Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Saturday 22 July 1882, page 2








Government by party has almost totally collapsed in this country, as far as the popular branch of the legislature is concerned. Night after night honorable members, who constitute only a small minority of the House, succeed in stopping tho progress of all useftil legislation by the adoption of that vicious system of stonewalling, fortunately for some time dormant in this country. Mr. Speaker, it appears, is powerless to stay tho evil, the majority of the House cannot proceed with questions of vital importance to the country, but must bids the pleasure of thc-aa aggressive obstructionists. Tho Government also are completely at the mercy of these irreconcilables. They can neither arrange tho procedure of Government business before tho legislative Assembly, a function that appertains to every Government in Her Majesty's dominions, with the exception of this colony, and tho numerous measures of importance awaiting the consideration of Parliament cannot be discussed without the assent of a minority of tho House. Tho pitiful exhibition of the youthful member for Carlton on Wednesday evening in stopping most of the private business by his efforts to stonewall the motion for tho appointment of a select committee on the Tramway Bill so disgusted tlie House thac a suggestion was made by the oldest member of that Chamber to enlarge the powers of tho Speaker by the adoption of a rule Bimilar to that novr in operation in the House of Commons for curtailing long and irrelevant speeches, it is very desirable that such a rule should be brought forwqrd by the standing orders committee. That, Q'r~ pome similar rule, would effectually stamp cct the reprehensible stonowalling practices, and, though

a necessity for its use may not arise often,: it would be an effective implement for repression to keep always in reserve.

Major Smith, Mr. Minims, and tho other members who so vehemently stonewalled the resinned debate on the second reading of the Land Bill, appeared to glory in their exploit, when tho Premier yielded, not to them, but to tho mild suggestions of the supporters of the Government, who were evidently more desirous of going on with tho Railway Bill than with tho Land Bill at that junotura. Both measures are of great importance to tho

country, but tho Premier gives the prefer- I

ence to that which is calculated in his opinion to promote agricultural Battlement

on tho waste lands, and to enhance tfoa j happiness and independence of tho indus- j trious classes with limited . means. Sir j Bryan O'Loghlen, however, acted most { judiciously in yielding to the advico of Mr. I Francis,' Mr. Wrixon, Mr. M'lntyre, and the other gentlemen in whoso judgment full confidence is reposed. By postponing tho LandBill,and going on with the Railway Bill, tho t'j-o measures may act simultaneously. If tho Land Bill is passed during tha'eurranay of tho present Parliament that measuro will bo in activo operation long before tho new and grand system of railways. As soon as the Laud Bill has received tho (Governor's signature, settlement under that measure can be commenced, but it will tjiko several years before tho various lines of railway, provided for in tho bill now before tho House, can be completed.

An amending land act is urgently required; and any attempt to prevent tho Government proposals from bein~ fully discussed is to be strongly deprecated. Jn somo reap.acta they may require alteration, and it is a duty tho Parliament owe3 the country to give them its .most serious consideration with the view of rendering the provisions of the bill as satisfactory as p.q?siblo. Mr Mirams has given notice of motion, to be moved by him as an amendment on tho motion for the second reading of tho Land Bill. It is to tho' effect that tho measure does not meet with tho approval of tho House, and that tho question of disposing of the remaining Crown lands of the colony bo deferred " until tho electors liavo had a chance of expressing their opinion on it at the next general elections." Mr Mirams is without doubt aincep.o in his belief in the objectional naturo of tho bill, but in offering it an out-and-out opposition, ho cannot bo held to bo consulting the interests of tho country. Ho objects to tho extension of tho area of selection from 320 to 640 acres. We liavo already stated our views with regard to that proposal, ana although it appears to us to bo injudicious

