Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Saturday 25 January 1890, page 4



raoaitxssioH, our. itrauis, and our resources.



The.partial obliteration of the name of Ben digo from the map of Victoria, and the sub

stitution of the name of Sandhurst for the celebrated Bendigo of former days have given rise to oft repeated expressions of re gret. The visitor to our forest city is sur prised beyond measure when informed that this is the Bendigo he has heard and read about in years gone by. Who has not heard of Bendigo? And how few visitors to our colony know that the famous gold-producing district of that name exists under the newer, inappropriate and less euphonious name of Sandhurst. We believe that in this cir cumstance may be discovered the common practice of visitors to Victoria to see Mel bourne and Ballarat and then pass on ob livious of the fact that Bendigo still exists, under a disguise. Ballarat and Bendigo were known throughout the world in the 1 early fifties, and the same reason which

attracts the tourist to Ballarat would draw him to Bendigo if he knew that such was the locality described on the map, in the railway guides, in the newspapers, everywhere and by everybody aa Sandhurst. When gold was discovered in Victoria there were but

two great fields which became famous j throughout the world by the extreme richness of their yields of precious metal. Ballarat with its deep leads overlaid with basalt in the west, and Bendigo with itu shallow alluvial workings and rich reefs in the north, At Ballarat " jewellers' shops " dazzled the imagination with their wealth of gold, wl il i

the wildest dreams of avarice could be rea lised on Bendigo by finding monster nuggets, washing pound weights of gold to the tub of dirt, and even shaking thoyellowspecksfrom the grass roots. No wonder when the great news was known, thousands of anergetic workers, the bone and sinew of the British Islea braved tlio dangers of sixteen thousand miles of ocean to get to the new Eldorado. The first questions on their lips on touching the golden shores of Viotoria were, "Which is the road to Bendigo," or "Is this the way to Ballarat?" How hopefully and courageously they shoul

dered their swags and tramped the hundred ! miles to either place. No intervening or ; imagined danger daunted them, the road j might be unknown, over miles of dreary | plain or through miles of dark forest. ; Black Douglass and his bushranging gang, 1 venomous snakes or roaring bush fires might erosa their path, but onward they pressed. On arriving at their destination no time was lost:—to-night they pitched their tent, and to-morrow they entered eagerly into the race for rfches, and plied the pick and shovel with a wilj before the sun had risen in

the paie and dewy oust uii long after it had sunk in the glowing west. Ballarat picueers and old Bendigonians alone can: realise the wonderful energy and vitality displayed. They wore in it in those brave days of old, and maintained thoir vigor when damper and mutton at one meal was

varied with mutton and damper at another. I "Well can they lemember when gold was J gathered in heaps from the earth, escorted under armed guard to the metropolis and shipped off in great boxes to the old world. These were the days when the names Ben digo and Ballarat were known in the fur

thest corners of the earth. • i

With what fondness the old names are regarded. Under their inspiration wliat marvellous work has been effected; they ard names to conjurewith; Bendigo! Simply viewed as a combination of letters, they are singularly free from commonplace. In size they please the eye and meet the artistic requirements that a name in its length should be in koeping with the greatness it represents. Their soft euphony is extremely pleasing to the ear, and well atted for melodious and poetic ex pression, while there is a gratifying fulness in thoir pronunciation. Around both names has grown a perfect halo of romance. They are the twin brothers of a golden earth as Castor and Pollux are of a starlit heaven, and in their association must be for ever memorable. Their glories drew the eyes of the world to "Victoria, their wealth has built up cities, townships and hamlets in numerable, established immense commerce, effected great reforms, made Victoria freo, and in many respects the foremost com munity in the world. They are names that should rercain for ever to mark the most ronowned epoch in this country.

Bub very early an evil genius grew, who for some unknown reason hated the name

—Bendigo. - Like "the man Rogers," he was in a position to spit his venom, and he did so. He dared not show

himseif' in the open, but like the wicked, worked in the dark to obliterate that grand old name. It had rooted itself, however, too deeply in the lives and memories of thousands, to be wiped out all at once, and be proceeded to do it by degrees. He managed to decree that the township—the key-stone name of. every district—should no longer be known as Bendigo, but be called by the harsh, and ugly, and ill-fitting name of " Sandhurst." The change was utterly uncalled for, and was never liked while it was felt that a blow had been struck at the prosperity of the district. Efforts wore msdo at various times to,have a return to the dear old name, bnt without success. As a soother for the

public deprivation, the county was allowed to retain the name Bendigo. But that evidently was only intended for a time. The Colonial " Rogers " is not dead, and only quite recently his meddlesome interference and malignity was put forth in

an effort to obliterate the name as far as this district is concerned, and to describe the district to the north of us, Bendigo.

