Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 15 September 1882, page 2




In the House of Assembly, yesterday,

The SPEAKER took the chair at 4 p.m. Several notices of motion were tabled.

Mr. COOTE's motion, relative to petition from Fingal, lapsed in the absence of the mover.

The following motions were negatived :-Mr. SCOTT's, respecting improving a road in Launceston suburbs, from Stanley and Peel streets to Westbnry-road ; Mr. DOOLEY's, relative to completion of the main road be-tween Latrobe and Torquay.

The following motion was withdrawn :-Mr. SCOTT's, with respect to extending a telegraph line from Evandale Junction station to Evandale and Lyming-ton, the TREASURER promising to enquire into the merits of the question.

Tho following motions were agreed to :-Mr. DOOLEY's, relative to tabling petition from Latrobe on dredging the Mersey ; Mr. LETTE's, concerning tabling reports regarding re-arranging the Mining department,

The following question was answered in the affirma-tive :-Mr. LETTE's, relative to reports from Commis-sioners of Mines on re-arranging Mining department.

In reply to Dr. CROWTHER's question on Sandy Bay causeway, the MINISTER OF LANDS said that the Engineer-in-Chief had been instructed to report, and the improvements would probably be carried out early

in the summer.

The following motions were postponed :-Mr. GRUBB's, with respect to Ringarooma bridge ; Mr. BRADDON's, relative to Penguin Harbour ; Mr. DOOLEY's, concerning retrospective action of section 27 Waste Lands Act, 1881 ; Mr. BRADDON's, respecting return of timber reserves on West Coast.

The following orders of the day were postponed : -Committee on South Esk bridge at Fingal ; committee on Tunnack and Jerusalem road ; committee on Glenorchy Police and Municipal buildings ; committee on Mining Appeals Regulation Bill.

The committee on Fanny Cochrane's case was agreed


The committee on report of select committee on Strahan tramway was withdrawn, and a new resolu-tion founded on the report.

The Codlin Moth Bill was read a second time, and ordered to be taken into consideration on Friday.

At 6 p m., the House adjourned, to 4 p.m. |to-day.

The Ministers are evidently playing a waiting game. They do not appear to be guided by principle or policy. They contentedly sit on the top rail waiting for some symptoms on the part of those below ere they make up their minds on which side the fence they will descend. The posi-tion is neither a safe nor a dignified one. It is not safe, because while they may temporarily avert direct opposition, they weary out and alienate friends. It is not dignified, because it exposes them to the accusation of caring more for office than for the interests of the Colony. The very fact that we are compelled to thus comment on their line of action during the Session, may be accepted as indicating how distasteful it is to tho friends of Government to find them so utterly devoid of energy and firmness, and so piteously bending before the breeze. Í The very form of government tiley aro called on to work is being trifled with. ' Tho Session has now lasted for ten weeks, a period ¡t^pt ought to, have been sufficient, with ordinary push and firmness, ' for 4ho 'y°ar's ' business'1 'of Par-liament, but i as yet the ond seems . as distant as it did ' at' the oponing1 ceremony. The Assembly has been dawdling over its 'work, and the Legislative Council has little' moro than made a beginning. ' JTho management of busi-ness in two Houses has proved boyond the Ministerial compass, and it has not boon with much success that Ministers havo oxcrtèd tjiom solves in keeping the Assembly at work. Tho Legislature is being disorganised simply because Ministeis do net appear capable of making up their minds. Wo rogrot such apathy on their part, because no Ministry ever had bottpp opportunities.|J Their moans of doing go'od wore groat.' Yet 'havo cthey been lavish in casting from thom the occasions for making thoir mark which wore'within^thoir'roach, mid'at'this

moment ,they j hold i oflico i simply because no paily has shown the capability of taking their placb'. The strength of Ministors is in tho hunii Hating fact that tho present House of Assembly seems incapable of furnishing an Opposition ; mid this incapacity wo1 should ' not have legrettod much-for wo are not of thoso who fancy that our small business may not bo carried

on without bno sot of mon being in direct

i . . i /

antagonism to fjuothor. Parjy is not ossential in the conduct of the business of a population of 120,000. But the absenco of an Opposition bo

comes a positive misfortune when Ministers,

float as a bubble 'on the surface of the stream. Wo havo no intontion of giving out an equally uncertain sound, and theieforo wo hesitate not to say that the humiliating position in which

