Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 27 August 1910, page 14


At the meeting of the district council of Millicent on Tuesday (says our local correspondent) Mr. M. White, the newly-elected representative of the Central ward, was appointed chairman. Mr. White now enjoys the unique distinction, of being the chairman of the three councils of which he is a member, namely, Beachport, Mount Muirhead, and Millieent. The position is probably unexampled anywhere in Australia.

MELROSE, August 3.—With the more settled weather conditions fanners have been. enabled to push on with their fallowing, and every effort is being made to work up a large area. Some new land is being j broken up in preparation for lucern growing, a resident having tried the experiment successfully, on about an acre of tend, has ' decided to cultivate another five or six -acres. The fine weather has helped the ; crops to pick up Bome of the leeway j caused by the continued wet and cola. | PrilrnTlff mrtorai- innc ar*a in full mrin/r Tlirt ;

inanner in which wheat has risen recently ' is giving general satisfaction. The favorablo I aspect lor the season is evidently restoring i confidence, as was evidenced by the high prices given for land when the Wirrabara estate was cut up. This is within a short driving distance of Melrcse. Feed is making splendid growth. The pastoral country to' the north is looking beautiful, and there is abundance of feed. Supplies of cream are being forwarded from Melrose to the Government butter factory, and prices are proving satisfactory. All cladsoa of stock are in good condition. Numbers of small caterpillars have passed over th'i roads from one paddock to another. Tlio Ifiral HisfaMpf. rminnil bta -nncViiTur *\r\ ivii'ti

repairs to the roads. Mr. Stevens (the engineer of roads) has been lately mads a thorough tour of the district. He was driven round by Mr. H. Kirwin, one oi the mail contractors, between Wirrabara and Melrose. RENMARK, August li.~ The election of committeemen for the Renmark Hotel resulted in the return of Messrs. A. Headlandj W. Dennett, and J. Brand, the nominees of the Labor Party. The voting was.— A, Headland, 286; W. Dennett. 237; J. Brand, 235; H. Howie, 184; A. Baxter, 175; A. Thompson, 172. LAMEROO. August 15.— Measles have made their appearance. Mr. G. B. Stanitzky was the first patient. — Now the winter is practically over the Railway; Department are making up the yard with rubble and metal. The residents hope they will ex.* tend the station building, which is only about 32 ft. x 12 ft., although it has to accommodate the statiomnnster and _ three

building. — The weather is perfect. Crops are growing rapidly, and stock are in excellent condition.NHILL NHILL (Vic), August 15.— At the Jeparit horse parade a large number of Jiorses were paraded and the jumping contests drew good fields. Messrs. Klirige Bros.' Black Bess won the open hackney event, Mr. J. McKenzie's Bridget tne maidens, and Mr. J. Robson'e Sonny the pony leaps. A consignment of New Zealand horses were offered at the parade, on account of Mr. F. Mentha, and a fouryear-old mare was sold for £145. STOCKWELL, August 15 — A tennis club has been formed. Miss lsa Boer ia lion, secretary, and Mr. Kummnick captain. Saturday is to be the opening day. — There was a good meeting of those interested in the proposed institute at the hotel on Fri-day night. Mr. Kummnick presided. A suitable block of land has been presented by Mr. J. Mickan, and over £40 has been promised. The chairman fully explained the advantage of an institute, and the steps to be taken to establish one. Mr. Art. C. Boer was elected secretary, with a strong committee. YORKETOWN, August 15.— A tele

liuuun; cuiiutruwuii uetvvtreii tuc tuniuuiiM of Warooka, Stansbury, Edithburg, and Point Turton and Mr. Wells' residence, made some months ago, was expected to be a great advantage to the residents. Unfortunately, however, owing to the weakness of the battery repeated calls (in some cases of extreme urgency) have not been heard, and the position is causing adverse comment. Requests for an improved service have not been acceded to, and in a late communication the department have offered to terminate the agreement. The doctor and the residents object to this. The service, it is urged, can be made more effective by simply putting in stronger batteries at Edithburg and Stansbury or by connecting with the line used by the Castle Salt Company. BLYTH, August 16.— West's Pictures were shown in the District Hall on Monday evening to a large audience. The oomnnntr {o tr- visif. Plvfli jit intprvals of fiix

weeks. BLUMBERG, August 16.— About six weeks ago Mr. J. A. Poutt nearly severed : the big toe of the right foot, and also cut the next toe. He was shaping a rail with a sharp axe at the time, Dr. J. Verco, of Wcodside, attended him, and at first was dubious as to whether he could save the toe, which wae' only hanging by & piece of skin. However, he did so, and Mr. Poutt can now get about with his boot on.— The Rev. G. W. Bradley, who recently came out from England, has settled here as a home missionary to help in -the Baptist circuit of Gumeracha, Kenton Valley, and Blumberg. Morning services in connection with the local church will be commenced on the last Sunday in August. Mr. Bradley at present is engaged in special mission work at Mannum. FORSTER, August 16. — A meeting wan held in the Foreter Literary Hall to ar

range tor tne cleaning oi tne new recreation ground, given by Mr. Alf. Francis. The following committee were appointed: —Messrs. A. Francis, A. Bolt, G. Retallack. J. Finn, and D. Prosser. A. cricket pitch is to be put down, and a tennis court will also be laid put. The new ground is in a more convenient position than the one that has been used up to the present. The' late secretary (R. Bolt) was presented with a silver sovereign case, suitably inscribed, by C. Retallack, on behalf of the Forster cricketers. NHILL (Vic), August 16.— The gang of surveyors . employed on 'the route of the proposed Lorquon-Jeparit railway have completed their work.— An old man, H. Stockings, of Nhill, whUst at breakfast. ! slipped from his chair, with the result that a bone in his hand was fractured,— A Stallion Owners' Association lias been formed at Rainbow with ft membership of inwards of 20. - ? ? - ? -:; J

MANNUM, AurubI 16.-0f seven bM-' lions .examined by Veterinary-Surgeon 3^c . Eachran on the . bIiow grounds on Satur day only two. Were passed'ias beiiTg Iree from hereditary unsoundness. These two jwere pony stallions- -MOUNT GAMBIER, August 16.— At a meeting of the local branch, of the Agricul- : turar Bureau, Mr. J. Botterill, manager of the Moorak station, delivered an address on foot rot. He said this year had been { ft very bod one for foot rot, owing to the | teavy rain. For the past three years he ! had adopted preventive measures, and was Ere than satisfied that prevention was ter than cure. His system had been start as soon as he saw any signs of ping. Three years ago the lambs Re-. Ken to show signs of soreness, and he thought it would be a Rood idea to put them through arsenic, but he did not, and there were a good many with sore feet. Next year he put them through a mixture ?f 1J oz. of arsenic to a gallon of water (2 cz. to the gallon for grown sheep). Lambs feet had to be treated more tenderly. In dealing with lambs it was necessary to put them throujrh as soon as thev saw any limp. Out of 3,000 odd last year they did not have 20 sore on their feet, and this year, out of a greater number, none Wore eore. It was not so with the ewes; once running through it would not cure those that were bad; the way of treating them was ' pairing and putting them through a stronger solution, with bluestone as well as ersenic. There was always a certain amount of proud flesh, and the blue Btone with the arsenic would eat it tiway, and was very beneficial. He mixed 2 oz. arsenic with 1 gallon of water, and 2 oz. toluestone with 1 gallon of water, and then mixed them. The pairing was an artis tic work when they were bad; if they tiuched the toe vein it caused club foot. e did not believe foot rot was infectious; was caused by moisture n tue ground. — Messrs. Barber, Mitchell, and Stohr, of the ?Victorian Railway Department, who are making enquiries in reference to the pro bable revenue if the line' to Portland were built, and the opposition it would meet in the South-East from other means of export, returned to Mount Gambier last night from Millicent and Beachport. This morning they left for Kalangadoo, and will afterwards visit Kingston and Kobe.— At a meeting of the Agricultural Bureau, the president (Mr. A A. Sassanowsky), and eecretry (Mr. D. A. Collins), were ap pointed delegates to the Adelaide con ference. — The Yah] Paddock public school was examined bv Inspector Nicolle on Monday, when a satisfactory result was ob tained. A number of visitors attended on. visiting', day, when they expressed their satisfaction at the progress of the chil dren. MANNUM, August 16.— A tender has been accepted for making alterations and additions to the institute, the price being £1,850. At a public meeting held last evening to consider ways and means of raising the necessary funds the sum of .£220 was promised by leading townsmen, the principal donations being: — Mr. D. Shearer, £100; Mr. J. G. Arnold, £50; Mr. J. W. Walker, £25; Mr, S. B. von Doussa, £20; Mr..F. E. Schuetze, £10 10/. Mr. Colgate was -the successful tenderer. MANXUM. August 16— The contractor for Messrs. Shearer's new stripper fac tory is making good progress with the work. Some idea of the dimensions of this structure can now be obtained from the main road. The main building, which is 380 ft. in length by 150 ft. in depth, covers over an acre of ground. The roof j Is in eight spans, each span having a perpendicular front ' with glass lights. About £400 worth of glass will be required for these lights, while 45 tons of gal- | vanieed-iron will be used to cover the building. — The members of the German Glut have decided to erect a more modern building, and at a meeting 1 held on Saturday evening the tender of Messrs. Hewitt & Essery for the work was accepted at £1.335.— Two or three properties have lately been placed under j offer to the Federal postal authorities, ! and it is understood one of the6e. which is in a central part of the town, bag been selected as a site 'for a^ new' post-office. I PORT PIRIE, August ]6— An old resi- j dent of Wandoarah. Mrs. J. Pointon. sen., j died at the residence of her daughter (Sirs. : R. O'Connor), at Port Pirie West, on' Tuesday last. The deceased was the relict : of the late Mr. J. Pointon, sen., who pre deceased her by five years. Mrs. Poin ton had attained the age of 89 years. She was born at Sharrington, near Holt, Nor folk. England. Before coming to Wan 'Aearah with her husband when the areas were first opened, she had resided at Salis bury. WilJunga, Freeling. and Gawler. She was buried in the Wandearah Oemetery. She left a family of seven daughters— Mrs. R. O'Connor (Port Pirie), Mrs. T Barker; (Port Brougbton), Mrs. C. W. Morrell ' /Port Wakefiold), Mrs. W. Parham (Port Pirie), Mrs. W. -Nixon (Redhill), Mrs. J. Brodie (Wandearah), and Mra._H. Davis (Victoria) ; and four sons—Messrs. Z. Poin ton (Wandearah). J. Pointon (Gawler), end Robert and Frederick Pointon (Port Pirie). There are 48 grandchildren and 36 great-pTan dchildren . SELLIOK'S HILL, August 16.— 'Visiting day was observed at the local school on Friday afternoon. A large number of parents and others were present. The Children were treated to buns, lollies, and fruit. In the evening a social was 'held, and a crowded house was the result. Items were rendered by Messrs. L. Rogers, D. McRae, and W. Button. Supper was provided by the ladies.— The crops are making great headway. Farmers are still busy fallowing and rolling their Crops. : TUMBY . BAY, August 18.— Tha Sew oval on the racecourse was used for the first time on Saturday last, when the local football players were defeated by iLipson. WALLAROO, August 16. — Little is being said concerning the proposed new I phosphate company for Wallaroo, but it Is reported a valuable site Las been secured (or tlie works. — The crops are most promis j/ ing. Many fanners are still busy fallowing, and it is evident the farmers are of opinion that if good returns are required and clean crops this can be only done by careful (allowing. Farms in this district continue to change hands at prices. ranging from £7 to £8 per acre. Fifty-one acreB of free hold Dear Wallaroo, cleared and ring fenced, has been sold for £7 7/6 per acre, possession after harvest.' Draught horses Command good prices, and are bringing for anything young up to £65 per -hc-ad, while useful farm sorts had sale at from £20 to £35. — An amount was voted for a new school at Tickera, but al though the members for the district and the school board are urging an early start with this building -so far no plans are ready, and no tenders . have been . called. The present school building is too small for the number of children attending,— Men are now engaged, repairing the jetty, but up to the present nothing further has been heard of the important matter of widening the outer end. If it is not intended to extend the jetty in time for next season