Public indignation, however, would not stand it, and things were left as they wore.

That this district has suffered by the un warrantable change in the namo of the city is well known, and a public opportunity of stating so and of seeking for amendment was taken the other day before the. Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the causes of the decadonca or rather neglect of gold mining in this district. One gentle man, Mr. Richard Williams, who is in every way qualified to express an opinion on the subject, stated " that there was one matter to which he wished to refer before closing hia evidence. A friend of his, who had lately returned from England, had told him that the Sandhurst gold field was unknown on the London Stock Exchange. The liabitueB there say : —r' There was a big goldfield called Bendigo in Victoria once, but it must be worked out, as we never hear of it now.'. They ap parently did not know that the name had been altered to Sandhurst. If anything could be done in that direction it would be to the advantage of the place. Then again he thought the Government ought to make arrangements for sending cablegrams to the London Stock Exchange, reporting any good yields like the Hercules and Energetic had

a few weeks back."

The truth of that statament cannot be

gainsaid. Tho London Stock Exchange is the touchstone of the world's enterprise). Ballarat is known there, money has flowed into that city until it almost rivals Mel bourne, and it has influence to obtain its every wish for its extension and adornment. Sandhurst is unknown. Bendigo was once known in Britain, even its pre

sent Premier was attracted to it. Ben digo has died out of the knowledge of the London Stock Exchange. It was once known as a marvellous gold6old, but now so far as the money kings are aware, it has been a worked-out field for many years. They know little of its golden reefs giving.50 ozs. to the ton, they are ignorant that its gold is being traced deep towards the centra of the earth, and consequently no British capital comes to help to develop its inex

haustible reefs. The clear lesson to be drawn from this appears to be to return to our first love. Were the name Sandhurst

blotted out and the city again : called Bendigo, the yields of our mines known on the London Stock Exchange and every other exchange as the yields of Bendipo, the result might be astounding. The frequenters of these busy marts knew what old Bendigo was, and as the magic name would be once more to the front and dinned into their ears the glories of .the past might be pictured in tho new revival. Then would Bendigo and Ballarat revolve once more in loving twinsliip, never again to be separated.

New Tale..—In to-day'a issue a. new tale will be commenced, entitled "The Great MilKstreet Mystery." It is written by that sterling authoress, ^liss Adeline Sergeant, whose name is so familiar to tho readers of the tale " Martin Deveril's Diamond." This tale we can

confidently say will eclipse any of her previous efforts, hnd one's interest is continually kept up in it.

The United Devonshire Murder.—As foreshadowed by the last day or two's develop ments in connection with the United Devon shire mystery, the men W. W. Couch and Geo. Davis were yesterday charged (the former on

the information of Constable Lovo and the

latter on the information of Sergeant Gleeson) at the Eaglehawk Police Conrt, with the wilful

murder of William Trevithick. Both men

were remanded for a week, A full report ap pears elsewhere.

The Alleged Criminal Assault Case.— William Artley, a man who had been arrested by Detective - Sergeant Mahouey and De tective Sexton on Thursday at Back Creek, on a charge of having indecently as saulted his step daughter, was brought before the City Bench yesterday. Sergeant Fahey stated that as the prisoner had only been arrested on the previous day he would have to apply for a remand to give the police time to gut up the case. In answer to the usual ques tions from the bench as to whether he had any thing to say against the remand being granted, theprisonersaid he wished to call some witnesses. He was proceedine to make some statements in reference to the case, when Sergeant Fahey ad vised him not to say too much or it might be used against hiin hereafter. The Sergeant added that the police would see that any wit nesses tho prisoner wished to call were in at tendance. The accused was then remanded until

Thursday next.

Mr. James Andrew, the well known auc tioneer of this city, intends shortly to pay a visit to the old country. His many friends will join heartily in the wish that the trip will be au enjoyable one, and that Mr. Andrew will return to Sandhurst greatly improved in health.

