South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1868 - 1881), Saturday 20 April 1878, page 9

; MA^I^tE Bai^D/ V

Monday. A^mi. 15. .J .'. .'..:' '' :

Present— Captain B. H. Eergusbn, &M.a Pre-, sidenib j Captain J. W. Smith, J.P:, Captain T-± Tapley, and. Mr. John Formby* gardens ; and Mr. George fiobertson (Acting-Secretary). : TRBASUBT MDTOXES. o ,., J Minute confirming ^bhe appointment of Henry, W. Chriistie as assistant-keeper of the Eastern' Shoal Lightship, also the appointments of Law-)

rence Webster as ABsistant Harbor-Master* Goolwa, and Alfred Pickett as coxswain of the lifeboat at Port Robe. V-.j. Eeturnsof the quantity of silt raised by the' dredgers at various places during the monfii of March were laid on the table. -...' ? . .- I EEP Q^T OF TIC6 BHQjRtEg^ QF HABBOBS AM) : .... ; ' ; JETHESv. ; ..: , ; ;.; ?.-:?'?: j ,:. The report, of the Engineer of. Harbors ap.d Jetties on the various .works under his control durine the month of .March: was read as follows

— Althorpe Island Lighthouse.— Owing to the fatal accident at Althorpe Island, which occas sioned the death of the foreman of works, the progress during the month has been very slow. The workmen's quarters had to be removed to the top of the island— this in itself was a source of considerable delay — and generally the whole work has been upset owing to these causes and sickness amongst the men. The work is now however, in full swing again, and will, I hope, go on satisfactorily. Port Broughton Jetty.— This work is very nearly finished, about 60 feet of decking and the. turntable being- all* that remains to complete. Port ^akeneld Wharf .—r Two sets of steps are being put up in connection with this wharf. North- West. .Bend Wharf.— The contract for this wharf -200 feet in length) is now completed. J. would suggest that it be extended another. 20Q feet, as it, is quite to3 short to, accommodate 'any . number of river ? boats. The stuff which ; was ; thrown into the. river from' .the * railway cutting has, I observe, not yet been' rehioved. It should, he taken away, at once. Port Pirie Deepening. — No. 2 dredge has been at work during the month widening the stream in front of the Queen's Wharf, where it-is very narrow;. Owing to bad sides it has 'frequently happened that the barges could not be discharged, and , consequently the dredger has been stopped. I have taken the opportunity .to effect' some necessary repairs, painting, &c.j .3,428 cubic yards of stuff has been . Raised, at 10d. per yard, whilst the cost of depositing it behind the wharf has been Is. 6|d. Pert Wakefield Deepening — The work is going on satisfactorily, 1,941 cubic yards, having been raised by spoon-barges aud deposited behind the. wharf at a total cost c(£ 3s. 4d. per cubic yard. P6rtBroaghtotiDeepen|ing.— The dredgiiig here is going en v$iy satisfactorily, the presentstate of the work- being a channel about 40 feet wide, giving a depth of 5 . feet at L.'W.S. frOni the jetty to( the inner bar. I propose »ow remo.ving the spoon-barges * to the inner bar, through' which a channel of the same ditnensidns will be cat. Penguin Island Lighthouse.— -This work is making good. ' progress, the masonry of both cottages and the 'store being complete and the timber for the roofs in ' place. The ; tower has been commenced. Bivoli Bay Pier. — Very little progress has been made at this jetty during the month, as I was obliged to give instructions to stop the work owing to carelessness on the part of contractors in its construction. The jetty, which ' ought to have been level and straight, has a fall of about 15 inches in its length (at present about 600 feet), and has a considerable curve in it. The contractors have now received notice that .they must rectify their mistakes. Kingston Pier.— This work is going on slowly, owing to the hard. nature of the strata through which th6 piles have to be screwed. Although much more skill and care have been exercised in the erection of this jetty, there is an error even here of some 5 inches in the finished levol of the platform. Semaphore Jetty. — The ; contract for a landing stage at this jetty has been let and the work commenced during the month. All piles are now driven. This landing stage, which was very much required, will be of very great service: Queea's Wharf.— The lessee' (Captain Simpson) commenced the erection of the new wharf during the. month. Glenelg Pier. — Fair progress is being made with the repairs to this pier. The ' new seats are nearly all made, and will be erected shortly. Ferry Steps, Port Adelaide. — The alterations to these steps asked for by the Ferry Company have been completed. No. 1 Dredger. — Owing to delays caused by removing the dredger from QueeinV Wharf to. Levi's Wharf and the necessity for repairs, she -has not been' fully ^occupied during£;the month. The . quantity raised has been 3,939 cubic. yards, at a cost of Is. 'lid. per yard, the material being deposited at various places hi the .Port at a farther cost of fis.'per cubic' yardf No. 2 dredger has 4 been fullyT employed during thetnonth. On the t 20th sha completed the first, tint on the outer bar, thus- making a channel 150 feet wideJwith adepth'ofSOfeet at LWS. She was then removed to; the commencement of the otherlSO -feet cut.-wliere^he is at present at work. No. 4