certainly it should be ?widened.— While Mr* A. C. Dent and .others were removing an iron plate ifr^anted/ovei: and~stMpk~2um on the foot, seriously ?injuring it'. /Hg^waB re moved home, and . Jfr.-$^ .'yHiVHarb'ison, -: who' is attending him; ; '-state's*' itSSrjlf be some time before Mr. Dent will be able to resume work. — A children's fancy dress carnival at the Skating Rink last night was a great attraction. Hiss Queerife Wat son, daughter of the Rev. Jas. JVatson, obtained the first prize. YORKETOWN, 'August 16. '— The Brentwood branch of the Australasian National League held their annual social last night, when there was a full attendance. Mr. S. Vanstom presiding. The Hon. E. Lucas gave an address on current politics, and Mr. 'W* Hutley, secretary of the league, spoke on 'The proposed basis of. fusion,' and musical items were rendered by Misses Martin (2) and Mr. Stokes. Refreshments, were provided by the ladies. ABERDEEN, August 17.— The newly formed gymnasium club at Aberdeen is progressing. There is a membership of over 80. The instruction is in the_hands of a capable staff. According to the rules, smoking, swearing, intoxicating liquors, and gambling are strictly prohibited. Mr. H. Roach is the president. The clubrooms at the old Aberdeen flour mill are his pro perty and no charge is made for their use. Mr. Thompson ie the secretary.— Mr. G. Bartholomaeus, the well-known builder, _ of Aberdeen, has just returned from a visit to Queensland, where he has taken up land. Mr. Bartholomaeus has always taken a deep interest in the welfare of the town, and it will be difficult to fill hia place as choirmaster of the local Methodist Church. — Ensign and Mns. Bennett, of the Salvation Army, recently transferred from Albany, Western Australia, have com menced their term here. — Mr. Rowland Nutt, who was recently thrown from his horse and sustained severe injuries, is now recovering slowly. BURRA, August 17. — A meeting, pre sided over by the Mayor of Burra (Mr. S. Burns), was held in the conucil chamber, Burra Institute, on Wednesday to con sider the matter of arranging a farewell and presentation to Dr. J. I. Sangster, sen., who is about to leave Burra after a residence in this town for upwards of 30 years. The Mayor pointed out that the services of the doctor for so long a period were deserving of recognition. A resolu tion was carried— 'That this meeting is of the opinion that some recognition of the valuable services rendered to the town and district cf Burra by Dr. J. I. Sangster, sen., should be made, and that the follow ing be a committee to collect subscriptions and arrange the form the presentation shall take: — Messrs. S. Burns (Mayor of Burra), E. W. Crewes, T. W. Wilkinson, J. E. H. Winnall, F. T. Harcus, L. W. Gebhardt, P. Reach, E. J. Harris, L. A. Lewis, P. Lane, H. C. Rundle, S. M. Lane, C. A. Fuss, .Thompson, and W. H. Hardyr Mr. S. M. Lane was appointed to act as secretary. Messrs. Harcus, Gebhardt, Crewes, P. Roach, Thompson, S. M. Lane. Thompson, and the Mayor were appointed collectors. BLYTH, August 17.— A fancy dress ball, in aid of the Blyth Cricket Club was held in the District Hall on Tuesday evening. There wa6 a large attendance. The fixture proved a success. Messrs. G. S. V. Mor phett and A. B. Geisler ncted as secre taries. The hall was tastefully decorated, the stage being used as a drawing-room. About 70 couples were present. Th-j club will benefit to the extent of about £7. _ Mr. P. Craigie was M.C., and the music was supplied by Mrs. Ogilvie. Missus Mugge and Quinn. Supper was provided by tne ladies. The costumes were: — Mrs. Belaud, Fatima; Mr.. Delano, Jester: M^s dames Davis and Kingsborough, Philistine women; Mr. Davis, Pierrot; Miss Kings borough, Pierette; Mrs. Ogilvie, Spelling Bee; Mr. Ogilvie, Northern Argus; Mr. and Mrs. W H. Best, Knight and Lady of Elizabethan period; Mr. and Mrs. J. 3J. Sampson. Sir Peter and Lady Teazle; Mrs. Lauder, Lady of the Court; Mrs. W. Pratt, America; Mrs. W. H. Jones. Dutchmaid; W. H. Jones, Eclipse; Sister Dunn, Cleo patra; Nurse Bray. Spring; Misses Baker and M. Pratt, two little girls in blue; Miss Hickey, Starland; Miss Perry, Nurse; Miss L Geisler, Gretchen; Miss G. (5eisler, Gypsy Queen; Miss E. Eime, Romp; Miss B. Crettenden, Winter; Miss E. Mugge, Starlight; Miss E. Pratt, 1910; Misa It. Williams, Lady of the Bath: Miss A. Mugge. Dewdrop* Miss R Mugge, Japans*; Girl; Miss M. Williams, Bride, 1885; INIiss P. Bertelsmeir, Queen or Hearts; Mrs. Mill ler, Night: Mr. Muller. Minstrel,; 'Miss Col lins, Bell of Bells; Miss Groverman, Clare Brewery: Miss C. Mujrge, Red, White, and Blue; Miss R. Roberts. Sailor Girl; Mr. T. Roberts, Sailor; Miss A. Roberts, Doll; Miss Quinn Hockey Girl; Mr. Whittain, Brigand; Mr. B. Crittenden, Huntsman; Mr. L. Crittenden, Albanian; J. Hickey, Gordon Highlander; P. Craigie, Jockey: Mr. M. liray, University Graduate;- Mr. A. B. Geisler, Indian Chief; Mr. E. Bowers, Amgoorie Tea; Mr. H. L. Ninnes, High lander; Mr. G. Morphett, Pirate; Mr. H. Buick, Scotchman; Mr, H. Bertelsmoir, Jockev: Mr. J. Neumann, Soldier; Mr. I!, Waugh, Cricketer; Mr. L. Cunningham Stockman; Mr. J. Pratt, Constable; Mr. F. Knowling, Anti-Gambler; Mr. W. Mattnur, Jockev; Mr. H. Pratt. 4th Hussar; Mr. E. B. Clark, Minstrel; Mr. E. Quinlau, Porter. FRANKLIN HARBOR, August 17,-rTha Rainbow fair held in the Oowell Institute on Friday in aid of the Methodist Ghurch debt was a success, about £70 being ob tained. Miss Neihus won the -supper basket competition, Mrs. J. Ho well the nail-driving contest, Mr. H. Edmonds the hat-trimming competition for gentlemen, and Mis6 B. Grattan the cotton-winding for girls. The stallholders were: — Plain stall, Murton, Jacobs, and Page; produce stall, Mrs. Fairbank and Misses ' Hornhardt -and Cooper; sweets, Misses ' Hornhardt, Lang, and Neihus; pot plants and flowers, Mesdames Howell and Cow led; fancy stall, Mesdames A. Trengove, ! Johnson, Stocker, and Buttrose, and Miss Ramsey; afternoon tea, Mrs. F. Thomas; washing-day stall, Misses E. and M, Mc Millan, R. Roberts, M. Roberts, and. J. Speed* ' — Considerable ' excitement was caused at Co well on Saturday when it was reported that a little boy, aged about 7, bad been lest in the scrub. A search party went out and the boy was found near hia home. — The institute committee have been trying to arrange a scheme for the erection of a new institute. The latest move promises to Tje a success. Fifteen residents of the district have signified that they are willing to lend £100 at 4$ per cent. \ for an arranged period on proper ^security, so that the. building may be started immediately. ' Various schemes for raising money will be considered. — The attendance at the Cowell school is still on the increase. Since the 'three weeks' compulsory closing, on account cf the scarlet fever epidemic, a number of new scholars have, been enrolled. ' East

week'« average attendance was-74, and .this , 'weeklthe. Franjdiri 'Harhpr Bba-a of Ad vice; who visited the .school, found 90 ; scholars .present in a building which would j ionly hold about 45 scholars comfortably. ; la a couple of years the average atten-j dance should be well over 100. Although, the Education Department has decided to , build a new school, it is evident that im- j ; mediate steps will have' to be taken to j procure more accommodation and provide r assistance for the teacher. The board of ' advice are negotiating for the use of a suitable room, in which the lower classes ; will work until the new school is com 'pleted. . .-.'?-I KOORINGA, August 17.-Tlie Rev. J. .G-. Wheen, representing the Foreign Mis-i sions in connection with the United Metho dist Church, gave addresses at the lecture- j hall this evening and afternoon. Mr. { Wheen spoke of the work done on the South Sea Islands and of the need for greater exertions. Tea was provided by the ladies. The Methodist lecture-hall has been recently renovated throughout and acetylene gad has been installed in the . main hall and classrooms. MOUNT GAMBIER, August 17.— A : football match was played this afternoon on Vansittart Park between th$ Cadets and Ramblers, in - connection with . the I junior association. The afternoon was an i ideal one for football and the attendance fair. The game resulted in a win for the Cadets, who scored 6 goals 7 behinds (43 points) to the Ramblers' 4 goals 1 behind (25 points). J. Millhouse umpired the game.— Town properties keep up well here. Several lately changed hands at ? substantial prices. — A bicycle road race , was run this afternoon over the usual course, about 12 miles. Nineteen started, the winner was D. Sudoltz (3.30), F. But i ton (3.30) being second, L. Norman (4.30) ' third, and H. Collins (4.30) fourth. Mr. 1 A,« Rook acted aa judges.— Local potatoes are quoted - at *4 per ton (with bags), on trucks, at the Mount Gam bier railway station, and £3 17/ per ton at Glencoe. During the last fortnight 525 : tons were railed from the Mount Gambier I railway station, and 271 tons from (jlencoe to the city market. The onion market is i dull at £3 p^r ton- (with bags), at the j Mount Gambier railway station. Wheat is nominal, none offering, and oats are j dull at 1/8 to 1/10 per bushel. Very little ; stock is being forwarded to the city. Feed is plentiful, and stock in splendid condi i tion. PENOLA, August 17.— St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church fair was held in the institute to-day. It was opened by Mrs. McPherson, of Cluny, who was introduced by the Rev. D. A. Souter. Miss Pear) Williams presented her with a ' bouquet. I The stalls were prettily decorated. A j competition in cookery resulted thus: — : Pound cake, Miss M. Corquendale, Miss J. j McKinnon; coffee cake, Mis M. Corquen dale, Miss F. Neilson; ribbon cake. Miss M. Corquendale Miss M. Townsend; jam roll, Mrs. D. Ffater- shortbread, Miss HBrodie; fancy pastry, Miss C. Corquendale, I Mrs. W. Balnaves; fancy cake, Mrs. W. I Balnaves, Miss Neilson; .sweets. Miss M. Townsend. Mrs. McDonald; best dressed doll, Mrs. Nicholson; doyleys. Miss Gibb; dressed fowl, Mrs. Duncan Campbell, Mrs. T. Morris. The stallholders were:— Doll. Mrs. Nicholson, Misses McConclue, L. Neilson and N. McConchie; fancy, Mea dames Peake, Fullerton, Frater, and W. A. Davis; plain work, Mesdames AVenner bom and McDonald and Miss McDonald; produce, Mesdames W. Patterson and J. W. Balnaves and Miss M. Townsend; flowers,. Misses Bethune Black, and G. Bethune.' sweets, Misses Miller, May Bethune, and F. Neilson; bran pie, Mrs. F. Townsend and Miss Grace Warner; refreshments, Mesdames W, P. Davis and J, Graham, 'Misses Bowley, Neilson, and Souter; com petition exhibits, Misses F, Warner, A. Neilson, and Joan Souter. A promenade concert was given by Mesdames O'Connor and Nicholson^- Misses Souter. Jackson, and Kinley, and Messrs. Williams and Jackson. PORT PIRIE, August 17.— At Monday's beard of health meeting the health officer (Dr. Carr) mentioned in his renoit that there were myriads of mosquitces, whose | presence was due to the quantity of water ' about the town since the heavy rains, and suggested that the localities most affected should be sprayed with kerosine. The ; suggestion was adopted, and the hope was | expressed that the ratepayers would take similar measures to get rid of the pest, PETERSBURG, August 17— At the in stitute meeting last night it was reported that although the recent competitions had not come up to expectations owing to bad weather, the result was satisfactory, there being a credit balance of £2 in hand.— On Sunday morning a new font was dedicated by Archdeacon Samwell, at the Anglican Church. It is the gift of many friends, both in the parish and outside, of the late Mr. J. G. Craig, who for a number of years was resident engineer of the nor-thern division of the South Australian railway, and was actively associated with St. Peter's Church as lay-reader, synods man, and in other useful capacities. The font is of marble, made from an excellent English design and of massive proportions, the total weight being 11 cwt. The bowl and base are of white South Australian marble, and the shaft of pink marble— A successful billiard tournament has just j been completed, 250 up, the following being the scores:— First round— T. De Ravin (70) beat C. T. Edwards (70), S. Conlin (70) for feit, W. Hawkins (140) beat J. Cussach (185), G. Hantpson (70) forfeit, J. Jenkins ' (95) beat R. Haggett (40), J. Ferrett (140) ibeat S. Appelby (90), A. O'Bri-n (120) beat L. Kendall (120V, A. Meadows (80) ?, : beat C. Rogers (130). P. Gillespie (80) beat! : W. Arscott (95), T. Schulz (79) beat T. ' Cochus (170), C. Brown (120) beat W. Dudley (1/00), C. von Bertouch (90) beat Tempo (150), W. Templar (120) brat HJ Easter (40). S. Rosser (150) beat Presto (90), R. Jenkins (150) beat W. Thompson (10 behind), G. Harfc-rd (90) beat J. Fitzgerald (160), J. Graney (110) beat E. Kelly (scr.); byes, J. Witty (150), H. Lucas (120), A. Porter (100), S. Watts (130), H. Cavernett (130), B. Matthews (95), O. Betteridge (130). Second round— I O'Brien beat 8chulz, Templar beat Witty, ' Rosser beat Harford, Graney beat Gillesnie, | Matthews beat Lucas. Porter belt J. Jen kins^ Hampson beat Watts, De Ravin beat R. Jenkins, von Bertouch beat Oavenett, Meadows beat Betteridge, Terrett .forfeit, j Conlin beat Brown. Third round— Rosser beat beat Templar, Hampson beat Graney, De Ravin beat O'Brien. Co'linl beat Ferrett, von Bertouch -forfeit, M a dovra beat Porter. Fourth round— Dj, Ravin beat Hampson, von Bertouch neat | Meadows, Rosser beat Coniin. Semi-final, — De Ravin beat yon Bertouch, Rosser a| bye. Final— Roeeer. beat De -Ravin; S. Hampson highest proportional break, nomi nated by Miw ^.Sanderson, who is there ~fpre winner ipf indies' bracelet. ROCKLEIGH, August IT. — The tennis club held th^or annual meeting at the schoolroom ton Monday night. ' Mr. E. Downing preaideiJ. The secretary, (Mr, R.

