South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1868 - 1881), Saturday 4 January 1868, page 1

^^MjwjJK^N Dmang£ha W-ool Season, and -'??BW^jB?; jpL jfjarthferj- jaofficet, . the Steamers/ LUBRA and ROYAL SHEPHERD will make WEBELt; '33ii3PS: between 'PORT AD& IAIDE: land P*-RT AW3USTA; leaving P6r£ Adelaide *«^ Saturday and Port Augusta ? -. ?:? «}i?j.cferii w -.- - ^^ABWENiy -i.'..JL- *' ^LKl^HMiSBE,:iI^AOT-l JLOAN, AlJD -J ; OoMaasOTbS -^c^H&^lagati whei*/*prdiiased 1 i^w^^'^n^|i:^^4^ ^^'l?Jli^ Coins : AUCTIONEER. AND, ^COMMISSION Bbippffii, Stbred, or iB^pi»e4i^aiKariBB5g -*6 inBtrucSjns. :i... ?;.- 7.. ;' -*y.--K^-u;^:i Si*? Baga.J^t^Farm«^;,r;^,.-,* /^-^.Si- -:.-;i7, Up-coun^ Siora 'promp^^ ANTHONY '& '^ARi^EET^I^eWBp^g :; and Gener^ CominissHm ^nd :'.l?birw&ixling Agents. Wheat and bther Adduce recfflred for Saie,.StdPBge,«r Shipment. Set&era' Stores; receiredjand;fprwarded.. ? ' .''_:._'??-', ..??...?;,..-. :.^si Com^^^s, Ferimng 'Wire, PlDUghB^35mber, te, «n jhana.' '; '; v.h .T' 'J;;^'. ^ ' T'; !;''' r.-™-^, -QT.E-axg&Ii : ^0TI#il ;T G ? k- -? ^^.'S^abmebs.- ? ?? ? : ? ???????- :; -^ ? STANDHfflS^ciGBttESr: HAYSTACKS, AGRICOLTJOXAL. PRODUCE, ^ Dq&Gk, MBNTS of HtTSBANDJlY, &c, can ie INr SURED ^G^E^TttOSS jjy FIltE^ npeiki application at tt» Office of be' jlifer^oolaad London and Globe- Iniin^nce Company. ?:? ».; Jv BKGK & CO,,uAgeiit8. Currie-straet.^; ,t : V .. ?:.... ? ? *&?. :. -'v JOHN DARLING ib pn^asa^to 4STGRE M.^STHEA^ to^«jnvenie^ of ^Mtoera on thr ?~^- id. jer boJsheljper -month (or any.^portion of a '^aonth). .'^' .-' ? : ?-?'.? .- . ' :'_ ; t ,--.??.' 5 Ba^s lent free of charge. AUWbeaiinsured . .mgainet loss/i^-^fire at the TOfc^-5a.per' L^araahet- '^c? ?-? ;.:;.:? .-..:,,.; ;^.; '-. ?? .-. ^Jjm No «xfa»xsltage iwhateFersfor Becei^ng, ;X)e9^. New b^g3,le^t most be sent in clean aad in -J. D^J^aj^iiteps to pnrcbase Stored Wheat «ny dayjat Afiebude cpwbitibns. x4 IlTGI^B ^TOs- ^A«MEK»v AND il . -- .':7.:-'vr»Q13M!RS.r ??'.:,;. .;-; ?j^, 't~- JSKWrsWia^iM^KpP. ;7 . '.--. . : 'r '!*??' The ^pflejangned fgpterfy^^r- iBerraceB to j^^yti^.^nciis -icLefi^^pus '*^^ ^^v*MH*5?£f ^ 3^^^'v^od. ox f ^ their cipp 1» JSt^Iabd^^^/ilso to MILLEES ^% wishing -to find 8^1*386* &r their ; Surplus ir^: JTanttfa^gr&in LcaialaSr^iiyerpooL v . ig y Thay^^»repa*ei;iS; «ke liberal advances i|- thereon gntljto jpov^-lgiiB&ge.such shipments |-' beingJBdisedin^totiMBSB inarkets by a memsS'ber of itlleir faSiJ-3^ is about leaving for ^ JSnglandfor Qaft p^rpooJB, and to make tarange- 1 '~:i ments for aWSe^aliu: ;buBiness in ouroereal ??*.. prodnce^Jiv^^ii^iK:: ?. .. ? :?;??,?.: ? ??: - ' They ara^^ApJi^w^to receive Shipments of Wool, Bark, ^n^«i£ipr Produce, on which they 1 will rnaks sdnfitoes, as well1 as to ^execute -orders f IriftifiBsmntionirof Goods on the most BdvantagBDnS4to£ats. **- -3r. ^ & H. BABTLEET, . ; xo , j_^ _^ Grenfell-sfcreet iOffWWP, WHEAT. WpiT.^ ^* ^*The undersigned, being 'jB&EWi for J0CMB& 3O9N DUNir & Ck- , is prepared ;to/*oy Wh«tat4he highest market price. Bags r ; ^ THOMAS EGBERTS, Nuriootpa.^ JM ^ Belwaber 18, 1867. xc ?^i^ufT A LITTLE, A«ent8, £3 - PORT ADEIiAIDEL y '-- ^.gJff&lS&S 8OIS- «or STORED for faxmers '^graSlA.T BOITGrHT or Sl?dllED, ?b» ^yaQB^Sg i; OO. £apunda- rJ o.x ^S&^gAT PURC ji4f ED ;or VT^^MD^Wlsuby the nndersLgaed Sat their _ yiH«j j|Wg| -^jU-la.Mn Mount Barker,: Bridge?water^^^^fe^^and Mount Torrens ; also, tJiiongBsilieir^llgent, at Stratfaalbyii, langhomeV^Si^' TieadowB, Wooddde, Mount'. Pleasantj^Ecnd £den Valley. ' ? ? ? - ? !. xc JOHN DUNN & OO. V GUJI and BEESWAX BOUGHT for Cash. Price for Best Samples Gam, 30s. per cwt. Do. 4o. do. Wax, 13(1. per 1b. xc XL B. LUCAS , Gilbert-place. ^TOABx.TTNGA STEAM-MILLS.— L* Sis Proprietors of the above Mills are now prepared to Purchase, Store, or Grind Htfheat in any quantity on the most favorable ?£enos. -^ -^ieatetored free. Bags provided. f sc '? D. HPTTON, Manager. . TTtDES, SHEEPSKINS, &c ». J_jL Parchased by the undersigned. -% » J. M. BUNT, Queen-street, Kooringa. ^^ AT PORT ADE^M^^£*^E.— The undersigned are prepared ?^^^^^^toi^Pjpdnoe. or other Merchandise tgyjjtf Op L— ^^e^JE&idersigiied are 9JW ^5j|uy«p «c vfll Advance onfihipmenta. ggj^**, ,$ F. J. BEGS & CO. c* ,~J ^? ' . . ';?. ? .: ? ?