The Campasi'h Water Trust.—At a meet ing of the above trust held resently, Messrs. Connelly and Tatchell, of this city, were ap pointed solicitors.

The late Mr. C. R. Talbot, late M.P. for Glamorgan, in Wales, has left £5,000,000 in real and personal property.

Congregational Church.—The Rev. R.

Keith Maekay, who leaves fqr a month's holiday on Monday, will preach to-mgrrow on f Joab's Address " in the morning, and " A war scene or str&hge forces " in the evening.

PSPAUTCRB OK Mil. AND IIits. JoSIil'H.— There was a large number of persons assembled at the railway station yesterday afternoon to say au rcvoir to ex-Cr. and Mrs. A. Joseph on flieir departure on a trip to Europe. As the train steamed out from the platform three cheers were called for and lustily responded to for the departing ones, who carry with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends for their safe journey and a speedy return.

Fip.e in Bayne-stref.t.—This morning, about a quarter past one o'clock, a fire broke out in a four-roomed weatherboard house, situated in Bayne-street, and occupied by a Mrs. Meddings, who earns a living by dying and cleaning clothes Mrs. Meldings had been unwell during the night, and about the hour mentioned had occision to go out iuto the back yard. She ltft a candle burning on the table, and her little gill who slept with her was in the bed. Her son wa? sleeping on a sofa in another room. Whenshe returned to her bedroomshefoundthat tho candle had been knocked over and ignited the wall and the curtains on the bed. Hastily snatching up her daughter, Mrs. Meddings rushed into the other room and aroused her son,' the three of them just managing to make their escape in their night clothes. The alarm was raised, and several neighbors succeeded in saving a table and two or three other articles of furniture. The firebell was rung, and the various brigades promptly responded, but owing to there not being any cabs about, the members had to drag the reels down to the fire themselves, so that by the time they arrived on the scene of conflagration the flames had secured too strong a hold, and the building was completely demolished. Mrs. Meddings, who is only a poor woman, and has two children to support, feels her loss greatly, aa she was not

insured. She had only been living in the. house two or three week3. The building was owned by Mrs. Wright, the liceneee of the Rising Sun Hotel, Eaglehawk.

Found Dead.—Yesterday morning .(writes our Inglewood correspondent), a magisterial inquiry was held at the police station by Mr. Joseph Tivey, J.P., concerning the death of the man William Lavender, who was found dead in the bush about two miles from Inglewood. Ed ward Honnor, warder in the hospital, identified the deceased as an hospital patient, who was admitted on the 21th September, and left on the 14th January without stating his intention of doing so to the authorities. A yonng man named R. Phillips,deposed that whilst out rabbit shooting, he came upon the body lying about 60 yards from the Taruagulla road. Constable Skepper stated that he had been in search, of the deceased for several days after he left the hospital, but could not find any trace as to his whereabouts. He had passed the spot where the body was found on many occasions. The evidence of Dr. Alexander Adam showed that the features of the deceased were not recognisable, being eaten away by vermin. He was subject to apoplectic fits, an irregular patient, and sometimes went off his head. Deceased had evidently been dead for several days, and the doctor was of opinion that death was caused by an old com plaint—apoplexy, accelerated by exposure in

the excessive heat. A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.

Death of Mr. W. I'\ Walker.—News of the dentil of Mr. W. F. Walker, late Commis sioner of Customs, was received by cable on Thursday. The "Argus" states that Mr. Walker was born in Morpeth. Northumberland, •10 years ago, and came to Victoria as a lad in 1857. He spent the whole of his life in Mel bourne in mercantile pursuits, and established the business of lime and coal merchant which now bears his name, and which is carried on in Flin<lms-street, Ife became prominently known in politics in 18S0, and rose to the position of Commissioner of Customs, which office he held for three years. Ill-health, caused by an affection of the heart, compelled him to relinquish" that office,- and also to Beck re3t from private business affairs, and at the beginning of last year he left Melbourne for a trip to Europe. The Government took advantage of his visit to appoint him to be Executive Commissioner for the colony at the Paris Exhibition, But very soon he became ill again, and sought absolute rest at East bourne, in SuBsex, but without avail. A week ago he suffered a severe affliction by the death of I1I3 only daughter, and the telegraphing of that circumstance served to caused his friends in this country to be apprehensive on bis account. He leaves a wife and some young children, who are at present at Eastbourne. Mr Walker was a very able Minister of Customs. He quickly gained both the respect and con fidence of the Government and the House. Not alone as an administrator, but as a speaker he made his mark, two of his speeches being

