Portland Observer and Normanby Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Thursday 10 May 1917, page 2

B] dt bstfret THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1917 PORTLAN U Ron Cnoss.-At the monthly ,mccting of the local Red Cross on the 9th inst. Miss WVadmore was unanimously appointed assistant secretary. As this lady's energy andl enthusiasm for patriotic and charitable work is well known, this appointment is a step in the right direction. Cuows PIcrusrs. - On Saturday afterncoon andl again at night another lirst-clas programme will'. be screened. Besides the dramai 'iAmerican Beaunty" there will he the always welcome Charlie Chaplin in "The Rink," of 2000 feet. Three other interestiong pictures wili he shown. EstrieS.nTxrs.-[neludlcd in the lis of recent enlistments for active war service we notice the names of E. J. Boyle, of Portland; Ii. S. Lovett, HIeywood, and J F. Bel!l, Heywoosd. Mr. . .1. lInyle, who is i mesmbier of the Portlanld NavalI Reserve, is a son of Mr and Mrs E. Boyle, of Portland, who have an elder son who has been serving with the Australians in France for rome time past. L.ar-r-e TtEAsues:rr STrLES.-To see or to handle a :oid coin has long been a rare experience in business dealings, and proIably forew have any in actual possession. A fruiterer, ,,.nmed JosephI Casa,,ento, k'epL atr1 in rvereignsandlhalf-sovcrcigns, huowever, ini his 'bed roonu, and £25 in £1iots' as well was also in the rone yesterday mornin i. While Ca'saoent, was asent from the premises, Sydney road, Coburg, buying fruit at the Victoria Market, a thief entered the ronom by breaking the window, and took ,otlh gold and notes. For Bronchial Coughs, take Woodo' (Great Peppermint Cure, lI ;d. Eurrnc Dav.-Empire IDay will be celebrated in all the State Schools on May 24. Children will be assemblled at the usual time in the Imorning, and the lessons for the forenoon will consist of readings, addresses, recitations. and patriotic songs. The singing of the National Anthem, with the added verse referring to the Anzacs, and the saluting of the thag, will formu a prominent part of the proceedings. In the afternoon, the children will be free to take part, under the direction of their teachers, in any celebration arranged by the district authorities. MYsrTEroUs FIRnes.-On Saturiday nilght a stack, consisting of 15 tons of bay, was destroyed by fire at Mr. Jerenmiah Mahoney's fiarm at Koroit. Another stack, consisting of 65 tons of hay, was destroyed by fire at Mr. Timothy's Mahoney's farm at Killarney. There is no clue to the origin of the fires. llntrTAr's ArT LErr Y r.-The "New York World" is informed by its correspondent at the British front in France that he interviewed a Canad inn oflicer, wo said--'We are pounding the Germans with Din. guns at 3000 yards. We hlave shells to burn, and are firing ten to the Germans' one. Also the material of the shells has been greatly improved, which multiplies the life of the guns. Some of the guns fire 30,000 rounds without loss of accuracy. LONG-Lose MEDAL.-The goldmedal, inscribed as having been won by Mr. J. A. Manning, of the Hawksburn Cricket Club for the howling average in 1885 6, and found during the clearing of a lake in the Exhibition gardens last week, has been handed by the police to M.s. Williams, of Windsor. The late Mr. Manning, thle winner of the medal, was her brother, and he had given it, some 28 years ago, to her daughter. Together with clothing and other property, the medal was stolen 27 years ago, but the police were not informed at the time. For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermsint Cure, Is td. There are a dozen reservoirs in Australia bigger than the 210,000,000 gal. Iln hole at Ridgeway, near Hobarr, now close up finished; but its dam is a recuri for height. After the job was begun it was found that the ground was all fsolte and cracks, so they had eto do some deep sinking to find a bottom. In the middle of the central arch the concrete wall starts liife. below surface, and 11Aft. above makes the total 280ft. Theo wall is O7ft. thick at the bottom, while the sido walls go 1Oft. better than that. A good many people still dounbt whether the dam will hold when it gets a million tons or so of water against it. If there's anything in the old pagan idea of blood being the best cement it will, for it has cost more than one life in the building.

