Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Monday 25 March 1872, page 2


ARRIVED.-March 23.

City of Hobart, s.s., 363 tons, J. Clinch, from Sydney. Passengers- Cabin : Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Miss Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Brereton and child, Mr. T. Whitley, Mr. R. Travers, Mr. R. Valentine, Mr. Brudridge, Mrs. Johnstone, and five in the steerage.

March 21.

Eugenie, North German Immigrant ship, 500 tons, L. Voss, from Hamburg, 20th October. Passengers -Cabin : Mr. F. A Buck. 2nd Cabin : Messrs Serdelin, senr., Serdelin, junr., Carlson, Becker, and 198 in the steerage.

. Duko of Edinburgh, cultor, 2G tons, Donald, from Launceston. Agont-I. Wright.

-Shannon, barge, SO tons, Nicholas, from Port Arthur Coal Mines. Agent-Geo. Brown.


Cape Pigeon, Eliza, Pittwater, produce ; Elizabeth, Skip Jack, Huon, timber and potatoes, Kinpr Billy, Port Eaperance, timber; Deborah, Now Norfolk, bark ; Kate, Petrel, Milly, Old Beach, hay ; Victoria, Endeavour, Brothers, Barnes' Bay, firewood ; Inde-pendence, Amnie, Long Bay, firewood and timber ; Welcome, Oyster Cove, palings.

March 24.

'Kate, Oyater Cove, firewood; Ruby, Southport, palinga; Uncle Tom, Port Cygnet, timber; Iris, Lapwing, Favourito, Barnes' Bay, firewood ; Wil-liam and Martha, Huon Chief, Lymington, produce and firewood ; Esperanza Packet, Huon, timlor.

ENTERED OUT.-March 23.

City of Hobart, s.a., 363 tons J. .Clinch, for Sydney.

CLEARED OUT.-March 23.

Hally Bayley, schooner, 113 tona G. P. Harrison,

for Melbourne, via Launceston.

SAILED.-March 23. I Hally Bayloy, schooner, for Melbourne, via Laun-ceston.. -

IMPORTS-March 23.

[A special charge ia mado to consignees who wish to particularise their imports.]

' City of Hobart, s.S., from Sydnoy- 1 sewing machine, lflompty disks, 7 bndls bags, 1 box sholls, 15 J-caks wine, 8 ess, 2 iga fruit, 20 ess starch, 10 ess ling, 10 ess confectionery, 10 kgs vitriol, 7 preis, I bx type, 1 cb boots, 70 hides, 59 tres beef, 10 lixs


. Included in the above are the following consign-

ments !

1 cs type, I prcl, Mercury Office.

^1 es boots, 6 hndls bags, J. Blundstone.

'10 ess starch, 10 ess ling, 10 ess confectionery, 10 kga vitriol, P. O. Fysh & Co.

March 24.

Duke of Edinburgh, cultor, from Launceston 200, bga flour, 00 bgs outincal, 32 bgs burley, 81 Chooses, 10 budla wiro, G bxs sundi its.

Shannon, bargo, from Port Arthur Coal Mines

65 tons coals. -

EXPORT!-March 23.

'Hally Bayloy, schooner, for Mol bourne, via Laun ceaton-5 cas apples, J. Swan ; 10 bales hops, A. G. Webster ; 24 balea ditto, I. Wright ; 40,000 palings, A. McGregor, for Melbourne. 12 pkga sacks, 5 bales hops,- A. G. Webster ; 2 buoys, Marino Board, for Launceston. _

The North Gorman immigrant ship Eugenie, Captain L. Voss, which left Humburg on tho 20th October last for this port, and whose arrival here has been long looked for, entered the river yesterday rnorning, and came to anchor in the stream at three o'clock in tho afternoon, after a passage of 156 days. Captain Voss reports that on leaving Hamburg he had on board 362 passengers, of whom 158 were for

