER. " Hobart, March 22, 1888."

With the testimonial you have kindly pre-sented me I can only say I shall take the earliest opportunity of spending it in the purchase of some article of my household which will be always before me, and which I shall be able, I am quite certain, to hand down to my family as a heirloom-(cheers) and as a recollection of the great honour -the greatest honour and the greatest testi-monial which you could possibly have offered me. I thank you from my heart, gentlemen.


Mr. J. GELLIE rose to propose " The Par-liament of Tasmania," but before doing so desired to express his pleasure at meeting Mr. Hunter at this gathering, while he could not but regret greatly that Mr. Hunter was about to leave the colony. He had known that gentleman since he was a boy, and sub-sequently had many business connections with him, and believed him to be a man that would long be held in the memory of the people of this colony. It had been said that the toast he was about to propose had been given to him, as it would probably be the last time he would be able to have

such an opportunity. (Cheers and laughter.) He took it to be a worthy and laudable ambition in any man to aspire to such a position. After referring to the services of the Parliament in this colony, he expressed the hope that the Premier, in replying, would give them the straight tip as to what taxation was to be imposed, as there would be no fear of the information

going beyond the room. (Laughter.) He referred to various measures of importance and usefulness which had recently been passed by Parliament. It was sometimes said that our Parliament did not possess the ability of former days, and no doubt many prominent names had disappeared. He questioned whether we had sufficiently valued the services of our leading men in the past, but he thought the colony should

be proud of the large number of natives

coming into political life, prominent among whom stood the present Attorney General, a man they ought to highly honour. (Cheers.) Mr. K. Munro then played a clarionet solo, "Massinello Medley," which was greeted with cheers at its conclusion.

The PREMIER, in replying, desired, in the first place, to thank the institutors of this gathering for enabling them to be present together to lighten up the features of Mr. Hunter on his departure from this colony In responding to the toast, he was not going to be led into any 9th of No-vember Ministerial disquisition (Cheers.) He felt that it was not fitting to go into such matters under any circumstances ; but he desired to say that it was character-istic of Tasmania that, although they might be bitterly opposed in opinion on political matters, It made no difference to their friendships and social relations. He would say that the colony meant to honestly face its financial position like men, believing that as they had got their roads and railways they were prepared to pay for them. There was only one other matter to refer to, and that was a matter he had fre-

quently thought over -Tasmania for the Tasmanians, and one of the points of the Government policy would be to endeavour to

settle the sons of the colony upon its soil. (Cheers.) He thought if they looked back

they would be able to say that they did not receive their constitution a day too soon, and had made very good use of it since. There had been many men to the front in this colony who were fit to hold their own any-where, and would have made their mark in any part of the world. He would conclude with the hope that in every part of the British dominions where there was any aspiration for a political constitution the people of that country would not be long before they were permitted to enjoy it.

The ATTORNEY GENERAL, who was re-ceived with cheers, rose to respond to the toast on behalf of the House of Assembly. It was about 10 years since he first entered the House, but he had only been an active member for a few years. Still, he found that there were many members in the House who had not been connected with it so long as he had been, and he regretted this very much until he noticed that most of the new mem- bers were sons of the soil. He thought it was a matter for congratulation to see the native-born-men educated here, settled here, and who were likely to remain here and die here -coming forward to take their natural positions in the paths of public duty. His occupation in life had not brought him into personal contact with Mr. Hunter very often, but he could join with them all in bearing testimony to the high appreciation and respect he had noticed everywhere entertained for that gentleman, and waa exceedingly pleased to

hear Mr. Hunter express his determination to return to this colony and end his days here. (Cheers.) .

The PREMIER proposed " The Mayor and Aldermen," referring to the great import-ance of the civic institutions in these young countries, and tho good stamp of men who came forward to serve the citizens in, this respect in this colony.

The toast was drunk with cheers.

Alderman DILLON returned thanks on behalf of the Mayor and aldermen, and ex-pressed gratitude at the kind words uttered by the Premier about the City Fathers, especially as there were very few who would

say anything in their favour at present. After making a lengthy reference to the sanitary question he concluded by wishing health, wealth, and prosperity to the guest of the evening.

Song, " Never mind the rest," Mr. C. W.

S. James. '

Mr. HUNTER proposed "The building

trade." He said there was nobody who felt more interest in the subject than he did, but he was sorry he was not able to do the toast the justice it deserved. He was pleased to see all the branches of the trade repre-sented around the table. Competition in the trade had been very keen for some time past, and he would advise them whilst that lasted not to be led away by the eagerness to secure work into taking it at a lower price than they could do it for. (Hear, hear.) Auother thing he wished to urge upon tbem was the desirability of paying every attention to their apprentices. Now that technical schools had been established they ought to do all they could to induce their apprentices to take advantage of them. The Govern-ment of the day deserved every credit for having established technical schools -(hear, hear)-and he felt sure that the encourage-ment of them would have a good effect upon the building trade in general, as those who had the benefit of such teaching would be

much better fitted for their work in after life. The toast was drunk with cheers.

Song--" Watch on the Rhine," Mr. F. Buck.

Mr. G. S. SEABROOK responded on behalf of the building trade. He said that in the majority of instances where they worked without an architect they generally got into a fog, but whenever they worked under Mr. Hunter they always had the advantage of working with well matured plans, and thus they were relieved of very great difficulty. Mr. Hunter's plans never left his office until they were thoroughly matured. (Hear, hear.) He had worked under him as an apprentice and as a journeyman, and had always felt a high regard for him. With regard to the technical schools he had always felt that the artisans who came from the Old Country were placed in a better position than those who belonged to this colony. (No, no.) He thought that it was the case, as the natives could not be expected to have the same knowledge as those who had had early training in the well organised technical schools of the Old Country. He trusted that Mr. Hunter would meet with success

in his new sphere, and assured him that his welfare would be eagerly watched by his many friends in Tasmania.

Song-"Climb up," Mr. R. YOUNG.

The company dispersed about 11.30, after singing " Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the Queen."
