Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Saturday 16 May 1914, page 59

CINDERELLA'S, MENAGERIE.. Wooreen, Lcongatha. Dear Cinderella,This is the fourth time I have written to you. I will take for my subject "Our Home." Our home is not a very pretty one, there is not much green scrub about outr house, because the fire has burnt it. We have had a lot of fires around here last year, but none this year, and I hope there will be none this year. There are four of us going to schcol. My brother and I are in the fourth class, and one of my sisters is in the second class and the other.in the first class. There are thirtytwo children attending now. We have two and a iquarter miles to walk to school along a nice sand road. The nearest town we have to go to is Leongatha, and that is eleven miles away. Well, Cinderella, I will now say "Good-bye"' to the little ones in the cot. I remain, your true friend, LAWRENCE 31'CARTIN. [A nice, neat letter; but you forgot to say your age.-Cinderella.]

"Dry Gully," Omco. Dear Cinderella,-This is the third time I have written to you. I will take for my subject A Bush Fire. A bush fire is started in many ways. Many poor people have lost their nice homes by a bush fire. Many horse and cattle have been distroyed.c. There is a' bush fire near one of ouir paddocks, but there is a man beating it out. I. have got some more records for my phonograph. We will soon be shifting down to Bruthen, and I will be going to school there. I am in the Fifth Grade at school. Well, Cinderella, I must now close, with love to you and the little children in the cot. 1 remain, yours truly, VAL RLNGBERCI. Age, 12 years 3 months. L P.S.-Please may I write again? [Write again, by all means, Val, and don't ba disappointed if your- letters are not always in print.-Cinderella.] Bethanga. Dear Cinderella,- etan. I am an old cow, and my name is Minnie. I have had nine calves, and I .n. eleven years old. When I was a little calf I 'was wild, but now I am old I'm as quiet as any cow. I go away up on the hills and get grass, and my Master conies


and gets me and puts me in the yard to have my feed. Then he turns me out in the paddock, and I go and root up the dirt with my horns. One I day I went away over the hills, and it was very lonley, but I went on farther, and found some of my mates. Written by Willie Ilarris, aged 10 years and 11ii months. Lower Bethanga, Victoria.