Talbot) read the report. Officers elected— President, Mr. E. Downing; vice-president, Air. A. Stewart; captain, Mr. R. Downing; vice-captain, Air. R.. Critchley; secretary and treasurer, Mr. D. if. Phillips; com mittee, Misses C. B. Downing, E. Talbot, and Mr. E. Shepherd. STREAKY BAY, August 17.— The at tendance at the local school is rapidly in creasing. During the last week or two there has been an average attendance of 66. Seating accommodation is provided for only about 50. The teacher has con structed seats out of planks and boxes. There is no assistant teacher or monitor. A sum for a new school was put on the Estimates over 12 months ago, but as yet nothing has been done towards building the new room. It is hoped for the sake of the children's health that better ac commodation will be provided before the summer sets in. There is every appear ance of the attendance increasing largely in the near future. STREAKY BAY, August 17.— On Thursday evening a social was held in the institute, having been arranged by the members of the Girls' Friendly Society. It proved a great success. The proceeds, which amounted to £9, are in aid of the new Angliean Church. Guessing competi tions, singing, and games took place, and a dance was held. The opening overture was played by' Misses M. Campbell and B. Barns. Other items were:— iSongs, Mr. Geo. Hills and members of the society; duet, Mesdames Schmidt and Cotton reci tation, Misses G. Simmons and E. Howard and Mr. Hawkes. Guessing competitions were won by Miss Beckwith and Mr. H. Old. Mr. R. J. Mudge _acted as M.C.— On Friday evening the Rev. G. Doley, of Port Lincoln, gave a lecture is the insti tute on- 'Life in Fiji,' illustrated by magic lantern views. There was a good attendance, and the collection, which amounted to over £4, will be devoted t0 foreign mission work. WALLOWAY, August 17.— A curious ac cident happened to a' bullock belonging to Mr. W. Robertson. An underground tank near the house, huilt of bricks, had a hole in the top. The bullocks were' browsing round in this direction during the night. The bullock must have been driven by an other over the tank, with the ' re sult that it slipped into the hole. The top of the tank caved in, and the bullock and debris, fell in. The animal had to be shot: — Mr. Tapecott has had a lot of bad luck recently. Several dairy cows 01 great value have died of an unknown disease. A Government official has seen them, but so far the disease is not known. ^On Thursday night a parents' meeting was held in; the Rye public school. Mr. Robert-: son occupied the chair. 'The evening's programme consisted of stories, contributed by MeBsrs. W. Robertson, BL J. Dart, and W*. Chapman. Mia. Robertson- added a recitation, and distributed the prizes to the winners of the spelling bee contest. The following names were added to the general* committee:— Messrs. H. Gibb, 8. Robertson, W. Tlotertsoii, J; !WlIspn, anl

Mrs. Wilson. The secretary is Mr. H. Jr Dart. WENTWORTH, August 17.— Mr. Moff-att, treasury inspector, arrived last week to examine the books of various public of-fices and institutions in receipt of Go-vernment subsidy, and has been kept busy all the week. In addition to the public offices he has examined the accounts of the Municipal Council and Pastures Pro tection Board. — The Gem Navigation Company's steamer Tarella, with the barge Mallala, arrived on Thursday morning, and sailed for Wilcannia the same day. The vessel had on board 113 Merino rams, con-signed to various owners. There were for Mr. Potter, of Ellington, 5; for Mr. C. Summers, of Rixili, 42; for Mr. S. Watts, of Endfield, 10; for Mr. J. Hippis-ley, of Burtundy, 1; for Mr. S. Wakefield, of Minda, 15; for Mr Rutter, of Selina, 10; and for Mr. J. Barritt, of Mallaie, 30. The rams were splendid lot and in grand condition. — Wentworth has been busy, lately in connection with shipping. The vessel to arrive was the Queen, next came the Gem, for Mildura, next the Venturia, from Morgan, bound for the Darling, then the Victoria from the same port and desti-nation, and lastly the Tarella. — The local branch of the Druids continues to thrive. At the last meeting two more new mem-bers came forward for initiation, and two more were nominated. At the last even-ing songs were rendered by Mesrs. W. G. Price, A. Thorn, J. Nicholls, and Dr. Hamley. YORKETOWN, August T7.—Mr. Turner, an old resident farmer of the lower Penin. sula, is seriously ill with pleurisy.— Nursa Richards arrived on Tuesday; as assistant nurse at the hospital, which ia full of. p*-t'ents. ? ?_?'.'?.. BRUCE, August 18.— A successful =com ? cert was held in the goods shed on Tuesday; . evening, the building being literally packed, ' '.'' The motor train ran out from Quorn- and ' . brought a fair number. The proceeds '.-.??; amounted to nearly £20. Those who took .; patr were: — Miss Baker, Mr. Georga ; Wright, Miss Naismith, Master Harold Baker, Miss D. Wright and Mr. A. Wright. Miss Lindner, Mr. Nettle, Miss Twopcny. _ . The dramatic sketch, 'Turn Him Out' was produced by Miss Baker, Messrs. Want, A. Wright, and S. Knox, and Mrs. 3, A. Wright. Supper followed. : COCKBURN, August 18. — After tha ' late outbreak of, diphtheria here it was ,'-i understood, that a sanitary officer ybuld .--- ' be appointed for the town,, as Dr. Ramsay, -Smith. was of the. opinion. one was wanted. ?;: Uh'tiL-iie last twelve months the constabltr'''' sl«*i6ned-hfire acted. ? It is the wish of '-:&e4i&5^nspeppl£ VJhat an officer should be app*b%tJ^[..a|p; «nce;.-;*77, A post-office . .awa?! C from the ^Uway^tation. is also wanted. The postifiaj^jijttfchirgeiias a.lot df'tim*' ':: way work t^ do, andi©eraons having busl- - ? ness at the post-offi^ have ^ijca^onally to,.: ?; wait -a long, time Before they can repeiva attention. ','? ' ? . . .'-..- ?:V'.-'vpP::''V'v'v: CARRIETON, August -18.— &s&JWh ??:'.??& Blencour. of Tarn worth; INeur Sou^^ltil^v';

is on a visit to Carrieton. He was ope ©f the first dozen farmers to leave Carrie ton to take up land in Tamworth. He speaks in high tones of the prospects of a gooq harvest in the north, out regrets that the land is going in larger holdings, because tile land here is superior for grazing purposes. During the severe arought Mr. Blencow sowed 800 acres *nd did not 4'eap a. bushel of wheat. EDITHBURGH, August 18.— A, social ID connection with the Australasian Na tional League was held in the institute on (Wednesday evening. Mr. Bartiam pre sided over a large attendance. An excel lent programme of vocal and instrumental items was given by Airs. H. Vorwerk, {Mjbsps D. Curson. Taylor, and Mr. F. G. &T. Allen. Speeches ' were delivered by Hon. B. Lucas and Messrs. Hutley (orga Jiising secretary of the league), A. Byrne, Jnd J. V. Davey. A supper and dance fol owed. i EUDUNDA. August 18.— Last week a meeting was convened by Mr. H. Farmer, ntid a chees and draughts club was formed, with about 20 members. Mr. H. Farmer nvaB elected president, and Mr. R. Nicholls Ihon, secretary and treasurer. . '-The dis trict council granted the use of their l-oom, the rent being 1/6 a night, with light pro iyjded. The secretary was instructed to thank tie council for its liberal offer. The ?members meet every Thursday. After Classification, of players has been com pleted a tournament will take place. ? JAMESTOWN, August 18.— The Girls' Shakespearian Society on Wednesday even uig in the institute hall submitted a pro gramme, consisting of part songs and selec tions from Shakespeare. The first item, *\ft was a lover and his lass,' was fol lowed by a scene from 'Much Ado About iJothiny' by Misses Boucaut, Willington, aid M. Boucaut. The balcony scene from 'SRomeo apd Juliet' was presented by Miss Sandland as Juliet and Miss M. Hall ais Borneo. The trial scene from 'The iMerclent of Venice' was acted by Mes flamee Sandland and J. Bundle, Misses . iBoucaut, Tomlineon, Willington, M. Bo\i veaut. Yeates, and M. Hill. The whole (were excellently staged. The acting, cos fuming, and decorations reflected credit on the young ladies. Subsequently the Quests were entertained at supper. MOUNT BRYAN, August 18— The JPatholics of *'ie district held a social^ on Monday night. Mr. J. J. Kelly, in 'declaring the social open, said it was in tended to make it an annual affair. A con cert programme was carried out.- Among tljoee who. assisted were Mrs. Taylor, Misses HV. -Quran, E. Thomas,, T: Quinn,, IP. J. Murton, and G. Holland. Games and dancing were indulged, in. MOUNT GAMBIER, August 18.— The JB^cond of the series of elocutionary compe titions -under the auBplces of the Women's GhriBtian Temperance Union passed off JsuceeBsfully this evening in the Preehy lerian Hall. . Tlie medal which was offered $6 girls over 15 and ladies was -won : by Mies Ettie Smith with 46 1-3 points out of $' possible 60 points. Miss Doris Maytum KfiB «econd with 4Q 1-3 noiats, and, iMiss ? * ' ' ?' -

McTntosh third with 38 points. The judges were Mrs. J. Fairweather and Messrs. T. S. Boscli and A. A. Haddy. The Mayoress (Mrs. G. B. Renfrey) pinned on the medal, and Mr. F. H. Daniel an nounced the successful competitors. An enjoyable musical programme was inter spersed with recitations. MOUNT BARKER, August 18.-The new foundry of Messrs. W. Salman & Co. is assuming a business appearance, a por tion of the plant being installed.— During, the time that Councillor H. Nitacbke has been laid aside by a broken leg he has made several windmills, and one now at Fox's Hotel has called forth much, admira tion. It comprises six mills on one central standard, and they all revolve in different directions and are of different patterns. MEADOWS SOUTH, August 18.-The annual meeting of the local cricket club was held in the council chamber on Wed nesday evening. There was a good atten dance, presided over by Mr. W. Bertram. The balance-sheet read by the secretary showed a small surplus. It was decided to hold a concert to augment the funds. It was resolved to form a club locally and to endeavor again; to form an association in the surrounding districts. Mr. F. Nottage gained the best bowling average, and Sir. F. Vickery the best batting average. The officers elected were: — Patron,. Mr. W. Walker; president, Mr. W. Tucker; cap tain, Mr'. II. Kleeman; vice-captain, Mr. A. Stokes; secretary and treasurer. Sir. Frank Nottage; selection committee Messrs. E. G. Wright, F. Vickery, secre tary, eaptaiu.'vice-captain: delegates to the association, Messrs. A. G. Ellis and W. Russel. MOONTA, August 18. — The annual spring fait- m connection with All Saints' Anglican Church was held in the institute yesterday. There was a large attendance. The proceedings wereOpened at .3.30 by Mrs. Verran, wife of the Premier. After noon tea was provided and & sale of .gopda followed. . Satisfactory business was; done in the evening, the proceedings closing with a spirited auction sale. The profits amounted to over £60. . Those presiding at the- stalls were: — Plain and fancy stall, Mesdames J. R.' Stocker and Poyntz, Misses Mitchell, J. Stocker, and B. and T. Chappell; produce, Mesdames L. Sjmins and Sullivan; cake and lollies, the Sanc tuary Guild, . assisted by Misses . Bray, James, and A- Stocker; flowers, Mrs. Bourne, Milses Narroway, Ferry, C. Daniels, G. Hodgkineon, N. Smith, and Olifent; afternoon tea, All Saints' cnoir; bran pie* Misses, V. Perkins and'D. Smith* post:office, Mr. A. flutter; shooting gal lery, Mr. ;Gr. Plumb; various,. Messrs. Pj Polglase and F. H. Mildren. NARRACOORTE, August 18.— On. Mon-day, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings Professor Henderson,, of the Adelaide Uni versityj delivered -a series of three exten sion .. lectures in the institute hall - on ''Bnildere; of , ; tlie Empire,' yhich. were fairly well attended.- The first lecture dealt with Sir Francis Drake, the second with .Oliver Cromwell, and