Ministers haye placed themsoives, arises ontirely

out of tho distrust in which the Lands and Woiks department is held by tho public, and tho pusillanimity which Ministers havo shown in grappling with that blot in the administration of public aflairs.j It is not necessary i that we should apportion the blamo, or expresa any opinion as tot whero 'the ' fault 'rests. It may bo with the Minister, it may bo

with ,thosoi oindêr him, Mt may >-'be -with Parliaments thatUbyUa falso I economy has not supplied tho Minister nith a proper staff of officers.'' ÎNoithor tho public nor tho Parliament would havo onquired,too minutely into dotnils7if only an assurnnco of thorough reform, mid coni ploto efficacy had boon given. But Ministors have dallied'with tho ""requirements of the situation. Tho Minister, ob Lanps has proceeded with pro-posals for borrowing nnd oxponding half a million^ as'if his department onjbyód ' tho nor- ' foot confidonco of tlio"public ' Ministers' have shown no sign. Thoy aro trusting r to tho ¿haptei'j^ofjj accidents, [and ¡bo, far , tho ,com plaisanco of the Assembly has justified them in thoir easy going course. Whether tho Legisla-tivo Council will bo equally tractablo wo may bo allowed to question. ' lf u (' ,

j Apart from tho gonoral^'quostton of tho ¡ de-partment of Lands and » Works,! tho- Minis-ter of Lands wont tout"1 of 'his way to placo himsolf mid his'"'colleagues" in a fnlso position in regard to tho' Mining depart-ment, and the weakness and hesitation of Ministers havo oncournged an agitation which,

as the lion. Mr. Crowther, said at tho'Town

Ball mooting, it was thoir'duty to havo stamped out at once. Beforo closing tho onunciation of his scheme of Publio Works ion tho 7th August last, Mr. O'RisiLiiY said :-" I feel it my duty to

inform lion. Membors that tho Government intond to propose to Parliamont tho establish-ment of a Mining departmont with a pormanont official head, and that that Mining departmont should bo established at Launceston." Is this so, or not ? Did Mr. O'Reilly speak only for the Minister of Lands, or did ho communicate to Parliamont the joint doeiaion of Ministers? Deputation after doputation has waited on tho PiiKMiF.ii and on tho Ministry, and though fivo wooks havo elapsed sinco Mr. O'Ri.illy stnggerod the Country by proposing to estab-lish n departmont of Govornmont away from tho seat of Govornmont, tho Phemikii and Ministers, havo kept tho Colony in suspenso on a matter on'¡which ^ a Premier tof < anyufirmnoss would have spokon out at once. Unless

Minutars aro pteparßd to disregard all tho ' ti.iditions of a governing body and all

tho conditions involved m a soat of Govern-ment, there was only ono reply possiblo on~the"part of Ministers. Why, unléss7por

'haps, in the hope of playing,one interest against'

another" to tho advantage of Ministers, so long a -silerico should'iiave boen maintained, we know not. But we are guilty of no breach of con-fidence when wo say that it is well understood in political circles that when Mr. O'Reilly made tho announcement ho took his colloaguos as much by surprise as ho did his other hoareis. Whispered with mysterious confidence from ear to ear, that the Premier was taken aback, it was replied that tho Tiíea^urer \>ob equally in tho dark, and that tho" Chief Sfcre tary had never heard of such n proposal

This conviction became established, and for i sorao time it has boon known, or at

least , bbliovpd," that the .Minister of Lands acted solely on his own responsibility, Why then Buch hesitation in putting down such pro Bumption ] "Is tho Minisi'bh op Lakhs master of^tho situation, with his colleagues fairly in sub-jection ; or is Mr. Giblin sitting on tho top r.ul waiting tho'issue ot tho agitation for which he, moro than Mr. O.'Reilly, is responsible 1 We do not stay to argue trie question how far," tho estab-lishment of a. Mining department" located at Launceston is judicious, or within the power of

