Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 28 March 1908, page 7


MOUNT GAilSlER, March* ^20.— Tlie local potato market remains quiet, the price being £3 per ton on trucks, Mount Gambier Tailway-*tatioOj: and £2 17/C;r'at Glencoe. The onion market is dull at £4 per ton, on trucks, ' Mount : Gambier railway-station. Feed is making rapid growth.

FRANCES, March 18.-A good fall of rain is badly needed to replenish the domes- tic supplies' and give the grass a. fair start. Farmers are anxiously waiting fpr rain to enable them to begin their1 tilling operations. A few have made a start already, breaking up their fallow land. On Sunday last light ^showers fell during the day,' and in the ' evening heavy rain set in, but, as usual, did not last long, and only 18 points were registered at the local post-office. PORT LINCOLN, March 20. — Mr. WE. Goode, of White's River, has leased his station to Mr. De Rose for. a term of 11 years. Messrs. Bagot, Shakes, & Lewis conducted a successful sale at the station on Thursday. There were numerous buyers and stock brought big prices. Mr. Goode's exit from agricultural and pastoral pur-suits will be 'much felt, as he has always bred first-class stock. The station is well situated, being within a few miles of Louth Bay. — Farmers are busy clearing^p for the plough. Bush aiid stubble firas a^e to be seen. on nearly everj' farm. S-me: hundreds of tons, of super have recmtlV: been brooght into the district. Fawners eagerly buy anv sheep offered at auction I 1 Horses - are still hrjnging high . press and ] the demand is greater than the supply, ^-A good many farms in this district have ! re- ; cently changed hands at high prics.^rThe recent rains did not reach these- parts, and householders are in great straits for washinst water. .. ? ', BLANCHETOWN, March 21. — Mr. Kilsby. who recently purchased GJenforsten station, has been busy clearing some of the! ?scrub land. Three hundred acres hav«.al-j ready been finished. About thirteen bun-j drcd sheep 'belonging to Mr. Nitchke passed through' here froin Kapuuda on their way to Woods Flat this week. Ratfbits are becoming numerous again a few miles from tbe river frontage, and one fanner reports having poisoned 20 foxes within a short time. Some farmers are busy seeding, and some wheat which had been planted just before the last rain is already above ground. The riv«r 1ms fallen rapidly during the past week, and it is feared the mail eteamer Federal will soon have to cease running between here and Morgan. Feed is lwcoming Bcarcc, and sheep farmers are hoping for more win. CO WELL (Franklin Harbor), March 19. —The Adelaide Steamship Company's stea-j mer Ferret made two tripe direct here from Wallaroo this week. It whs found impossible to bring all the loading on the usual weekly trip on Wednesday, and after; discharging ' her cargo she went back to) Wallaroo for the remainder, which she brought on Thursday morning. The second j cargo consisted mainly of agricultural im-J plements. The large number of up-to-date farming implements which liave been landed here during the past few weeks Speak well for the prosperity and enterprise of the farmers in this district. With a bettor knowledge of phosphates, and with so many im- 1 proved farming implements in use, the far- ( niers hid fair to eclipse their previous efforts j jdun'ng the nest wheat season. ' ?' ' . j C0OM0ORO0, March 20.— The recent1 rains have caused this neighborhood to look green. Seeding operations are fairly general. Rabbits have almost vanished f6r the time, but grasshoppers are paying their autumnal visit. They, however, will not, do much harm. .....???