Dredger (building).— Ttte null 5S planked and caulking commenced. The engines are being fitted up in the shop. The Margaret, steam . launch, nas'had a thorough overhaul. Steps have been taken to erect erases at Stansbury, Minlacowie, Port Victoria, and Port Broughton. In 'reference toTa fixe which recently occurred on board the ketch Kecamiain Port Adelaide, the Board asked the ^Treasurer whether arrangd- . ments isdald be made for placing, on board one of the steam launches, as originaUy intended, a steam pump which was imported in the HydaBpes in October, 1676, at a cost of £100, and which was then lying apparently an good order at tiie ^Government Tard. The Board ifoought tbat incase of fire among the shipping in the Steeam it would be very discreditable to have a -pxt^bp liketiiis on hand and not lie' able to use it; ;On reporting on Htm suggestion &e Engineer of Harbors said— 'There- is only one boat - uhdor 41* Ib department,: viz, the :Margaret, on whicfriKis fatuop could beplacea,siid I would w«p«tfully point :*ut that *s' she is fully occupied' in ?;: Attending r on^.the dx^Jgers it ??''? would' f be' '- very ??.'. inconvenient f: that ^ie should be placed: in - any way^tmdef the - control i-f , anotiser ;: depattaneiit,. Las. of conrse the fire engine should be under tihe Mftrine Board, I would also poi»$ outto*t ^

ifi^sCosiaaiano^^Hojwacd^ IfM* iormade/i tou&m Ut &}ms -&&Pfe KktR*»h JB&kaby, ttinliw?owie,rand Norton, jsoi^wl ias- -.yearj ^Isojsaiiing dja£g$iora«^..;£e^ cs^ted that l^^char|eiwejEe^ r^dj^ for ^distriba-r tioo, toed tie Ac^dng^ereta^ wx« jnakracted to. :fcdtej*isj^«f|acfe &,,/£ ^bho\/^ .,. ;-; | : ~ '!!&ejfieagI$2eej»eB:$f tiie^THparaliighthqasej -asked-some time *^q f ojr- permission for His wife ;*n4-i*m|ly Jo^pcupy- tb^|house«D.%ejM^-nta , Beach ibiBloBging ]tp th$ ; Governnlent.J ^Thel r fcequest wa93^ranted,L^be sepai^ to thej house! ijemgopmpiete; fc^ rcr -^i di-» -??-..-„ ^, . -k -;: f ' 3316, mastexi e^ tHe Goveiw Mnsgraye;for-| .^vrarded&nal^^ct 9^ liie^gMrilre L^dy;Diinal ill reierencelo /placing b«^}Pprt: Vincent and BJaakPoint.^jWhfr AtffingjSecrptap :«t»tedi s that: jbhe. uBnalj-notiees ^e^ej^mg^ printed and &&&$&. soon be circulated. 0 ' \-''-'; '^^ - ''?'?- '?'? ? ,1 5&i&reply jtoV a ^Jter tipm.^ie /Board the . r Engineer of Harbcffs and Jetties reported that ' the^ereetion pf avstor^eroom at fPoint Alalcobai : woiild+beprocjBeded withatonce^ ♦ 7 '...?''. ; ' ;- \ : iCapjtoM JHaywardj of *&§ J-'i.».-43B& Jceporte4 JhAt^lMarch^^^henaboat three jniles &un! : ^the lkbthouBe,,a fjew of jt^efpldhtube8 m^liatl ineaiei'fl^bjpjler^bggani jtojieakj.^jad^bo thought itj prudent to return to Pprt.; The 'viessel -was

