Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Tuesday 18 March 1884, page 2

WITH WHICH II INCORPORATED ra dolYd oB~ava. ESTAIILISHED 1866. Published on Tuesday and Friday Mornings. TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1884. NOTES AND EVENTS. The party under Mr. R. Colles, engage in the survey of the railway line south of Colac was, by memo, from the Railway De partment last week, ordered to report itself at head quarters on Monday, the 31st March. On Saturday morning last, how. ever, an order, by telegraph, was received countermanding previous instructions, and directing Mr. Colles to continue the survey of the line, following as far as practicable the course of the Gelli brand River. The survey of the line has been completed for a distance of 21 miles from Colac, and throughout the whole course a most easy gradient has been obtained, ex ceeding not a single instance 1 in 60, Be tween the tenth and eleventh mile posts the ,r, t r under Mr. Davies. who are survevino

aline from Birregurra towards Apollo Bay -the same point for which the Colac aurvey is making-meots the line surveyed by Mr. Colles, but at this point the Birregurra line shows over a distance of over 20 miles, as against 10 miles from Colac. The recall of Mr. Colles's party, although countermanded, bas occasioned a little alarm among the members of the local Railway League, and a deputation will most probably be appointed to wait on the Minister with a view of in. ducing him to allow the survey to be con tinned. The ordinary monthly meeting of the Colae Shire Council will be held to.morrow (Wed. noeday), commencing at the usual hour. The weather during the past week has been most unseoaeable, and there is every prospect of the winter cuLpmencing early. The air has been partioularly gold, pith very little sunshine. On Sunday night thera was a very sharp frost, bat Monday morning broke fine, the sun shining forth, and the atmosphere was bracing. In the Irrewillipe forest the cultivation of the apple is being extensively carried on, and in a few years hence the selectors who went to the expense of clearing the land will reap the reward of their toil. The greater number of the orchards in the locality re. ferred to have been only recently planted, anu ,,he trees are now coming into fell bear. lag. Lat season the crop of apples was so prolific that if. Arnold turned a very large quantity into ciders wiaLfh met with a ready demand in Colac and elsewhere, Mr. Ching, in years past also manufactured older,' but discontinued doing so when there were two

or three successive failures in the yields, Selectors of a more recent date have turned their attention almost solely to the produc. tion of fruit, apples of late and good keeping sorts being almost exclusively cultivated. The demand for this description of fruit far exceeds the supply, and as the soil and cli. mate met with in the forest are well adapted for the apple, the land could not be turned to more profitable account. Next week Mr. William Hamilton, of Tomahawk Creek, will forward to Melbourne SO cases of apples, principally of the pippin class, and more will follow when ready for packing. Other orchardists in that district have re. ceive- urders for greater quantities that they can supply, go that they are certain of re. ceiving a fair return .'r the expenditure of of their capital and labor.: The programme of the Invercigh Racing Club appears in another column. The sports are to be held on Easter Monday, April 14th, and the programme includes both equestrain and pedestrain events, the prize money amounting to £100. There are seven events in both sections, and the prizes being of such a liberal nature large lieldd are sure to be attracted. In previous years the sports have been admirably carried out, and people from Colao who have visited them speak highly of the arrangements of the ntowa'4ds

A scratch polo match was played o-n th5 eserve on Saturday afternoon, when some capital play was shown. The attendance of members, considering their other engage ments, was good, and a number of the public was present. Shortly before the conclusion of the game, a sad accident happened to Mr. L. G. Calvert, one of the contestants. IHe was in the act of striking the ball, but over balancing himself, he fell from his pony, and Mr. W. A. Armstrong, who was follow. ing him closely, could not pull up his ateed in Iime to avoid ridirn over him. The result

was that the small bone of Mr. Calverts right arm, between the elbow and the wrist was broken, in addition to the flesh being much lacerated. The play in consequence of the accident was directly afterwards brought to a close, and Dr. Foster, was im mediately summoned to attend Mr. Calvert. The bone was set and the wound dressed by the doctor, and we are glad to hear the patient is progressin well A very serious accident happened on Fri. day evening about eight o'clock to George Conner, a man employed by Mr. Wilmot, cordial manufacturer of this town. Connor, who was driving a waggonette and pair of horses, was returning from Birregurra after having delivered his load of cordials.- and when coming down the main road near Kemp's corner, he lot one of the reins fall about the horses' heels. The horses were travelling at a brisk trot, and to recover the rein he got out on the pole, but missing his hold he fell between the horses. A young man named Harry Hansen, who was in the wag gonette at the time clung on to the horses with the one rein which Conner had given him before getting out, and by pulling it and calling out to the horses he endeavoured to stop them ; they having by this time broken into a good swinging gallop. Clinging to the one rein caused the horses to swerve, and Hansen was either'pulled out or thrown out of the vehicle, two wheels of which passed over one of his legs, but fortunately did not break it. He walked back ,o the spot where Conner was thrown out, and he found him lying on the road apparently a good deal injured, and bleeding freely about the head. With assistance Conner was conveyed home, and Dr. Foster, who was called in, found that he was suffering from a severe scalp wound which extended over the orown of