amongst the best oratorical efforts of that Par


A SINGULAR ACCIDENT.—A young man named Kulhken, who is engaged as carter for Messrs. Minty and Co., the wholesale fruiterers, met with a singular accident on Thursday evening. He was delivering a load of fruit at the

station, when some of the employes commenced throwing fruit at him. In stooping down in the cart to pick up a plum to throw back at his tor-mentors, he slipped and fell, injuring his hip to

such an extent that he will probably not be able to walk about again for a week or two.

A.N.A. Excursion to Melbourne.—This excursion which is being held in honor of the national holiday takes place on Monday. , Two trains, consisting of first and second class carriages will leave the Sandhurst railway station at 7,40 and 8 a.m. respectively, stopping at California Gully and Eaglehawk. A special will leave Eaglehawk at 7.30, arriving in Sand hurst in time to catch the train at 8. More than ordinary interest is attached to this excursion owing to arrangements having been made by which the excursionists will be admitted to the: Parliament House, mint, and pentridge stook ade on production of their railway passes.

Arrangc.nents have also beeu made for adinis- : sion to the cyclorama at a reduced rate on pro duction of similar evidence. It is notified that

there are still a few tickets, first and second j class, unsold, and these may be obtained at Messrs. Robshaw's, Barker's and Buchatj's, and T. J. Anderson's, Eaglehawk, until 10 o'clock

this evening.

Mini no Board Election.—An election of one member for each division in the;mining dis . trict of Sandhurst, will take place on Saturday, 22nd February next. Full particulars are given in our advertising columns.

Omtoarv. — Our Toolleen correspondent states that Mr. Clarkson, an old. and respected resident of Toolleen passed away on the 17th inst. He had been ailing-some time. He died whilst away from his home at Sandhurst. There was a very large attendance at the funeral, which took place on the Sunday following, the place of interment being at the Runneymede Cemetery. The Rev. T. Riding conducted the service. Much sympathy is felt for the widow

and family,

Presentation.—Mips Middleton, who is leaving the service of the Sandhurst Rolling Stock Company, was yesterday the recipient of a very handsoms silver epergne, given by the employes of the company. She also received a special gift from the proprietory, as a mark of esteem in which she was held. Mr. P. Ellis, the head of the linn, made the presentation, and in doing so remarked that the gifts were well merited, and that the firm were sorry to lose her faithful services. The recipieut suit ably : responded. The gifts were purchased at

Mr. P. Prescott's, Mitchell-street.

As Uw'.ak Water Trust at Kerang.—The Minister of Water Supply was asked by a deputation from Kerang 011 Thursday to faci litate tho formation of an urban water trust. Some time since an irrigation trust was con stituted in the Kerang district, but the residents of the township are dosirous of obtaining a separate supply, and with that end in view are a"itiiting for the formation of a new body apart from the rural trust. The proportion of liability for the proposed urban trustis set down at about £10,000, but this is only a rough estimate. The "Age" states that Mr. Deakin said he was favorable to the proposal, and admitted that the requirements of the township were quite dis similar to those of the general trust area. He was willing to grant the application, but before anything definite could be decided it would be necessary first to ascertain the proportion of liabilities which the new body would have to take over from the Kerang Irrigation Trust.

Tub Boaivd of Public Health. — The "Argus" states that the election of the Board of Public Health is now complete, the votes for the Eastern and Western shires groups having been received on Thursday. Mr. William Anderson, of Ores wick, has been elected for the Western group, and Mr. F. W. Dreverman, of Bairns dale, for the Eastern shires group. The other members of the board are Alderman J. C. Stewart, representing the city of Mel bourne; Mr. James Holden of Fitzroy, repre senting the North Yarra group; Mr. Robert Aitken Forbes, of Prahran, representing the South Yarra group; Mr. James Hugh Gearing, of Maryborough, reprcsentimr the Eastern boroughs group; and Mr. William Little, of Ballarat, representing the Western boroughs group The Public Service Board has recom mended Mr. C. A. Topp, superintendent of the Trainicg College, for the position of chairman of the board, and Mr. Topp Iu-a accepted the position. Mr. Crcswcll, . the sanitary expert who has been engaged in England, will bo the ninth member of the board.