W«dnteday~jttterno-)h a football match w»b ,? played., «n $h,e^ showground between teams .,i£preBenting the . ...Narracoorte 'and 7 Lucindale clubs. The, weather '[ -was fine, t,ne ground in good order, and the at tendance lair. The Tjome !team won easily, the final scores being^— JJarracoo'rte, 8 goals' 10 ibeKinas— ^7' points; I^ucindale, 4 goals 6 hehinds— 30 points. ? Mr.. C. J. Chaplin wag umpire.— At the meeting of tno Women's Christian Temperance Union the. balance-sheet for 'the year ended July 31 showed a credit of £4 bf. The officers elected were:— President, Sirs. D. MoLeod: vice-presidents,.- Mesdames Parker ana Goodchild: treasurer, Mrs. Loutit; secretary, Miss Mclritosh, ; Mes d&niee Owen and Adajns Were appointed delegates to the annual convention ' in Adelaido. Superintendents for the various departments of 'work were' appointed. PORT PIRIE, August 18. — A social «nd dance in aid of St. Paul's rectory fund ?was;' held in the Opera Hall 'on Tuesday evening, when there was an attendance of about 200 persons. Musical .items were rendered by the Rev. J. S. MoVee, Messrs. Sullivan and Mallypn, and Miss Martin. The 'ilance music was supplied by Mrs. Kretohmer, Miss Willoughby, and Mr. Sullivan. The committee were Mesdames Moves, Warren, Osborne, Peake, AVurm, Willing, Gare, . Cotton, Cawle, Wheatly, Hudson, Lambert, and Sliss Hamilton. PORT GERSIEIN, August 18.— The Port Germein Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., cele brated its 25th anniversary yesterday by holding a picnic in Mr. J. H. Glasson's paddock. There was a large attendance, and a good programme of sports was car ried out. In the evening a social and dance took place in the institute, about 200 attending. Songs were rendered by Sliss La-wton and Sfessrs. Roper, Tostevin, and Walters, a glee by Port Germein Glee Club, and a recitation by Miss Lawton. A dance was held. Sirs. Wickstein was pianist and Mr. G. C. A. Bessen M.C. PORT ELLIOT, August 18.— A 'violet' social was held in the Congregational .schoolroom on Wednesday, and there was

a large attendance. The room was taste fully decorated with violets. The Rev. J. W. Roberts, who presided, asked questions, which might be answered by a word formed from the letters of 'violet.'' Sliss Ruby Rouse played, the overture. Songs were rendered by Mrs. It. Abbott the Rev. J. W. Roberts, and Messrs. Dodd, Hutchison, and Keen. Miss Ball and Mr. Byrne sang a dtiet( and Sliss Ellis recited. The Congregational choir, under Miss .Tones, gave the part song ''Day break.' Supper was provided. SECOND VALLEY, August 18.— The heavy north-east winds caused an extra rough eea at the new jetty works. The breakers were sending spray high over the heads of the workmen, who had to cease work for the day. — This evening a public debate was held in St. James' Hall, Dela

Rapid Bay literary societies on the sub ject of 'Shall the Government control the liquor traffic?' The visitors took the affirmative, and 'were represented by Slessrs. Lush, ? Hutchinson, and Jaggar. The Rapid Bay's negative position was sup ported by Slessrs. F. Putland, E. Bennett, ?and George Roper. The judges were Slessrs. . G. N .- Anderson, Garnet Kelly, and J. T. Fitzpatarick, who gave their de cision in favor the Inman Valley. There was a good attendance, and an excellent supper was provided by tlie ladies.— Oreat satisfaction was felt here when it became known that Mr. C. O. Kelly, chairman of committee, had received a telegram from the members for Alexandra, informing him that the Premier had approved of the re commendations of the Engineer-in-Chief and Marine Board for th-- erection of a new goods shed at the jetty. UCOLTA, August 18.— Special services in connection with the Baptist Sunday school was conducted on August 14 by Mrs. C. S. Slend and'-the Rev. B. Hewison, and were well attended. There was singing by the children, under the leadership of tie Messrs. O. Cook and W. Weiden hofer. On August 17 the annual picnio was largely attended, notwithstanding a counter-attraction at Dawson. The results were:— Boys' Race— H. W. Rasmus, J. Phillips, and J. E. Rasmus. Boys' — B. Newton and A. McLennan. Girls' Race — M. MeMurtrie, K. SlcAskill, and J. Mc Murtrie. Girla' Race — SI. Rushforth and J. McNeil. Ladies' Nail-driving Contest — Jane Clapp. Alice Wehr, and E. Perkins. Bicycle Tilting— M. Wehr, P. Clapp, and G. 'Cook. High Jump— J. PhiflJiue W. Dunn, and H. W. Rasmus. Lad-es Cot ton Winding— Dora Peters, Alice Wehr, and A1u-a Wehr. Obstacle Race— H. W. Rasmus, A. McLennan, and J. Phillips. Egg and Spoon Race — J. McLennan, H. W. Rasmus, and J. Phillips. Afternoon tea was followed by a concert, at which the contributors were: — Ucolta Sunday school. Slisses Hennig (2), Gericke (2), Vera Wehr, and Jean Rasmus, Slessrs. D. P. Gericke, O. Cook. T. Hennicker, W. Weidenhofer, Hartley, Miller, Q. Miller, Harold W. Rasmus, and J., Phillips. Tlie entertainment concluded with lantern views by Mr. J. W. Rasmus. Th© total proceeds Were £7 4/5. ' ,

UCOLTA, August 18.— The Railway De partment have planted some trees in the station yard This will greatly improve its appearance. Men should be annually told off to do one days planting on rail way properties. In future there would then be beauty spots where now desola tion and bareness reign supreme. VICTOR HARBOR, August 18,— A skating carnival was held in the insti tute last evening. There was a large at tendance. The first award fell to Mr. A. Humberstane. Next came Sir. V. Wal ladge. lh the ladies' competition Sirs. D. Stock secured first. The other results wprer — Tlio mnbf -rrflf»*-fnl nTrnfpr — AT*iTl

Mr. R. Nurton; ladies, Miss E. Cocks; couples, Mr. R.. Nurton and Miss Saunier. During the evening Master and Sliss Bradley, from Adelaide, gave an exhibi tion of fancy and trick skating. — The sud den death of Sliss Trewin, of 'Anglesea,' has caused much regret in this district. The deceased had not been well for some weeks, but an apparent improvement during the past few days dispelled any fears that might have been entertained of fatal con sequences. Miss Trewin, however, sud denly collapsed last evening. She was a daughter of the Rev. J. Trewin. and was well known in all parts of the State. WILLOWIE, August 18.— The annual concert in connection with the Blue Ribbon Society took place on Wednesday evening, and was a pronounced success. The agri cultural hall was crowded, and £10 was taken at the door, exclusive of the fiupper. The Rev. T. SI. Flood presided, and the programme consisted of overtures by Sir. S. G. SIcGilchrist; songs by Miss A. Wood, Messrs. J. B. SleDougall and F. Gray; duet, Sliss Schmidt and Mrs. Howard; re citations by Miss Ivy. Gray and Mr. T. Hawke. The comedy 'Box and Cox' wag admirably staged by Messrs. B, E. Schmidt, L. SIcCallum. and Miss McCallum; and a Young Man's Debts' by Messrs. S. Blight, W. Greig. F. Greig, S. SIcCallum, F. Gray, and W. P. Foulis, and Misses Schmidt and Rogers. WALLAROO, August 18.— A enow flake fair was held in tlie Town Hall, Wal laroo, on Wednesday in aid of the reno vation fund of the Presbyterian Church. The hall was nicely decorated, and all the stalls looked very pretty, being decorated with evergreens, and what appeared to be snow falling on the leaves. The lollie stall waa the best ever seen here. The sweets were all made by Mr. W. Clavton, who was assisted by Sirs, and Sliss Clay ton and Sliss Bowman. At 3 o'clock the Rev. H. Ross introduced the mayor, who declared the fair open, and complimented the ladies on the excellent display. The stalls and attendants were: — Plain goods — Siesdames A. C. Donk, Geo. Furner, and Miss Bates. Fancy goods— Siesdames J. Young. J. Hawkes, and E. Bews. Sweets — Mesdames W. and F. Clayton, Slisses L. Bowman, and |F. Clayton. Produce — Sles-dames T. Bowman, A. Mclntosh, and Sliss M. Malcolm. Kitchen stall — Siesdames H. A. Ross and A. Young, jun., B. Malcolm, M. Furner, J. Buik, D. Fur ner, R. Watson, G. Rees, F. Watson, and M. Hawkes. Flowers and pot. plants-Mrs. R. Snook, Misses. A., Young, L. Mc Kee, J. Young, E. SIcKee. Dolls — Slisses Tyrrell, A. Jones, and A. Watson. Snow man — Slisses Jean Bowman and SI. Wat eon. Afternoon tea— Siesdames A. Bicb ley, W. Palmer, and W. T. Rees. In the evening the hall was again crowded., The Rev. Hi Ross introduced the various items, which comprised recitation by Sir. G. SIcDonald, and songs by Misses M. Furner, B. Malcolm, R. Watson, J. Buik, D. Furner, G. Rees, M. Hawkes and 3f. Watson. The proceeds were about £90. Mrs. H. A. Ross was president and Sirs. R,.1 Snook treasurer.— On Wednesday morn ing as the early train from Sloonta to city was passing through the park lands near Wallaroo it killed a valuable cow be longing to. Mr. WV' U. Wall.— Before Sf essre. J. T. . Keats, S.Sj., Jas. Slalcolm, and G. Chatfield, at the Local Court to day, E. H. Coulter sued. F. Chronel for balance : due * on cutter . and dinghy, £60. Sir.: Owen,- o£ Mr. . Uffindell's office, ap peared for the plaintiff,,- 'and Mr. E. A. Weare; for the defendant. The case was adjourned from last court day, and a con-siderable amount of evidence, was taken. A verdict for '. £43 was ; given ^witji coste; In the Police' Court cases Mounted-Con stable Schumann prosecuted. W. Pollard was charged under clause 115, of the Licensed Victuallers Act. Mr. Owen, who appeared for Pollard, asked for a dismissal, as the police had not shown those on the premises were convicted of drunkenness. The case was dismissed. Pollard was further charged under clause 117 with permitting quarrelsome persons to assemble in his hotel. A fine of £5, re duced to 40/; and 20/ costs, was inflicted.

John O'Connor, for being on the premisesl of the Wallaroo Inn on August 7 for an unlawful purpose, pleaded guilty, and wafl fined 40/, reduced to 20/. The court sat from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with one hour fos lunch. YONGALA, August 18.— A concert to raise funds to furnish the Methodist par sonage was held in the institute on Wed nesday night. There was a good atten* dance. The contributors were Sfisses M. -Nankervis. R. Nankervis, F. Evely andi C. O. Lewis, Sirs. S. A. Cram, and Slessrs. V. Turpin and P. N. Funch. Mr. J. H, Nankervis gave selections on the phono* graph. The Rev. T. Theobald presided. Supper was held. APPILA YARROWIE, August 19.-Oa Tuesday evening in the Methodist. Church' the i^ev. T. J. Slartin delivered an in teresting lecture on Queensland! BURRA, August 22.— A stallion parada; was arranged for Friday, but only one, horse was submitted for the Government veterinary surneon's certificate. Doubtless at a later date, when entries have been re» ceived for the Burra show, another oppor tunity for Inspection will be given.. Quite a number of visitors -have been in this dis trict recently, some purchasing and othera inspecting sheep. All were highly im pressed with the magnificent carcase an-I marvellous wool-growing capacity of tha sheep brought under their notice. The que* tion is forcing itself upon stud sheep owners whether they are following a wise course in selling to the South African, visitors the pick of their flocks'. The ladies aecom-panying the visitors seem to have as keeii an interest and as good a general knoWr ledge of the requirements as the gentle* men. BELALIE NORTH, August 19.— Tb-rain which fell yesterday was much needed^ Farmers had to stop fallowing on accounp of the hard ground. They will be abl§ to continue in a day or two. In a fey« cases farmers have finished. Wheat 19 looking splendid, but feed is riot plentiful. CURRENCY CREEK, August 19 .— Visilj* ing day was celebrated here yesterday, and there was a large attendance of parents ana friends in the beautifully-decorated school room. The teacher (Sliss O'SIahony)! spoke of the highly satisfactory result of the recent examination by Assistant-In* spector Skitch. The children sang and recited, and a display of manual work was made. Refreshments were provided bj/j the parents, who were pleased with thq work of the school. In the evening a eo-eial followed. DOWLINGVILLE, August 19.— A magie lantern lecture was given on Slondaw night by the Rev. J. D. Langsford, in aid of home mission work, to a good audience, end £2 18/8 was realised. FRANKLIN HARBOR, August 19.-f Sales were conducted by Mr. T. Davis for Messrs. Elder, Smith, A. Co. '.on. Thursday, and sheep, horses, cattle and Angora goata realised satisfactory prioea. In. the evening m- the institute Mr. 'Davis offered severaji farms in the nundred of Mann; and one farm in the hundred of Roberts, but tKew were not sold. A J-acre township blocft realised £120.— Shipping has been brisk this week. The ketch Capella arrived witq 100 tons, and took away 1,250 bags ot% wheat for the South Australian Farmers/ Union. The ketches 'Hawk and Ma* Intyre took 1,250 and 2,50Q Jjags respe& tively for the same firm. ; The Rupara

