Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 26 November 1880, page 2


The Mercura Office, Thursday Evening.

We have no improvement in general buatness to report ; but the wool season having now fairly set in, there is much more activity about the wharves Wool ib coming to hand freely, and both the Harriet McGregor and Ethel are rapidly loading for London. BreadBtuffs are unchanged, the market being as steady »b it has been for months past Wheat is bringing 4b to 4s 2d , and flour, £9 10a to £10 Potatoes are dull, owing to the excessive supply, and beat are not worth more than £2 10a Bran is quoted at 1 Id to Is , and sharps at £C Hay has been sold up to £3, but only for first class lots , ordimry Bamples will realise about £2 10s Peas bring 2s «Id to 3s ; beanB, 3b to 3s 3d , and oats, Is 9il to 2s Long bark is abundant, and the mirket is not quite so firm Wo quote £3 15s to £i Dairy produce is plentiful tresh butter, 7(1 to lOd , potted, lOd j eggs, 7d , cheese, "id to8d , bacon,Cd to8d ¡hams,

9d to lOd x .

ua. io jua.

The following are the current quotations for hides and skina :-Hides-Butchers' green, 9a. to 20s.; salted, 2d. to 3d. per lb.; country hides, Gs. to 12b. each. Calfskins-Butchers', 2d. to 3d. per lb.; country do., 9d. to 2s. each ; butchers' shcepBkinB, 3s. Gd. to Gs. Gd. each ; butchers' pelts, Gd. to Is. 3d. each ; country sheepskins, 2s. to Ga. each ; do. pelts, Id. to 1b. each ; kangaroo skins, season closed ; wallaby skins, fair to largo, 3s. to 4n. per dozen ; do. small and Bhofc, 2b. to 3s. do. ; black opossum skinB, la. to Is, Gd. each ; grey do., 4d. to Gd. each; ringtail do., 2s. to 4s. per duz.; native cat skins, 2s. to 3s. do.

Ritchio'B Mills, Launceston.-Flour, £8 15b. per ton ; 19s. per 2001b., bags included.

The suburban residence at New Town of the late Mr. J. R. Scott, and known as Carolside, was placed privately on Wednesday, by Messrs. Roberts and Co., for £4,000, the purchaser being Mr. John Bowman.

MELBOURNE.-The Argus of Tuesday last reports ;" Breadstuffs, though firm, have not been exten-sively dealt in ; a good enquiry for shipment is ex-perienced, hut Rupplies coming forward aro propor-tionately much larger. Siles of wheat aro reported at 4s. 4d. tu -Is. od., «t which a few hundred bags have been placed. Flour is now firm at £9 JOi1, and ,sales are making at the price, though not to any'large ex-tent. In feeding grains we note Bales of ¡Miod oats at 2ii. 4M.; qiintations according to Bampl« range from 2s. ' 2d. tu 2i".' lid. for common to fino heavy feeding

nnalition. Mui/.u is suing off for trail.! purposes at 3s.

qualities. Muue is going »ti tor traill purposes at 01.

l.Jd. to 3d. 2d. ; 500 bags of O-ipe barlev huvo been taken up at 2s. -iAti. Sugars in the open in.n kel art' quiet, and only an ordinary trade enquiry lias lu-en experienced.

The Carnarvonshire, just arrived, bl ¡ups il.ilis fiom ? Mauritius to October 15. One vessel ii ni hscti char-

tered for Hobson'» Bay, and one for Hobart Town, and with stocks of Mauritius so very light, no news could bo more favourable. The caigo of Ulis vessel will bo sold in tbo course of the week. Wa report a good enquiry for common teas. Sales of low medium conpfous are mentioned at 1b. 4Jn!. Corusaclcs »re Belling very freely for trade purposes at J 0s. Supplies on the spot are very bare indued. Enquiries for Íiareelx have also been experienced, und oífi'is well up

lave b.ion mado without leading to biibincss. For a line of 40 bales to arrive in December, as much as 9a. Gd. was obtained. Candles are in moderate trade request, at 9d. to Old., according t'< brand. In liquids we leam of the quittance of 800 case» O'Brien's dagger stout at the advance recently established. Byi this sale agents' hands are cleared out, mid a further likely to be required when the first sliip-1

ment arriveB."