Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Tuesday 29 June 1880, page 2


The country is to be congratulated upon the

destruction of this notorious band of bush-

rangers. For nearly two years they have been committing the most daring outrages with impunity, setting the whole police force of the colony at defiance, and baffling the efforts made to secure them. A very large reward — £8,000 — was jointly offered by the Governments of Victoria and New South Wales for them dead or alive, with-out leading to their capture. Not-

withstanding the magnitude of the sum offered, none of their confederates or sympathisers dared or cared to betray them, and their whereabouts still remained a mystery. But in April last the Govern-ments gave notice that after the 20th July prox., the reward would be withdrawn. What was intended by the withdrawal

of the reward we can only surmise, and at the time on the 10th April, we wrote —

The withdrawal in three months of the rewards offered by the Governments of New South Wales and Victoria for the capture of the Kelly gang may be a very advisable step,

inasmuch as it may induce some one aware of their proceedings, and in a position to deliver them into the hands of justice, to take imme-

diate action. All such persons have hitherto resisted the temptation, with good reason, no doubt, for the gang is surrounded by a friendly cordon, prepared to inflict condign punishment on any who might attempt to effect their betrayal. The man undertaking such a work would, all the time it was in progress, be carry-ing his life in his hand.

What we then foreshadowed has actually

occurred. The withdrawal of the reward seems to have stirred up those who were only waiting an opportunity to do so to take immediate action. The unfortunate man Aaron Skerritt appears to have thought

it was time for him to give what informa-tion he had to the police concerning the outlaws, and very possibly others were doing the same, for the fact that the outlaws were

still concealed in the recesses of the Strath-

bogie Ranges must necessarily have been known to a large number of persons. The

result has been that the gang, feeling the insecurity of their position, and knowing probably that Skerritt was well

acquainted with too many of their hiding places, came out to destroy him, and thus remove a dangerous enemy, and at the same time intimidate others from follow-ing his example. They succeeded in mur-dering Skerritt; but this expedition had the happy result of bringing about the annihila-tion of the gang, after a most sanguinary conflict. It is satisfactory to know that the whole of the gang have been either

captured or killed.

THE KELLY NEWS.—It is many years since such excitement existed in Sandhurst as that which prevailed yesterday, when it became known that the police had come upon and sur-rounded the notorious Kelly gang at Glenrowan. The excitement was most intense, aud the ADVERTISER office was regularly besieged for information. Telegrams arrived at short in-tervals during the whole day, aud extraordinary editions were published containing the very latest information as it arrived. The demand on these was so great, both at this office and throughout the city and suburbs, that it was with difficulty that it could he kept pace with for a considerable time during the afternoon. Business was almost at a standstill in the city for the greater part of the day, the news re-specting the encounter with the desperadoes being the sole absorbing topic of interest, and the greatest satisfaction was expressed that their career had at last met with a thorough check.

The Proposed Ministerial Banquet.—We learn that Mr. Service has accepted, 011 behalf of himself and colleagues, the invitation which was sent him to a banquet proposed to be given at Eaglehawk iu honor of the Ministry. Mr Service has intimated that Friday next will suit the convenience of the Ministry, and 110 doubt the banquet will be held on that evening. Mr. Service himself will be present, together with Mr. Clark, and one or two other members of the Mi nistry. Yesterday's Telegraph has the following: —"It is impossible fur the Government and their supporters ;toJ respond JtoJ thu| many invi tations they are receiving to attend banquets o address public meetings. In tho face of an im mediate dissolution, Jonly those visits already definitely lixed can be arranged fur. Amongst those are meetings at Laiuiaborough and St Arnuad, which are to take place oil Wednesday aud Thursday next respectively, and at which the Commissioner of Lands and Mr. Murray Smith will attend. The Belfast trip and the Eaglehawk banquet u ill also, we understand, be

carried out.

Tin: English Mail—A memo, from the Telegraph Oliice informs us that the It.M.S. Assam was off Cape Otway at a.quart»r past one o'clock this morning, auil was expected to

reach tho Bay at 10 o'clock.

The Wouk.s at the Hi/ntly Channel.— It appears that some complain ta have beeu made by the men engaged on the Iluntly storm water channel concerning the delay which has occurred in making payment for the work done. The lion. Mr. Clark communicated with the Com missioner of Public Works on the subject yes terday by telegram, aud received a reply stating that the necessary amount would bo forwarded as soon as possible—probably to-day.

I11K Pulcmier's Speech.—Mr Service, we are informed, will address his constituents at Maldon on Thursday evening next.