fcofc 1,280 baga for Messrs. O. Wills & Co. feat week. Ttlanjr bags are stfll left. The Rupara arrived on Thursday after a rough trip. She brought many passengers, Including Mr. Cornish (inspector of outbprtfl for the Marine Board), Mr. Green (Government auditor), Mr; fteid (retiring postmaster). Mr. k- Dawton (manager of Bank of Adelaide). Her E rgo consisted of 85\tons of general cargo, 9 brickB. a dray, 2 binders, 7 horses, a w, and 80 sheep. Many passengers mt by the vessel on Friday morning, including Mr. ;Ayliffe (Government surveyor), and Sir. Taylor (postmaster of CowelJ).— -A Social was tendered to Miss Ethel Jacobs ion Monday night at the Coolanie Methofilst Church by the Coolanie Christian Endeavor Society. Many visitors attended from Cowell. Miss Jacobs, who is. to be ifiarried next week to Mr. F, Turner of Messrs. Rehn & Turner, was presented jrith a marble clock. , ? HOBSHAM (Vic), August W— At the Ararat Police Court on Thursday a married man, John Patrick Wright, a laborer, *esiding at Mount WiUiams, was. charged br Constable Kirk, with having,, on August

S.3, attempted to ussaim. u uaurai p»--i Harriet Elizabeth Hart, also a resident of j Mount Williams. Wright was also charged \ with having assaulted John Hart, husband j of Mrs. Hart. The accused was remanded j to appear at the Willaura Court on Wed- i ticsday, bail being: allowed in two sureties ; «if £50, and the accused in £50. ' HORSHAM (Vic), August .19.-The grub pest has made its appearance in the I Btubble paddocks around Bongerang, arid in j some instances has attacked the young crops. Farmers have had to remove their : slock from the stubble paddocks owing to j the searcitv of feed, which has been devas- : tated by the pest. Sheep are in good con- ; dition, 'and the lambs which are thriving Splendidly, will be ready for the freezers in ft few weeks. The crops throughout the (PTimmera have never looked better at this j toeriod of the year than they do at present. The Jeparit horse j-arade was well at- 1 tended. The draughts paraded were a'1 splendid lot. Several New Zealand: breeders were present, and after the parade ; a sale of New Zealand slock was conducted. High prices were realised, one four-year-old mare bringing £145. — At the Hamilton Co-operative sale yards on ^Thursday a sale of Jersey cattle was held, on account of the estate of the late Mr. D. Kirkwood. High prices were realised. Milkers brought £11 17/'; springers, £11 14/; yea rling heifers, £7; bulls (aged), £19: yearlings, £9 12/6. Bulls sold to £38 17/. The average for 32 head was £11 13/9; KADINA, August 19.— As the result of the Windstorm which passed over the town yesterday evening the workshop of Mr. J. P. Eosewarne suffered some damage. The ityind, effecting an entrance through a winflow and being unable to get out again, forced off about 40 ft. of roofing in two parts. One piece was deposited jn tile front garden, and the other was carried over the roof of the house, demolishing on its waytwo chimneys and landing in the back yard. On its course it must have struck £he gasometer, as every light in the house ijvas extinguishedMOUNT GAMBIER, August 19.— A petition has- 'been largely signed by settlers who secured blocks of repurchased land in jhe hundred of Kongorong, asking that immediate steps be taken to relieve the country of floodwaters, which are rendering itoost of it useless till summer and danrerous' to travel over. The petition has peen forwarded to the chairman of the Drainage Management Board, ae the district is under the board. It is suggested that the officer be sent down at once to inspect arid report on the country. It is pointed out that in many plaoes the water could be drained into caves and readily got away. The settlers ? are desirous that the Premier when he makes his to the SouthEast-fshould. visit the locality and see the needs in the -way of drainage. At present the settlers are unable to get timber on the ground for fencing. — The iown band gave a concert at Macdorineli Bay on Wednesday to a crowded house. — The Methodist Guild meeting on Tuesday Was devoted to temperance items. Thero was a large attendance, and an enjoyable evening was spent.— The Imperial Picture Company had a crowded house on Wednesday evening.MtfRRAY MtfRRAY BRIDGE, August 19. — Suspicious characters have been seen about the town lately. Last night at about 10.45 Geo. Vaiixhall reported to the police that he had been assaulted and robbed. Mounted-Constable West subsequently ar. rested James Smith on suspicion. Vauxjw.ll' stated that he was in the bav of the Bridgeport Hotel when he ' missed his money.' Smith, who had been in the hotel, was also missing. He saw Smith about 200 yards from the hotel and accused him of taking the money. Smith thereupon knocked him down with a blow behind the ear. Smith, who will be charged to-day with the offence, states that Ue has been working on Mypolonga swamp bank as a laborer for two weeks. MAITLAND, August 1ft.— Better aoconignodation is needed at the institute for the reading public, and a room has been opened for use as a. magazine room. — The annual Bohool sports 'in connection with the public school were held yesterday. They were postponed from l?inpire Day. The chilfren, under the direction of the headmaster 4&lr. N. Opie), marched to the show mounds, where tho events were contested. ?Entries were numerous, and the chaldron were very enthusiastic. Perfect weather prevailed. Sweets and fruit wera distributed to each child, while parents and friends provided dinner and tea. MILLJCENT, August 19. — There -was a very large attendance on Wednesday, when Messrs. 8, J. Stuckey & Son conducted a very successful Bale of stock, plant, furniture, and effects on behalf of Mr. Hogan, who is leaving the district on account of ill-health. There were persons present ? from all parts of the district, and stocky especially draught horses, brought go.od prices. A nine months' foal realised £39.: The auctioneer kept going till nearly dark. Mr. Hogan resigned his position as a member of the Milhcent Council last Tuesday. He intends residing in or near Adelaide.— Mr. D. M. Slater, one of the auditors, recently sent in his resignation to the Millijjent Council, but it was referred back. A Siply has be'eii received refusing to withraw; and 'the council must wait till next : month for the , newly-elected auditor to : audit the books. Mr. 'R, M. Slater has j resigned the secretaryship to the Caledonian Society, and applications are called ,tp fill the position at £10 per annuin.^Last night was rough and stormy,, with thunder, lightning, wind, and rain. RENMARJC, August 19.— The first meeting of the newty-elected committee of the Renmark Hotel was held last night. The : Labor members of the committee being in ik cjear majority, a vigorous move was .made in the direotion of carrying out the §latfprm directed by the local Labor 'arty. Mr. A. Headland was elected chairman, and committeemen were voted 10/ far each uioutkly, meeting attended. Considera

tion of the offices of secretary and chairman was held over for the next meeting. Mr. Hugh Paddon, the manager of the hotel, tendered-,his resignation, explaining that this action' was due to private reasons and was in no -way to be connected with the new committee. REDHILL, August 19— The Waterworks Department are extending the Bundaleer main from the township about six miles up the cattle track.— The crops are looking well, and nave greatly benefited by the fine weather during the last fortnight. A steady soaking rain set in last night, which, will help fallowing, as in. some places the ground had set quite hard. ' ~ '?? STOCKPORT, August 19.— On Wednesday the Stockporfc hall was opened. The day was fine and the attendance was good. Mr. Watts (chairman) presented Mr. D. Stribbling with a silver key to unlock the door and declare the hall open. Tlw; hall was directly filled with guests, who . sat down to a substantial luncheon. There was a large number of visitors from the surrounding districts. A concert^ Supper, and dance concluded the day's performance.

The proceeds amounted to over £36, which renders the hall free of debt and leaves a balance of £8 towards furnishing tho building. The ladies who provided the luncheon include Mesdames E. Rook, .C. Perry, D. Stribbling, S. Smith, J. (Smith, H. McLean, J. Mitchell T. Megaw, J. Murray, J. Howard, W. Woodhead, R. Whitelaw, and G. Burden, and Misses A., Ey G.. and E. Stribbling, M. A aud R. Wunnenberg, M. Murray, A. Gardner, and F. Barnett (Gawler), with Mrs. Rook and Miss A. Stnbling as conveners. The executive committee were Messrs. D. Stribbling (president), F. Watts, R. Whitelaw, C. Perry, G. Weste, E. Rook, G. Howard, and J. Murray (secretary) . TWO WELLS, August 19.— Special services were conducted at Lower Light on Wednesday for the opening of the Methodist Church. The ceremony was per. formed by Mrs. A. W. Wellington, and was followed by Divine service and a banquet. Mr. T. Nevin presided at the public meeting and supper. Addresses were given by the Revs. A. W. Wellington (president of the Conference), H. J. Pope, C. 15. Schafer, and J. Mclntosh. The tables were tastefully decoi-ated by a ladieR' committee. The receipts, including £35 promised at the public meeting, amounted to

about £95. lhe cost, of the church was £720, and thia debt has been reduced to under . £100. This reflects great credit on the public of the town. The building is a substantial structure, with an attractive interior. The contractor, Mr. M. Sowton, deserves praise for his work in the erection of the new building. The Rev. W. G. Clarke, ex-president of the Conference, will preach the inaugural sermons next Sunday. VIRGINIA, August 19.— Last night the local football club held their first annual concert aud ball. The weather was «jost unfavorable, and the hall was over three parts full. The chair was occupied by the president (Mr. I. Huxtable). The overture was played by Miss Kearse. The following young ladies contributed songs and recitations: — Misses Hatcher, Thompson, Van Senden, and Haniford. Messrs. Prank. Odgers. Judd, Amoss, Jago, nnd Jacobs provided the other half of the evening's talent. Mr. Jacobs has a fine tenor voice. Miss von Senden's recitation was excellent, and Mr. Jago's hurao: rous songs were much enjoyed. Mr. Amos? preated much merriment. The chairman, on behalf of the football club thanked the performers. Some of . them had come gome distance. A ball and refreshments followed. The financial result was £10, which will put the football . club in a sound position. Refreshments were provided by the ladies, -who muster in large numbers at every match played at Virginia. WYACCA, via Quorn, August 19.— On Thursday, at the Wyacca school the Arden Vale and Wyacca Temperance Society met, but owing to the inclement Weather, the attendance was much smaller than usual. The president (Mr. J. Williss) was absent, ! and Mr. 0. Hannemann took his place. Soloa were rendered by Misses Martin and ! Hannemann, recitations by A. Eukert and J. Barber. Master 0. Pea'rce, E. KKlingberg, O. Eckert, J. Barber, and Misses A. iPearce, anu G. Eckert. A dialogue on, titled ''The Pledge' was given by Messrs. ! J . Barber and A. Pearce. The next uieet! ing will be held at Arden Vale on Septem- ( !ber 15. to be followed by a supper. j WALLAROO, August' 19 —A special entertainment of moving pictures was held in the Salvation Army Hall on Wednesday, in aid of the social work. — Arbor Day was oelebrated at the Wallaroo Mines high and public schools this morning, there | being a record attendance. The public school scholars pave a capital exhibition S of 'early morning drill, and deserve j credit for their excellent performance.: i This was followed by tree-planting, under tpe supervision of Messrs. J, Kennedy (head teacher) 'and J. Malcolm (chairman of the board of advice). Afterwards the two schools were addressed1 by Mr. Malcolm, who explained the origin of Arbor £)ay in South Australia. He complimented the mining authorities upon what they ?were doing in planting trees on the mines, and he urged the scholars to do their best to proteot the trees, — The 'port presented «. lively appearance this afternoon,, when the following vessels were in harbor:— Barques— Tltania' and Lkttimer; steamers1