WOOL, HIDES, iSHEEPSKDS^ BARK, GUM, SHANK BON^i TALLOW, &c., purchased by the undersigned In Adelaide. - ; - 'i:- ? '...'? ^«lxc W. *EAO00K k SO5tr , ^l^THEAT.-^i^evunderEigned Is a ?Ji*i; PUECHA^3BRofWHEiT(fairsami»ft8) in airyq^tii^riorCasTi^at the highest maricet l-rice, vO^will provide JFarmera with Storage. ' H*rtistSwf ?? :*t?%- ^J^J^ifegrabeVilliL j : ; j0; 0 ! l -)-j; a L .\w;.'-i:if. e ^ \~? JBOOED^BOTHEES are Commissioneji, *o :Sf0EECHASE *K-0D;:and SQU.^D COWr ija^rtromK--/^v;. '?' ? -.--;,? /??-?!'.-34 .. IH^HEA* ^ A¥D : WOOL.— Vt ADVANCES made: on, PKODITCE shipped to Europe of stored in the Colony. . _?. «ORNSACKS, BEANBAGS, i and WOOLPACKS supplied.:..-.' :..-.' ??BSOTflF=«OOTT, '; Cornwall yire, Marpie,'and Eagle ''' ! ;Iafe1bttsurance:. Offices, rfmxo 78; EingWilliam-Htreet, Adelaide tXf HiB A|^ WHE^C Ma. ?J V : CHASEB; FOB CASH, at SHSailLTON AND MAREi|ij|L. Sags |ent^,Freer of Charge. ? WheaJ stored onmost T .liberal *erme. .. :^-.:.?; r;. v;-^^^e(bb;-m^3»v-:'-; *?;;?; r-Sterekeeper^atlofiidealer, ^Hamilton: and ; ;- adS ; --H ? ?:??'' ' Marr«beL .'.:?.;??? /^pASI,ESTON MILL.^-Tie !J«; ?\j!-- iteraignefl *feg respectfuilly ito inform;jbe Farniers^and others of Charlesfain.»nd the- surroundibg districts, tbat'^hey biive TAElENihe iT^ra'ltflLLvan^, ^having made, such fdtetj*] MbnsiiidimproVevaente as will enable them to iguaraiatee a: i first-class article, '.-they^ hope -by; «sbust; atteq|ion to business to merit a share p|rt*rbna®erand.Buppprt. . . 'Grist promptly attended to.. . . a a& MARSHALL & EVANS. ,. ill^QljraSpr^to LEND, cm /Freehold ASyL Secinrity, on current rates. - . '?:-- ?? ???#---- 'f-- ??-?? cauas-sfc smtth. -; . ;;Wgy»noBJ^f1^,AgriL 1860:^.;/ ? »;,,-I^WlS^; '-vite^l^SNJ?. :'ooi^ ftefehold: ^i aecliiiiy. Apply to ' ?'-. -^ -;'.. , ..,;,.'J :;Afrfi f,Bl^a5NL^,-pALY, fc^PBICEv. ;- --'jj1 F0 '^7- j ,.Sf^a;arf\^-.:^.V.-: ' :%f.v:^fiftj '?:??? '?'?MBltyri-Da.' ^eteurity. ?;'. _'^.v. ';;- .... ,„;,;? .. ; /?;?„ r J:'^.Bi^E^L1^bAI^&;PBH3E/s/ '^ ??.$6~r. .J^l^rr^ ;?:-??:: ^^i^;^aela5de^v|O£* i^j^\V^ -^cL^NT^;om;^B!r|p -KO '*? 'i ?- -::???-?'?-?*???? -'? -* ^Jnp^^Wiiunijitcvie^M . ' . ;;, ,.%? ,..;.. ;-;^EE^^W4Mffl^it-:-;^ =3-x=aanee Ijand -^3j«-» rgjiw ayjHj^jin^fftrpflt ; gp^f^pyH^^ rSecm^' ^j^;*tj£586^nd '; 11 ^ . THOMAS ENGLISH, ;dxc ; . . Green's Exchange, Adelaide. . . '.r j . ' 1 \&KtNM$ &0 LEND.— Property *'JL ; lm-ught under the Jieal Property- Act, ' -fortga^eB, Leases, and Transfers drawn. ; ..'.-'?::. :': ; r l-.i. -:WrM. LETCUFOED, ^ tiloerited Xand 'Broker, Waterliouse's-buildbigB, .-.^..^.^ sp ::vv;-:. :;,- : ^^ .'?? ? ? ^g]g--'i yroSEYScO'LEND-— iW SAL« ^l; ; »rmm&Bj&yi of. peeeholds. STATIONSifSHEEPand CATTLE. SHARES, &c,i!tc.,-neKotaated. Transactions under TorrenB's Act effected. . :-: 'v.1 :--. -:-.-.;- -'?-:??'.. H. C!. -3EB^ON, ' -r '? dxc ^censed Land Broker, Hindley-Btreet. M^Ne^^io'lje LENT, at HTJ^r : Gent.,^-n undeubted Freehold Landed Security. '- '&. W. r- Cotton, Licensed Land Broker. King WiJUam-Btreet, Adelaide, dxo ? ?i|TO^iB^TTa.XElSrp, in sums of W jL* i£5 aiidipwani4 on Personal Security; , Deposit of ipeedsi or Mortgage, at low interest. Bills.dissiounted; fieal Property Act business of every description transacted. Government sections purchased and advanced Upop^ I -1 '?.':' --.' ' — : ?-. B. BARNE& Land Agf nt and Licensed Land Broker, yj'g Williaaa-street, Adelaide. dxc WfpW&Y ^ to jLEND, Laid brought W&iXutSxsr. r^e Seal Property Act, MorV gages, ILeases.I&c., prepared, the Sale or Pur chaBe dfvLanded Property, Bank Stock, insn ranee 01 other Shares Negotiated, and every descriptioii of Agency Business transacted by. ;: HENEY EYMILL, Licensed Land Broker, Imperial Chambers ?fttbsq . next Nat -»nal Bank, Adelaide. j@%i(M\f\. *° JjEND, in any 3S-jLji^urv^/, amount, at a low rate o '&ii^t^L''/;iS^p^j6-.|S7,''office.of this paper, xl.. |t*ONE^^p -LEND on Mortgage. IVA i Appljr J9 JOEL BOBEETS, Licensed Land Broker and .Commission Agent, 71 King -Williaai-stieet.: ; thsfctq WADiTTEI), by a MARRIED ; COUPLE without encumbrance, EMPLOYMENT pn a Farm or Station. Address W; R, PostMMBce, Port. * x3 ? r Gentral Road Boarl Officp/Adelaide, December 27, 1867. A PPLlCATfOiS'S (accompanied by J\. restimoniaifi) will be received at this 'Office np to noon of Monday, the 6th January, 1868, from Persons desirous of Filling the Appointment (provisional and temporary) of ASSISTANT SURVEYOR of the NORTHEASTERN DISTRICT. Salary, £250 per annnm, .which amount is to include forage allowance, &c. _ - Further particulars 'can be obtained on application at this Office, *-??;.._?. - : HENRY J, ANDREWS, stthsm5x2 Secretary. rOST, about last March, fiom J Clsre, a Dark Bay MARE, branded SB near shoulder, ©:d sore on off hind fetlock, ought to have Foal at foot. One Pound reward for the discovery. ? ? -x4 JOHN COUSINS, Mason, Clare. IBS MITCHELL, o55okT PROSPECT VILLAGE. PUPILS w.ll KE-ASSEMBLE on Monday, 20th inst. x4dl5 M' ISS HARPER (Pupil of Sig«o-'' Cutao) has a few VAOANCIEs for MtJSiq^PUPILS. ? * ^reeman-fiiareet. . - f mwc ? ??i y- -? ' ?

