Portland Observer and Normanby Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Thursday 30 April 1914, page 2

HENTY MEMORIAL. llThe special tr1aii clarryillg the P'clier and Miniistlers arrived this miorninig at 7 t,'clock, (and was Ilct by Ithe Mlayor. 'IThe visitors breakfisted at Mac's Hotel. .I. was rrailgecd tlht after Ibreackfast the Ministerial partLy slhiold Ilake ia tour of inspcction, embracing a visit to Battery Ilill, the coiiuencing point of thle proposed breakwnter; "BurIswood," tho one timle home of Edward itlnty; 'Calverton,' the property of Mr. poland, who waslong associated wi;th Etdward HInt;; tho State School, "Maret.oii ," the Portladl Ilospital, and thlieirst ploughed lield. iThe party will thou be taken to ispectC Mr. \Wyatt's exhibition of heath produce. Upon the arrival of the special trains, hot waitor, tea, miilk, etc., will ie provided for excursionists in the l.otiuida reservd. Tihe chlildren will bie called to the iiurshalling ground oin the beach, below the Corit Hlouse, by the riniinig of a bull at 12.30 p. '. The prccssion.will lie irranged at once and ita start. miade for tlhe Mleorial coluimi, ihere the cliildren will be arranged in an unclosure. A iseated space hase been iarniiged for all invited guests, a special eiuclosure being sub apart for tihe descendanits of tihe ilcuty Bros. 'The Maiyor, accomiiumicd 'by the P'remier, Ministers. Mr. H. J.M. Caipilblell iand 'lcuinhers of Parlinucnit, Will taike up hisii positiili upon the raised stand, and at 1. 0.: this pauuu of the fiunctions will emohublucc iy Mr. CaiOipbell introducing the Premiier and welcouming lim to Portlaud. After im reply by Mr. Watt and another Minister, Mr. J. Wiltshire (wieo has been given tlhe lpilacd of lhonor owing to tihe movemliett Ilviigaictivuly originated froul him) Will give. i thoru t accontis of the events leading upII to thu iniauguration of the novuiuenlt. He will concluide by asl:lug Miss Flossio lHenry tol hid tlhe trowel to the Maybor, wliowill lay the fouindation stone mlid address the assemblage. Mr. F. 'lTate (Director of Education) iaun Mr. A. Mi. l'Taylor (Chief President of the A.N.A.) will Ib asked to address those present. The tuniction will close with tihe National Aiut hiii. An .tdjournmentt will then le made to the pier, which will be closedl againist any but tickholders for a short spaice of time in elrder to allow such, together with the Ministerinl party, to pass alog- the pier to the enclosure erected aroundl the pile to ie driven. No chiildren will lie ladmitted to the piil;r, owing to the ris.'1 of nceidclnlt. Barriers will bie erectcdl in twol places along the pier and at the enclosure, and the ipublic are askedu to assist the coiiiiiittee in keeping ordler so tlhat no accidenult may occur. The functioi at the picr will be olpenled by thie Mayor, and Mr. Caimplell will ilntroduce the cootractror (Mr. \Ward) to the Preunier, lwho will be asked to drive the pilo. Mr. Caump.hell anmil Mr. Ilageclthorn (Minister of Pullic \VWrks) will speak. Thie icext function will be the reclitioi byi the Mayi, iand Mayorcss in the Orderly Roo,lll whet e visitors and residents are iivitedl to attend to Iict tihe Premnier anil Ministers. Thie Mayor ldesires it to be larlicldlrly understood that i no slpecial invitatinus to this fiiiction have beenii issued, ild he trusts that ill desirous of doing so will iittcnld. A torebliglht processioun vili form at 7 o'clock anul ilaruade the pirincipal streets, widling up at the Sports Groudl. whore a variety entertainmuent wiil be leldl. Thie otlicual banuuet in the Library Hall coimmiences at 7 up.m. During the fteornoon thIe chlillron will bie provided with aniuseiments along the sea fronut, olie of tlhe novelties beinig a Punch alnd Judy Sllow and ilarionlettes. Arrlngoiueoullts lavo hill coillelltd for nm ifterinoon's sport in the CriCkct Ground on Slit urda?-, parlticulavs of whicrh are advertised ii another cohulmn.

Ou?n NAivAL VISITOR.. - H.:L'A.S. Melbourno arrived here early on TuIIesdlay morning and dropped anchor offil the now pier. It wals intended that she shouhl come alongside, but owing to the litter and confusion attending thle work of extending the pier the idlea was abal(nloned in the interests of public safety. Facilities, we understand, will le afforded the publio for inspecting thie ship. FooTn,\.L.-A match was played yesterday afternoon between a team from the man-of-war antd thle local club, and resulted inll an easy win for thie lands men. Atoxrast- the visitors attracted to Poltland by the Henty M"emorial celebiations is Mrs. Lennox, of Winchelsea, daughter of the late Captain Jas. Liddell, who was master of the vessel 'which brought thIe Hentys to Portland from Tasmania. Mrs. ]Lennox resided Ileie with her pareonts in 1856. RAILWAY EXTEIO?SO N TO EIIINIOI'IE . -Tie h proposal to link Edenhplllle up with tlhe railway servico to the seaboard lihas been brought beforeo tilhe Minister of lRailways by M r. J. Them son; Mh.L.A., and Mr. Mackinnon has conseited to'reeisve a deputation on Wedlnesday aftbrnoon, May 20, at two o'click? al·ine leagues mie interested ilthhis e.?i'fonsiol, and the ldeputmtion will be of a' representative chllaracter. Mr. Thllomson Ihas informedl tIhe seem-r tury, M?. Johlilstone, of thie arruaige mIents made.