Portland Observer and Normanby Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Thursday 26 April 1917, page 2

ý~ bsuvft ISE bz~tntie THURSDAY. APRIL 26, 1917 Cnowe PIcTUnES.-The proprietors of this company desire to state that no pictures will be shown on Saturday night owing to the hall being other wise engaged. RIFLE Crun.-The Captain of the Portland Rifle Club requests us to inform members that it is necessary for them to complete their musketry shooting within the next five weeks. COiCER-S, &C., IN THIE COUNTRY.A tea meeting and concert will be held at Mumbannar on Friday, May 4th, in aid of church funds On Wednesday, May 9th, a concert will be held at Homerton, near, Heywgod, on behalf of war relief funds. That writing to his sister in Melbourne, Sergeant-Major Stewart, who has been for nearly two years at the front, says if the war goes on for another year, as it seems likely to do, one vessel will be big enough to bring back all the Australians to their homes.

EIzGT SOLDIER Sos.-On Friday Mr. F. A. Hsndcock, of Myrrbee, enlisted at Wangaratta. He is the eightb son of Mir. and Mrs. f. Haudcoclr to be accepted for service. Fire sons are serviog in France, the sixth returned to Anetralia last week, and the seventh gave his life on Gallipoli. One con, 18 years, remains at home. At the town hball Mr. and Mrs. Hfandcock were presentEd with a handsome solid marble clock, inscribed. as an expression of ap preciatlon and admiration for the sacrifices they have made. The presentation was made by the mayor (Cr. Purbrick). Utseit the Var Precautions (Prices) Regulatzon-, in reference to rabbit skins, which have been declared a neceserry commodity under the above regulations. all persons who on Wednesday. 25th April, have rabbitt shins to the weight of not less than 2lOlhs. are required to furni-h a return of same to the Chief Commissioner of Prices, Prime Minister's Department, Melbourne.CarrasS CarrasS Richardson, Senior District Naval Officer, accompanied by the annual staff of inspecting officers, will nmake the annual inspection next month of the naval reserves and cadets at Port Fairy o and Portland. RenD CRoss.-The following have becn despatched from the local Red Cross to the Lady Mayoress' Patriotic League:20 shirts, 5 B. Helmets,130) pairs Socks, one pair Knee Caps, 3) Rabbit skins, Literature, one First Aid Set. A rerrrio is being taken round the Port Fairy borough and shire for the big natures of farmers and others affected or concerned, the object being to request the local tradespeople toalterthe weekly halfholiday front Saturday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon.

OBITUARY.- Another old and highly respected resident of this district passed away on Tuesday last, in the person of Mr. William Paterson, of Narrawong. The deceased, who was 85 years of age at the time of his demise, landed at Portland Bay in the early fifties, and was for some years em-ployed as a sawyer. He next took up land at Narrawong and entered into farming pursuits, which he followed up to the time of his death. His wife died about 27 years ago. Deceased leaves three sons and six daughters. One son, Mr. Alex. Paterson, resides here. The funeral took place today. We have also to record the death of Mr. George Trangmar, one of our earliest pioneers, who passed away at Melbourne on Tues day at the ripe age of 88 years. De ceased was a brother of Mrs. Crouch, of Portland, who is his senior by some five or six years. Tile PIEa.-The brigantine Southern Cross, 257 tons, Captain Taylor, hound from Adelaide to Hobart, called in at this port on Tuesday for the purpose of taking away to Melbourne the plant used in the construction of the pier. She was berthed alongside the pier, but when Captain.Taylor came to see the heavy and bulky nature of the stuff he bad to take, and the absence of any means for slinging it, together with the fact that his ship was already threeparts full, he decided to leave it for another occasion, and put to sea again mn Wademnnfrla

RiEPATIATION SCuOLAnslIP.-An excellent chance of securing a first class education is offered by the Wannon and Corangamite repatriation scheme. An anonymous donor has of fered a scholarship of £75 per annum, available for three yelrs, which would enable the successful candidate to board at the Hamilton College free of cost, as all charges would be covered by it. The scholarship was originally offered to the sons of persons on active service, but, with the consent of Mr. A. S. Rodgers, M.H.R., the donor has extended the conditions, so as to allow any boy who is the scn, brother, or dependant of any soldier, or sai!or, or person abroad on active service, who, prior to enlistment, resided within the boundaries of the Wannon or Coranga mite Federal divisions, or to any boy who by reason of the engagement of any relative on active service, either wholly or partially, is or might be deprived of his chance of a collegeeduca. tion. Applications should be sent in to Hamilton college or to the secretary of the local repatriation committee on or hcfr. n rl,,huv May 14 T1'17

"WVrY BarrszAy We .c To VAR."-The public of Portland will this evcning have an opportunity of witnessing anotlher of the oflicial filw of the State ItRecruiting Committee entitled "Why Britain went to War," which will be shown in the Free Library hall. This production is a magnificent hiln, and is attracting crowded audiences wherever shown. It is unanimously proclaimed by all who have seen it as the finest war film ever screened. Sergeant Pickett, who is in charge of the film, is a fluent speaker, and gives an interesting address. Admission will be free, but children will only be admitted when accompanied by an adult. AusruraT's HEUors.-A gloom was ceast over the St George's Day celebration of the Ballarat branch of the society, held on Monday night at the Christ Church hall, by the fact that earlier in the day the president (the Ven. Archdeacon Tucker) received word that his son, Captain V. Tucker, had been killed in France.

