Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 30 September 1885, page 3


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The Very Rev Charles Leslie Dundas was installeäÄesterday as-Doau-ot St. David's Cathedral. At 1130 a.m. Holy Communion,

was celebrated, and the installation cere-monotony place in the afternoon at pro

soiicB past very large congregation, , Bishop, Sandford,, clad in full robes, presided, attended by Rev. J. B. Woollnough, bearing the pastoral staff, and on the opposite side of the chancel and the now Dean. Ocou-' pyingithOircspootivo stalls assigned to them were The- Ven. Archdeacon Davenport, -Canon Banks Smith, J, Brooke H. Bailey, A. Nason, and Mr. R. A Adams, chancellor

of the diocese There was a full choir, and the Rev. H. C. Hancock presided at the organ. The proceedings took the

form of the usual service observed at Even-song, the installation taking place after the second lesson. The ceremony, as it proceeded, was solemn and deeply impressive. Catt'on ' Brooke Bailey conducted the first portion of the service, Canon Banks Smith reading the first . lesson, ) and Archdeacon Davenport the Second. i j r

Then the, Rev, Mr. DUNDAS, the Dean to be installed, IGBO and handed to the Bishop the documents certifying his nomination and appointment, saying Right Reverend Father in God present unto you, as Bishop of this Church and Diocese, and to the Chapter, these letters and deeds, certifying my nomination and appointment to the office and dignity whereunto I have been called, and entreat you in virtue of thereof to admit, instal, and conduct me into the Deanery of this Cathedral Church.

Mr. R. P. ADAMS, Chancellor of the Diocese, then stopped forward, and read the papers presented to the BISHOP! The papers set forth that the " Reverend Charles Leslie Dundas, Master of Arts, late scholar of Brasenose College, some time Fellow of Jesus College;, Oxford, and formerly Vicar of Charlton, Kings in the Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol," had been appointed to be Dean of the Cathedral Church and incumbent of St. David's parish in Hobart.

The BISHOP auBworcd, saying: We docent. the nomination and appointment thus duly made, and by these pi events certified to us ) and in accordance with the tenour of them are here ready and willing to accede to your request. '7 . " ' The BISHOP then invested the rev. gentle

man as Dean, saying In the name of God, Amen. We, Daniel Fox, by Divine permission Bishop of Tasmania, in the presence and with the assent of the members of Chapter here assembled, receive you and do admit and invest you Dean of this our Cathedral Church of S. David in Hobart, together with all its rights and appurtenances.

The Very Rev. Dean DUNDAS then knelt before the Holy Table, and the congregation engaged in private prayer, the Bishop subsequently leading audible prayer. t .

Canon BROOKE BAILEY certified that the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty the (noon, and of canonical obedience to the Bishop of Tasmania and the declaration ' of faithful adherence te the doctrine, discipline, laid Ritual of the Church, had been duly made by there's Dean, ' ,

Dcap,p.Ur/''!i'À',lthcn made and subscribed the fôl^w^aftdoçïaration,'which the road out in hearing"oíñttu) congregation, and afterwardsfpioonie,d'"to. the Bishop a-I, Charles Leslie Dundas,' Dean of this Cathedral Church'idóídeolnro that I will be faithful to the Church, and to the Bishop and chapter Of the same., I will observe and maintain its statutes, ordinances, rules; and customs published or hereafter to be made and pubhatred by lawful authority, and, will, cause them to be' observed and kept by others. I will uphold and defend all its rights and liberties, be a watchful guardian of its goods and fabric, a zealous minister of its services, and a willing counsellor and assistant in the business , of the chapter. I will be at all times ready with my presence and counsel to assist the Bishop, when and where she shall reasonably require this of me and I will bear my part willingly and gladly, and will personally be forward in promoting the good works of this Church and diocese, the extension and increase of the ministrations and teaching of the Church, and all undertakings having for their object, the glory of God, and the salvation and edifica-tion of the souls of men. And, further, I promise to observe lowliness and patience in i my own person and practice, and to exhibit ' justice, courtesy, and brotherly love to all those over whom I am set for governance and rule, So help me God. Amon.

The BISHOP then addressed Dean Dundas saying Almighty God, who hath given you a good will to do all these things, of His] fatherly love grant you also strength and power to perform the same, that, Ho account pushing in you the good work which He hath begun, you may be found perfect and irreprehensible at the latter day, through'

Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. ! , Afterwards the Bishop led Dean Dundas to the choir and placed him in the stall . assigned to him, saying We instal then in-j

to the stall appointed to thy dignity, and do Induct theo into the actual and corporal past session and occupancy thereof, with all its' rights, privileges, and appurtenances. The' Lord present of the going out and coming in

from this time forth for evermore. Amen.

The DEAN then said the Lord's prayer, and the Bishop proceeded Almighty God, the disposer of offices and distributor of all good things in Thy holy Church, Who hast'

been pleased to institute divorB orders and dignities for the well governing of the Churches, we humbly beseech Thee that

Thou wilt vouchsafe Thy grace and proceed tion to this Thy servant now admitted to the government and care of this Cathedral Church Grant that Thy Holy Spirit may so be with him, that with the increase of his honour may grow the fruits of his faith, and obedience, and zeal in Thy blessed and glorious Service. Let him be an example and pattern of uprightness, faithfully executing the ministry assigned to him, and so direct-ing the ministers of this church that with them all he may come to Thine Eternal

Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord,


The choir and congregation then sang Psalm 133, and, thereafter the service pro-) ceded according to the order ' of evensong,

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Canon Mason taking part, and, at its conclusion, the Bishop pronounced the benediction.

j Afterwards the Bishop, the Chancellor, and members of chapter, returned to the vestry. There were present, in addition to the clergymen already mentioned, Messrs. H. T. Solly, W. Lumsden, and J. G. Steele, churchwardens, also Mr. W. Tnrloton and Mr. W. Cockburn Sharland, lay, members of the cathedral chapter., The

BISHOP assigned the Dean his rightful place, saying, " We deceive you, Very

Reverend Sir, to a place and voice in chap-ter." The archdeacon, canons, and members of chapter present recognised and promised obedience to the Dean, after which the Bishop concluded the proceedings with