X -i LADY, living in KENT TOWN, jOb is DESiROXJS of GETTING THREE LITTLE BOYS TO BOARD with h*r, ^ho could ATTEND the POLLEGIATE SCHOOL with her^soK. E^ceUent references .cstn be nven.j Address M.E., Box No. 48, General y4fep^I©fc-B B, IGHT ON, 'TI4I bpi^uctedbjrthe^v. W. NICHOLLS. This Seminary «onibines. the discipline of the school; and the fJollege in* all the branches of a thoroughly -6nimercjal and moral education, wiifii'^iu& o.oni6stiO'-.!6&jQi'T]xi$n^^j& - uj6fidom or-home. : The situation is beautiralllyliealthy, and adjacent to the beach. Vacancies for two or three boarders. . . . - -Pupils admitted at any time, terms commence from entrance. Terms on application. . .. .._ftxo.^ rMpUGE^STREET ACADEMY^ \JT- '???-?-,? ' : ADELAIDE. - '? . . , '?-??..???: The DUTIES of this School will be RESUMED on TUESDAY, January 14th. Terms for Boabdebs and Day Pupils will be forwarded on application to ' ? x2 : ? JAS. HOSKING. T^TORTH ADELAID GRAMMAR 1^1 SCHOOL, iJUTIES will be RESUMED on TUESDAY, 14th January. 3&i\ .:-:?: ? . JQfl!jWHe?gAM.:TW MPTTON ^pectMlv iniFonns mif; ; the ^ubHo tbit he HUNS a DAILY CONVjnTASlCE BET^EN ANGiSTON and: REELING to meet the Midr4ay Train forgAdMaide.leaviog Ai^Aston at 9.50 am. xq 3?t lift MWARD^-On the 16th '3&'jL.iJ\J December, ^between the hours of. llandi 12 p.m., some person maliciously SET j^REito the GRASS on jBlie BOO BOROWLE PLAIN, and we hereby offer £100 for each informagon as shall procure his conviction. ?x-ffT-' , Tty.j.&J.'g: browne. FRINGJC. ALFRED OOMMEMO;;1rative monument fund. The Visitof His Royal Highness Prince Alfred to South Australia having been considered an event of high Interest, and calculated to lead to importknt resulls, it has been decided to commemorate toe fact of his 'Visit by erecting a suitable and appropriate Monument or Tower on~ tke tpji of Mount Lofty. Both Houses of .Eaict liament havfi addressed the «3k»venioT-iii-Ghie|^ fb^jpei mission *o erect it in that excellent pos'i-' tion^w lichiasbeen grafted by the Executive&o-yS^m^i^f ^nd His Excellencyaasalso consented . 5to;ijeco rue the Patron or President of the Fund, ; i»s w«Jl ae a Bfibscriber thereto. ; The und«erj| ii^^feP^n^men have_been elec^d aGupS 3^^^*6rt3i« -purpose of carrying into ^eJtfgfc. iK^yfirableiipbject, with power to add to-their3 i^efv'&i^t0'CoUect Public Subscript.' ^^Kl^I^ithankfully received by thofilno^ 5*M }H6noraiy- Secretary, and%: ^p^niejiibeFroPthe Committee, as well as 3»y : ^&7,1 Janking : festabliahment throTigbontsthe »rov|n|e and other public bodies. Subscrip|6|W« lOT«;''i»siOn»^b.ifllJQjf-^l|t be Secairasa, t|S|a#re *»ill : be no limit to .the largenessM; iS^0^xmaf -??sad it iff iop^:^at?&e^h;:TH3il^ ^ ^mli^aesireafb^in' th'e ^uilcu^before the #^l5depMiOTe of ^Hib: Soyal SRgbnesa from ' Anstralasia, and to make it a fittljig representative of the loyalty of the Colonists of South Australia.' '-? _'??.? -:^..; vj!,f.^;.. 2-.; sr: :-''r:':^] . Pbeskot GpMMnTEEi; '' . -Hods. Cap£ Bagot. Messrs. H. B. Fuller. , ; John Morphett. -^Arthur Hardy. - ''?'?'? Messrs. NevilleiBlyth. Wnt Hanson. - J, -3.! Dixoit ' ' : jNathLOMham. SamL Davenport. 1L -B. Smith. ^'Wf&tZfijtghs,-; r 'K'ftTurtion. . {? :? \ .pynorder of ihe - Committee, ! ^ATHLl. OLDHAM, Hon. Sec. H,'tt TURTO^Hbn. Treasurer. Adelaide,; December 18; ,jl867. -^, .. .'fe* ^OTi€E:— A PUBLIC MEETINO il will be held at the VIRGINIA HOTEL; Virginia, on AlO^DAY EVENING, January 6,1868, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of considering'what steps are necessary for the BELIEF of rhe present distressed state of the AGRICULTUSAL INTEREST. : xl '1 1H.E SAVINGS BANK OF -L i SOUTH AUSTRALIA. JN^PE^TION OF iPASS-BOpKS. The Auditors will attend at the 0ank Office, King ^PilUam-Btreet, Adelaide, from the 8th to the 21st of January, both inclusive, to inspect the Pass-books of all depositors having, accounts with the Savings Bank of South Australia, whether opened at the head office, or at the agencies., in Auburn, Clare, Gawler, Goolwa, Eapunida, Kooiinga, Moorita, Mount Gambler, Strathalbyn, Port Adelaide, or Wallaroo ; and DEPOSITORS are hereby !