Ministers.' ' We'havo expressed our opinion qn that point, and Bhall not shrink from doing so again, should occasion^ require. What wo com-plain of is, that such a question having been raised, Ministers should have toyed with it so long, and they iicód' not' bo "surprised 'if Uhéir rejiiçonçe js unfavorably construed, It ja bo much in. keeping -njcli their .waiting gamo that wo naturally suspect a motive. This deduc-tion '/ianthe i more' reasonable inasmuch'as the Minister 'or Lands'whon~ making hisaii

Hodlicemg'nt'op th'e.ythj'Augúst said ¡-"Itrust thaïÏ'shall bp '¡Va position f,o pkca full,pap: ticular^ beforo.thoJÏduse wlion in Commitleo of Supply, ho that lion, Members may fool satisfied that the proposals ara' adoquato lo moot'the vo quiroments of tho important mining'interest." ThoHouso has sat'in Cpmrhiltoo of ¿Supply "soino fifteen times since then, but Mr. O'Reilly has no1 y pt oponed kjs mqrçth on t])o subipot. The full particulars nrp withhold, and the, Housq has not been affordpd the opportunity of bqing satisfied with the proposals of Govprnrnenfc. T'leao'havo riot been withdrawn. They havp not advanced a stage. ,Ministers nro trading on tho uncertainty thoy ,havo created. ,Thoy aro waiting to see " how tho cat will jump." Perchanco, thoy may seo her toppled over by an unexpected blow, and the uumbpr who will regrpt tho catastrophe is daily diminishing.' , J,. ' i . . > * í

The War in lîpYBï.-rAt last, after a tedious period of waiting during wbiph wo wero told day by day that the Commander-in-Ohiu was gotting ready,for a forward movemont, tho British troops havo ouded their long inactivity at Kassaroin. On Tuesday evening tho ndvanoo waa inado in tho direction of Arabi'a entrenched position at Tel-el Kebir, in tho cáptuio of which considerable diffi-culty was anticipated, as it was known to bo occupied by a strong force, well found in all tho munitions of war. After a night biyquao of ft fow hours, 'and boforo daylight broke, the maroh waa resumed by the British, and at an early hour on Wednesday morning the attack was actually m ado , by tho whole force. Although tho fighting appears

to > havo boen «harp while it lasted, tho result' cannot have remained lope in doiil)),, as n telegram, despatched from Alexandria at y o'clock: on the I samo morning, oonvoyB tho glad intelligence of a

complote victory having been gained by tho British.' ' ' At that hour Tèl.ol-J£ebir had been cal lied, and was in the hands of our forces, Aratn's army was in rapid retreat, and tho British cavalry in full pursuit of tho flying rebels. Amongst the spoil which has fallen into tho hands of the British' by the capture of the enemy's camp, wo loam that thero aro no less thau 40.guns. This is far moro I important than tho capturo of a large number of

prisoners, as Arabi's supply of guns ,is necessarily 'limited, and tho 'loss of such a large number I will do a great deal to oripplo his fur-

ther operations. 'As' to' tho rp oral effect upon 1 the EjyptianB of this decisivo viotory, it ja yet

too early to form an estimate. It is, however, clear enough that, if the rebels were unable to ni alco ja moro eflectual stand at Tel-cl-Kobir, on'whioh point thoy had concentrated all thoir strength, thoy, taro no1 likely to offer'any prolonged resistance ¡elsewhere to the British occupation of the whole 'Delta. Tho war, asa war of opposing armies, is probably virtually at an end with this first real! ¡encounter. The pacification of tho country, and tho

iro-eatablishment of law and order under the rule of I

j the Khcdivo has yet to begin, and will certainly

provo a far longer and perhaps moro dilfioult task.

Tun Customs Department.-Some time back numerous complaints wero made, indicating a i common belief that certain objectionable, practices wero indulged in at the bonding Btore, That, for instance, the officials and thoir friends were inclined ?to a generous freedom in sampling refreshing 'beverages. No such allegation has been substan-

tiated, yet ¡the want of system in tho < flioial ar-'

¡rangcineiitp, and the laxity of the regulations, cer-tainly left, Um «ay open lo impropor practices by 'those bo disposed. It nul'bo a soureo of satisfac-tion to importers and merchants to learn that matters have now been put on a very different footing, and auch arrangements made as aro con-ducive to the thorough protection of their interest, as well as to tho proper efficiency qf tho nublio service' In ' tho deoisivo notion ho has taken to obvia! o any and every cause of complaint the Treasurer has shown an independence of that spirit of officialdom which, on tho ground that no absoluto necessity cxiats for chango, too ofton oppoaea desirablo reforms demanded by the publio, instead of paying respect to tho general sontiment,

andeffbcting roform bcoanaa it'libs boon ohown'to' bo judicious. Judging from roformB effected, wo think wo may aay that Mr. Dodds will attond to any complaints as to irregularities on the part of any officer -of thp Customs, for ho soems deter-mined that thero should bo no improper practices nr noplect of duty ¡n any Department undor hia control if ho cm help ii.