German colonies in the Brazils. The Eugenie passed Cuxhaven and Heligoland on the night of the 20th, Dover on the 28th October, and Start Point on the night of tho 30th. Tho equator was crossed on the 20th November, when 86 days out, in longitude 25

deg.', 30 min. W. The Eugenie arrived at Santo Francisco, province of Santa Catharina, Brazil, on December 10th, then 56 days out, and landed 116 passengers for the German colony of Doria Francisca. She sailed again on the 31st December, and on the 3rd January last arrived at Itajahy, also in the province of Santa Catherina, whero 42 passengers were landed, reducing tho numbers from 362 to 204. The passengers landed at Itajahy intended settling in the German colony of Blumenau. The Eugenie weighed anchor again on January 9th, and made the Maidstone at 1 p.m. on Friday, tho 22nd instant. The eastings were made principally between the 45th deg. and 46th deg. of south latitude. Pilot Bleach boarded the Eugenie at 8 a.m. yesterday morning in Storm Bay, and brought her up to port. The Eugenie is an iron vessel built at Godeffroy's Yard, Hamburg, in 1864, and is owned by Mr. Robert M. Sloman of Hamburg. Mr. Buck has returned to Tasmania with the Eugenie, which brings 4 second cabin passengers and 198 immigrants in the steerage, of whom 71 were male adults, 48 female adults, 58 children under the age of 12 years, and 21children under

3 years,of whom 11 were infants. There were 5 births on tho passage and 11 deaths, including a newly born in-fant and its mother, the other nine were children under the age of six years. Mr. Janson, the surgeon, was young man who had recently completed his medical studies. There have boen several cases of scurvy on board, and one or two of tho immigrants suffering from this disease are to be removed to the hospital, by order of Dr. Benson, the health officer, who made an inspection of the immigrants on the arrival of the vessel. Some of the immigrants complain that the supply of provisions waa unsatis-factory, but as the official inspection of the ship, stores, and passengers, will be made to-day, any complaints which the latter may have to make will most probably be carefully investigated. As will be seen there is a large proportion of infants and children, the total number under the age of 12 years being stated at 79, against which there are 71 male, and 48 female adults, all over the age of 12 years being reckoned adults. The immi-grants we are informed are partly land order and partly bounty immigiants, and with a few exceptions belong to the farmer and agricultural labourer classes. As is customary in their countries they have nearly all learned some trade, and the adult males have all served their full period of military Service. The immigrants comprised tho following nationalities, Germans, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, and natives of Alsace. Mr. Buck informs us that the adults can all read and write, and that several of them have had special agricultural and horticultural training. There are also amongst them several qualified to serve as domestic servants and nurse girls.

The T.S.N. Co's. steamer City of Hobart, Captain Clinch, left Sydnoy ut half-past ton o'clock on Wed-nesday morning lint, and arrived in port about three o'clock on Saturday morning. Captain Clinch reports having experienced eouthcily winds ami (ino weather throughout tho passago. She hus onterod out again for Sydnoy at the Customs.

. ' 'The cutter Duke of Edinburgh, Donald master, left the .wharf, Launceston, on Wednesday, the 13th instant, and cleared Low Heads on Saturday morning, tho 16th instant, with a N.M. wind. Had light and variablo winda ulong the coast. Rounded the Pillar on Saturday evening, and moored in Constitution Dock at 2 p.m. yesterday. Sho brings a cargo of broadstuil's.

" The bargo Shannon loft tho Coal Mines at Port .Arthur, on Saturday, and arrived in port yesterday morning with a full cargo of couls.

Tus schooner Hally Bayley, Captain Harrison, ?cleared out at the Customs on Saturday, for Molliouiiio Wa Launceston. She takes a portion of hur cargo for tho latter port, including tho two buoys for tho ! Tamar. Tho Melbourne portion of lier cargo con

lusts of 40,000 palings, 31 bales of hops, and a fow vasoB o'f apples.

, ,The following aro the men-of-war now on tho 'Australian station :-Clio, 21 guns, Commodoro Stirling, ut Fromuntlo ; Itosurio, 3 guns, Comuiaudor Challis, at Auckland ; Blanche, 8 «uns, Commander .'Simpson,'at New Zealand ; Basilisk, 5 guns, Captain Moresby, on a cruiso in Torres Straits.