BRITISH REn CUoss.-A general appeal will be made in Victoria during the month of May on behalf of the British Red Cross Society. Six million pounds have been given from the Em pire to enable the British Red Cross Society to bring relief to those who are fighting for us. Hospital ships and trains are maintained, Volunteer Red Cross Hospitals are provided, countless comforts are supplied in these and in the Atmy hospitals, the wounded are missing are traced These area fewof the many services freely given to our soldiers, and help is as freely given to the Red Cross societies of our Allies. In the smaller countries, crushed for the time being, hut soon to be restored to freedom, the British Red Cross so ciety has shouldered the burden which has become too heavy for these small but heroic people. SuManrsNE LossEs.--A Washington telebrame states that a member of the party accompanying Mr. Balfour to America admitted that 20 German submarines were captured on the day previous to Mr. Balfour's daparture. These submarines had been searching for a destroyed base, and being unable to find it the starving crews gladly surrendered. The British, lie sdded, were capturing and sinking more submarines than anyone imagined. The submarine bases were sought out and destroyed almost as soon as they were estab ished. WHEN YOU ARE BILIOUS. Food ferments in youear stomach when yse are bilious. Quit eatiegand take a full doa of Chamberlain's Tablata for theatomach and liver. They wilt clean out and Itrcegthen your stomach and tomorrow you will relish veer food again. The beet ever for bilioasness. Sold everywhere.

Own STATE MEM EE.- We are pleased to learn that MIr. H. J. M1. Campbell, M.L.A., returned on Monday night from his Easter Mt. Bufiao trip in vigorous health. Mr. Campbell commenced platform work inconnection with the forthcoming Federal election at Casterton last night, when, with the Hon. Wmn. Hutchinson, Minister of Lands, he addressed a public meeting in support of the Nationalist candidates, Messrs. Bolton, Fairburn andt Plain for the Senate, and Mr. A. S Rodgers for the House of Itepresentatives. INsracrToN o- PorTrOEs.-Mr. HU .J. 31. Campbell, M.L.A., informs us that fur some-tinO he has, by correspondence and personal interview, been in touch with the Department of Agriculture, regarding the appointment of an inspector of potatoes f r Portland andti district. Owing to the death of one officer, the enlistment of another, and the necessity for economy being eaercised at the present time in all deparaments of the State, there has been much difficulty in securing an appointment. The Iepuattment endeavours to make inspection in the various- districts as self supporting as possible, and the Director pointed out to Mr. Campbell that the cost of inspection previously provided at Portland was some £240, against fees collected from growersa amounting to only £60 The growing importance of our district and especially in connection with the in creased and increasing acreage on Cash more, is recognised, and Mr. Campbell, who saw the Department again when in Meubourne last week, furnishes us now with the gratifying intelligence that provision for an inspection, which he believes will be satisfactory to growers, will shortly be announced. OBITUARY---The death took place in Melbourne on Wednesday morning of a very old resident of the Western district, Mr. George Trangmar, for-merly of Toolang, Coleraine. Mr. Trangmar, who was born at Brighton, England, in 1828, arrived in Victoria in 1849. He joined his brother, the late Major James Trangmar, in busi-ness in Portland, but in 1851 went to Coleraine and opened a business there. He was in business for 25 years at Coleraine, where he took a leading part in local affairs. He was a mem ber of the Wannon Shire Council for very many years, and filled the presi-dential chair. Some forty years ago he acquired the Toolang estate, ten miles from Culeraine, which he used for sheep farming until about 14 years ago when he sold the property, and went to live in Melbourne with his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Gillespie. The funeral will take place at Coleraine to morrow. His sister, Mrs G. G. Crouch, who is a few years his senior, resides in Portland. IT is reported that Prince Eitel Friedrich, the Kaiser's second son, has died of typhus. COUCII MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Never give a child a cough medicine that contains opium in any form. When opium is given, other and more serious dliseases may follow. Long experience has demonstrated that there is no better or safer medicine for coughs, colds and croeep in children than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is equally valuable for adults. Try it. It contana no opium or other harmful drug. Sold everywhere. WANNso ELECTION. - Attention is called to the notice of Mr. Rodgers' address on Saturday, in the public hall, at 8 30. Mr. Rodgers has been ad dressing three meetings a day, and en thosiastic receptions are reported. Oua HEororEs.-Intimation has been received that Corporal J. D. M,Hate ley, of the 13th Australian Light Horse, who enlisted at Portland, was killed in action in France on Marchl 21. Corporal M'Hateley's parents live at Beulah. ToHE death is announced of Mr. Stan. Rhook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Ihook, of Myamyn, after a long and painful illness.