—Age and Gadclj/'ketehes-^Ma'ctr WebsteV, ? Hawke, Gap'eHa; and:-b;ur'regwar tradings ?eteainer' Rupafa; MessiS. Twi.'HT'Maykiid' Sons have coiripleted In a . most' satisfactory manner the repairs 'to the bargue Titania, and' Gaptain' Fogs 'hopes to saiTlto-morrow' or early next week tor South, Afeic'a.— It is reported the railway authorities intend' building. a- residence for the superintendent bf.'th'e% western system in Wallaroo,, and the building will be commenced at an early, date.— Tenders are 'being. .jcalTed, for -.fibs, long-promised new school. and fesidencj^rtt i Tickera.— The schooner Mary 'V^ebstir. hjiB ? brought the cargo of the steamer. Invest- 1 gator into' Y?allaroo ti.lie unloaded here. The actual condition of all.. the cargo. is: not yet known. Captain Foss is receiving: the congratulations of his. many friends upon the steamer's removal off the reef. ; —The wheat market here . is unsettled. The price on Saturday and Monday last; was 3/11 to 4/; and to-day it is 3/10 to ; 3/11 but many farmers are, of opinion the market will be higher yet, and intend; holding. Some buyera are offering: 3/8 to ; 3/8$ for December and January delivery of new wheat, but fanners are not at present willing to make forward contracts.; , ? WASLEYS, August 19.-On Thursday night, under the auspices of, the Literary Society, Archdeacon Bussell. lectured in the Institute Hall on the 'River Thames.' A large number of lantern views were exhibited. .YANKALLILA, YANKALLILA, August 19— Norman-ville residents were recently perturbed by the contemplated closing, of the Normanville' post-office and the establishment of a store office. The department intended to effect this change for economic reasons, the postal business being so small as to cause a yearly loss. It has now been decided that no change shall be effected, and Miss R;. Heathcote has been appointed acting postmistress. BURRA, August 20.— Mr. J. M. McBride purchased a row of cottages in a delapi?uated condition opposite the ' Kooringa Methodist Church, had them demolished, und in their place caused, five substantial two-roomed cottages to be erected. These are to be occupied by aged persons in need of homes, and will be under the superintendence of the Methodist Trust. They are a handsome and appropriate gift. . BURRA, August 20.— -Mr. Oppermann, of

the fetherton homestead blocks, was conveyed from his home to hospital for treatment for pleurisy, but died a short time after arrival .t the institution. He was a brother of the late ft£r. C, Oppermann, of Redruth, and came from further north fr-the Mount Bryan district. — Mr. J. Campbell, brother-in-law of Mr. E. Dock, of the Ayers forest reserve, came from ' Western Australia for the benefit of his health, and; while under treatment at the hospital for 'miners'- disease,' died to-day. He was .« member of the Masonio Lodge, and the brothers of Kooringa Lodge, No. 6, paid their last tribute of respect to him.— Sliss Eliza- Williams, daughter of Mrs. Williams, | caretaker of St. Mary's Church, lias died from dropsy. ? ' ? BUGLK RANGES, August 20.— A successful social was held last night in the schoolroom in aid of the tennis qlub. Vocal items Were rendered by Messrs. Raison and MeNamara. ? Muster N. V. Rice acted es accompanist. Other muiscal items were ?supplied by Messrs. Gooch, Hogan, and McNamara: Owing to the rougu weather I the attendance was not large. — The ? roads I are in a bad state. The district council | have a gang cf men putting out new metal | on the road to Macclesfield. Until this iwork is completed teams will stop woodcartinsc. To-day the wind blew with hurricsne force, but no damage was done. ? The country is very pretty, as the wattle treea (ire coming out in blossom. Seeding apem-! tions 'are finished, and as soon as the roads are put in repair wood-carting w '1 be the order of- the day. Rabbits are almost a thing of the past. One might walk miles and not see one. Hares also are conspicuous by their absence, and foxes have not been much in evidence this season. BORDERTOWN, August 20.-On Sturd.ay afternoon a football match bet ??-.??- i-n 1 :'.e : Taiiara Juniors and Border-town atlme.ed j a very large crowd. The (rame was very j exciting. The game resulted iu. a win for the Bo'rdertowu men by 10 points. COROMANDEL VALLEY, August 20.The blight has made its appearance ! amoug-st the early-planted potatoes in this district:, and growers have found it neees sary to spray with the lime and bluestone mixture. — Ploughing has now been coni' tnenced in earnest in the orchards. EDTTHBURGH, August 20.-A social in connection with the Anglican Church wa = held in the institute on Friday evening. The incumbent. (Rev. R. Kenny) presided over a crowded attendance. An. excellent programme . was submitted by Misses Oalnan and Dare (overture), Mr. Wlnchcombe and Master H. Calnan (soncs), Misses Stella Hewton, , O. Rattley, M. Robinson ( recitations),.. R. Murphy, and V. Gluya«, Misses , .13. ' and- Lj St&nton (diuts). There were also a Highland fling by Mr. Hurren, a character recitation by Mr. Hannnn, and a character song by Misses Calnan, Gluyas, Stanton, Dare, : Doris Ourson, and Mrs. Hawke. Several tableaux were given, and items by the children; under Mrs. Murphy. Supper and dancing followed. GREENOCK. August 20.— A .successful masquerade ball, in aid of the Gnadenfrel

Brass Band fund, was held in Mrs. Schluter's large \M% last Friday. The band rendered musio, as did also Miss Rees, a« pianist. Mr. F. Bockman aoted as M.C. GEORGETOWN, August 20.— Mr. MoEacn'ran, M.R.O.V.S.j on the invitation of the Agricultural Bureau, delivered a valuable illustrated lecture on stock and their various ailments that a faianer must de&l with. The illustrations and cxplanationa given weret highly appreciated, and especially those' relating to the foaling and calving.1 The. lecture was well attended, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. McEachran. He answered many questions and in. a, very plain way. HORSHAM (Vic), August 20.— At the Horsham Police Court on Friday W. H. Simmons, James Hay, W. J. Meritha, W. Murphy, J. C. TurnbulL H. Stoirer, F. T. Woollard, and 0; Hutchinson were fined 2/6 each for having .been on licensed preinises on Sunday, August 7.-^George Welsh was arrested at Jeparit- on a charge of having at Rainbow ' forged and uttered a . cheque ior £17 18/. He was remanded to appear at .Rainbow on August 30. — It has been decided to establish co-operative sale yards at^Varracknabe'al at a cost Of £3i)00.— The three-year-old child of Mr. L. McLeod, of Warracknabeal, was playing with an axe, when /it let it fall on its hand, severing |One finger and badly lacerating another.— A daughter, of Mr. H. Janitzki, of Jeparit, was running round an outbuilding on the farm when she trod on a snake. The reptile, which was killed measured 7 ft. 4 in. INMAN VALLEY, August 2O.-The 19th annual social of the combined Endeavor societies was held here last night, the kejit note being missions. The Endeavorers were dressed to represent different countries, and the church was prettily decorated as a Chinese room! . The Rev. W. Johnston 'and Messrs. Dennis (president), Lush, Sanders; and Jagger, and Miss H. Hierrell spoke on mission work. Mrs. J. Symonds, of Normanville, 6ang. JAMESTOWN August 20.— On Thursday evening' in the Masonic Hall Brother S. WhenhBin, jun., was installed aa Worshipful Master -of Victoria Lodge, No. 26. The ceremony was performed by Brother J. W. Lane, S.G.W.. who was assisted by the followi nar Grand Lodge officers: — Brothers F. E. Cornish, J. H. Booth, H. Boucaut, R. Higgins, J. A. Booth, Lee, Budge, and Benneld.' The W.M.. invested the following officers:— Immediate Past master, Brother T. Rodgersj S.W., Brother Julius Booth, jun.; J.W., Brother O. Hunter; S.D., Brother O. W. Walker; LG., Erother J. I. Haskaixi; stewards, Brothers W. Woodhouse, S. Champness, and 3. H. Brnham; and tyler, Brother John Tomlinson. The W.M. presented the retiring master (Brother Rbdgers) with a P.M. jewel. A social and dance followed.— The. first or the course of three University extension lectures on 'The evolution of worlds' was delivered by Professor R. W. Chapman in the institute hall on Wednesday night. There was a good attendance, and the lantern illustrations were much enjoyed; KINGSTON, August 20.— High seas have been running, and the fishermen, have been idle for over a week, , The steamer Kintore has been lying at the anchorage for fout daySj waiting to get alongside the jetty for loading. The very squally weather prevents anything being done at present. Messrs. Dalgety & Co. have placed a locomotive on the jetty for loading and unloading vessels. The old system of horse traction has been abolished. — It is rumored that these works have been offered to the Government for canning and preserving Eposes. It is greatly to be desired that T should again be 'n full swing. uld_ the Government purchase them there is a splendid. opening for a profitable work being carried on. Large 6uantitiea of sheep are annually sent from here both by train and road for canning purposes to the Government Depot. With these works open and used to their fullest capacity ihere should be a considerable saving in freight. The lowest freight is about 1/ per head on the largest consignments.. Most of this ought to be- saved by_ liapdling locally. The factory is right on the railway line and alongside, the jetty. Should it be purchased it would supply employment to a number of men and should give an impetus to the fishing industry. Some parts of tho year large quantities of fish are in the bay, but the distance to Melbourne or Adelaide is too great, and the carriage thither only results in loss to the fisherman. Large quantities of stock from all over the, SoutliEast could easily* be treated from Kingston. LYNDOCH, August 20.— Yesterday ovening the committee of the hall held a social and dance in aid. of the funds for the erection of a more up-to-date hall on the, block of land donated by the South Australian Company, and it proved a great success. Vooal and instrumental items were contributed by the Misses Lawes, Cnmbrook, D. and E\ Springbett, Wallaoe, I. Crambrook, M. and E. Schrader, K. Wallace, and Messrs. Gr. Wilkinson, F. Warren, \V. S. Martin, T. Wallace L. Win ton. Dancing followed, Mr. Wallace acting as M.C, and Mr. Jacobs as pianist. MOUNT GAMBIER, August 20.— The Presbyterian Churoh recently erected at Nelson was opened on Wednesday. Its dimensions are 30 ft, by 20 ft., and- it is capable of holding 100 worshipenrs. There was a ifivRe attendance, Mount Gambier being well represented. MURRAY BRIDGE, August 20. ~ Be

fore Messrs. R. Edwards and T. Scott yert tcrday, James Smith was charged wtth having stolen money from George Vau» hall. The accused pleaded guilty and wal sentenced to one month's imprisonnxeno; with hard labor. James McPherson ival to-day charged with having used indecent! language iu the publio street. He was se& tenced to one month's imprisonment TritK hard labor. ? ;?? NURIOOTPA August 2O.-The BarossS Teaohers' Association met to-day and Mr, Boerke (Freehng) presided. Teachers afe tended from Wifliamstown (2), Lyndochj Rowland's Flat, Tanunda, New Mecklen.} burg. Stockwell, Greenock, and NuriootpaL (2). Mr. J. L. Miller gave an address on teaching of composition,' and M¥. A. J. P. Kummnick gave a. lesson oii 'Clay modelling.' Full discussions f6llowed.and a profitable time was spent. NHILL, August 20.— Mr. Fibley. wh« was recently killed in Adelaide, u .4 brother to Mrs. W. J. Williams, oi Beulahi' East. Mrs. .Williams has left for South' Australia.— A hare drive took place 'at Brim, and in one day 180 hares and rabbits were captured.— Messrs. J.: and H. Hurst, or South Australia, purchased a five -year - old. thoroughbred named Gambler Dick; by Dick Swlveller from,' Elk. At the parade they bought a two* year-old colt that has secured two firstf prizes. Both animals are to be taken to South Australia. High prices were -paid in each case. '? ! OODLA WIRRA, August 20.— Mr. SchuU, with his large plant, has been at work cleaning out the railway reservoir, 2* mile* to the east, of the station. The water; ij carried by a syphon to the railway tanks; He has removed a large quantity* of sfl{, and the work is nearing completion. A new, pump has been fixed at the englnehouso at the reservoir, half a mile north of the station, from which ?water is pumped io the tanks.— Tlie district is looking very, well. Feed is plentiful, aud is beginning ?to ehoot up as the warmer weather come* on. Messrs. Howard Bros, have a verjh nice crop of wheat, about l{ miles west 67 the station on fallow ground, which tins not been under crop for some years. Mr. Tiller, who recently purchased Mr. Tieta 3 property, four miles north, has some vervj nice wheat, whilst further out on the wes% towards Dawson, the crops arc looking well. PORT AUGUSTA, August 20.— Owing t-i 1 lie good rains in July the water supply ft-r this district is well assured. The .Nectar Brook reservoir, which has a capacity; of, 153,000.000 gallons, is now full. PORT LINCOLN, August 20.— A team of Tumby Bay footballers on Wednesday, played the Boston Bay team. The weather was unfavorable. Tumby won by € goals 8 behi'nds to 2 goals 5 b^hinds. — The Kednedy Family of musicians, who are touring on the West Coast, gave a performance in the Institute to a crowded house. The programme was much appreciated. — The barque Anna, which has beeh loading wheat on account of the Fanner* Union for the past three weeks, left tha Kirton Point jetty on Friday, and anchored in the harbor to awajt her clearance. She will sail' for the United Kingdom for orders with 23.468 bags of wheat. —At a meeting of ratepayei* on Thursday night it was decided to grant space in the park lands to the Port Lincoln Tennis Club to lay down two new courts.-s The railway returns for ?thisi week arei^* Inwards — Passengers, 47; 'live stock, pfc firewood, 4 tons; wheat, 5 tons; -generf ral, 1 ton. Outwards — Passengers 29f potatoes and flour, 4 tons ; general, 49 tonsjj wheat stacked. 11,435 bags. ROCHESTER. August 20.— Messrs. Johnson Brothers have just completed k ' bore at Potts' Plain, on Mr. H. C. Hfttfr ' leer's land. At a depth of 420 ft. t&eJ5 struck a gOQd supply of splendid water. SPALDING. August 20.— The In-stitute committee meeting on Wednesj day evening decided to hold the annual sporta on October 7. The officers ag* ,

