Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Saturday 13 June 1914, page 58

CORRESPONDENCE. Plea~a'nt Hill, 'Teiora, New South "Wales, -, Dear Cinderli,?',This, is:?the fisth time I have written to yoell. When I first started to go to school 1 went with my,auntie. I was seven yeass old, and. we had. a"nmie" to walk. ..We go into school at half Past nine; and do?mei out again at eleven o'clock. We havre an hour for dinner. We :come out :at :half .pasI- three to go. homc., 1 go through, a. little piece of tiimber. We. have a <gardnca. at our syliool, .lwich has not, long been made.'There is a dam in' the creek neair our' selool, which we n?e to swater our floivcrs. It is '-?' lcry' old. school. Iast year the windT. blew the rooe oft it. There has Ibocs -everal teachers: tllere, We' are h:ving our Easter holidays soon., Tlhere. are' sixteun' children going to' it. It 'is' only a little school. . I- in in third class at school. It, is about-a:foot of :ithe ground. 'The ,nmie 'of t.he school Is Lintendale. I :think I :in very :tiredl now? Olnderell'a, 'and. after giving..you ad nall: the li tIc .chilrlren in the cot myi- fc-ndest', love, I' .:will bid :you a peaceful 'Good-night," front F: FRED P1RI11OR. Age 10 .years .1 month. Please niav I write again, Ciiideitella? I[Yes, Fred, you may write again. Where did you have le.sons while your school had no roof'? -Oinderella.] 10 Elizabeh-street, South Yarra, M?elbourne. Dear Cinderella,- ' -This is the first time I have written to you, and -I hope to be excepted as one of your 'friends. I: go to school 'and am in the sixth grade,' the' school is a good distance away so I sometimes take nmy dinner. We have one cat and she is very playful. If a piece of paper is blowing about she promnces oin it and tears it up; she frightens the lien and they run about and make such ,a. noise. I- have' one sister and no brothers; this is all the .news. ,With love to the cot. children.-I .remain, your: new. friend, 3MELITA GEORGE. . P.S.- Pleae may I write some other time? Aged 10 years and 11 months. [Yes, Melita, you may write again.-Cindcrella.] Blair Cower, Cobden. Dear. Cinderella,This is my fitrt letter I have written.' It is about ihe place. The place where we sire is very' -rough, and the scrub is very thick, and we. have not been here long. The mans, that was on it did not take much care of it.. I ride to, school five miles to, and I am in the Ill. grade, and 'a am getting on very well. I have the asthma, and I have to stay. ionme from school. Do you know. any cure for athlna? 'And I think 'this is the list of this letter.--. MAC GAIRNS. Age .8 years and 4 months. [I'm sorry I can't tell you any cure for your asthma; Mae-I hope that by now you are better.--inderella. ]"Elnflld, "Elnflld, " Molka, via Euroa. Dear Cinderella,--. This is the first time I have written to you. I hope`yoSl will accept me as one of your little. .friends._ I am going to tell you about our faitm. We have three cows and one calf. I have three pets, two cats and a canary; the cots names are Sid and Tom. We had 'three cats, and one of them died just lately. We have . a big garden with one. hundred and fifty trees, they never had much fruit on this year. I think this is all the news this time, with love to the little chilren in the cot and not forgetting yourself.-I remain, your new friend, DOLLY GIIOSVENOR. 0 years. , DKoondrook, Victoria. Dear Cinderella,This is the first time I have written to you. I would very much like to become one of your friends. I willltake for my, subject the town iin which we live. It is not a very large town. There are five fruit and lollie shops. two butchers shops,- two liotels, one- grocer's shop, a timber yard and a saw mill. It is a very hot and dusty placet. but in Winter it is rather cold. Two more shops are being built now, one a lollie shop and the other a drapers. Sawdust froni the mills is used for making the roads, and wlhen the traction engines go along it, it drops sparks and sets the sawdust on fire. It has been burning for this