I UK Sandhurst K/.K(.'rrc).Y,—We mentioned yesterday that the Reform League caudidate for Sandhurst at the approaching election would be either Mr. W. G. Blackham or Mr. D. C. Sterry, The former gentleman has, it is stated, declined to stand, aud the league wijl therefore give its support to Mr. Sterry. Mr. R. White, of Long Gully, is still mentioned as a probable


Water Supply in the Simp: of Mauont.. —Deliuite action is to be taken at onpe in refer ence to the question of water supply and con servation in the Shire-of Marong, and to day the commission appointed by the Government will start 011 their tour of inspection after which they will submit their report, and such recom mendations as they may deem desirable. The commission, which consists of Messrs. Gordon and Black, will start from the Shamrock Hotel this morning, aud will be accompanied by the president, engineer, and secretary of the Marong shire. The party intend to take a tour of in° spection throughout tho south and north-east ridings of the shire, and the trip will probably

.occupy a few days.

^Mavoks Ball.—This annual event came oft last evening with great eclat. A lar^o number of visitors were present, and the Corn Exchange presented a most bvillinnc appearance during tho evening. Monaghau's baud supplied ' the music, which was of a hrst-class character.

An Expensive " Lark."—Mr. W. Bruce figured as defendant at the Police Court yesterday in a case of assault brought against him by Mr. II. Haisman. The The charge arose out of a "lark" between the two parties. The plaintiff was standing in the back bar in the Beehive Exchange 011 Mon day last, when Bruce entered, ami playfully knocked of his hat. Haisman returned the

complimejit, and, feeling rather aggrieved, made a show of tight. The matter ended by Bruce violently assaulting Ifaiaman. His face was very much disfigured ynd braised, and he was compelled to undergo treatment ^t tjie hands of Dr. Hiiioholilf. The plaintiff cjaimed £20 damages, and tho bench, in yipvy of the serious nature of the assault, made an order for fly, with £5 5s. damages. It is only fair to add that Mr. Bruce made every effort to have the case settled out of court, and besides offering to re compense Haisman for any trouble aud expense he had beeu put to, he had intimated his readi ness to give a donation of £2 2s. to the hospital.

Eaglehawk Police Couf.t,-—Mr. Anderson, J.P., attended at this court yesterday, to dis pose of a case against a Malay named Ah Toy, who was charged with being drunk aud dis orderly. The prisoner, who is well-kuown to tile police as being a dange.rous character when iu hiccups, conducted himself in an outrageous manner 111 the main street in Eaglehawk yester day, A liue ojE £2, or in default, 14 days' impri sonment, was inf'icted.' line was not paid, and the defendant had to accept tlfe alter


The Fatal Accident at thb Johnson's Reef Gold Mines.—The funeral of the unfor tunate man Thomas Roberts, who was killed in such a sudden manner on Saturday by an acci dent at tha Johnson's Reef Gold Mines Com pany s claim, California Gully, took place ves terduy. The deceased was a prominent member of the WesJeyan denomination, and a teacher iu the California Gully Wesleyau Sunday School, and the members of the church, aud teachers and children ol the Sunday school met at the late residence of the unfortunate mail to follow his remains to the' Eaglehawk Ceme tery. jflpumfni forlege, as 'it 'wended 'its way along the Isagleh^v/ly road io the cemetery, presented a very imposing spep|!asle. fully 400 persons prcoeeiling the hearse, jtmm^'diatpjy after the hearse the phoir of the church marched, and assisted wit/i instrumental music, rendered some of Moody aud jjauljey's liymnj

in a most impressive manner, The members of the Oddfellows' Lodee, of whiflb order the de ceased was a'member, preceded the choir) Tije procession was a very long one.

Royal Pkincess' Theatjie.—This place of amusement will be opened this evening for a short season by Kelly aud Leon's Comedy and Opera Company. The merits of this troupe are well-known, as they have frequently appeared iu this city. The first part of the pro gramme will consist of Kelly and Leon's translation of Van Suppe'a comic opera, " Galatea," iu which the principal characters will be sustained by the leading members of tho troupe. " Japanese Tommy " is an old favorite, whoss grotesque acting has always proved mirth-provoking. The "Only Leon" will appear in several comicalities, and amongst others will e'mbfodu' tlie following characters iu the eomeclie musicals " l/niile Jack Carlotta.the little cos tumier j M'dllc. .Victorii:o Le Page, a French vocalist' • |La' Lola Mar'oua,ra SpanjsJ) dancer ; Gustavu's 'yasa Do yere,'.1 young gentleman^

Theentertainment willcomm'cnfcoateight o'clock. •

CiiNTK.iL. "ivODfrOtf' £«#¥•:??' ' .Unionj;^-A general meeting of the comi))itVp.o o| the ,Cen tral Loddou Farmers' Union wiii bs held to morrow afternoon at M'Cartin's Hotel, gliel bbtirne, at three-o'clock. The business will bo of importance.

J The Mandurang Election.—Mr. J. M.