-atiicularlyj=re-questedtoPRODUCEi or to SEND by BOOK, POST, or dtuerwise, their PASS-BOOKS for; examination. . ? ; - ? . ; \ By order :df the Trustees, H. H. TDBXH9, Accountant NO DEPOSITS will be RECEIVED or PAID atanyiof the above Offices' during the FIRST WEEK in January, the books being closed for the annual balance, -?i H. fiLTJ^RTON;^ Accountant. Savings Bank, Adelaide, December 1867. ?' ? ; I'L ? ? ? ,~~ ?^X^D!^..' IN BE WILETAM HAMLIN, : of Onetree Hill, Farmer. -NOT|pE.— THe TRUSTEE'S of this Estate: have this day filed their account in the Insolvent Court pursuant to clause 187 of the Insolvent Act, 186Q. - The amount in. the pound proposed to be paid is One Shilling. : ? Dated this 3!st day of December, 1867. ANDREWS &B0NNIN, Soli sitors to the Trustees, „ xl 61, King William-street, Adelaide. 'YTpTICE is hereby giyen that the ll PARTNERSHIP hitherto subsisting between the undersigned ROBERT CARAVAN and MICHAEL RYAN, of Rhynie, Storekeepers, is now DISSOLVED by, mutual. con-sent. Dated January. 1, 1868. The BUSINESS will be CARRIED ON as heretofore by Mr. RYAN, who will pay? all debts due by and receive all moneys owing to the said partnership. MICHAEL RYAN, ROBT. CANAVAN. Witness our hands — MaBIIN O'ELvLiiOBAN. ? . ? x2 YELTA MINTNG COMPANY.NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL of TWO SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE per Share, payable on 2nd January, 1868, has been agreed upon at a General Meeting of . ihe Shareholders in the Company; and all Shares upon which the said Call remains unpaid after the expiration of twenty-one days from that date will be absolutely forfeited. Shareholders must state to the Secretary the numbers of the Shares on which they payjfche Thursday, the 23rd instant, is'the last day for payment of this CalL :. JaS. S.TflCOTT,r Secretary. ? Temple Chambers, January % 1868. ; -. , : -,? -: ? ? -?? '? ^ ?'?--?? . ths2na5xal- ,

? ? - ? ' T ^ ' ' ? 1 ? ' ? NEW SERIES OF THE "CHRONICLE AND MAIL" PUBLIC INTIMATION The great increase M^a^rculation of the Chronicle and Mail, and the steadily increasing support and pafeoiaage extended to that journal througliout' the coloiiy, and particuhirly in the^^i dfeicts, have induced the Proprietors to make arrange _ inents for effecting yjJ^/tM iaipiiovEMENT's in the issues for 1868. Recent importations from England- pf^ir|||terii ^ and powerful steam machineiy ^^and founts of new type enable the/FjFoprietdrs^^&er the form and general arrangements of the paper in a way that 'Will render^iiji^pe convenient to general readers^ both as regards size and the classification oico^h^s^^SteeGhronicle, as hitherto published, has consisted (without supplements) of tl^^KfepB^ *-r. eight pages, comprising 64 columns. ' With a half -sheet supplement,l|^3onsisted of 80 columns ; with a whole sheet supplement, it comprised 96 colui^ia^; i^lature it will consist {apartfrom^supplenients) of -fo\w sheets, or sixteen pag^||i|:S^n^lumns each, making ;112 ctduinnsj , which -ytSl ^eiia nwiityrvum, size. ? Dari3Sg3^S7^session of Parliament) 'aiid wiie^eVCT'mprX;fpJ^ceri?tj' rec[uiredj supplements w^f^- -added gratis, the half-sheet supplement '^ismg; the *o^ nuiaBer -^ feottffitinB^ ^^^ columns to i40T'**;Aji |e^^^^iba&^UT^ficialconteritey the ordinary publica*ionE3B;. itsaiew fonn-— ivti/^^^s^p^^^Bnifeifwll he equal, in quantity of reading va^M&^^M^i considerably more thanS^^^^ife of the Chrmvicte as hitherto published, 'With its half-sheet siir-pl^en±;^^3^. Tie ge^^ and foj jpi^^vatwn'fTO&fwilffl^lf will^tt is believed, still further gratify subscribers. ; A be^^cl^ifieati^ -3f^titents, resulting from the alteration in form, will completel^improvemen^^far as mechanical ^a^ and on these grounds (to beginj^^i) the Proprietors confidently look forward to thexenewedj suppoo^and f avor^ ^iej|»ublic. r ? ? ' '? ??. =? ?..