Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Monday 5 August 1878, page 2


I Sydney-, July 31,

At a meeting held at Newcastle, it was resolved to send a congratulatory address to the Earl of Beaconsfield and the Marquis of Salisbury, and to petition the Governor to set apart a day for public thanksgiving throughout the colony, on the settlement of the Eastern Question. In

the action Imperial Fire Insurance versus Launceston and Cornwall Fire and Marine Com. party, to recover £1,500 on a policy of re-insurance, a verdict for plaintiffs for £910, with interest, was


The Bulli Coal Company's dividend is 12 per cent., with £1,000 added to the reserve and inst, rates accounts, and £509 carried forward.

The Newcastle Coal Company has declared a dividend of 14 per cent., and the Sydney Gas Company 7 per cent., for the half-year.

The Senate of the University has decided to ask the Government to make provision for students completing a course of medical study.

The Australian Steam Navigation Company has

declared a dividend of eight per cent.; £13,881 to credit of profit and loss.

Increase in deduction (?) outward English Mail,

after present year, fourpence by San Francisco, . Suez, and Torres Straits routes. :]

August 1.

The Sydney Freehold Land Investment Society has declared a dividend of 10 per cent. _

August 2.

Telegrams received from London state that the proposed International Exhibition in Sydney has been officially accepted throughout Europe.

The brig Iserbrook has arrived from the South Seas with one hundred natives suffering, from sickness

aboard. She will probably be quarantined, The

Torres Straits mail steamer Normanby left Singapore yesterday one day in advance of contract time. A further instalment of £90 has been forwarded

to Noumea for the relief of the sufferers" from the recent outbreak. , ¡ r The

last crushing of the Dungong claim of ninety tons stone gave 1280 ounces of gold. At the

last concert given by Herr Elmblad there

was the largest attendance since the opening. Miss Sherwin, Herr Elmblad, and Signor Ortori, were called before the curtain and received enthusiastically, The

steamer Aconcagua takes to London 491 bales wool; 876 ingots of the 7112 ingots of copper and 208 cases of pearl shells. Adelaide

Town Flour, £13 ; country £12 ; wheat 5s. 6d. to 5s. 9d ; Victorian Hour, £11 15s. ; wheat, 5s. 4d. to 5s. (Jil. : maize, 3s. 9d. ; tin, nominal, £58 per ton. -