Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Monday 22 August 1870, page 2


ARRIVED.—August 21.

Victoria, emigrant barque, Captain Ed. Relich, 330 (German) or 475 (English) tons, from Hamburg April 20th. Passengers—Cabin Dr. Von Simmons; inter-mediate cabin Mr. Schiotte, Mr. Tyschen, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and 7 children, and 176 emigrants.

Agent—Askin Morrison.

ENTERED OUT.—August 20th.

Bella Vista, barque, 166 tons, G. Graves, for Melbourne, via Spring Bay.

THE anxiously looked for emigrant ship Victoria was signalled on Saturday morning at 7 o'clock in At 2 p.m. the harbor master's boat started from town with Dr. Turnley, who is acting for the health officer, Dr. Benson, who is absent from the colony. Mr. B. Travers Solly, Emigration Agent, Mr. Theodore Reese, the Government interpreter, and Mr. L. Susman, arrived at Blackman's Bay shortly before 4 p.m., where the Victoria was lying becalmed. After the

health officer had ascertained that there was no sickness among the passengers—the only event worthy of record being a birth—the party went on board. The Victoria brings eleven intermediate cabin passengers, and 176 emigrants, comprising 59 male and 55 female adults, 27 boys and 30 girls, between the ages of 2 and 12 years, and 16 infants. Dr Turnley pronounced the accommo-dation good. A Mr. Simmons acted as doctor to the ship, we believe it is his intention to practise here should sufficient inducement offer. Captain Edward Relich reports having left Hamburg on the 20th April, and had a prosperous voyage as far as the Meridian of the Cape of Good Hope, which was passed on the 30th June; from that to sighting the Iron Pot, experienced nothing but gale and hurricanes from N.N.E., S.E., and S., with continued rain and hail, in fact he says, he never had such tempestuous weather for so lengthened a period

during the whole course of his experience. She arrived in harbour yesterday morning at 9 a.m., and anchored in the stream opposite the signal station. Messrs. R. Homan and Co. are the owners, and she is consigned to Mr Askin Morrison. Mr. Solly will make an official inspection at 9 a.m. to-day, so as to certify for the pay-ment of the balance of the contract. She will be hauled alongside the New Wharf to-morrow, when those who are anxious to engage servants will have an opportunity to do so. The emigrants will remain on board for fifteen days, and in the event, at the expiration of that period, of any remaining, they will be removed to the New Emigrants' Home, in Liverpool-st. The Victoria spoke tho following vessels:—On the 8th June, the Benares from London to Rangoon, 50 days out, in lat. 21° 39' S., long. 37° 9' W. On 19th June, tho Volna from Valparaiso for Hamburg in lat. 34° 6' S., and long. 24° 15' W., and on 10th August in lat. 44° 46' S., and long. 146° 12' E., the American whaling barque Lady, Captain Gabboll, of New Bedford, U.S.

THE barque Bella Vista, G. Graves, commander, entered out at the Customs on Saturday for Melbourne, via, Spring Bay, and will sail in the course of two or three days.


(Eastern Entrance to Cook Strait«)

Noliceii hereby given that, on and after lat of Auguat, 1870, a Light will bo exhibited from a Lighthouse erected on a knoll, at tho extreme end of Capo Campbell, ia latitude 41° 4 ! 15" ä , ami longitude 174° l8" 10* E.

The Tower is an opened framed structure of timber, 11 feet in height, from the b ese to the top of the läutern, and ia painted III alternate band« of red and white

The Lit lit i« elevated about 1 Ti feet from the «ea level, and may bo «eon lu Hen we ill» rat a distance of 19 nautical lades-allowing 15 feet for the height of the observer's ejo

It is a Revolving White Li"ht, of the Second Order Dioptric, attaining i»« greifest brilliancy once a minute, and will be «eon all round from seaward, between the iniguetic bearin0« of A \ Vi and C. by N * V


Custom« Department, (Marine Branch),

Wellington, N 55 , IStli July 1870