-.,-- :- ? . . .?.;^;--t\y 'fhe aim of the P^&ietors in the publication of the Chronicte and ' MdXt~h^ii^i supply a.j^^^^.w^^filfjdurrial, comprehending every description of intelligence' requfi^fi |ij thOTfe)^^^^fe taite in one metropolitan iiewspaper, :and above i3Sc to mateiita recognised ^^^«f icountry news, and advocate, of the great producing interests of the provinc^p|t)n this point, indeed, the country districts have spoken out plainly for themsel^MMiayirig repeatedly and publicly acknowledged the Chronicle and Muil as the S^i^i^^upporter of all Rural Industries. This valued testimony it 1 will b& ^a.e~c6r^^^^w.j -of 'the Proprietors tb retain and deserve. '^ There is jap. ^aif^^phe province better supplied with country news of all kinds than is the Chromd^-i^^^aU ; nor any which devotes more time, care, and space to the varied comme^^^^jjnarket intelligence of this colony, and to that of foreign andintercolomal'mSs^^pa'any degree affecting South Australian produce and trade? -I^tpiim a^S'S^^tey reporting arrangements are placed on an efficient footihg, and-By _mea^^a|^-cwl»staff ^of telegraphic and general correspondents in the other colonies, and^ifcii^peetiGn with the Panama and Ceylon mails, reliable advices are secured iat the eaili^lpossible moment. ' Duringthe p^e|:^^^toxe -Chronicle and Mail has contained a large portion of the Cream of Eng^h ^nd!^fiiericari Iiiterature ; and this feature, so essential to a family newsp.aper, |rpPj-e pro^nently displayed in the new series. Original Tales arid ^Skeiche&by S^uih-Aust^panand other writers, will ako be occasionally introduced. The ?Spo^^giW*^!^^Jill continue to find in the columns of the Ghronide. and Mail 'evety^^pb^fiiii^irtance — Colonial, British, or Foreign ; and all the latest S^i^ing T^%ramB. $$ti:.~. . '. ' -/^W^pnnlfc' articles fr^p: the best informed papers and periodicals, on questions ilS|fe»fejng.the J'arm, th€|^ry, the Yineyard, and the Sheep and Cattle Station, will rb^^eg^arly/furnishediT^I; -:-: ? ? ? ??'-'ij--. A 'fair amount of ejgiice will continue to be devoted to impartial reports of the ^roceftdings of, Biehgia^pbpdies, School Examinations, and to the operations of Sb^tieifor the adva^Mmeni of Literature, Science, and Art. Proceedings in Par^Ji^^SjIthejOonrta^l ^3^pi' 'Cprporations andDisfrict Councils, «fec, will always be jEojmd? c^^^tyi3Pe-si^^^a^the Chronich and Mail ; as also reports of all public #eeting^Sj^^e^ti wh^^in town or couatryl -'.'' Adequate space will be reserved f or Frp.6OT^^^^eties of^ia variousOrder^ and an ' Open Column' will continue Jo afi^ril^^^^^teses ol^he community an opportunity of freely- expressing their jo1^ /senp^^^^^^d dftcanvassing all public questions. In fine, neither time, ^a^/Mbx^Hpp^3K^^e spared to render the South, Australian Chronicle and 'WW^yPM^^xi^Sb^^^opular and deserving of public support. ^Si^W^^b1*11^ ^ -SiP*seRiPTi-)N. ?? ;?. . . . ..- : . ? . . , '#^OK#^eiBaSeli'^^^ ; and the attention of ine public is tfo^ Chronicle and Mail is inferior to no other paper invrespeet of the quantity and quality x-£ n-atter it con^tains-the:price is^ -;? -f- : .?'?'x: -'-\i-- ? ? .... ' :;' ': '?.'?' ' ' '. ' ?-:'.. % '' jONE-TfflBJ- VOymK W&B ^ THE OKpINABY CHARGE ; namely— only' '' ./'??-'.' ? -: :.--'' .-. JKKJBPENCJ^PjER COPY,; OR Sj^VENTJEEN ^SHILLINGS PiER ANNUM. Ijt is -sent, pjisfc feee, direct from the central offices, to «31 parts of the colony and is' also obtainable of agents an country -townships. * Country, Stesidents should ask particularly i or the Chronicle and Mail, and com- : municate with the head offices if there is any difficulty in obtaining it in their own neighborhood.,7 . .-.:!. ? : ?:. . -.. . ,. ?}'.??' ABYERTISEMENTS. Country Residents,, and persons in town having transactions with the rural districts, are informed ;that tiie new ^ aaaiangemente; above refeCTed to enable the printer to make an advantageous display of everj- description pi advertisement. The large circulation of the Chronicle and Mail constitutes it a first-class medium for business announcements. r . '? _-JOB PRINTING ' Every description of office work required by Country StoreTieepers, District Councils, Local Courts, owners of Stock, ^c., promptly executed. A; large variety of new types, cards j and plain and colored papers. Superior wood engravings, in ^horses, cattle/ &c., &o. : . NOTE. — The; first number of the new series of the {Jhronicle and MatZwill be published on Saturday, January 4th, the early edition, as usual, the day previously. Advertiser, Chronicle, and Express Offices, Grenfell-street, '..11 Adelaide, January i, 1868. - .