'vice-president, Mr. A. . McPhaih ?? comjtaittee^Mefesrs. Cr W. Smith, W. Haeklin, p. J. McAskUL J. &. Fviei J). A. Gampbell, S.-N. HaSett, H. Thomson, 8. JieiiaeBsy, 3. Marron. J. A. Fraeer. G. Thorn, A. F. JjoWi P. McCarthy, E. J. Sloman, CM. Wilson; 'judgeB, Meters. E. JS. (MI '*nd A. McPhail:, handicapper, Mr. J. A. ITyfp; jjtarteiy Mr; G. W. Smith; hon. eecreteryj 'Mr.^-A. H. M. Nancarrow. A good programme was arranged. TUNO1U£LG, Augurt 20.— Visiting : flay was held at the school on Friday last, .Otfing to ^Boisterous weather only a few ..parenteswere aD'e *° be present. The board «£ advice was represented by. Messrs. G. ???SB. Sketkeway (chairman), Thompson, and INaismith. The head teacher (Mr. E. MAdams) presented hia annual report, m which he stated that owing to an epidemic of -whooping cough for over three months (there remained only about six months for doing the work usually accomplished in the year. In spite -of the drawbacks the examination had been very satisfactory. Out of 34 on the school roll 30 were examined and 25 were promoted. Five out of six in the fourth class passed the compulsory standard, and two out of three obtained their fifth class honor certificate, lieonard Harding had attended every day since ? Christmas, walking a distance of over TOO miles to and from school in that fcime. . The chairman addressed the children on 'character and education.' i Through the kindness of a parent, lollies: were Handed' to all the children. Refresh- j toents were provided for the visitors by , Mrs. Adams. TEROWIE, August 20.— An interesting debate. was. held in the upper hall of the Institute last night on '[Does heredity play r more important part in the formation of character than environment.' The teams represented the Petersburg and Yarcowie iDebating Societies. Terowie 'was chosen i»s the most central place for the debate. JThe arrangements proved most satisfactory. The speakers for the affirmation were Mepsn?. P. II. Lock, G. F. Jenkins, end Walsh representing' Yarcowie. The negative side was supported by Messrs. H, Christophers, Percy Chennell, and S. Dickeon, Petersburg. The Hon. T. Paseoe, ?who acted as judge, decided in favor of Petersburg, who Avon by 20 points. The following are the individual scoree: — Yar-eowie— Lock, matter 35, method 15,-delivery 20. total 70; Walsh, 34, 12, and 15, total 61; ? Jenkins, 44, 17, and 27, total 88, combined I treatment 18; aggregate 237. PetersburgChristophers, 37. 14, and 20, total 71; Chensiell, 40, 16, and 27. total 83; Dickson, 40, 36, and 26, total 82, combined treatment 21; aggregate 257. Mr. J. B. Taylor ?(station-master) and his family arrived liere on Monday. Mr. Taylor's reappointment will be received with general satisaWILKAWATT, August 20. — On Friday evening the Wilkawatt Methodist choir rendered a service of song entitled 'Sing-ing Jim' to a large audience. Mr. T. A. Phillips conducted, ana Mr. W. J. Tyler presided at the ' oiigan. The Rev. E. Pederiek read the connecting readings. The entertainment was held to raise enough to ; finish paying for the org^an. The amount ? required Tras £4, and this was obtained. APPJLA-YARR0W1E, August 21.^-On Thursday evening a meeting of the Agricul- j lural Bureau was held, and Mr. W. Francis ; occupied the chair. Mr. H. Jeaschke and : IT. Klemm were elected to represent tiie j 'Appila-Yarrowie Bureau at the annual con- 1 press in Adelaide next month. An interest- \ ing lecture on different stock diseases was: given by Mr. Bundle, a vetsnary surgeon. ' BURRA. August 21.— Yet another death, making three in two days, has to be ! dironieled. The last ease was that of! Mr. T. Tobin, who recently returned from i .Western Australia. He was at one time n prominent footballer. He was single, K:-..j his father and sisters reside here. t'OCKBURN, August 21— At the time «-:' ibe strike at the Proprietary mine at: IJsokt-n Hill, and at the Port Pirie smelting woi-ks several thousand tons of suliilildc^ wore unloaded at the border staiitiii. On Thursday a gang of men. started !i.;i-iing this ore for transhipment to Port yix'ic They expect to send away about '2'i trucks per day. This, with the large iiiiiouiu of woo] coming in, and the usual loading from Broken Hill, is keeping work brisk in the railway yard. .MURRAY BRIDGE. August 21.— At a r.y.tling on Saturday evening it was decided to give a complimentary banquet to the Hon. John Cowan, M.L.C., in recognition of his services to Murray Bridge, nnd in honor of his recent election to the (Legislative Council, The date of the banquet is fixed for August 29. in the Mobi!ong Hall, and Sir Lancelot Stirling will preside. The Premier has signified his intention to attend if possible. Amongst others invited are Sir John Downer, Messrs. H. Homburg, M.P., F. J. T. Pilaum, M.P., and W. Jamie6on, M.P. MOUNT -3AMBDER, August 21.— Messrs. Barber, Mitchell, and Stohr, the officers of the Victorian Railway Department who have been inspecting the country that would be served, by a line of railway from Mount Qambier to Portland; inspected the -country on Friday between Strathdownie and Dartmoor and on to Heywood. They visited MacDonnell OBay, Millicent, Beaehport, Kalangadoo, (Dismal Swamp, and Glencoe, and were much impressed with the possibilities of (Gleneoe. On their return to Melbourne they will furnish reports to the Railway Com uiissioners. MOUNT BRYAN, August 21.— A social ]R'as held on Thursday. Mr. Hatherley mefcided, and gave an address of welcome. The following assisted in the concert: — Mrs. ffaylor, Miss D. Smelt, Mee&ra. Thomas, jHallierley, H. Collins, Parker, RrWardle. JM. Sexton, and J. Hatherley. Games and dancing were followed by supper. — Ai'bor day was held on Friday. Trees were planted in the school yard, which has been fenced recently by some of the parents. [Races were held as follows: — Boys' Race— 1, Bcnno Behocmberg; 2, Pat Dollard: 3, Jack fitnelt. Girls' B*ee.— 1, ElHe ttaUifirley; 2, Hedwig Bchoemberg; 8 Violet Ift'ardle. Little Boys' Hflce.— 1, Jnck Laidlaw; 2, Clem Bell; 8, Bert Vardle and Horrie Edwards, Head Small .Girls' Race.— Hedwig Sdioemfcerg; Annie Hatherley! Vera Wilson. Boys' Race, 3Pat Cansers; Victor Pearcc; Clyde Pearce. fourth and Fifth Girls' Bace.— Bridget Kelly: Ivy Wardie; (Laura Hatherley. Soys' Race. — Pat Kelly; Roy BecVwith; Bruce laidlflw. Lower Class Boys' Bace.— Alltn Pearce; M. Kelly. Email Boys' Race. --lieiiUe Pcarce; Arthur' Burton; Jack. Pearce. Wli-ed Race.^-iRosie WanHe; Mly Wardle; Daisy ^PORT' ?vTWCJENT,' August 21.-On Saturday afternoon the steamer Juno arrived from Stansbury to take ii way 'sheep )to Adelaide for Mr. GoldswortTiy ot Curramulka. ? - ' YORKETOWN, Auguet 21.-Mr. K. llurner,, of near Waroota, died on Thuraiday last after a short Illness, from heart failure. He was highly respected, and 'was one of the «arly- pioneers of tae lower, Pf-ninsula, having l-een engaged in farming' nt'-?prtiy. Point For many years. He was ] Jborn at Northamptonshire 64 years ago J end. arrived in the State at. an *arly afe.l . fie married *t Bdithburgh a daughter of

large family. «ix of whom, with the widow, survive. One =oif Mrs. Turner^Bonsdied iaFeDruary. — Mrs. O. PfitzneTj,, of Sunbury, who -underwent an operation at the local hospital some time ago, died at -that institution to-day, ? -,':;; * V ABERDEEN, August 22.— Last year marsh mallows ^grewluxnriaiitly, -and -they gave promise of doing so again this year, out myriads -of little ' grabs, which hide under the soil around the plants during the day, nnd at night ravage the plant, nfrve ot. daihed differently. Iney are tiny, fat^ green grubs, of the shade of the plant «t-tacked, with little brpWTni heads. When taken from their hiding glace during the day they seem lifeless and mest inactive Their energies are revived after the light of the sun has been withdrawn. These tiny creatures appear to be endowed with special instinct, for, although they live in the ground, they always climb to the ton of the plant for nourishment, thus retaining the life -of the marsh mallow until only a few hare stalks are left standing. Other vegetation does not suffer from the ravages of these grubs; in fact, grass fieems -to grow higher and better where the marsh 'mallow's are being devoured. To the eajst of Bum, miles of country that was covered with salt and Wue bush is now quite bare. 'Large strips of land have been devastated by a species of caterpillar, end the damage is more complete than it would be ae the result of overstocking,' for the bushes . ap- 1 pear to have been effectually killed. BASKKT EANGE, August 22.^On Fridav night the annual cricket meeting was held in the' Assembly Hall- and the officers elected were:— President, Mr, J. Jacobs; vice-president, Mr. W. Cramond; captain, Mr. J. Jacobs; vice-captain, Mr. W. Cramond: treasurer, Mr. B. Biehop: secretary, Mr. A. Walker; caretaker, Mr. A. TCranwell: committee. Messrs. F. Packer, H. Hocklam. A. BeaHchamp. A cricket pitch is to be started on the oew recreation ground this week.-^On Saturday last the Ashron football team played a match here. Each team scored 6 goals 7 behinds. Unfortunately for Basket Range, H. Spencer received an injury dnring_ -the game, which prevented him from continuing pJay. BORDERTOWN, August 22.— The annual stallion parade was held on the commonage reserve on Saturday. There were large entries, and a large crowd of horsemen. Several new horses have been brought into the district, which will be a good thing for fanners going in for horsanreeding. After the parade there was a1 jumping contest, which resulted in a- win for Kroonstadt, ridden by 31. Smith, and J. Gillies, second. i BURRA, August 22.— At Sunday morn- i ing's service at the Methodist Church the ? Rev. H. C. Farley referred to the gift of a j valuable Bible, presented by Mr. A. . C. j Drew, to the church in memory of the pleasant associations of bi6 father (Mr. C: Drew) and mother with the church. The church gratefully received the gift as an evidence of the interest still existing in its welfare.— MiEB M. Farr, general secretary of the woman's branch of the Australasian National League, visited Burra a few days ago, and during her stay ; held a successful meeting at the Burra Institute. The president of the branch (Mrs. E. Bowman) was in the chair. Misa Farr explained the arrangements in eonnec- ; tion with the fourth conference of the Women's Liberal organisation, in ? which the members of the league promise to send delegates, and also to contribute towards cost. Mrs. T. L. Keltieoat, tbe local sec- : retary. had received letters form several candidates, thaniung the branch for work : done. She also reported numerous addi- i lions to the membership. Satis-: faction was expressed at the progress made. —The Railway Depart-; ment have made another start with work at thfi ballast quarry, but have found ' eome diiBculty in getting suitable labor, | most men being away shearing. It is ex- ' peeted that permanent employment for five ', or six months will be found for a number i of men. It is eaid ballast from the quarry ! can be delivered right iuto Adelaide cheaper ; than from any other- quarry, ae it is easily gained and ready for ballasting. BURRA, August 22.— The Rev. E. G. Xeil, chairman of Samoan district and j deputation for foreign missions, preached ? at Kooringa Methodist Church on Sunday, ! and also spoke of mission work and the j customs and habits of South Sea folk at Monday night's' meeting. The attendance was fairly good. BLYTH, August 22— Although the Loyal Blyth Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., No. 121. is very young the members inaugurated a juvenile branch (Loyal Blyth Juvenile Lodge, No. 68) on Saturday after- ; noon, when 14 members were initiated. The visiting officers were: — Bros. F. E. Haddrick, Walton, Wheatley, Langley, and R. Buzacofcfc (representing Clare Lodge). Addresses . were delivered by the visiting officers. A handsomely gold-framed dispensation enclosed in an oak case with a silver shield 'bearing the following inscription: — 1910, Friend j ship, love, and truth.' Presented by thoj members of the Loyal Hindmareh Juvenile Lodge. No. 1, I.O.O.F., M.U. To their juvenile brethren at Blyth on the occasion of their birth'— was much admired. The juveniles were provided with a good repast by the district officers. Owing to the bad roads the visiting officers arrived later thati expected, and as they were anxious to complete their return journey bv motor the election of officers was! placed in the hands of the committee of the adult lodge. Bro. L. C. Victorsen proposed a vote of thanks to tbe visiting officers. Bro. A. B. Aird seconded, and the vote was carried with acclamation. Both branches are sure to make rapid progress in this thriving town and district. JAMESTOWN, August 22.— There was a good attendance at the Institute Hall on Saturday evening, when Mr. David Lind«ay spoke on the Northern Territory, and the proposed transfer of the Territory to tie Conimon wealth. The address was made ? exceedingly interesting by magic lantern slides. The great possibilities of this vast country were clearly demonstrated by Mr. ; Lindsay. At the conclusion Mr. H. Bou-, caut moved, 'That in the opinion of this' meeting it would be 'advisable to withdraw] the agreement for the' transfer of the Nor- 1 them Territory to the Gommonwealth Par- ' liament.' Mr. T. P. AxSord seconded the motion, fie thought it would be the best in the interests of the State to build the railway and 'keep possession of such a fine asset. Mr. James Goodes supported the , motion. The Mayor (Mr. J. A. Ogilvie) , also spoke strongly In support, and stated; that at the last corporation meeting the whole of the councillors had agreed to sup- '. port the retention by the State of the Ter- j T'tory, and the ? building of the line-' straight through. The motion1 was carried, unanimously —A represent tatire meeting .of shareholders oi the South Australian Farmers' Cooperative Union was held .in the Jamestown Institute on Friday afternoon. The meeting was preftfded over by Mr. John Coles, jun., and Messrs. Stonhouse and Oeo. Ferguson -di-