wo should regret that tho bill should bo thrown out or|.'od for many months on that account. But Llr. Mirams also condemns tho continuation of ttyo oystem of free selection. It is very uiilikeJy that ho will have the country with him in thtfso views. Tho bill provides for tho rendering oi tjip conditions of license much easier than under £Jjq existing Act, and this will render it popular vitji those interested in agricultural settlement. Tho bill should certainly not ba dismissed in tho summary manner he desires. It should bo carefully debited; .for if any' good can be wisely done by its icejuia to the selectors now struggling hard to intricate iMm&elvca from the .great; .difficulties, inflisted ^ijpiij them by the drought, it ought to be

done by tho Legislature in consideration of tho severe losses of those persons. Ihe question of the disposal of tho Mallee demands the earliest possible attention, and a heavy responsibility will rest upon Parliament if it declines to deal with it during the present session. It is to be hoped, therefore, that Mr. Mirams amendment will be negatived, that tho motion for the second reading of the bill will be carried, and that its provisions will receive a calm

and serious deliberation.

A Supplement is published with this morn

ina's issue.

•jic.YPT.—It would appear as if the British land forces were almost on the eve of a set battle with the army of Arabi Pasha, The position which Arabi Bey lias taken up at lvafrdowar, only seventeen miles from Alexandria, has beeu reconnoitred, and the discovery has been made thr.t ho is strongly en trenched and in command of a large army. Further, a water famine now threatens Alexandria, Arabi having cut the aqueduct which supplies the city. The serious importance of this last movement will be manifest t<> everyone

possessed of the slightest knowledge of the country, and its almost rainless climate. The witty paragraphist of the Evming ATiiil in last night's issue, remarked that Gieai Britain was a generous foe, for the reason that "She docs not press an advantage, bat allows an enemy time to recover herself." As at the time tho Eivning Mail was published the information given above, in regard to Arabi Pasha and his strongly-entrenched army, was uot known in Australia, tho piragraphist was for the nonce somewhat of a prophet. One battalion of troops following up Arabi's disorderly retreat from Alexandria, after the destruction of the forts, would have prevented the re-orgauisation of his then mutinous army, and no doubt prevented the uccesaity of the battle which apparently must now be fought.

Legislative Council Provinces.-- Determined not to lose anything by being late in the lield, petitions in favor of different intending candidates are already flying about tli e new provinces brought into existence by the passing of the Council Reform Bill. One of these was to be seen at the Beehive yesterday, and at other places in Sandhurst. It was a requisition to a candidate to come forward for the northern province. This is one of the new provinces, and as yet few of our citizens have been become properly acquaiuted with the fact that Sandhurst and Eaglehawk are situated in this province, they possibly, as a matter of form, signed the petition. However, as far back as the 3rd Ma}*, we intimated on authority that Mr, J. H. Abbott would in due course be a candidate for the Northern Province, and we need not now, the circumstances of his contest with Mr. Frazer being so well-known, wait to remark that on all hands it is allowed that ho has prior claims on the province. In to-day's issue Mr. Abbott publishes an advertisement, in which, amongst other matters, -he requests the electors to refrain from taking any action in regard to requisitions until candidates are fairly before them, some of his friends having inadvertently signed one of these documents in favor of another candidate. In order that for the future there shall be go excuse for confounding the provinces we may explain to our readers generally that the province hitherto known as the North-western has been divided into three, namely, the Northern, North-central, and North-western. The new Northern Province, though in area the smallest of the three, is by far the most populous, Its principal divisions are Sandhurst, Eaglehawk, Echuca, Rochester, Elmore, Huntly, Marong, Waranga, Raywood, and all the country lying between these places. The North-central includes the Castlemaine, Maldon, Daylesford, M'lvor, Newstead, and Strathfield-saye districts, with all places intermediate between those named. The new North-western Province is, for the most part, quite out of what is commercially recognised as the Sandhurst district. However, it in-cludes the Shires of East Loddon, Korong and Swan Hill, and the township of Inglewood aud Bridgewater, besides several smaller places. If electors will only bear these few facts in memory they need be under no confusion regarding the province in which they are situated. Sandhurst is the chief division in the Northern Province; Castlemaine of the North-Central ; and Inglewood, Dunolly, and Kerang of the North-Western.