HHHE BANK OF ADELAIDE — JL NOTICE is hereby given that a SIXTH (6th) CMjL of Ten Sffn-iaN&S (10s.) per Share on the Capital Stock of the Company* has this daybeen made by the Board of Directors, and that the same is to be paid at the Offices of i;he Bank of Adelaide, Gresham'-chambers, King Wuliam-6treet, Adelaide, or at any of the branches,,on or before Tuesday, the fourteenth (14th) day of January, 1868. Shareholders are requested to observe that by Clause 63 of the Deed of Settlement all Calls remaining unpaid ;atter the above'1 date will be- -come subject to a charge for interes| at the xate 12^ per cent, per annum. . .''--.' ' '?? ; By order i-f the Board, / JOHN SQUTTABr, Blanager. AAalaifle. December^ 1867. . tthako. SP E C I A L N O T I G E, KOYAL INSURANCE OWSICE. LIFE INURANCES inthisCoinpany effected before' December 31, 1867, but not jafter that day, will PARTICIPATE in the NEXT DIVISION made. The profits hitherto appropriated have been among the largest ever declared by any. Life Insurance Company. . -ACSAMAN, MAIN, LINDSAY, & CO. - ? -xtfec -A DEL AID E, K ENS IN GTON , J\, AND NORWOOD BUILDING AN© INVESTMENT SOCIETY.— The MONTHLY MEETING and SALE of SHARES will be held at 94, King Will am-street, Adelaide, on WEDNESDAY, January 8th, at 8 o'clock p.m. LAV; GLYDE. xi8m2 JOHN TASKBE. GALATEA HOTEL, HINDLEY^STREET, Opposite Booed Bbothbbs. C. WOLT6tA.NN begs to inform his friends and the public1 in general that he has opened the above premises, after having had them thoroughly renovated. Parties favoring him with a call will find everything ? of the best quality, combined with civility and moderate charges. N.B.— All Beds clean and new. thst**x4 nfiOWN and SCEPTRE HOTEL, \*J Opposite the New Police and Local Courts, KING WILLIAM-STREET SOUTH. The undersigned begs to inform his friends and the Public that he has This Day OPENED the' above. ; ? . -. - . -ALFRED HUBBLE. December 11, 1867. tfchsl3x3

A DEL AIDE - WINE SHADES X3L GILBERT-PLACE. Wholesale and RetaiL ?-'- tthcxal3 G. ROBINSON, Proprietor. ptrHE SPIRIT for FORtlFYiNG -C WINES always on SALE by F. H. FATJLDING & CKX Clarence-place, King William-street. . xz TTISITORS to GAWLER will at ^Tj. all tours .find good. ACCOMMODA.TION, with the l6west possible oharges^ at the 'Gawier Restaurant. ;1 ? ' : ? '?? SUPPER, BED, and BREAKFAST, 2s. 6d. l.ONLY. ' ' ' ??- ??:.??-?.? ' . O. EDLTN, Wholesale and retail dealer in Colonial Wines, Murray-street, Gawier. Private Rooms for LadieB and Families. ' ! mwfxc T- 1J-B C H AS E R S DRAPERY GOODS . Are solicited to ascertain the prices at which NORTHMORE & QO. A«E SELLING OFF THEm SUMMER^STOCK, ' , Before .making their purchases. 131, 133, RUNDLE-STREET, Neas the Yobk. dxc npiHE PORT-ROAD.— TO be SOLD, -La COTTAGE, and from 8 to 9 Acres of LAND. ; Being situated about midway between Adelaide and the Port is, very suitable for the traffic piv the , Post-road, Apply! to 1 G, W+; Cotton, land Agent, Adelaide. .' ' doxV .

WRIGHT BROTHERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ADELAIDB. LAND and HOUSES Bought, Sold, or Let, and Bent collected; ( To be LET, with right of purchase, - iaTarious parts of the. colony. -BID FOR at Government or SECTIONS^ Private Land Sales. . BOUGHT for Lease with right of purchase. \FOR SALE, terms cash or credit. LOANS negotiated by way of mortgage or otherwise, and Cash advanced. TRACINGS of Sections will be forwarded on application to ? ? ~ ? ? ' : WRIGHT BROTHERS, '?'-?; ' '. ? .'?' -: Imperial ChainberB; - . ^ '-?;' ! EngJWfliyin-Bia«et, Adelaide. rH 'JL.-.JSL' D MA R T. — fllik , COU3STRX SECTIONS. TO BBSOLBr for Gash,jor GSED^E casbe had if irequired. J 4 GBJEEN & WADHAM. ADELAIDE (Honored of)— Sectaons 9^1, 3*73. ALMA (Hundred of)— Sections 178 and -SOB. BAKER (Hundred of}— Section 28. BABOSSA (Hundred of)r— Sections 6. BSLYIDERE (Hundred of)— Sections 67 and 76 i&LYTH: {Hundred of}— Sections 194, 208, v 119,120, 121, 123, 124, 197,. 225. GASOLINE (Hundred oQ-Sections 52,58, 86, 1 =94; 124, 126, 134, 131, 203,208,209,210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 219, 220, 221. 222, 223, 136, and 173. . CLARE -Hundred of)— Section 440. CLINTON (Township of)— Allotments 67, 68, 87, and 89 ; also, Suburban Sections 17, 20, 21,24,26,17, 19, and 25. DALKEY (Hundred of)— Sections 85, 227, and 103. DUBLIN— Sections 25, 28, 6, 7, 11, and L FREELING (Hundred of)— Section 3367. GAMBIERTOJT— Allotment 4L GAMBIER (Hundred of)— Section. 