last two or three W'cksl, ??'eait ey have a niuimber of water hoses putting the fire odt. Somei of. the houses are ra'ther-big--so that makes, the town look as,.big as it is. ,It is, situated on the banks of thde r?lurray-liiv\cl'nd -thld'.ater is laid on to mPost of;.the houses ;-.The .'schoollis not very high 'vt thdre iare Maoutii 30 children .attending it. I will clos1 riioQ Iwithi love'o to lie ttle ones in the cot not for'ettiii youirself."I' Iremain, you' new friend, ;: I EDIT O'NEILfL. Aged 11 y'ears 10 months. . . L: Qifiinta," Bradford-road, Maldoin. :.Dear Cinderella,- ' :,' It is 'vie v~ 'ct to-night, andi ..we: Were :not 'alloiwed to go -out, so: I am-Wr iting'i. a lettcrto. ou. It is a 1lng Itime sine :I vriote: to.:you last, an'i thii tiihfe I am going to wite. aboiit. ,iOur 'eCts. We' hive'; two. hrscs.. amdl'-ond . pony. .Tlie horss' nairicii'are 'Stella",iantl '"Bumible,' .ind thej poy' -is 'Jessie::.": We also 'li'veo three tcowas aiid o0tl calf; their 'names are. Lulu, VWenti, Niobe .;:ai Astria. . il iu and Veniii.:are 'riiilking, .biittthey don't giye muelf: miilk. Iin .lhe Christmasn holidiya I calight apahrakeet in :an.apricot .trcee, but ýve have ifot "got ift .now;, a-d: it - g. away: about a mohjlh agon . Mar , ir- lblack indl white dbg; was going pastIitf one lday,', nu itC : taitedc screechin'g beo:use i wai ratlrdr frightenltit IHe. snaippedd'at it,: arid, iulled iearly all its :tail oout;. It looked so: fuinny wit i fcteibr out here atd there. ;\Ve alsol have a tabby cut, :.w4th 'i siofky-colored nose, so we ralled lier f"Sniolky." She stays :ov'cr,:at thIe sheds,I aind catches .nice. Oneof heLr kittens is a black one (it is "iot i kitten now-but a big cat) is called "Dr. Niehola." It is a funny LIrnCe, and Dad named him that. And, lastly, I have a little black. kitten- with white.paws tand' shirt. Will you give me a name for it, please? This is a'short letter, but- iti merrtioins all our pets.--I remainll your sincere competitor, :. : . :FRED ,MOSS. Name; Fred :I. E. Moss. .. ', Age 10 yrs.:7. mnths. .;. . ICall your kilten Dandy. .I'm sorry. you .lost your parrakeet but it's not inmch wonder it went away, is it?---inderella;] Davcl Farm, Wurt W ut,'.Ioort, Ifenty. Dear Cinderella,-, This is the f'irst time I haie written tob you. My father t'ikes' "Thec rLader" -:every week, and I like eading the children's .colum.ii very.much. I thought I would like; to .write to you to. 'I will take for my, subject Our "Dairy Farm." It is situiatie' about twelve :miles froit? the town of Casterton: 'ie. nlc..amie of :it is i.*'Daxos.": It: is a shaie farrii . 7'Ii fli -spring't-ime w.:w ilkl~eighlty. foir cows alidl then all .the irilkis "'pahratid !by steam: wv' liave over-40 pigs'";nit lat' year we had 20. calves. ??:.ire only ,iilikig .3 cowinat preseht.l My siste ald vtwo brother ?and mnjelf walk 1 lnileb to the Wurt Wurte. Koorti schlol, our teacdier's arname 'is: Mrir..: -iiteHife and ~ ll wlikci him ery nmuch;. I am in:th: fifth cla.ss Wo: arehaIfvirig our Easter holidays ..nos w I am s .going .over to .our other farm for a week, we? lIave another farni as well as the orie we live at. It is at Stratikellar near Iamilton, it is 40 miles froia one to thelother my father lives .at Strathkellar and nimy brother manages the dairy farm. . Well deir :Cinderella I 'dor't think I -will wiite any more this time,, so with' love' to ithe dear little ones in the cot reot forgetting yourself. -I remain, yoiur new friend, : .... .. ICKOLAS DIX. Aged :0 yrs. :.1.S.-Please Iay; I write againr?: [l'm glad to have you for a friend, Nickolas, and would like you to write again. Wlhit ia busy place your farm must be.- Cinderella.] S''C:rnville, Mornington. Dear Cinderella,I choose to write about ants. There are many different kinds of ants, sugar ants, white arits, black junmpers "and 'bill ants, arid another sort of ant. I saw. I don't know what sort of ant it is. There are meat ants which .hiave some white stuff for their food,' adl wheit:you jumpion .their nest and kill some of them they carry them into their nest.-I remain, yours tr(ily, -.IIEBE MARTIN.. Aged 7 yrs. 8 mthl. .