Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 4 January 1908, page 6

When attacked by diarrhoea or ! bowel complaint, you want a medi- ' cine that acts quickly. ' The atta-ck is always 6udden,_ generally severe and with increasing pain. Even a slight delay in procuring a remedy increases the risk. Keep a bo'tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and you are. absolutely safe.^ It has pever been known to fail in cases of colic, cholera, diarrhoea, or summer complaint in children. For eale by HI dealers. Fimister and Co., wholesale agents. x ? AMUSEMENTS. j M OHMS' SUMMER GARDENS. \ Lessee. William Anderson. j TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, ! And Following Evenings. Under the Direction of William Anderson. ? A Startling Attraction, which made '. All Sydney Talk. McMAHON'S STIRRING PICTURE DRAMA:ROBBERY ROBBERY UNDER ARMS. ROBBERY UNDER ARMS. ROBBERY UNDERARMS. ! Something New, Remarkable, and Comprehensive. Cost £1000. j ROBBERY UNDER ARMS. ROBBERY UNDER ARMS.. In association with this unique event there will be also introduced* j for the first time here, a complete j 'eeries of altogether Npw and Fas- j cinating Animated Picture Subjects. Admission. 3/. 2/, and 1/. Buiness Mnnaerer. Michnel Joseph. ' Touring Manager, Frank O'Sullivan. PUBLIC NOTICES. TTALGOORLIE ROADS BOARD. JLX ANNUAL ROLL. - | Notice is hereby given that the VOTERS' LIST for the year 1907-8 is now OPEN for. INSPECTION at. the Roads Board Office. Porter- ] street. Kalgoorlie. Claims for in- j elusion and objections may be ;naJc-, ' up to the- 31?$U.Tanuary. inst. j M. j; BJCHAEDSON, : . Secretary. ^ ? ., ) ' \ .?EDFCATIOxNAL. ' ' 'RS. R. A. BENNETT (Cert. ' Royal Academv of Music. London), Teacher of Pianoforte and Singing, will resume tuition on Monday, January 6, at ner Studio, i Maritana Buildings. -u Maritana-st. ' MEDICAL. ? , ; '\TURSE Ru?se??s Private -iospi- : 1^ tal, 144 Collins-st, Kalgoorlie. Superior Accomracdation for .adies j during accouchement Tel 373 ? DR,. Cconk.ys Orar~t; Lily, 11/6, legitimately cures \voi3t ailments of women, without operations. The on'.. Agent, 8S Piccadilly-etreet, | I\fi!sroor1ie 1/etters .? 'tendvJ to. j 'f^ LANDOREn~PRIVAT'E~HOS^ I \J PITAL, -Macdonald-fit., Kal- 1 goorlio. General a ad Maternity: Wards. Tel 152. Nurses Simmons. ] -Walsh, a_d Kill J

HEDICAL. THLECTRIC Batteries (MediJL_ cal) for home use. The greatest remedy ; known ' to restore nerve power. We teach you how to manipulate them free of charge. Electro- Medical Institute. Kalgoorlie, next Caledonian Hall. ~ATH~S7— Eiec'tHc~Baths, Turkish ! / Baths, Hot Plunge Baths. Open Daily. These baths are most refreshing and health giving. ElectroMedical Institute, next Caledonian. Hall. ? ARE you ill? Avoid drugs, operations. Come direct Scientific Electro - Medical Institute, next ; Caledonian Hail Consultatious fr:a ?' s moderate. Numerous incurable poldfields cases cured by oar methods, latest BckzUftc treatment:; pairiess OoT Nasal Growth cured, Poiypus ? .inlessly dispersed without operations Sea eoldfiel J-8 ^sstimon'ais ; pamphlet free. Scientific Elec ro-Medical lusfcitut©, aejrt Cale- , donian Hall. 'OHEUMATISM, Sciatica, thss® J. §l^ raoat prevalent disea-ses cared. Sufferers (hould loss no time i^ placing 'themselves under oar treatment. Fee moderate. Scientific Electro- Medical Institute, nest Calcdotjian Hall. ? WO_I EN whose nervous syetemffl are run down, eoDsalt tis ? dniK3 and operations are of no avail Our treatments give instant) relief : lees moderate. Scientific Electro- Medical lastitate, oast Caieoo^ian HalltVeAFNESS,. tVeAFNESS,. Henri Noises, all J_^ Ear affeeticeSB cured paralf6Siy, Jatesfc fcieutific rreatment; fees in-ceratp ? eonsuJtation free. No drugs or operations ScjVr-tin3 E! 3t ro-Medical Iriafcifcote. nest Caledonian Hal.\JASAL \JASAL Catarrh, Polypus cured: X™ all gf -tions of -sbroat; %nd nope quicklv rectilied, latest scientific treatments. Fe- ?? Ecoderate : cotseulwifi-a froa Scientific sillectroMedical Tiatiiti'ts, ae_fc Caledoiu&ia Hall ? ^ /^ONSUMPTION.'MmerB- Dissa&e, V- Lung rnd Cheat complaints treated d^^ latest discovertes ir uric 'cal tcience. 1'et.s moder^ta^ Scieatiiic T'eetro-M^Hica! institute, n^xt Caledonian Hall URSE MILES' Private Hospt-' tal' and Maternity ,-oni©, Cprner oi i^ecr and Butlee stireeteo Piccadilly. Tel. 454. Tf.LSORE PRIVATE~HOSPITALii J_J 57 Porter-streofc. opp. Trades Hall. Medical. Surgical, and Midwifery. Misses MeJMeill and Q'NeilL Te___.65 ? ' TlyfANeo^D, E,ealth, and Vi^or Jv_l restored in lour weeks by tho 0se of This valuable re-aedy affords relie, and -ermam ty cures ail who Euiier from sexual debility wasting an^ withering of the nervous andl muscuic tissues, spermatorrhoea, and a; urinaiv l' posits which causa incapacity and d- ^ecei -cy, total and rartial prostratica, and every oiher exhaustive dei mgeinent of th© system. Price, 12/, or 4 quantities in one, 36/ ; freight extra. Azent?? jb H. Fauldingaad Co., 34j Murray-* street. Pc.th. AH Chemists. Pamphlets free on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope. ; HINDE'S, CASH \ . ? CHEMISTS. REFORMED PRICES. Our Reformation of Prices of ?Medicines has proved a Great Success. We now intend to Reform Prices of P'ERFUMES Every known Perfume will be offered at Prices never before known. HINDE'S, Cash Chemists, have made the lead in Reformed Prices in Medicines, and have saved hundreds of people a goodly sum each. Medicines. Surgical Appliances. Nursery Sundries, Rubber Goods, and all Chemists' Sundries are now m enormous variety and cut down to the lowest possible limit. Postal communications receive every car©., HINDE'S, CASH CHEMISTS, (Qpp. Brenna_'s\ /