Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 18 September 1874, page 2


[From our own Correspondent.]

LAUNCESTON, Wednesday evening.

The ringleaders in the "passive resistance " movement are not satisfied with their first defeat, but are making strenuous efforts to again revive opposition. The first batch of summonses against defaulters came on for hearing at the Police Court to-day, those proceeded against being chosen from the most notorious agitators in their resistance to the law, variously selected from the town and country districts. Prominent amongst them were the excitable Rooke of Deloraine, the disingenuous Theodore, and one of the proprietors of the Northern organ of sedition. In all the cases verdicts for the amounts, with costs, were rocordod. Mr. Button admitted the legality of the tax, but took the high moral tone, and enacted Dickens's hero, Pecksniff, to the life, protesting against being called on to pay an unjust tax. Seeing, however, that Mr. Button has been vainly protesting for the past twelve months, and endeavouring, in the organ he represents, to sow the seeds of anarchy and dis-affection amongst others, his protests were, of course wasted, and the usual verdict was given, In two or three cases, the amounts were paid, with costs, and the remainder were heard ex parte, verdicts for the amounts, with costs, being in every instance returned. It is, however, a gratifying and significant fact that on this occasion the self-interested agitators are almost alone in their resist-ance. Bitter experience as to the tactics of their false friends has taught the smaller ratepayers wisdom, and they refuse to be again made the dupes of designing demagogues. No difficulty is likely to be experienced in the collection of'the small sum still remaining unpaid of the present year's moiety of the rate.