141, 675, and 696. GOOLWA (Hundred of)— Sections 2234, 2413, 2343 2367, 58, and239& GOYDER (Hundred of )— Section 13. GRACE (Hundred of)— Section 554. GREY (Township of)— Allotments 34, 48, 112, 105, and 108. GREY (Hundred of)~Sections 215, 218, and 298. HALL— Sections 188, 238, 180, 181, 183, and 174. INKERMANN (Hundred of )— Sections 78 and 79. KADINA (Township of)— Allotments 161, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83; 89. KADINA (Hundred of)— Section 2. KINGSTON (Township of)— Allotments 8, 45, 48, 21, 22, and 24. KONDOPARINGA (Hundred of)— Sections 1919 and 185.1. KOORINGA (Hundred of-- Section 29L SUITPO (Hundred of)— Sections 1023, 799, 57, 63, 65, 66, 67, 70, 336, 1868, 3403, 3404, 3405, 3407, and 3453. KULPAEA (Hundred of) -Sections 7, 8, 17, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 45, 46, 49, 52, 53, 55, 58.59. LEFEVEE'S PENINSULA— Sections 821, 822 823,-824,744,745,733,764. MACDONNELL (Hundred of)— Sections 116, and.118 MILANG (Township of)— Allotments 31, 32 33, 29, 84, 85, 88, 93, and 73. MOONTA TOWNSHIP — Allotments 11, 2L, 248, 277, 155, 94, 97, 46, 292, 293, 294, 257 and 258. BIUDLA WIRRA (Hundred of)— Sections 7-t* and 752. ; MYPONGA(Hundredof)— Sections 259 and 260. NT5ALES (Hundred of)— Sections 25, 26, 37, NEPEAN BAY— Sections 4 and 1002. NOARLUNGA (Hundred of)— Sections 175 and 216. - .. NORTH RHINE -Hundred of)— Sections 263, 175 (part of), 132, 178, 649, 653. NKANGKITA (Hundred of)— Sections 2039, 2041, 2049, and 35. ONKAPARINGA (Hundred of)— Sections 98. 4653. PARA WIRRA (Hundred of)— Section 167a PORT AUGUSTA (Township of)— Allotments 87,92,112,25.26,51. PORT ADELAIDE (Hundred of) — Sectioafi-1135,1132,1133,82. PORT MACDONNELL (Township of)— 47, 78, _ 85, 108, 23, 29, 103, Hi, 112, 113, 106, 35, 36,28,37,39,26,41,65,64,4,3. PORT HUGHES (Township of)-^Allotm«nt 13, 19, 58, 66, 75, 124, and 134. EOBE TOWN— Allotments 110, 60, 61, 21, 30. . STANLEY '{Hundred of)-Sections 133,466, aridSOa ...-:.?-TALUNGA-TSeotipns 5626, .5634, 6271, «2T5.

iAarxuui a 1 J-Ownau^p ui^— xvuuhuicuuj oxj tu, 58, 61, 68, 69, 74, 81, 95, 96, and 104. UPPER WAKEFIELD (Hundred of)— See tionil4. WALLAROO (Township of)— Allotments »8 63, 69, 116, 119, 153, and 150. WATERLOO (Hundred of)— Sections 357, 278, 280,283,206. WILLUNGA— Sections 512, 557, and 553. YANKALniiA (Hundred of)— Sections 1463 1495, and 1524. YATALA (Hundred of)— Sections 57, 50, 5473 GREEN & WADHAM, Land Agents. Exchange Land Offices, King William-street. 'P ESIDENCE and FARM at the £\) jSturt for SALE.— 155 Acres of Landsubdivided. Substantial Stone House, Garden, Vineyard, fco. About eight miles from Ada. laide. Apply to ' ' WRIGHT BROTHERS, Land Agents. Imperial Chambers,- Adelaide. txo PADDOCKS NEAR ADELAIDE. — ^TO be LET, with or without Eight of Purchase, . a BLOCK of LAND, containing 3,511 Acres, nearly all fenced, sheep-proof, and subdivided Into Paddocks, with several sub-' stantial Hulls and abundance of Running Water all the year, situate at the back of the Montacute Mine, and near the Hon. John Baker, M.L.C'8, block on the Sixth and Kangaroo Creeks, and recently in. the occupation of John Williams, Esq., M.P.. For particulars, apply to-''- ...-??? ' PETER D. PRANKERD, * Tfing William-steeet, Adelaide. ? N.B.— Any Person Trespassing, Cutting or Removing Timber from the above Property will be Prosecuted. xc TAND for SALE, as unJer— A TALUNGA, near Blumberg, SECTIONS ^6271 and 6275. GOOLWA, Suburban SECTIONS 2213 and and 2363. TOVVNSHEP WALLAROO, ALLOTMENTS 61 and 62. TOWNSHIP KADINA, ALLOTMENTS 77, 78. 79, 80, -83, 89, and 246. TOWNSHIP PORT WAKEFIELD, ALLOTMENT 122.xc xc . ADAM JAFFREY, Enfield. BROWNHILL CREEK, near MITCHAM.— TO be LET, a FARM of 555 Acres of Excellent Grazing Land, including some fit for. the plough, within five of Adelaide Permanent Surface Water. l.Y.' ,;: ; '??? WRIGHT 'BROTHERS, ; Land Ageatei v ImperElChambers, Adelaide. -._ .,-iaj&o^;; - C-' - : . '?' * .'??-.' - £,'''?' 1.''? '.*'??'

A BSTRAtJT of GREEN ANJ- v XX. - WAUHAM'S JANUARY ' LAND AUCTION SALE, . ' 1 Tobehdain - - = THE LAKD UARi, ADELAIDE. : . i ON FBIDAY, JANUABY 10, 1868; * ' AT ll^O'ciwCK PBECISBLr, . J. Lot. SUBURBAN PK- JPERTHS. ?: 13. TWO PRELJiONAEY SECTIONS (265 acres),. GARDENS, &c , .7 COUNTRY PBOPEETIES. Lots 1 to 9. By oboes of tse Mobtoaoee. 1. HOUSE, LAND,^ &je., -KADINA; -. -.-?.??--?, 2. TWELTE COTTAGES; and XANSf, KA-J '.'' DINA.- ?- o ----- ? - - - ? ? ', 3. ALLOT'MENT 173, KADINAi ' 4. ALLOTMENT 112, GeorgedsLT MbONTA. 5. ALLOTAfENT 113; George-sty MOONTA; 6. ALLOTMFNT 20, Biytb-sfe, MOONTA: * 7. ALLOTMENT 22,: Bryth-st.,- MOOSTA. 8. ALLOEMEST '5C Eyan-Bt., MOONTA. 9V AEEOTMBNT^;-%an-st., MOONTA. 10 '%O;l£ 'USDEE iNSTEOCttONS FBOM THB Owner of the Estatje «f the late OSMOSD GlLLEB, EBQ' ? 10. SB TION .441, part of (100 acr»), OLD PORT. - ? 11. Sections' -1,. 2;, 3, 4,S,and6; 18, 19, and 20 (800 acres), RlVSii MURRAY. J 12. SECTIONS 1424,1425, 1426. L427, and 142S : (400 acres),- R? VBR MURKAY, -14. VALUABL»f'ARa{5i9'acres), DALKEY. . 15. STOEE,'LANOr«Cc.i MOJJNT BABKBRi 5 16. BLOCK 169, MOU2JT BARKER ^Township of). - r v ? _ . . . r ? - '? ''?'- - ? ' ? * For foil particulars, see current Advertise- -'.' ments in Advertiser xn&Chroiticle Newepapew ' on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. p REEK '& WADHAF, -X LAND AGENTS, ?'. ? -- . AKD,;,--_ ._--, I AND AUCJTIO2TBESP, . — LAtCDBDPROPBSTIKS VALUED.- ..-I ANDED PROPEBTI13 . ^URVSYED. PLANS Furnished and TOWNSHIPS LAID JUT. Plans of Townships, Hundreds, &c sc, throughout the COLONY always open for Inspection. HOUSES, STORES. LAND?, SECTIONS, &C., LET x- b 5, B AS ED, ; EXCHANGE! L A N D M A R T , And Land Offices, re™g William-street. LAND, liOAN, AND GENEBAL COM* i MISSION OFFICES.


