Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 18 August 1881, page 3

The Visit of ihc Princes and the

Supreme Court»

On the meeting of the Supreme Court yesterday morning, Mr. .Justice Harding, in referring to the proceedings connected with the visit of the princes, said that when the court adjourned on the pre-vious day be had said that the Government had taken no steps to intimate to the Judges of the court the course of procedure, or to place them in a position to see what had taken place. To-day he know nothing more officially than that the following day had be.'U proclaimed a holiday, and as a Minister of the Crown had been pre-sent in the court when he made the previous observations, he could only think that the slight was intentional. He proposed, when this case was finished, to continue the business of the country, aud he could only let the jury not empanelled go until euch time as he would be likely to know with certainty for what period they could be further excused from attendance. He _ was sorry to put them to this inconvenience, but it was the only course he could follow. The Chief Justice ranked next to the first man in the colony, and up to yester-day he had had no knowledge of what was being done in connection with the visit of two sons of the Prince of Wales to our shores, nor had he been in any way communicated with on the subject. This being so, this was the only means of letting the country know how it was that the gentlemen compelled to be present had been in-convenienced if they had been inconvenienced

at all.

The Attorn-ey-General said he had not heard all of his honour's remarks, but had heard a Minister of the Crown mentioned. That, he supposed, referred to him. He understood his

honour to say that something the Ministry had done was regarded by him as an intentional slight. All he (the Attorney-General) could say was that all the information that he or any other member of the Ministry had his honour was aware of. To-day he observed there was to be a reception at Government House, and the following day would be a public holiday. The reception his excellency the Governor was en-tirely responsible for.

His Hon:ur : As many in court would no doubt like to go to that reception, I shall adjourn the court for half-an-hour in the afternoon to allow them to do so.

The Attorney-General : I think that will be hardly sufficient, as it will be necessary to go

home and dress for the occasion. As to Thurs day being a holiday, all know what your honour knows. As to what is to be done on that day, I know no more than you. There is nothing that the Ministry knows which your honour is not aware of. The whole of the proceedings connected with this matter are in the hands of the

Govenor, He is responsible for everything done, antt_the Ministry are responsible for nothing.

His Honour : From the Governor or Ministry i nave received no information, and that being tue case I propose to go on with the business of ine country. lam sorry to inconvenience anv gentlemen, and I shall give Buch an adjournment as will enable them to pay their respects at the Place mentioned ; but at the same time I shall nor recognise until that time that anything is mu"«!"??- * believe I have the concurrence of my brother Judges and their sympathy in the course I am taking. I ahall discharge the jury not now empanel¡ed untJl o O.clookj and lafc wera go as long as possible in the afternoon. "'?cofl,«aep I shall not object to anyone ap-pearing m the court in full drees.

After un adjournment ot half-an-hour for I

lunch, «.nd when the case o£ Perkins v. tho |

ivangdical Standard had been called on, tho Awornet-General asked the Judge what he proposed doiuj: with regard to an adjournment.

His Honou:' laid : I propose to do nothing. Having had no notice, I do not think I should be doing right in adjourning for our own pleasure. If you can diveat yourBelf of the office of Attorney-General, I shall be glad to consult you as a member of the bar regarding the moBt con-

venient course to follow.

The Attoknet-Gkneral : As a member of the bar it is impossible to diveat myself of the office of Attorney-General. Your honour has intimated -what is a matter of grief to me-that you suppose that some intentional slight has been shown to yourself or brother Judges. I think I should be wanting in duty to myself and in con-sideration for my colleagues wero I to permit a statement of that sort to pasB without observa-tion. I would be glad if you would point out in what way you consider the slight haa been given. If this is done, I can explain the matter, because I know no intentional Blight has been off-red. I shall bo happy to explain, or to apolo-gise if it is shown there is any occasion for apology.

His Honour : Up to the present moment none of the Judges, except privately and through the newspapers, kuow anythiug of distinguished visitors being in the colony, further than a Oaxtte notice of a holiday.

The Attorney-General : Neither do the Ministry.

His Honour : I see through the newspapers that one of the Ministry went to the Bay in the

Kate to receive them.

The Attorney-General : He went down to receive the officers of the squadron. The princes aro not here in any official capacity.

His Honour : I am aware that the Govern-

ment may ignore the position of the Judges, and as far ae I can see they are doing so. I Bball not enter into nny further discussion on the


The Attorney-General : We know nothing more than your honour, nor can we, to the extent of a straw, influence what may be done, except that we have arranged one small matter for Friday.

His Honour : I believe the coureo I am taking ia the one that would be followed by the Chief Justice. He is my chief, and I believe the course which I am taking is the one I ought to take with regard to myself. I know that he, with one exception, is the first person in the colony. He has told me that as soon as he knows anything he will let me know, and as he has communicated nothing to me, I assume that

no intimation has been made to him.

The Attorney-General : Thero waa no intimation to make. The proceedings this afternoon

are not official.

His Honour : I shall not discusB the matter

further. If the bar wish it, I will adjourn this


Mr. Griffith said he understood that it would

be much more convenient to all parties to ad-journ the case.

His Honour then said, beyond taking the findinga of the jury in the case just finished, he should do no more business till Monday.