Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954), Monday 29 January 1900, page 8


(By Telegraph.)

(From Our Own Correspondent.)


Yesterday at the invitation. of. Mr. R. ?J. Sharkey, J.P., the. Mayor and a number; of the leading residents and several iNorseman visitors proceeded to the Es,-perance . Bay Land Company's town ?site. The occasion was the opening of the tram line constructed between the rwo jetties, which w&s the condition im-' . posed by the Government when grant

ing- tne company permission to land dutiable goods at their jetty. The ?tram line is intended for goods traffic 'ionly, but trucks were fitted up specially to convey, the party. These ran smoothly, 'and the trip to Esperance was an enjoyable one. Refreshments were provided in one of the company's buildings; the line was declared open by ,' the Mayor, and several toasts were honored. .

'« Mr Deakin 'has been appointed as ! brewer to the Kalgoorlie Brewing and . Ice Company in succession to Mr Elliott, who has accepted the position of brewer to the Shamrock Brewery. Mr Deakin is an old employee of the .com -jpany.and has had an opportunity of obtaining a good deal of knowledge here 'as well as elsewhere of brewing, and the public may be -assured of getting !as good a brew turned- out as preyiously. This afternoon,at half-past 2 o'clock, on the premises, Kanowna, Messrs R. B. Pell and Co will conduct an important sale of freehold property, under instructions from Mr T. Doyle, Mayor ?of Kanowna. There will be brought under the hammei; the freehold and goodwill', furniture, and stock of the wellknown Kanowna Hotel, which is situated on town section 19 and 20, corner of Isabella and Wills streets, which is claimed to be one of the best positions in that town. The hotel is well furnished throughout, and has every convenience for doing an extensive business. The stock and furniture will be ?offered at valuation. There will also ibe submitted the Kanowna Chambers, adjoining the hotel, the terms for which will be declared at the sale. It is said that Black Boolka will be ?present at the Bouldeij race meeting pn January. 31, in charge of -Jotf' ?..fTrenQwetk'' ' ' '' ' . '-