A Mining Ekoink Indicator at Fault.— An accident, which was fortunately uuat-; tended with any serious results', occurred at the Craven's New Chum claim yesterday morning. As most of our readers are doubtless aware, the enginedriver works the engine for loweriug and raising the cage by means of an indicator, showing the levels and the positions of tho cago in regard to them. The indicator is worked by a chain, which is attached to a spindle half au iuch in diameter, connected with the shaft of tho drum, eight feat in diameter.

| As tho drum revolves the chain winds or un

winds itself as the case may be, and tho indicator moves' up or down the frame upon which the levels are marked. Last \ve>iU this chain broke, and up to Tuesday the indicator was worked with a piece of rope, lixed on to the end of the phain. A now chain has Bi'nce beeu obtained, but ap 'it was too long it waB wound round the spindle several times. By some mishap two turns of it slipped off the spindle, aud as one turn of tho drum is equal to about 24 feet, the iudioator was 4S feet out. Tin; cage was consequently -IS feet higher in'the Biiu't than marked by tho indicator. Tho engine-driver, whoso name is J. A. Jones, was winding the cage up yesterday morning, and W.1B watching the indicator. The sigual bell rang and Joaes immediately put down the brake to stop the engine, but on looking out he saw tho cago levc! with the brace. Of course he could not stop tho engine instantaneously, aud the cago vyeut CO the "poppet heads. . Ihe safcty-hook did uot work aui the ropo broke. The cago fell down tho §haft a distance of 730 feet. It was fitted nith roller grippers, and 'owing to these catching on the sjfidi (is it went down. Tho cage, upon which there was a load pf quartz at tho time, went down very gently, aud was uot in tho least damaged. ■

Rjif-EASE of an EX-M.L.A.—The efforts of the frjendsof llr. B. Carroll, once a representative of Ararat, ip the I^gislatiye Assembly, to procuro his release, have at length proved successful. The order ot His Excellency the GoyGrppr for his dischargo was signed yesterday nio-'uug, bud {remarks our Melbourne correspondent), >for» this inpgts 'tho eye of your I readers, tho prisoner will l» a|| probability have

been set free, after an incarceration qt seven years. Carroll was scntPPQed by Judge Stephen to two terms of seven yeara' imprisonment for forging bucIi eentences being cumulative, but in ccnordanco with tho ordinary regulations, he would have been entitled to his discharge in about four years' time. I i)))derataud that the grounds upon which the Ministry bavo sdyised the Governor to exeroise tho prerogative ol mcrcy in this case, are twofold,—iiratly because such lengthy sentences as fourteeu years are not usually pasaed ercept in cases where the culprits have had previous oouvifltions recorded agaiust them (which was uot the oaso iu tho present instance), and secondly, because the prisoner had upon more than one occasion doDO good geryi'jis to the prison authorities in defending warders from murderous assaults made upon thorn by certain ru^anly ponvicts under

their charge,'

Grand National Steeplechase Mektin^.

The Winter Steeplechase Meeting of the y~ictoriau Racing Club, will take place at Flemiugton raeeeourso today. Judging from the number of acceptances in the different eventB, soijje good racing may bo expected. Altogether tho'elub has allotted £1,250 lor prize money,

including £400 for the Grand National Steeplechase, and £300 for the'Grand JJational Ilurdle Race. For tho Steeplechase, Great Weaterp, Left Bower, and Himalaya, are mostly fancied,

whilst for the Hurdle, Lothair, Albyu, and Red

Royer find many backers.

