Prahran Chronicle (Vic. : 1894 - 1906; 1914 - 1918), Saturday 17 July 1915, page 5

SCOUTS' SALUTE. The Scouts' salute is a " sign" amongst the Scouts. In " Scouting for Boys" it is quite clear that the salute is one of the " essentials," and therefore I hope that all of my Scout readers will refresh their memories on this snbject, and I will just remind them of a few things in connection with the Scout's salute. i. The Scout's salute is the "Scout sign" of the Scouts, just as the Scout's badge is distinctive of the Boy Scout movement, so is the Scout's salute recognised as being the " secret sign" common to all the Scouts. z. The meaning of the " sign." Like the Scout's badge, with its three spreading points, the "sign" of the three fingers reminds the Scout of his three-fold promise of " duty to God and the King, helpfulness to all, and obedience to the law of the Scouts." 3. The smile is a part of the Scout's salute. The Chief Scout has recently made this addition to the salute, and it makes it doubly attractive. It is a Scout's privilege, to salute. To be entitled to give' another the Scout's salute shows that you are both members of the great brotherhood of Boy Scouts, both bearing the same badge and motto, both bound by the same law, both having similar broad aims and high ideals, and both being under authority. It may be that you and he are of similar rank in the Scouts, in which case you give him the " half salute," or maybe he is a Patrol Leader, in which case you, as a Scout, give him the "full salute." But you are, each of you, "on Scout service," though your respective ranks may be different, and the salute signifies that you and he belong to the same great cause, and that you mean to do your best to carry out its laws. 5. There are three forms of the hand salute. These I will just mention-The Half Salute, the Full Salute, and the Silver Wolf's Salute. Patrol Leaders and Officers should always acknowledge a Scout's salute. Officers always salute with the right hand. Patrol Leaders should see that the Scouts in their patrol understand the Scout's salute, and know how to give it properly. Set a good example in "saluting" yourselves, and expect your Scouts to do the same. There is nothing mean, servile, or slavish about the Scout's salute. and never make a fool of a Scout's salute, or treat it lightly.