Soliciting Alms.—Yesterday Plain-clothes Constable Walsh arrested an old man named fieorge Field for soliciting alms. The prisoner ivas only recently released from gaol after serv ing a sentence for larceny.

I'he Weslkyan Coni'kkence.— At the sitting on Thursday the second reading of the stations was agreed to and amnng the appointments affected by the alterations made since the first d -aft are the followingRev. \V. Presley ta feratig, Rev. A. E. Wellard to Wyeheproof, Rev. Robert Brown to Goldcirsquare, Sand hurst; Rev. A. J. Collocott to Maldon, Rev, J. J, Brown to Xnglewood,

A Sciuous Accident. — A youth named John Hilderbrandt, who is engaged at Messrs. Stewart, Scott aBd Go's, flour mills, met with a serious accident yesterday. While he and another man were endeavoring to : rectify, some slight defect in the working of the machinery his left arm . was caught in some belting, nnd after having been swung round a couple of times he was hurled against the wall, and thence fell on to the floor. Mr. Scott immediately had the suf ferer conveyed to the hospital, where "on examination by the medical officers it was found that he had sustained a compound fracture of the left arm above and below the elbow, his wrist had been put out, nnd he had also ex perienced a severe shock to the system.

The Lazarus Accident.—At a late hoi-r 1 ist night, Kelly appeared to have somewhat improved, end there are now some slight liope3 entertained of his recovery. Fredericks, how ever, remains in a very low state; while Tippett continues to improve.

The Water Supply.—Dr. Katz, of Syi'n ;y, accompanied by Mr. Smith, an engineer in the in the Water Supply Department, arrived in Sandhurst on Thursday afternoon for the pur pose of making inquiries into the complaints which have been made respecting our water supply. Their stay was, however, a short one, as they left again yesterday morning. They will submit a report on the mutter to the

Minister in due course.

The Recent Accident at the Station.— Our Melbourne correspondent states tliat the accident at Sandhurst on Wednesday, when two or three coal trucks ran over the aiding whilst being shunted, is reported to have been caused through the practice of a defective coupling.

The Irrigation Act Arbitration Case.— Our Melbourne correspondent states that in consequence of Mr. liartrop, P.M., having had to adjourn the first compensation arbitration case under the Irrigation Act, heard at Ingle wood, through pressure of other public busi ness, the Crown Law department have ap pointed Mr. Taylor, P.M., to assist him in his other duties, so as to enable him to continue hearing the case.

The .German Emperor.—On Monday even ing at 8 o'clock, the birthday of-the Emperor of Germany will be celebrated by the Deutschei Verein at the Black Swan Hotel. The Club Harmonie will assist

A Sample of Butter.—Last evening Mr. H. C. Henderson, of Pyramid Hill, called at this office and left a sample of fresh butter, tinned and preserved by Stevens' cold vacum process. The butter was made in New Zealand and tinned on the 12th November. It was in good condition when shown to us, arid Mr. Henderson, who with a number of other gentle men present at Mr. Dow's banquet, witnessed the opening of . several tins, states that the verdict was very favourable. The butter was found to be firm, and was considered to be sweet and sound, but it was supposed that it was not exactly as good as when tinned, as it tasted a little bit cheesy. The sample shows what can be done in the way of the preserva

tion of butter.

City Police Court.—The mayor (Mr. J. P. Carolin) and Messrs. J. Andrew and J. Stern berg, Js.P , presided at this court yesterday. A couple o£ drunkards were discharged, as it was the first time they had appeared before the bench. A woman named Elizabeth Fenton, who belongs to the "unfortunate" class, was oharged with indecent behavior. The evidence of Senior constable Barry and Constable Roscvow con clusively proved the csvse, and the accused was sent to goal for three months. William Artley, who was charged with having committed a criminal assault on his step-daughter, was, on on tho application of Sergeant Fahey, remanded until Thursday next. A number of debt cases were disposed of and tlie court then adjourned.

Terrible Atlantic Stoiims.—During the last few days terrible storms have been raging on the Atlantic. No fewer than thirty steamers are overdue at their respective ports, and it is feared that some disastrous casualties will be reported.