CouiisiNi?.—Tho Waterloo Cup Meeting ended yesterday, Tho V/atpfloo Cup was won by Mr. G. Leo Lords ns r or fw d paprj, by CanuteLittle Star. Mr. G. Hill's bU v br b t*aid of Oborne, by Misledon—Coomanee, wa3 the runner up, The Waterloo Plate was wou by Mr. Ronnsevelle's Rhodanthe, Mr. Falkicer's Frazer being withdrawn. The Waterloo Purse fell to Mr. W. Watson's Wanton Lass, beating Mr, A;

L. Parker's Patience.

Mr. Guaiiam Webster, P.M., who had been Buffering from indisposition for some time past, has applied for and obtained three months' leave of absence on the ground of ill-health. Our Melbourne correspondent reports:—That during Mr. VVebstor's absence the duties in connection with the Sandhurst district will be performed by Mr. A. P. Akehurst, 'j-iH.; and Mr. Nicholson, P.M., will take charge of the Sopth Western District, where he will be permanently stationed.

Action against a Minister.—Our Melbourne correspondent reports :—The hon. J. H. Grave?, Commissioner o[ Customs, was defendant in a Couuty Court action for false imprisonment to day, the plaintiff being Mr. Jno. Elgin M'Kain, a school teacher. Some three months ago, as you will remember, the Ministers of Railways and Customs, whilst walking in Flinders-street late at night, were, as they considered, jostled and insulted by Mr, .M'lvaio, wiio was given iu charge. Ho was proceeded againBt at the Folioe pourt, but as tho Ministers were satisfied that the defendant had not intended any rudeness, the ohargewas withdrawn, Mr. Bent apologising and paying expenses. Mr. Graves, upon being applied to for an apology, aluo was willing to admit that the assanh was unintentional; but this would not do for Mr. M'Kain. who required an unqualified apology.

Mr; Graves did not feel instiled in going so far,; hence tho action. Mr. Wrixon appeared ffcy the plaintiff, and Mr. Hood for tho defendant. Damages were laid at £99. A number of witnej3es, including Mr. Graves and Mr. Beat were examined, The ivy found for tho; de


Cakolin v. Sands.—This notion for libel occupied the attention of the Chief Justice all day yesterday. The plaintiff and defendant were each put in the witness box, and gave evidence at length. Tivelve'other witnesses were also examined. The plaintiff's case concluded at halfpast three o'clock, and Dr. Madden rose to address the jury, but His Houor remarked that he would like to hear the addresses of counsel on either side next morning. Accordingly this morning counaol wiil address the court. It is expected that the case will be concluded by


Postal Delivery.—On the 13th inst., Dr. Quick, M.L.A., waited upon the PostmasterGeneral relative to a postal delivery for the residents of Holmcs'-road and Redan Hill, and his representations to the Minister have been successful, a reply having been received from the deputy Postmaster-Geueral that a delivery of correspondence will be effected once daily iu the above-named locality.

The Strathfieldsaye Road.—The work of repairing the main road to Strathlieldfayo has already been commenced. Near Peiper'a Hill the holes are being (Hied up, and stone is being carted to the middle of the road, from whence it will bo spread in the course of a few days. Travellers should bo careful in passing that they do not meet with an accident by running over the metal. Tiie manner in which it is left is very dangerous, and is in the centre of the roadway. Reference was made at the Shire Council meet* ing on Thursday to the matter, and councillors expressed an opinion that in future tho contractors should spread the metal as soon as it was carted on to the road. The council should not forget to effect some repairs to the road leading past the Shiro Hall on each side for fully half a mile. The whole width of the roadway is full of large holes.