Tiri: Hospital and the IIo?M'0}<atiís -rüfr. Ç

F. Collier forwards tho letter « hieb he has received from tho Chairman of tho Hospital Board in reply to tho potition which ha receutly presented, >nnd requests thul it may bo published. The lottor is aa follows:-"General Hospital, 'nohart, .September 13, 1SS2, Sir,-I have the honpjjr tp acknowledge ¡.ho leceipt of the petition addressed to llib Chair-man and members of tho Board of Her Majeaty's General Hospital, Hobart, and presented by you on tho 8th inst., lequeatiug'That tho board will set aside a ward or oomo portion of the hospital ior

patients who may desire to bo trpated by physicians ¡who believe in homcoopnthy,' nnd through you to 'convoy to those Indies , mid gontlemen, wIiobo signatures ore thoreto attached, tho assurance that the board, while fully recognising tho claims of the petitioners^ avery consideration, with reference to' tho qu'estions involved, feplg constrained, from a Bonso of pubho duty, to adhero to tbo exiBtim: organisation' of the Goberai'Hospital, Hobart,' "I have itho. honour to ' be, sir, your most ' obedient servant, Tims. C. Sjiatit, ^'11.0.312.,' Chairman' Board of Management."

! [Extraordinary Sentences at the Poliok Couht.-W'th roforonco to. the letter which ap-

peared in yesterday issue uudor tho abovo heading,

Hunt, who was oautpncsd^ ,to 1$ mouths' imprison-ment, 'bad 1} previona o/jnriptjons, ¿gajngt him, Mr, Tarloton having givon him Wo years for larqony in 1SS0. Smith, who was sentenced for ono yen?, had four previous convictions, inoluding two burglaries ; fvhilo Ford, who was 'sentonoed to on'o'montli fot'

stealing,20s., lind nothing against bim. i

| The Nuiisns' Hosie,-Tho following has boon forwardod to us :-Tho house in Pntrick-stroet lins nndergono thorough repair. Any articles pf furnir turo, or household uso will ho gratefully rcooived on Thursday, Septonibor 21, when all will bo ready for their reception. Tho committee havo E.oaured the next house for tho general trninod nursos. six of whom havo beer, epnt for from England. Thói'o will bo two rooms in this house for tho reception of patients for general nursing-oasos pot infectious, Nu. 46 is specially reserved for tho maternity de-partmont. i - I

BiiNLVOftiiKT Sooir.rv.-Tho weekly mooting of tho Executive Committee was hold at tho olBoe of tho Registrar, Bithurstrotroor, nt 4 p.m. yesterday, There wero prasont : MossrB. R, A, ¿lather (Chair-man), W. P. Brownell, C. Bowdell, J. Withriuglon, J, Murdoch, and G. Crouoh (bon. Seorotary), The minutes of tho previous meeting wero rend and confirmed, Mr. Witt reportod that G3 oases, ror presenting M8 individuals, had been lolioved during tho last week, with 50 full and three half rations. Tho return from tho Now Town Invalid Dcrftt was read, whiah sliowod that niuo males and foin' females had Leon disohnrgod. Tho oommittco in vostignted two cases, roliovod ono, and postponed tho other for furthor information. Ono Govorn-mont oaso «as cancelled, thrco ronowed, two in orea8cd, mid ono nduocd.

Tub Coui.t.- Commander Shortt writes, regard-ing tho comet;-"Sir,-Tho tw;j dnys preceding Thursday wero cloudy, but on Thursday momios, at Bh. 20min., obairyod tho comet bearii!« E. and N. oompnss, tho nuoloua hoing vory blight, and tho tail extending upunrds, nnd a littlo to the

northward, monsuring about 8deg, Ou account of l tho very oloudy .moipingi tho carnot ,wns only visible for about, ten minutes, . ,I,U position is about 8deg; ' or ' lOdrg.1 ' above 'the'Lhorteon,-J. Suortt, Government Objerver."