Highett, of Mitiatno, announces that I10 will oJjrer Iihnoelf as a candidate for the constituency of Maii'diirapg at tha forthcoming election. Mr. William Tupper^ 'of" ^aaneccorie, has also definitely determined ljpoii staiidiii'f, .

i IIaires' _ Cp.NTiiSAity.—At "half-pisfc sev.en1, o'clock this evening scholars, teachers, and choirs of various Sunday schools are to moot at St. John's Church, Forest-street, for practice of tho music to be sung at the Kaike3' Cen


BicYCLi; Cluj!.—^"hv Sandhurst Bicycle Club met fasti- nighfc 'dt hotel,

Mr S. Keam being in 'the chair/'' A. l-irgenui,-,., ber of members were 'prdseu't, and several geiftie- j men vtfP' propbsed and accepted for member-' ship, 'fhc annual subscription was fixed at IO3 | per anuunj." Jfessrs. parry ■ au4 Jfjeam we're' appointed fa) draw up rules for'adopSou'at nest

meeting, 7-h° following oncers \vere then I elected—-Captain, \V, J.. Parry.; vice captain, j J. S. Kearm ; treasurer, W. Q, l.oifdgn. ' Tbo sum fixed for honorary members' tickets wag 10s. The club will meet at tho City Fire Depot 011 Wednesday next at 3.30 p.m. sharp, for a run to the Epsom pottery. After the custo mary yoteo of thanks had been passed tho meet

ing cloi'eJl; ~:

CnicKET.—A match was jjiayad at Yallook on Saturday, between tho local club,"and "the ftnja rooka Club, which proved a very exciting event', the fides being pretty equally balanced, though victory ultimately rested with ICamarooka, with four wickets to fall. The bowling of Fernald and 6. Cail was very good, tho former getting six wickets for eight runs iu tho second innings. For Yallook—S. Carey with 0 aud 10, and W. Burmer with 13 and 3 were highest

scorers, while Hodgson for Kamarooka played two fine innings for IS runs each. Annexed is the score'-—Yallook—First Innings. —A. Carey, c 6. Gail, b Fernakl, 4; S. Carey, b Fernakl, G; 1'aligh, b G. Cail, 0; Grylls (captain) c Hodgson, b Fernald, 7; J. Amor, b G. Cail, 0; T. Amor, c T. Williams, b Fernald, 0; G. Carey, e and b Pratt, 3; W. Bnrmer, b G. Cail, 13; Wylie, c Fernald, b G. Pratt, 3; Egan, b G. Cail, 0; Vincent, not out, 0; sundries, 4. Total 40. Second Innings.—A. Carey, c G. Cail, b Fernald, G; S. Carey, b Fernald, 10; Kaligli, b Fernald, 0; Grylls (captain), b Fernald, 1; .T. Amor, b Fernald, 0: T. Amor, not out, 1; G. Carey, b T. Cail, 2; W. Buriner, b G. Cail, 3; Wylie, b Fernakl 0; Egan, c G. Pratt, b G. Cail, 2; Vincent, run out, 1; sundries, 3. Total, 35. Kamarooka—First Innings.—F. Cail, b A. Carey, 3; G. Pratt (cap tain), c G. Carey, b S. Carey, 1; W. Clayton, b 5. Carey, 0; Hodson, run out, IS; T. Cail, b Grylls, 0; T. William*, b Grylls, 0; J. Watson, Ii Grylls, 0; Tynan, b A. Carey, 4; James, b A. Carey, 0; P. Williams, b J. Amor, 5; Fernald, not out, 0; sundries, 4. Total, 35. Second Inn ings.—Cail, b A. Carey, 2; G. Pratt (captain), b T. Amor, 4; W. Clayton, run out, 7; Hodson, b T. Amor, IS; T. Cail, run out, 1, J. Watson, not out, 0; Tynan, not out, 2; Fernakl, b A. C.'itcy. 2; sundries, 5. Total, 41.

Licknsino Court.—At this court yesterday Mr Wobster refused to transfer the license of G. A. Cooke, of the Darling hotel, M'lvor street, to Catherine Collins. The application of Thomas Maloney to transfer the license of the Surrey hotel, Huntly, to John Mahonev was also refused. The application of Ellen Kelly, for special authority to carry on the business of Mary A. Kelly, late of Kangaroo Fiat, hotel keeper, deceased, was adjourned to the 2Gth


Henry Kettkn,—It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that the world-renowned pianist, Ilenry Ketten, will visit Sandhurst on Monday evening next, 5 th July. Mr. Ivetton has created quite a furore in Mel bourne, where he has, for the last fifteen nights, been drawing crowded audiences at the Opera i House, His wonderful execution, combined | with a truly marvellous touch, has gained for

him the highest praise from the best musical critics, and it is said that his liko lias uever been seen in the colonies before. Lovers of music may look forward with pleasure to tho appearance here of such a genius, and a crowded audience may be expected. Owing to other en gagements Mr, Ketten will only appear for positively ono night.

Bishop Crane, of Sandhurst, conferred the rite of confirmation upon about 100 children at St. Marv'a Church, Eehuca, on Sunday.

In another column Mr E. J. Hawkins, the sec retary of the shire of Strathtieldsaye, notifies where the various voters' lists for tho shire may be