Purchased In acoorda&a» with tne Instructions . parties absent from Ade» .„ laide. Parchased and Let on Lease with Right of Purchase.

to GREEN & WADHAM. Land Ascent*. TO BE SOLD, BAY-ROAD, RESIDENCE and 45 Acres of LAND. with commodious Stablin?, Well of Water, and land subdivided into Paddocks. The property is known as Mf; G. Alston's. ? AL8-), ' :. TOJBESOLD, WOOpSIDE, STORFvLAND, &c ., 'kpown as in the occupation of -Messrs. Hdnw^ck & Soji, it is also the site of the , i-AEGBAEaand/^Bi Offjcesl ,. ^- r : V - ? - - '' ALSO,. ??:-''? -t TO BE LET or SOLD,^ NORTH ADELAIDE, FIRST-CLASS SAJHiLY BESI- : DENCB, wiiH Stabling, - felldeh, and every convenience, situated in Palmer-rplave. , TO BE LET, FIRST-CliASS FAMILY ~ RESroENCE,*isituated atiMEDINDlE, near WalkerviUe ;12 Rooms, -Garden, btabling, and ;? jabout Three Acres of LAND. . -. ?'- ALSO, 'J- : TO BE LET, at WALKERVHiLE, that FIRST-CLASS FAMILY RESlDENCjE, known ' as Mr. Charles Gooile'a, with Cellar, Garden, -Stabling, Paddock, and every 'convenience. ALSO. . . TO BE -LET, near -PARADISE, Gomuiodious FAMCLY RESIDENCE, with Stab ing, ?-Garden, and about 10 ACRES of LAND, about ?fiye milie&froiuto.wn. ' ? ? : - ? ' ? - . -..-.?? . ; ' ALSO, TO BE LET, near' GLENELG, COMMODIOUS FAMILY RESIDENCE, with Water, . Paddock, and Stabling. GRJBEN.ib WADHAM, Land Agents. Exchange Land Offices,' King William-street. . '' ? - ' ' ':': '''? '? '''-' '?; ftt' , . T70R SALE.— Th4 two ^irstclass . J?, AGRICULTURAL SECTIONS of Land numbered 306 and 308 in the HUNDRED -of GAMkIUR, containing together 160 acres, and situated about three miles from the Mount, with well-finished Gentleman's Residence on Section 306, and comfortable Cottage and Stone Barn on Section 308. The Land is snbstan'ially fenced and in a bigh state of cultivatioh ; one of the Sections is under wheat, and immediate possession can be given. -: -: . For terms and all particulars of -this desirable property, apply to Nathaniel Oldham, Imperial CJhambers, King WilliamHstreet^ Adelaide. _ x3 T~\ESIRABLE INVESTmInT— \J CATTLE RUN ON THE MURRAY.— For SALE upon easy terms, an excellent CATTLE RUN on the MURRAY, consisting « 3,836 Acres of Pnrcfaased Land, with DwelHngHouse, Huts, Yards, &c, &c The whobs la divided into Two Paddocks by a new and substantial Three-rail Fence. The stock comists^jf 200 head of Cattle and 20 Horses. This Freehold gives right of comtaonage for over 1,000 Cattle in the Hnndred of Burdett. A±.ply-to DONALD GOLLAN, . Bumside, Strathalbyn ; or xc ELDER, SMITH, & CO., Adelaide. TO LET, PLYMPTON (on the Bayroad) 20 ACRES, FBNCKD, COTTAGE, GARDEN, abundance of Fresh Water. Apply to W. H. Gray, Esq., ReedbedsVorC. Schilling, Gawler-place. xc 0 be LET* at COROMANDEL VALLEY, a First-class HOUSE of Ten Rooms, Detached Kitchen, with Cellar and Underground Tank, the .whole' substantially built of stone, late the residence of Mr. Thomas -Matthews, together with' 120 Acres good Land, * large Swamp', Garden, running. Water all the ._. year, l?rge Orchard in full bearing. Apply to J. H. Cossins, Coromandel' Valley j or Messrs. W. Morgan & Co., Adelaide. xc RTJH FOR SALE, having 40 miles 1. frontage to the LOWER PAROO RIVER, distant about 40 miles from ' the Darling,- with 15,000 Sheep.- Abundant Feed and Water, and capable of carrying a greatly increased number. Apply to xc DEAN, LAUGHTON, & CO. FOR SALE, SECTTO13' 69. Hundred DALKEY, containing 260 Acres. Price— Cash, 35s. per acre ; one fifth ;cash and balance at 10 per.eenkjser annum, -t' 40«. per acre; oraU credit for ^v^yearjs at 'the, same _:, rate of intarett, 45s. pe^ataBsr^- -, ;.. 1 -'^j^ k* -?/? r xac PHIIJPlSASEO4\Wjft^^ojaSfcBtai8e5,_l ?