¡ ÎNWAub English MÂIl -Tim R.M.S. Boliilla,

Milich brings the um ord English mails to August 11, arrived at Albany at 2 p.m. yestprdnv, being 17 hours behind contract tim». The mads may bo expected^ to bo^ delivered at Hobart on Thursday night."

rIntercolonial Piles.-The following files of intercolonial papera ure to baud :-Victoria, 11 th nnd 12th inst. ¡Now South Wales, 8th mid-9th inst.; South Australia, (ith to Dili mat.; mid Queensland, Gth inst.

.Fingal Telegraph Link - TulcjJiaphia com-munication on the Fingal line was icstorcd at 4 o'clock ycBterday afternoon.

Postal Convenience.-A neat Post Olllco lotter box has been oonBpioiously (ixed at tho railway station of tho Tasmanian Main Lino Ballway. It is emptied by tho Post Office authorities thrice daily, viz , 7*20 a.m. and 12 25 and 4 55pm.

" Stamm and Pillar, Leiter Boxes.-With re fcitnuj to thu remarks of a correspondent regarding the site of stamps in tho neighbourhood of tho pillar letter boxes, tho Secretary to the Post Oflico Btates i that uboret cr it is practicable he has arranged for ' the salo of stamps near the pillar receivers.

Mayor's Court. -Ilia Worship tho Mayor and Alderman narbottlo attended at tho abovo court

jesleiday moruiug. W, Willing, of Elizabeth stroet ; J. Johnson, of Livcipool-street ; and Robort Gordon, of Melville street, wero severally fined 5s,, and costs/for allowing their chimneys to bo on tiro, Asimilar oliorgo against W, Stowart, of Brisbane street, was dismissed. (J. Williams, J. Prico, C. 0. Atkins, P. B. Wilkinson, William Salter, Annie Jones, and Juni es Bl croton, wero eaoh fined 5s,, and costs, for keeping dogs without a license ; in the latter caso, the costs were remitted. John Kelly was fined fis,, mid costs, for allowing a cow to graze in Smith-streot. Countable Coghlan deposed to Kelly's cow grazing as aboyo fpr 10 minutes, Ho called tho attention of defendant's wife to it. De-fendant statpd that tho constable had a motivo, other than the lognl ono, in making the complaint. Coghlan «ns a former tenant of his and' had had a quarrel with him, andhchndlaidthisiuformationout ojispitp., - Ills Worship .told Kelly that his'Stato

mont had nothing to do with the question at issue. Ho had pleaded guilty to the ohargo brought against him, anU hp was finol for the ofienoo. Any com-plaint against Constable Coghlan must be mndo in tho proper quarter. A charge against W. S. Verrin, of Liverpool-street, for creating a nuisance by boil-ing fat on .bia promises, was hoard ex parte. Tho city inspector doposed to having boen attraotcd to examino defendant's premises, hy a bad smell as ho was passing along tho street, u ¡poll was caused by a vaVofibojling int. ' Qu complaining oí the nuisance, th(S, inspector was told by Venin that ho would boil wljero and wljftt ho pleased, An order was made that defendant should havo Uio nuisanos removed

within 48 hourB,

City Police Court.-Tho Acting Police Magis-trate-and-Mr. Isnao Wright, J.P., occupied tho bench at tho City.Police Court yostorelay morning. Three drunkards, were flncd (¡ja, each, o'r,"in default, wero ordered to bo imprisoned for sovo'u days. Wm. Robert Martin was eharged, on tho information of Margaret MoMurchy, with assaulting and -beating her on September / 8. Plaintiff assorted that dofendaut, whoiis her i, osma homo in a state of intoxication, and aftor abusing alternately his wifo and her, struck thom both with his list. For the dofence, Martin's sister statod that no blows were struck by defoudant, and that plaintiff took up *a" poker"threatoningly. Tho relations of the parties seomed to ho very pcouliar. It appeared from the ovidenco that plaintiff, defendant ¡and his wife/occupied tho same house, but that defendant