&V&J& sesume^erfenp on the 26th. 7 ; Becewed, Thos. F. Mellor, of New; LiwerpooV stating *Da*-tiie proposed site fo^ Ms boa&onse, icc^ ytjes below- high-water nrarkvoniSfew Liverpool 'Beach .; ,- Permission given 'te-erwt tTODuildingj :-- A letter was read from the Harbor-Master atj Port W'akefield in reference to a report made tq tim Board: 4bat large vcsiielf had been allowed] tojthrow their ballftst^overboard at that port in :^|jfathoms water.; TherHarbor-Master said th^ first, intimation,. he had ©^ the case 'was thexej port.cjT^erjqfnly two vessels that discharged baaastthis season were. now out of -theeolonyt Hjecloggested that a. /r^ard should be offered fornersons givhig informaaon that woold lead .ids ». conviction M. cases of this land. The So»d thought , that the idea was^ good one. . ; The Harbor-Master at Port Augusta reported the. pri^ Ellenj from Fj^mantle,vaslipreoabreasi of Pdrt Pattewoa/and. ^ie Je^ie Osbor ne,' f roni Wallaroo Bay, grounding on the,jE4stern Shoalj The master of each vessel also reported th4 accidfeBte. , NeSher yessel; received any.damagei Eeceived. .-. -. ??? ? ? i-.-ir- .,- ?'?-'?

:' Frbm the SecreferyjOf ihft^ambejf of Manui factures, forwarding a resolution of that bpdyj cespedang .Mr,: S.. Higgfi'6; Life and Salvage dhart, as follows:— 'That a heartg^-ypte^ol flianks be at5fe-rde4*O:Mr-tHiggs for. his usefuj and very intepestingJaddrejss,:and ]that tibeattenjfcion of the local authorities here:be:drawnto die Bv&tem suggested; with a view tojfcs;adopf tion so far as -the Australian coasts are conr cerned.' '? A letter on the subject, from Lieustenant Goalen, BN., tOj the Chamber of Manur factureswas also forwarded. The following ife a ; synopsis of iii-^' I : , was , sorry , at nop being aj-le to attend JUuc.j^iggs's Jecture on lifesaving : charts, &c, but as one; who has had 17..yearsjn chart-making, I would like to send you 'my ideas on the subject of the lectur^ eq far as I can gather its tenor from the published account of , it. While fully admitting that-.Mr. -Higgs deserves , much praise for Jhij efforts to attain a good object, I think that his idea of the 'necessity for making /HfeboaJ; stetjons and soft place's for beaching vessels on cnarts ai-i^es 'from a misappreMension, and one common I l-ejievfi_to many masters of vessels, viz., that -a' chart is rmeant to be com^ plete in itself as rega»3s'its information for aa purposes ' of ^nstyigatioin;/ iii ^f act,- it is not sok tbe .* Admiralty *o]qsider ? Jho~' cliaf t iuflicient withoiit the . corresponding sailing- directions, which' contain much information Which it would !be impossible to put pn the chart 'for want ojf apace. In them- all lifeboat' and rocket .stations are' -mentioned' as well as full ;directiins for using, the latter. 'With ' 'ref