Swan Hill Railway.—In the Mayor'aroom, Town Hall, this afternoon a meeting of the executive committee of the Sandhurst and Kaglehawk and Swan Hill Railway League will be held at two p.m. Citizins and others interested iu tho movement are also invited to


The City Surveyor.—Yesterday tho City Council was inundated by reports from the city surveyor upon a variety of matters about which ho had been instructed to report to tho council. At every meeting tho surveyor furnishes a number of reports, which, in a great many instances, are simply received and then forgotten. One day this week ho had about s.ixty different places to inspect and report upon outsido of his ordinary work. As Cr. Clark pointed out in the council yesterday the principle_ is altogether wrong. Asking him to report upon trivial matters, such as those usually referred to him, wastes his time, and draws hid attention from works of much more importance. Although all present wero convinced of tho inconvenience caused by the praotice, none of t]io councillors could plead innocence; and it is to ho hoped that having observed the extent of the evil they will in the future avoid throwing unnecessary work upon an officer who ordinarily has his hands quito full


Accident.—A little girl, four years of ago, named Agnes F. Ivenworthy, daughter of Mrs. Kenworthy of Mitchell-street, met with an accident yesterday. The child was out iu the street, and was knocked down by a horso in a spring-cart, driven by a hoy in tho employ of Mr. Steer, fishmonger. Tho wheol of tho cart just touched tho child's arm aud leg, but fortunately, beyond a slight bruise or two, no serious injury was received. Dr. Atkinson was called in, and attended to the little sufferer. It is understood that the driver of tho cart was iu no way to blamo, the child having quite by accident got out iu the road aud in the way of

the cart.

Pigeon Match.—Thegraud annual Champion Pigeon Match took place at Brighton Park yesterday, For the Champion Gold Medal, with about 100 sovereigns added, Gannon (Sydney) was lirat, Hamilton (Sydney) second, and Calvert (Colac) third. For the Handicap, Grosser was first, and Inglis and Pearson tied for second place. The two latter fired off, when Iuglis

took second place and Pearson third.

City Court.—The Mayor and Messrs. Audrew and Stamp, Js.P., attended yesterday morning. A man named John Martin, charged with lunacy, was remanded to the luuacy ward at tne Bendigo Hospital for a week pending medical examination, A fraud summons case was adjourned to the 11th August, Four other civil cages wero settled, and in another there was no


Band Meeting.—A meeting of the Sandhurst City Drum aud Fife Band was held last night, the business being to elect a presideut and corporal, the late corporal having resigned. Mr. A. Bailes was unanimously elected as president, and J. Curtain as corporal, after which the committee sat. One new member was elected aud a few accounts passed for payment.

The Burke and Wills' Monument.—The Castlemaine evening journal says that the police 'lavo obtained a more accurate description of the individual who destroyed the top3 of the pillars surrouudiug the Bourke and Wills monument, and have taken out a warrant for his arrest. He is said to be a stranger in Castlemaine, and is supposed to have gone towards


" Nortucotts Band. — Tho following pro.

gramme of music will be plaved by Northcott's Volunteer Baud, on tho Shamrock balcony, this oveuiug Quick-march, "Our Jack's' come home to-day/ H. Round; Grand fantasia "Symphonio," W. H. David; Valse, "Silver hells," J. Shaw; seleotion. Patienoe, Arthur Sullivan; quadrilles, "The joyous friends," R. Smith; polka, " Cleopatra," Hungerford; quickmarch, "Sailing," Godfrey Marks; National


A Castlemaine Rowdy.—A now arrival from Castlemaino, named William King, was, at the Melbourne City Police Court yestorday, charged With violently assaulting a girl of the unfortunate class, named Sarah Williams, The prisoner, because she would not driuk'.with him, struck the girl on the head with an iron bar, and inflicted a very nasty'wound oyer tho eye aud al 'ng the scalp. His treatment of tho girl was.described as most brutal, and the Bench senteuQed him to six monthn' imprisonment without the option of a fine.

- Temperance.—4 public meeting under the auspices of the Independent Qrderof Rechabites will bo held iu the Temperance Hall n'ert Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Addresses will bo delivered by tho Rev. R. C. Flock-art, and Rev. Jos, 'Walker, pistrict Chief Ruler from Ballarat.

It is anticipated tljijt tfterp \f jH ba a large attendance, as on esccellent'pi'ogramrrje has been