The Sydney whaling barque Motaris roports spoak ?ing on Februury 13th, tho buiquo Aladdin, of Hobart '.Town, fivo months out, 140 bnrrols Bporm ; on ,March 3rd, barque Flying Childers, of Hobart Town, four months out, 150 barrels sporm ; .March '4th, barquo Sea Sholl, of Hobart Town, five months out, 60 barrels sporm ; sumo day the barquo Water-witch, of Hobart Town, seven months out, 180 .barróla sperm ; not soon nny ¡Sydnoy whalors lately. '-From a Correspondent of the S. M. Herald, Cupo St. George, March I lth.

' The whaling barquo Waterwitch, of Hobart Town, 'put into Jorvis Buy yostorday, with loss of forotop sail yard.-6'. AT. Herald, 20th instunt.

FuitTiiEiidotails,slatos The Times of 20th Decombor, bavo been received of tho stranding of tho two vessels on tho Goodwin ¡Sands on Monday, from which it appears that thoy were tl.o barquo Albort,of Bromen, Teutons, bound thenco to tho Eist Indios, and tho .barque India, of Shields, 700 tens, hound to that port from Quoboc, with a cargo of timber. Tho vosscls :got on tho sands within a slioi t distance of each other -before daybroak, whilo tho wind was blowing strongly from tho south-west. On tho signals ut distress "being observed, tho Rumsgatu harbour steaming Aid 'lind lifeboat Bradford, und the North Deal, Kings Uown, mid Broiiilbtnirs lifeboats, belonging to the ?National Lifobout Institution, promptly procecdod to the sands, and tfl'uits woro mudo to got tho vessels ,off, but without success, on account ol'the vory heavy ,surf running all duy on tho Goodwin. On tho tide Hewing tho India bioko her back and sank, her crew of 16 mon being, howavor, saved by tho Humsgate lifeboat, which transferred six of thom to tho Kings down lifeboat. The other vossel is nlso likely to be-

come a total wreck. Her crow of 10 mon wore saved by tho North Deal lifeboat, togother with fivo Broad stairs mon, who carno out to tho wreck und unfor-tunately lost their boat alongside. Whilo the steamer »Aid waa toning out the Bradford lifeboat in tho morn-ing the paddle shaft of tho starboard wheel broke, ' and the ateamor had te rotura to tho harbour working

.her port ungiucB and paddle wheel, but the lifeboat pursued her way to tho sands under sail. When 'the disabled steamer gol into Ramsgate her consort, the Vuloun, immediately got up steam, proceeded out, and, falling in on their return with the Ramsgate and North Dial lifeboats, which hud on boaid tho .hipwrecked men, she took them m tow and all were

safely landed in Ramsgate harbour about 5 o'olook on Monday opening. Thus 37 ahipwrocked persons wero savod by the lifeboats of the National Institution from probably an inautablo death.


Ship Mails.

Ship Mails will bo closed at Hobart Town as under :

For Queensland, &c, per a s. City of Hobarc, to-món ow, at ¿ p m

For Svdney, ditto, ditto, at 3 30 p m

For Loudon, via Bl imhsi, per li. M S. Nubia, via Melbourne, to monow, tim 20th instant, nt 4 o'clock p.m.

For London, via Southampton ditto ditto.

Foi Moihtci i anean l'oits, Wit Suez, ditto, ditto.

Forlmlii, Clima, Manilla, Uutirm, io., via Point do Gallo, ditto, ditto.

For Western australia, via Melbourne, ditto, ditto.

For Intercolonul Ports, via Melbourne, per s.S. Dei went, ditto ditto

For Melbourne, via Launceston, ditto, ditto.

Important Notice -The Boxes foi the reception of Letters aud Newspapers for England, Foreign countries, and the Colonies, will be closed, to-morrow, the 20th instant, at 4 o'clock p.m. precisely. Late Letters and Newspapers can only be received on payment of the usual fees (viz., 3d. each letter aud one penny each newspaper) up to 4'30 p.m. After that hour. Letters for England and Victoria only, can le posted up to 6 p.m upon payment of Is. fee on each Letter.

All registeied leiten must be posted before 3 o'clock p m. tu-nionow, the 26th instant.

Money orders issued at this office, to morrow, the 26th lustaut, on all places out of the colouy, will be subject to an additional elim gc of one shilling each.


_ Secretary.