gard 'to soft , places: for beaching 'vessels ; circumstances 'of wind-andr weather ...alter peases; so much that a beach which. Tnight bp perfectly safe one day would on another be very 'dangerbus. I should say; that supposing 'the master of a vessel having to beach bis, vessel as ? a last resourcerif he has' charts surveyed ad- ? wording to modern standards and sailing directions; describing, as they do the nature of the coast as to -sand,' cliff, shelving rocks'depth in -front surf, &cr, as well as the nearest place where assistance m&y .obtained, the- choosing ef, any. particular spot . is' a macttermnch better left to his own- judgment, jas-ife^ success will depend in a great measure on circumstances within his own observation at the time. Thfe softest places, as L know from walking over many, miles of coast line, are on sand beachete where there is a heavy surf and litQe -chance o'f -saving life or vessel. In particular places, such as Port MacDonnell, where g; is not an uricommon thing Lior vessels to part from the moorings without a chance of being able to get lo -seas 'the proper- spot -fat beaching is specially pointed but -ia the sailing directions. The less printing thWe is on a * chart iie clearer it ibj ted therefore better, and room » left for facts more valuable. In drawing charts it often requires- considerable -aFrangement to get «Ven the name of » rock in without scratching out some necessary soundings. It would- be much better to have an Act compelling shipniastere/ and owners to supply themselves with; the latest charts and sailing directions, and make it a stroBg point against -anyone who has not got them on an* enquiry into the loss or stranding of their -vessel. He did not suppose that 25 per cent, of the vessels - at that moment at Port Adelaide had copies of the Australian Directory, relating to the South Australian coast, on board.' Received. ; The Signalman at the Murray Mouth forwarded his report forthe months of February and March. The 'bar had; been quite smooth lor 44 days ; the rest of tbe/fimeitf'was rather dangerous. The steamer Queen, of Iihe South ' had crossed -the bar five times since March 11. On one. occasion she was detained .about*' 16 hours at the mouth through the sea being too heavy to proceed over the bar. Beceived. : The Collector of Jetty Dnes atPort Minlacowie reported that tiie steamer Glenelg injured the jetty at that place on-Mareh 20. Her captain had promised to have the necessary repairs «ffected^ without delay. Beceived;' The master of the steamer Victorian reported rpn the recent fouling of the Dunkeld wi&that yessel. fie estimated the damage to the Victorian at £20. He conmdered the pilot of the ponkeld tollame. The captain of the Donkeld wfts'gonig 4opay luilf the damage; and -the captain of the Victorian asked lihat the pilot pay the other. The Board said they had nothing to do with thetnatter. They should recover from the officers of the Dimkeld.- . ' -TiteHeadikeeper of the^Eastern Shoal Light: ship reported tiiatthevessel rolled irery heavily during ebb tides and had been slarained so much ttiat she made more wafer than usma. He said cooking was out of the question during the ebb. -Every aitiele' handled had to be made fast before it was left out ' of iaad. When he wrote ?? the letter there was a. xnoaerately light breeze blowing, but even then ^the keeper said ''her ; rolling propensities weore something inarvelIoub?' Itwas thefflght by the Board thai; the ' vessel would ?' Jack upa bobbery' in that posi- : tiofl.s Letter receivea, I . ry.d ?- :: The Keeper of the EemtJ£aioobn Lighthouse TCDorfedtitJatthe Blacks in that neighborhood i go\Jntoxicated on-the m^ht of Apru 1^ b^uselwwonMnotgivethemhra^dy.behaved inra ?tbJeatening TnannfT. .Helaaliad^&e; Board . to^upply3ninnnith«*9-en-LTer:tojprbtect MmseK- Tand family i«hoold. a :senons disturbance take place at any daniei (Beo^iffist granted. ; ,-? Bobert Wilson, jnaster mariner, applied for a aitnation under tbeJBoard. I To Jbe recorded., . ' The Adelaide Underwriters Association asked the Board if they would allow Mr. Taylor, the

veyor *^^^-^^iil»pc^W5. G^ted, bo