Te^ra),and,TM.%^e1lan^^e«c1rei^jr? were also present. The former. «poie on the various branches bflhe business of the t&ion, and Viewed the ^normous increane during -the past five or six years. Mr. Ydland dealt -with the advantages.of cooperation ansongst farmers. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the visit era. ^KAPUNDA, Augurt.22.— The .executive of the Lodge of Light, INoT 11, of the South Australian constitution, which, in Kapunda in 1860, recently purchased a block of land in Beck-street. It is' intended to erect a Masonic Hall on tAis site, which is a central and commanding one. As the .celebration of the jubilee ot tne lodge wity 'be ' held before the dose of the year, it .is probable there may be « chance of the foundation-stone being lnu with' appropriate ceremonial. Mr. Alfrea Wells, the architect, visited Kertmda on Monday, and took levels. He will prepare plans and estimates for the consideration of the lodge. For some years it has been the wish of members to have a building in keeping with the traditions of Mascnry, with such architectural adornments as are possible. MOUNT GAMB1ER, August 22. — On Sunday the new Roman Catholic Qmrch at Glencoe (St. Brendan's) -was dedicated and opened by the Rev. Father O'flferrell, of Adelaide, assisted -by the Very Rev. Dean Ryan, Mount Gambler. There was a larga attendance, including visitors from Mount Gambier. After the dedication ceremony mass was celebrated in the building for the first time by Dean Ryan, and the sermon was delivered by Father O'Farrell. The offertory totalled £116. The ladies of the congregation entertained the visitors at an excellent luncheon in the Glencoa hall. MOUNT GAMBIER, August 32.— Mrs. T. Major, one of Mount Gambier'e oldest residents, has died at 'Stonelanda/ at the age of 81. The deceased had been an invalid for some years 'before her death. She wag born at Blyborough, North Lincolnshire, and was a daughter of Mr. J. Bell. She was married to the late Mr. T. Major in 1851. Mr. and Mrs. Major left England in 1855, and after arriving in Adelaide they proceeded to Mount Gambier. A family of three sons and four daughters, who survive, are Messrs. Denis Major, of 'Brad-gote,' Millicent: W. J. Major, of 'Wee-, roona/' Millicent; C. T. Major, of Glen-' burnie; Mrs. S. J. Smith, of Millicent; Mrs. Walters, Tasmania; and Misses A. and M. Major, Torrensdale. MOUNT GAMBIER, Aujrust 22.— A meeting of those interested in the ploughing matches was held on Saturday evening. Mr. T. O. Williams presided over a fair attendance. The balance-sheet, which showed a profit of £3, was adopted, making a total eum of £12 in hand, and the secretary (Mr. J. H. Sheppard) reported that there was 15/ in entrance money and £3 3/ in donations to come in. The secretary was voted an honorarium of £6 8/. The chairman's idea of selling 1,000 tickets at 1/ each for next year's matches was thought a good one, and the hope was expressed that £100 would be given awav in prizes. PASKEV1LLE, August 22.— Messrs. Verco Bros., of Balaklava, have had a flo,ur and bran store erected here. This is a further improvement m the town. REDHILL, August 22.— A highly successful euelire party and dance was held in the Institute Hall on Friday evening in connection with the Hibernian Society. The prize-winners were: — Ladies, first, Musd Bickhoff; consolation, Miss Carter; gents, first, Mr. B. Head; consolation, Mr. J. Lister. Father Ryan, of Snowtown, presented the prizes. The takings amounted, to £18. Credit is due to the secretary (Mr. M. Coffey) for the manner in whieU the arrangements were carried out. — Mr. Roy Robertson has been appointed captain of the rifle club, in place of Mr. F. Cleave, now residing in Jamestown. RIVERTON, August 22— One of the local business men had a spurious halfsovereign passed on him a few days ago, and was not aware of the fact till he presented it at the bank, where it was detected and broken in two. It was a eplendid imitation, made of some white metal and gilded over. Only a short time previously another tradesman had a silvered king's head penny passed on him one evening for half a crown. Persons should therefore be on their guard against accepting counterfeit coins. — The wind on Thursday evening was very boisterous. It took off the roof and ceiling of Mr. W. Heath's residence at Rhynie, and wrecked part of a windmill belonging to Mr. Longbottom near Riverton. — During the progress of the football match on Saturday afternoon on the Riverton recreation ground between Riverton and Tarlee, one of the players for Tariee, named Dohnt, received an injurv to his ankle, which will necessitate his lying up for a fortnight. — On Friday the Rev. J. G. Wieen of Sydney, general secretary of Foreign Missions, visited here, and in the afternoon met and addressed local preachers, auxiliary members, and Christian Endeavor and Sundayschool members in the Methodist Church, ile asked for a more active interest in foreign mission work. A public tea was provided in the Lecture Hall, and in the evening Mr. Wheen spoke on th« work done by the foreign missions, and of his vfait to the Fiji Islands.— On Wednesday evening a number of young ladies and members of the Methodist Girls' Guild met at the residence of Mrs. J. Wilson, who gave them a lecture on 'How to nurse the sick.' Great interest was taken by those present. Mre. Wilson afterwards provided supper. STRATHALBYN, August 22.— At the Institute Hall on Saturday night a very sue- 1 cessful skating carnival took place in. aid of the institute funds. There was a large attendance, and the proceeds will considerably augment the funds. The success of the function is entirely due to the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McFarlane, who have j managed the skating throughout the season. A large number of skaters, all in fancy costume, took part, and under the tuition of Mrs. McFarlane, gave a pretty exhibt- i tion. The judges were:— Mesdames J. S. Richardson and vj. S. A. Wyatt, Messrs. J. ! W. Elliott and W. F. Adams. The decisions were: — Best-dreBsed lady Miss Rene Bruce; best - dressed girl under 16 years, Miss Olive Rees; bestdressed lady and skater, both considered, j Miss Maude Bruce; youngest girl skater, ( Miss Vera James; best-dressed gentleman, i Mr. A. BeeB; under 16 years, Master D. ; McFar-ane; special, Master. P. Pyne; lady skater. Miss violet Edmonds; jinder 16, Mies Mabel Ferry; gentleman. skater, Mr. ; F. Dingle; boy under 18, Master Algjr. Bruce; pair ikalers, Mr. Rees and Mbs McFarlane.* The costumes were:— Messrs. J H. Edmonds, the devil: F, Dingle, courtier; -A. Rees, Monsieur Beaucaire; A. Caldwell, j Jockcyj A. Bruce, boy Bcout; L. Haggajit, ' sailor; R. Deed, French Hussar; M. Deed, Patched-up Sam; D, McFarlane, soldier dandy; G. Scott,, lubraj C. Rice, Pierrot; G. Adams, brigand; M. Daniel, Dad Wayback; H. Mines, Pierrot; Hisses R. Bruce, Spanish dancer: Ida Seed, gipsy, Maude Bruce. Swiss milkmaid; Winnie McFarlane,

Jidplad^He^^yJis,: a^igb^: ofT theregimenti Violet Edmunds, MnrSej 'Grace EdmoadB, Golden West; Inda Beckert, girl seoui;; F. .Drexkler.v'rioletaji Mabel Ferry, fairy; -31ive -Bees, Scotch lassie; «nd Yera James. * -- v ' '?''_' :' TUNOKItLO, 'AHRust 22.— Tbe onB«al : cxamiuatipn-at *J-e nubHc.^choo! was conducted by Inspector ? Robert*pn. Ijriaay . Jast'wa6 observed as visiting day, -when the chairman of the Board of Advice (Mr. G. 8, Sketheway). and Messrs. F. Thompson, and J. Naismith, were present. The school work of' the, children was admired, and a 'balf-holiday was granted; — On Thursday last . a- lecture on 'Alcoholism' -was delivered by Mr. V. Stanton; Mr. J. Pym occupied the chair; A programme of vocal and instrumental items was also carried out by Misses I. M. Hooper, M. Spoehr, Chamberlain. O. Burton, Gr. Rollond. G. Hobbs, S. Rollond. E. O. Dea, E. O'Brien, S. Bollond, Mrs. Bollond, MessrB. A. Starkey, L. Starkey, E. Pym, and E. Rollond. TARLEE, August 22.— A public service was held in the institute on Sunday, wh«si a collection was taken in aid of the Kapunda Hospital. The Rev. J. Bemmana, of Bethel, gave an address, and Betho* Brass Band supplied tne music There was a crowded attendance and the hospital 'board will receive £14 15/ as a result -of the service. This is the tenth service of the kind held here, so that the hospital has thereby received a considerable sum. Mr. J. C Tayler.'acted as secretary and worked hard to make tbe- service a success. WALLOWAY, August 22.— Last night a large fire was seen in the direction of Mr. A. Beinke's property. A number of neighbors went quickly to tbe scene,, and found i that tbe fire originated through the . preparation of an oil engine for work in tbe early morning. It appears that the light used (a lantern) ignited the benzine fumes. , The blaze quickly spread to the building. 1 Helpers worked hard, and saved valuable I horses, wheat, implements, harness, and other property. Mr. J; Beinfce had his hands badly burnt. Mr. Beinke estimates his loss at £400. WALLOWAY, August 22.— The country is looking well, and harvest prospects are good. The recent rain freshened up the gross and wheat, which are growing well. BURRA, August 23. — A telegram has been received bv the municipal council j irom Hon. R. W. Foster, who had been asked to interview the Federal officers as to delay in erection of new postroffice pre. mises. Mr. Foster stated that the Minister of Home Affairs had informed him that the plans were in the hands of Mr. Owen Smyth, and that there would be n& further delay in calling for tenders. Tn& accommodation is much needed, and th« matter of private boxes will have attention in the new building. LANGHORNE'S CREEK, August 23 — In the Oddfellows' Hall last evening a company of performers from Strathalbyn gave a most successful concert in aid of the Methodist manse fund. The gathering was presided over by Mr. J. W. Odgers, and at the close of the programme eupper was provided by local ladies. The performers were Airs. Williams, Misses Porter, Rag- j gatt, Dingle (2), Menmuir, and Wallis, Messrs. Dingle and Halliday, and the Strathalbyn Methodist Church choir. — At a I meeting, with Mr. G . Cleggett as chair| man, it ws decided to form the Lang; home's Creek Coursing Club. Steps are to be taken to advertise the most .suitable coursing country, and a strong committee was formed. NAIRNE,- August 23. — It has been decided to hold the annual picnic of the eastern hills schools at the Semaphore in November. — Mr. Sandercock, of Nairne, took over 30 of his pupils to Balhan-nah on Saturday last, where he gave a singing lesson, and wound up with several of the songs sung by his pupils, including their prize piece, 'The soldier's' farewell.' The teachers present were greatly pleased: with tbe lesson and the singing. Tney clubbed together and bought, the children' chocolates, and the secretary of the HillsFootball Association, Mr. O. Witt, pre sented each child with a ticket to the football match played that day. YANKALILLA, August 53.— The crops are making favorable progress under the influence of genial weather. The extent of land under cultivation is not so great ae was predicted, farmers foregoing the cropping of manv fields owing to excess of moisture. The lambing season has so far E roved highly satisfactory ,the percentage eing in advance of last season. Farmers in the more isolated parts of the district report losses of lambs from foxe*, but on the whole this peat has been comparatively quiet; mainly owing to the war on their kind by the unemployed, who found fox-; killing 'very remunerative.