DIErnonrsr CuUncrC.- Anniversary sermons of the local Methodist Church will be preached on Sunday by the Rev. H J. Cocks, of Hamilton, chairman of the district. A professionalsinger from Mt. Gambler has been secured for both services on Sunday, and also for the concert on Monday evening. The choir and others will take part, and a coffee supper will he held afterwards. Extemrs DaY.- All State school teachers in Victoria havo been re quested by Mr. Ii. S. W. Lawson, Minister of Education, to arrange for the celebration of Empire day by the children attending their schools on Thursday, May 24 Thoe departmental direction is that school should be as s-nbled at the usual time in the morn in, and that a programme consisting of lessons in history and geograpay, readings, recitations and songs of a patriotic character be carri-d out. Saluting the flag, teachers are told, should "form a prominent part of the proceedings." In the afternoon the children are to lake part in any local celebrations but they must be under the direction of their teachers. SIscEs 1907 the od whiting ship John Winthrop has been lying in Oak land Creek, California, practically buried in the sand. Yet such is the demand fore argo carrying vessels that the stranded vessel has been sold for 15,000 dol., a considerable sum will be spent in dredging away the sand, and it is expected that after repairs the dismantled hulk will again sail the seven seas. Oarruawt.-On Friday 4th instant there departed this life another of the few remaining pioneers of the district in the person of Mr. John Waters, of "Rock View," Nareen. The deceased gentleman was horn at Lurgae in the north of Ireland in October 18:10 and is thus in his 87th year. With his late wife he arrived at Portland on the General Hewitt in 185i and at once proceeded via Gasterton to "New ands" near Apsley, then owned by the late Mr. James Gordon. In a couple of years lie removed to Lake Wallace North, where hie remained till 1867, when hlie took up thie liand at Nareen on which the old homestead stands and where he had resided for half a century ,Like many of the early settlers who lhave since attained prosperity, Mr; Waters with his young fiamily had at first a. keen struggle to establish hint self on his holding, but gradually by thrift, industry, and straight dealing he madle his po-ition secure, and later as family grew up and came into line, the original holding was considerably ex tendled till at the time of his death the fiamily ranked among the large land. owners of the district.-Casterton "News." A life preserving suit that will sustairt the wearer afloat in thie sea, pro tect hin from storms and contains ait place for a tlhermos bottle and lunch, Ihas been disigned by John Kulcina, of Chicago. TILEGITIMACY IN GERMANY. - Mr. Ackerman, formerly carrespcndent in Berlin of thle " New York Tribune, and now in Copenhagen, quotes from the German paper " Berliner Tage abltt," the disclosure that 3,000,000 ii egitirniate children have been born in Germany since the beginning of the war. He adds that this indicates Government encouragement, and that it is understood that the German Go vernment may legitimise these children and make thesn wards of the State. Who haisn't been attackeil by grippe, And languished in its hold? Ilorw many give this life the slip, Neglecting cough and cold? Gauntimen with cough and lhollow cheek, Whose death scems alirnst sure, Can pick up health if they ibut seek For Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. ADItn..L Die CHaIR, the naval member of the British Misaion, has informed the Naval Committree of the Hoelo of Itepresentatives, it is stated in Wash ington. that Germany is building three submarines a week. COUGIl MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Never give a chlild a cough mielicine that contains opiuni in any form. When opium is given. ,ither aind more eriouas diseases may fillow. Long experience has demonstrated that there is no better or safer medicine for congha, cohis and croup in children than Chamhrlairn's Cough Reimedy. It is equally valuable for adults. Try it. It contains no oupium or oither harmful drug. Sold every. where. ITr is expected at Washington that the interned Germanships in American ports will be in commission in September.