Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 23 March 1896, page 6




The annual commencement of the Uni-

versity of Melbourne was celebrated in the Wilson-hall on Saturday, and the ceremony was in every way most enjoyable. The announcement that a party from Govern-ment-house was to be present served to draw a gathering greatly in excess of the ordinary number, and the stately building was ciow tied to excess bj an audience in which the bnlliancj of numerous academic eos tunics was a 1 led to the customorj element of colouring lent bj the lillies elresses Ihe doora were opened abortly otter 2 ocioel mid as the torninl c remony w is not timed to begin until nn hour Inter the students b gulled the interval bj a pro gramme of thur own the ' Univeraitj Anthem brought up to date, being rendered in a lomon to a number of parodies of I opulur songs A mock ceremony ot conterring degrees was UIBO gone through with ureut gravity the students with hoods mid gowns unknown to thr c ilendar conung forward to receive from the

rector such degrees as L b D 10O NS1 ,i\\,iiiidDT To avoi 1 niiscon ception it wns explained that the last r icn lioned title wus to be construed as Docpor ol lemperance Hie items on the programme while being carried through with grout zest were nev cr nt any time allowed to e \< eed the limits fairly conceded on such occasions

I nilj Brnsscj lind Captain and the lion Mrs 1 ree man I homns arrived shoi tlj te fore _l o clock mid were escorted down the hall bv the chancellor (Sir Anthony Brownless) and Professor Allen the chairman o' the profes sonol board His 1 .cehency the Govirnor, accompanied bj Coptuin A\nlhii|,ton did not arrive until a quarter of on hour Inter by which time the hall ws BO crow ded that o pro "ress down the aisle was impossible Hie entry was uccorrtiniilj made by tile west door and as His 1 xcellencj, escorted bv the chancellor un I followtd bj

rll tin merni era of the council made his 0| penrance, wenrme, the brilliant scarlet robe ot a doctor of laws, the audience rose to their fiet while the students «ant, the .Xiitional Anthem to an accompaniment of waving ci] s and eowns

1 he conferring of the decrees was pro ceede 1 with at once the medical, arts, anil science candidates bem" presented by Pro lessor Allen the engineering candidates by ProfcBsor Kernot, and the law candidates by

Professor Moore It fell to Professor Moore Donsequuitlj to present to the chancellor " the 1 Honourable Thomas, Lord Lrnssej nnd to ci rtilj thnt he wns entitleel to be admitted to the rank and privileges ot ii doctor of lows of the Universitj ot Mel

bourne His Lxcellenoj on rising was received with loud ood continued cheering the students insisting on singing ' 1 or he s a jolly good fellow before the formal pre .entntion was allowed to take pla"e

Hie CIIVXOELLOB then delivered a brief address He dwelt at some length on the manner in which the opi rations of the University had been hampered by the curtailment ot the Government grant and concluded bj an earnest appeal to all lovers of the higher learning to do their beat to secure Irom Parhamint a permanent

endowment for the institution

His I .cellency the Gov.iiNOn who was received with great cheering alao addressed the gatherinc He said -Mr Chancellor, Indies and gentlemen and studenta of the University (cheers),-I nm sure vou will believe that 1 would bo glad not to have troubled you with a Bpeech on this occasion, but if I were to have come here and sain nothing it would hardlv have been respectiul to the occasion, to the Uni

xer-ity, or to the students (Cheers) I regard it as i privilege to be pre sent. 1 am glad to bo afforded an opportunity of congratulating this colony on the establishment curly in its history of a Univ ersity which I um sure IB doing valuable work \ou have beautiful buildings and the living power is supplied by a body of pro fessors ot h.j,h attainments in every branch ot studj which can usefully be pursued in a country where every man must be prepared to take an active part m practical life Mel

bourne ia the great emporium of trade, it is the active centre of important political life, it is the noblest city in the southern liemi

sphere (Applause ) lu BUCII a cm it ia well that a seminary ol leorning should le found, and I am glad to know that a large bodj of students has been attracted to the Oniversitj I am here to wieh them well in their course ns scholars and in their career in tho^e professions and businesses to which I am sure, thej nre in due time looking for ward (A Voice.-" lliank j ou ) It ia no misfortune to bo a busj man but remember that the interruption causeel bj multiplied dirties makes it dilhcultto pur sue a course of etuely therefore I H.J,

Cui/icdiem ' Make uae of the golden opportunitj It may not occur again (¿beera ) In a short address it is hardlj possible to (.ive advice us to the selection which BIIOUI I b made from the atudiea pur sued in this Univeraitj , but this is clear, thnt nil educa ion must include a know ledge of certain essential principles Dr Johnson, one ct tin most quot able of writers li ia some ndmirable observations on tina point - ''Whether we provide for action or conversation, whether we wish to bi useful or pleasuu. the first retiuisiteis arehuous and moral knowledge ot right and wrong the next is on acquaint ance with tlte history of mankind nnd with those examples which mnj be he Id to cmbodj truth and prove bj events the reasonable ness ot opinions Pru leuce and virtue are truths for till time and all placea 1 rom what literiirj aourc s shall these 1 e drown ' Let us not think lj of the treasures contuinid in our own le ir motlrer tongue Nothing in literature Biir|ns«iH the tight or ten m iste rpieces of blinkespeore the ' Punidme Lost mid the Ijnes ot Milton .\ here can jon lool for a loltier disploj ot wisdom than is to be foun 1 in Burke s three pie es on the A mène m v \ nr It lues been sxid by a friend of mine lohn Morlej-no mean nuthontj -that these w ritin"s ure the most [ erleet in nny lite ratur vvhetliir for the purpose of know lerl"t or of notion In no language can jou lui I fiction more periect than that ol Scott or thackeray or Dickens, or clotiuence more commanding than tin speeches ot lohn 1 right Hut mental discipline is nn imp ir tutu part of tin purpoai a of youthful atudj