wa3 compelled to obtain his mçals at his "'own

mother's', and' that although' ho had purchased a cottage, he was unable to induce his wife to inhabit it with him. Tho caso was dismissed, tho Benph giving defendant the ¡benefit of tho doubt as to whether an assault had been oommittcd. John Hall was charged with behaving in a violent manner towards his master, Mr, John Jarvis, It was ebonn that defendant, on boing in-formed that his services would shortly bo dispensed with, applied various contumelious epithets to i Jarvis, mid shook his clenched fist in his face A 1 fine of £3 was imposed, with the pption qf a month's

imprisonment, with )|ard labour. Thomas Evans, charged by Inspector Duggan with' having cruelly ill-treated a horse, by working it whilo it was ' sufferiug from sore shoulders, bad to pay a penalty | of £§, ho having been previously fined for a similar joffenco. In tho caso oí Johnson v. flarçi't Bcfl,

the pono][ was iufqitned jib&t defendant, who had .boon in tjttondaupe all the morning, had been seized by an attack of oouvulsionSj aud had been convoyed i to the hospital. The hoail'ng was thereforo ad Ijourned «Hie die.

Í Bellkriye Police Couirr.- Thoro was a olean 'sheet nt the Ballerievo Polioo Court yesterday.*

GLHNonoiiY Folio« Court.-There was a clean charge-sheet at this court yesterday. '

j i Death or Mu. James Hammett.-News, which ¡many peoplo in this oity will regret to hear, was

iroceived yesterday, it being the announcement of the death of Mr. James Martyn Hammett, who died at Sandgate, Queensland, on,Wednesday ilast. Mr. Hammett was woll known in couneotiou with

f|jo fjrm of MoBsrs. Macfarlane Bros., in whose 'ompfoyment bo was fpr sqyçral years head clerk, 'and shipping olcik, Thoso who had any business iWith tho U S.Ej. Co.'s stbameis when they called jn ! {at this port, will well remember Mr, Hammett, who

was much rospeotod by overy ono. Mr, ' Hammett was talton ill a few months ago, and was compelled toirelinquish his position in tho establishment of Messrs. Macfarlane, and proceed to Queensland, to try and recruit his health. The chango does not sconi to have had the hopod-for effect. Ho loaves a wife, hut no children. Tho ago of deceased was 40.

Profession of a Sister of Charity. - The ceremony of religious profession took place at St. Joseph's Church, yesterday morning, commencing at 9 o'clock.' The young lady who profeesed was Míss Annie Gleeson, the daughter of Mr. John Gleeson, of Battery Point. The name she received in religion, was Sister Mary Phelumena. The follow-ing clergy were present;-The Very Rev. Dean Woods, The Revs. J. Murphy, B. R. Hemmbry, M. J. Beechinor, M. J. O'Regan, W. M. Gilleran, P. O'Reilly, B. J. Murphy, and J. B. Roper. The Very Rev. Dean Woods officiated, and received the vows of the new sister, The Rev. Father Gilleran preached a sermon appropriate to the occasion, Mass was celebrated, and the ceremonies closed with the benediction of the sacrament. After the religious proceedings, the clergymen present, and the re-latives of the professed sister, were entertained at a déjeuner in the Convent, by the Sisters of Charity.

Conversazione and Promenade Concert. Thero was a largo number of poople, including tho Premier and several members of Parliament at tho ¡Tasmanian Hall last ovoning, when a oouvorsaziono and promenade ooncert wero given in aid of tho fundo of the Perwont Bowing Club. Tho oommitteo had worked hard and woro successful in affoj-dir.g a capital ovening'a entertainment of an amusing and instructivo nature. Tho hal) was tastefully deco-rated with lings, and was filled up in such a manner nsjto resomblo a small exhibition, which included Bciqntifio instruments, models, painting», llmirs, mid various other articles Quo of tho must Attrac-tive objeotfi wai tho telcphono, which was set up ju nn off room. Communication was established bo tween Mr, Woolloy'B houso in Maoqunrio-strept nnd tho hall, and tho spectators were afforded, through tho kindness of Mr. Henry, tho superintendent of tolegraphs, an opportunity of seeing and henring tho offeotjoftln'sinvoution. Adepartmentof equal interest was thnt presided over by Mr. John McDonald, of tho tolocraph ofiloo, and whioh contained all tho various npph'nnois conneptod wjlh t|jo electric telegraph, which wero oxphunod by Mr. McDonald. All tho latest improvements, inoluding the duplex'instrn monts, word exhibited. Thoro wero also galvanic bpttorios, nnd poworful microscopes and storco seppos, whioh wore undertho control qf Messrs,