B.U.F.S. Dispensary.—The usual monthly meeting <>f the committee was held in the board room at the dispensary last evening. Mr. F. G. Bnckell presided, and there was a large at tendance of delegates. A communication was received from the Loyal Sir Henry Barkly lodge in regard to re-joining the institute, and another from the same sonrce notifying that Mr. E. Hinton had been appointed a delegate on the board. The assistant dispenser's salary was increased by 5s. per week. This matter was the came of a lengthy discussion, and

| eventually Mr. R. Johnston moved that the

executive committee and the dispenser, Mr. Bettsi be requested to bring up a report on the advisability of engaging a couple of apprentices in the dispensary. The usual balance-sheet for the quarter was read and received. The execu tive committee was empowered to steps to increase tho shop trade by advertising etc. The levy for the enduing quarter was fixed at the same amount as the last. Accounts amount ing tq £231 7s Id were passed for payment, and the meeting then adjourned.

Brewers' Employes'- Association-.—A meet ing of the Brewers' Employee' Association was held at the Albert flolel last evening, Mr. C. G. Abbott occupying the chair. ■ The atten daiia.6 not beine a. fair representation of each brewery.and factory, it was decided to adjourn for one week to enable them to choose the most

, suitable ground to hold their annual picnic for


CoAGilmakers' Society.—A general meeting of this society was held at the Metropolitan Hotel on Thursday evening, the president, Mi\ W. A. Hamilton, occupying the chair. The .election cf a committee resulted in the following being elected: — Messrs. Barry; Chalmers, Vertleh'pusen, Young, and Morri son; j trustees, Messrs. Owen and Swatting. The subject of forming a class for instruction in carriage drafting >vas~inentioned, and met with general support from the members, but the matter was left in the hands of a committee, to report to a future meeting. Mr. Way thought that some difficulty would be expe rienced in producing a competent instructor. One new member' was proposed and elected. The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks

to the chair. ■

Extension of. tiie Rkdesdale "Rah,way.— Mr. Gillie's was asked op Thursday (says the "Age") by a deputation from Knowsley and Wild Duck to authorise a trial survey to be made of a line from Redeadule to Knowsley via YViltf Duck. . This lino ivill he an extension of the one carried from Kyneton to Redpsdale. Mr, Gillies replied that he was n,otf in a position to cive a definite promise, as the survey branch of the Railway department was at presmit fully occupied upon work in conuaotion with lines.intended to be included in tho new railway construction bill whiah would be introduced immpdjatcly .upon Parliament assembling in May next. -He undertook, however, to inquire •whether au examination of the country could

not he made before the House met.

Salt for Rdst in Wheat. —The "Horsham Times".reports that Mr. Palmer, miller and farmer,.of Aloama, applying salt at the rate of 3 cwt. to tlie acre, has successfully counteracted

rust :in weat. :

MtB. S. Bruhn of View-street, notifies by adver tisement that she has a choice assortment of fruits

and wines

Harvest thanks-giving serviceswill be conducted in the Wesleyan Church, Forest-street. The Rev. J. Carey will officiate in the morning at 11 o'clock, and the Rev. It. Philp in the evening at 7 o'clock. Work will be resumed on Wednesday next at

Hies Armstrong's Ladies' School, in the Masonic


As will be seen in our warned' known columns, Messrs; Henderson and Goodisson are clearing a few Hp- c: al lines at an extraordinarily low price.

Mr. Credgington,- watchmaker and jeweller, Pall Mall, annojrices a large stock of goods suit able for public presentations; also a choice aud well assorted collection of general jewellery at

lowest prices.

An interesting announcement appears in our advertising columns from Mr Mentiplay, of the Australian Botanic Institute, Bourke-street east, Melbourne. Numerous testimonials are published in the notice from patients who have benefited by Mr. Mentiplay's treatment. Advice maybe had gratis frpif- this gentleman who has had a long experience in the treatment of the various "ills fleeh is heir to." His principal skill lies in the euro of hydatids, erysipelas, and diphtheria. His charges are moderate, and patients may be sure of

careful attention.

By advertisement Mr. W. nankins, of the Golden Key Cash Store, Hargreave-s-street, noti fies that he has fof sale special prepared powders for making gingerbeer, His announcement is worth perusing.