and that mental discipline must 1 e obtain« .1 I j a more serious exerciac ol the faculties than is require 1 in the delightful occupation of re ading the (.ems of rnglish literature It is to be found in the masterpieces of the classics I lu muthemntica pro luced Isaac -Sivvton V ith tins rum-e of subjects lefore lum the rending man has to be on his guard against being too discursive One lost nil

monition ^our work will do j ou no good mihaa it be u joj to jou No profit (.rows where ia no pleasure ta en ' Study what jou most affect In my closing words I urge the ata lents to toke a pride in the University, nnd to (,o fortli resolved to do that wluoh in tliem lies to extend its influence und its fame

It is no small task to create a m w Britain under the bouthern Cross, but such, nn 1 no less is the dutj of the coming Auatiohan generation Here jour lot is cost-and, more thnn jour lortune jour good titim is to be mude Io tins new contint nt your beat service s ure due lhere is no inconsistency in (.mill, this adv ice winn stirring < venta an toking place und the heurts ot British Bul jects are heating in unison ns thtv ne verdid belore (Cintra) 1 um here to pr< mote the entise ot Imperial unity I dory in the tusk and I do not fin 1 it hard Lu 1er jour sjstem of self|,ovirn ment jou hive meit p nile nee ii nil loenl ni itti rs while in the nflnirs which nre ot lui

pin il ci nee ni jou sp uk with o voici thut commands the attention if the vvorl 1 bieaus

it is the v ic of ti tree a mute 1, nul a loj ii pee pit (I oud cheers )

1 li li .tine,uishi el v isitors nnd the members of tin council tin n marched down the aislo 10 the strain of Lule Britannia

1 he following wire the decrees con


BACHELOR OF ARTS.— Jane C.Cox Henri.UA S 11 rl -IIUICCI I II llcrrii e, Jo_e| lime M NuuMitoii Jlnrticlt F VI 11 _rcl Horenc- 1 Virtue l.litli M Wael VV li crave llorac. \\ Allen lal 11 I I> len mi 1 o i . It O lice MI «Iel ar I A Cn.ii pUI! lal es CI oui, JIorl.rt O Godfrey, Arti ur W Orcen Allresl Hart Here vartl II llci cliinnii Miclaelt, I arlen I loiicl 1 Miller, Stanley S. Reid, Ulio in WIlkliHon

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. - Georgina Sweet, William S.


JlAiin-coii or I LAWS - Charles C. Cutter John P MO Doe It Herbert C. Godfrey JmeiT, lol 111 Uni, in Ivilwnrl I U lollej Ml Imel O Inrkli lol M M . urina 1 rellénele W ti uni ltobeirt 0 M re* e.urll.0 Haute

lucan in ii Mruu.r - Thomas L. Anderson Harold Lister, George V. White.

J Aeilfi^ l i v Si narin - A Ifresln II 0 mil le Jni e S líele. Juill... ( re, Ida (J M Hull vi Iv li

M . i, I el ert I Coi I eil l/lwant W Litui e Altr I Is Cli ni all (.li-irlc. UirlHtio Janies M (j r liner

i el e lil A lint e i Cu.lavo A Hnkcnntl.r Herb rt It I Helier William A Horton, Douglas O


BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. - Algernon Abbott, Adam Baird, James L. Bell, David J. McClelland, Hector J. Steward, William S. Sweet, Edmund G. Turnbull.

MAsmi e r Al rs - Anna IHgeln» 1 Illili) II 01 ml

1 ai J lill. Cliltllllis Heirj lv Hutu Ison, letv »rd 1 (J J Hi v Iii is I I 1 retlorU-k W Manu ( arl n I 1 M i rio- Iliomu. 8 1 colo 1 rcdeirlck J

Will In

VI AS mi ot 1 AW» - Dufce-lel 0 M,all William

A hi 1er on

MASTER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. - Frederick W. Box, Ernest J. T. Manchester, Joseph R. Richard-



nAiiiKionei' AITS- I vottO Aiport (Cambrait,.) Hut cn W ItiiliM.MCiui I rl l.i)

llAin.iuii ur ¡jen ser - Hamilton M» WlngnUi (aiiuij,ot\)

I) ru u o. I Awn -Tim IUelit Honourolilo lUomas Vor- -ira..-j ,UVL (Oxford),


BACIIBCOB or SUIIOSRV -George H. Brown, George E. Dennis, Ernest T. Macgowan. Roland Maclean,

Oscar R P Muller



llAcurcoti OK MISIC -Mona M M'Burney. llAsTKit or AaTS - Alfred JS J líos»


In the evening the- students gave an "At Home" in the Wilson-hull. The building was again crowd/.d to its utmost capacity, and a most enj/j>able programme of vocal

and instrumental music anti recitations was gone through.