Robita and hfapiep. Mr. H. Webster had a fret-work niaphino at woik all tl,o ovonjug and turned out some pretty designs. That rpocplly (nvonted maohiue, tho typograph, was on view, under tho phargo of Mr. J. ÍJ. Spong, and was plosely wotohod, whilst programmo8 and "skits'' on rowing subjeola Ivero Btruok ofí with marvellous rapidity. A

miniature train under the oare of Mr. Arnold was

inuab'admired, and .those proeont.seemed greatly

interested in,watching tho little locomotivo drawing its load alopg tho rails. Tho ball was spleudidly sot oil by¡ au array of flowers from >,tho valuablo oolleotions of Dr. IS.' L, Crowther.; ¡Thoro ; wero-a gçcat many other 'objects of interest' which'took a long time toi look over.^ A sonne, ljropyl)(¡ from. Vogtland by Mr.''Janies' Maófarlano, may be tpenlionsd ; nloo tj dingy, 10ft. long, conatnmtod of canvas, in which a party of' three had made a trip up tlio"Jordàn j models of -'ships and boats' ; a collection of 'swords, from "the. establishment of Mr. J. P. Moir; a collection of Bmall arma of "all descriptions, somb of ivhioli wera in uso as far back as 1714, exhibited hy Mr., phiaiiplip, i)ja?ter-gnnper j a spleiidid model of tho'novv 'railway carriages about to ]}'o used l}y th» Tasmanian Main Lino Jlailwny po.; a collection of old Tasmanian no'wspapera ; Japanese and 'Soutj) Sea'Island ourio.i ; a minorai eabinot belonging to Mr. 'A. .J. Taylor; a oolleotion of'the pups and medals which had boon won by Messrs. Stuart and Sharland in thp mi meroin rowing ooutostB thoy had been engaged iu ; musical bones, pictures, and many other tipaller articles, 'jiho pvouing vas mado very enjoyadlo by the musió which was rendered at intervals. Mr. T. J. Haywood troated thnaudienoo to pianoforte aelooliniiB. Messrp. Cripps (2) and Hcccioft, membors of tho Hide Band) gave pcfformatiooii on tho cornet and euphonium ; and Messrs, Ambler, ly. Ifannaford, JJ. Packer, Tregear, nhd 15. II. pearcs sang somp capital qolof, Tho affair, which waa very elliciently gofc up, and reflected great credit on tho committeo of manage-ment, could not fail to moot M it li tho approbation of tho visitóla to tho hall. Tho omivorsniiiono ai)d promenado onnooit will bo continued this afternoon, when tha admission will bo alxponoo, and this evening, when tho admission nil! bo a shilling. Special attractions aro to bo provided, notably tho o\hibition of n torpedo, which Captain Hoddam in-tends to work and explain to thoso who caro to attend. Tho bystem of lithography will also ho explained, tho Onvornmont having placed a small plantât tho disposal of tho oommittoo for tho pur-


A Correct Weiojpiridgií -Tho accuraoy of tho public waighbridgo has for a very long while been.« matter of quostion amongst business people, and a'source of annoyanoo to'both buyer and seller. The advent of a new weighbridge, which has been

officially tcatofl and pl'bWd to bo thoroughly ÛCÎJIÎ ratrs should bo wolcomo to thoso who aro in tho habit of using thcso mnöhinos frequently. Air. J. E, Iiisby has just had erected at tho back entrance to Ino Buwmill yard ia Hrooko-Btrost ona of Kairi hanlrV American patent weighbridges, measuring 14ft. long bj Sft. 5iu. wido. This maker's maohiuos enjoy a hi^h reputation for oorroctncBS, and havo received ei.Boüiiüms from thoBO who havo used them, Mr. Mason, thoinspcotor of weights and measures, tested tho iioalo up to 2toiiB, with the standard weights, and found it perfectly accurate. Tho scalo is guaranteed to weigh accurately, from a baby up

to IO tons.

Evandale Items.-Our correspondent writes that Mrs. John Williat, who has been a resident of the Evandale district for ovor40 years, died ou Thurs-day, Soptember 7, at the age of 77. Mrs. Williat

built several of the best houses in the Evandale dis-trict, and owned several farms, besides some pro-perty at Longford. Mrs. Williat leaves an only daughtor, a widow. The funoral took place at 3 p. m. on Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Pearson wore thrown out of a buggy on Sunday, and tho former was consider-ably hurt, and waa unablo to leavo Young Town in consequence At the recont sitting of tho Small Dobts Courts hold by Mr. Whitofoord, two trivial caaos of no publio internal compiised all tho bimi ncflii. Au ciitcrtninmont waa given in the council chambors on Monday evening. The prcformanco was good, but tbo attendance was very meagre. Difficulty is oxporienoed in obtaining men to strip bark in tho Evandalo diatriot, mung to tho high wages demanded. At the council nicotiiu; on Sep-tember 5 tho bueineca was mostly of a formal oharaoter. With reapect to tho Treasurer's proposal regarding tho collection of the real catato duty, it was decided that tho council should accept the Treasurer's offer. A young man from Launces-ton was thrown from a horso at Evandale last \\oek, and received serious internal injuries.

Cricket Association.-Tendera aro invited by tho association for tho loaso of tho pavilion bars, on tho upper and lower orickot grounds, for the


Ivo Buon's Cricket Team.-Tho secretary of tho Melbourne Cricket Club has (says the Argua) reoeivod a cabio message, intimating that tho team of English cricketers about to visit Australia, under the oaptninoy of the Hon. Ivo Bligh, will loavo England by tho P. and O. Co.'s mail steamer on September 22. The team oomprjsea the Hon. Ivo Bligh (captain), Mr. A. 0). Stool,'Mr. G. B. Studd, Mr, 0. T, Studd, Mr. 0. P. H. Leslie, Mr. W. W. Brad, Mr. G. F. Vernon, Mr. E. F. S. Tylo ootp, and1 the following professionals :-Barnes, BateB, Barlow, and Morley. Mr.' M. P. Lucas, though not a member of tho toam, will accompany them on the tour. Thoy will arrive in Adolnido about October 30, and will play their opening match on November 9. After that thoy will play an devon of Victoria, and subsequently of Now South \Valea, returning to Molbourno to ineot the Australian Eleven. Tho team ia regarded as a very strong one.

A Iluas Run.-The Roohampton Bulletin, of August 28, siys i-" Wo understand Barwonpaik Run,,in tho Leiolihavdtdistriot, has been purohaaód*

by Mr. I<\ A. Blackman, Warro, Port Curtis, | from Mr. J. H. Wilkinson, Tho aroa is about 200 squaro miles, and tho purchase includes 2,200,

mixed oattlo, and other stool:." Mr, Blackman i ' will bo remembered by Hobart residents as tho pro-prietor o£ Nook, Sandy Ray.

Tho fourth of tho Trinity Association coaicoi ta is announced to ho given at, tho Trinity Fchoolronm tina . evoniflg. A" excellent prograrnino has been prepared, 1 comprising tho novelty of a etring quai totto under the 'leadership of air. A. J. Dontith. A largo audienco may bp expected,

A publio meeting in oonneolion with tho Temperance > Mission will he held at the Collins-stroot Raggod iSohool, at 7'30 p in. to-day.

The inaugural performance of Bacheldcr's Anglo Amerioan Christy Minstrels ia announced to bo .given in the Town Hall on Monday evening. Par-

ticulars aro advertised.

The anniversaiy services of the Baptist Sabbath school, Harrington-streot, will be held on Sunday. A tea meeting will tako plaoo on Tuesday night.

I Tho promenade pnnpert, which was announced to lako place at the Town Hull, on Monday, is un-avoidably postponed.

> Lectures aro announced to bo delivored by the Lev. 'Dr. Kolyuack, at the Jlolvillc-streot Church, on Monday and Thursday evenings, and two sermons on Sunday.

A f)ower sbfiw in qld of tho funds of the Artillery B,and will ho held a,t tho drilltyard, on September 27.