the head from ear to ear; the ecalp being removed some inches from the skull. Con nor is now out of danger, but it will be some weeks before he will be able to pursue his ordinary duties. A man named James Pinn, a stranger in the district, was arrested on Saturday after noon for being drunk and disordenly. Pinn had only come into town a few hours pre. viously, armed with a £10 cheque, and hav ing cashed it, he purchased goods to the ex. tent of £215s, and then procceeded to hold "high holiday" with the balance. With a little liquor in he became quarrelsome, and h aving assualted two or three employes in a well known business establishment up the street, it was found necessary) "to bind him han and foot," not only for his own! protection, hut for the protection of others as well. The police were shortly'afterwards sent for, and :inn was lodged in the lock-up. On Sunda he reclined all day within its peaceful wall,y and yesterday morning he was brought be fore Mr Hamilton at the Police Court. The justice, considerating that the poor fellow had sufficently atoned for his over indul gence, discharged him. He was about leav ing the Court, when Sergent Hall intimated that he had some money belonging to him. Pinn could hardly believe such lunck was in store for him, and when the sum of £G 15.,, the unexpended balance of his £10 cheque, was handed to him, he thanked again and again the police for having " secured" him and his money. The following are the details of boring ope. rations since last issue?.-Friday, lift 6in, clay and sandstone; Saturday, 10t 6in, fine clay; Monday, 12ft 4in, do and sandstone. Total depth of bore, 355ft Din. The clay pierced has been of avery pasty nature and slow to pierce. It is'almost entirely free from car bonaccous matter.

Two special trains from Camperdown passed through Colac yesterday nitbjtwcnty six trucks of sheep for Newmarket, and by the ordinary train in the afternoon seven trucks from.Camperdown, and two from Ondit were sent to the same market. A special train with sheep will leave Ondit at 2,25 p.m. to-day. A draft of 1500 bullocks, the pick' of 1700 head, was purchased on Friday by Mr. Blundell, of the Meat Market, Melbourne, from Mr. Hayes, manager of the Ingleby es tate, Birregurra. The price paid was equal to £11 per head in the market, and yhe cattle must bollifted within three paonkl. frojm date of sale. The Hospital pogmittee met on Friday afternoon, therebei?g prsqet .MessrsBird (in the chair), Thomas TsllohP p?gd j7reen, There was no correspondence received since last month, and the meeting was of short duration. The secretary reported that the balance in bank to credit was £78 Os. 2d. Accounts amounting to £44 13s. 3d. were passed for payment, which reduced the credit balance to £33 6s; lid. The newly.ap pointed steward and matron, Mr. and Mrs, Blythman, had commenced duties, Mr. and Mrs. Dash having taken their departure on the 8th instant. An invento;y of stook had been taken before relieving Mr. Dash tr,?2 ,uty, and everything was correct. The case of Thomas Gamble was brought under the notice of the commiýteo by the medical ofli. cer, The case was one more fitted for a Benevolent Asylum rather than an Hospital, and an effort will be made to have hinm sent to Geelong. The case of Miss Ellen Byrne, daughter of Mr. Thomas Byrne, blacksmith, of Piron Yalloak, who was receiving treat. ment as a out-patient, was also considered by

the Committee, and it was decided the case was not one for the exercise of charity. The hour of meeting was altered from two o'clock in the afternoon to three o'clock. The dis. caussion of the notice of motion by MIr. Bird to hold the meetings of committee in the:old Shire hat! ~yA postponed until next meeting. The agricultural staf?tfic for 18S3-SI have just issued by the Government ta'.. theireturn the following:figures regarding 'c shires of Colas and Winchelsea are given ci-Coloa;Wheat, 187 acres yielding 3674 bushels; oats, 1326 acres, 42153 bushels; potatoes, 58 acres, 204 touns hay, 5S1 acres, 1192 tons. Winchelsea-Wheat, 165 acres, yielding 2190 bushels; oats, 14W acres, 33,409 bushels; potatoes, 160 acres, 532 tons ; hay, 514 acres, 802 tons. The average produce per acres is-wheat, 13·89 bushels ; oats, 24'06 bushels; potatoes 4100 tons; hay 1"44 tons, The full returns have I not yet como.tol hand.

In conseqouence of representations made by Robertson, M.P., the Education Depart. meat has consented to take into considera. tion the request of the residents of Barwon Downs for school accommodation in that locality, and the matter has been referred to the District School Inspector for report. It has been represented to the Department that there are 30 children of school ages wish. ing to participate in the benefits of state edth cation, and if this is the case, the department will,'no doubt, at once accede to the prayer of the petition. While writing of the district state schools, it may be mentioned that Mr. Roobertson at the same time interviewed the Minister with reference to the requirements of the Birregurra school, and obtained.a promise that the present building will be at once ceiled, and that a class room will be at the same time erected. The committee of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society met on Friday aftdrnoon for the purpose of considering the advisa bility of holding an Autumn Show. Mr. R. V. Dennis, occupied the chair. After a short discussion, it was decided on Cho motion of Mr. Buchanan, that no exhibition be held this year, the season being too far ad. vanced. The Secretary (Mr. P, W. Fallen) submitted the following state. ment in connection with last- year's horticultural show :-Receipts-Grant from Agricultural Society, £30; special "piizee, £25 4s ; admission money, £12 Os Gd; entries, £2 14s ; total, £70 7s. 6d, Expenditure-Prize money, £39 9s. Gd.; accounts, £23 13s.; balance, £7 5s.; total, £70 7s. 6d., The ..-nne, ornn of Mr .'rshall- t. atthnho.ent

tural prize list be compiled at the same time as the catologne for the Pastoral Exhibition was deferred until the annual meeting. The meeting then rose. Monsignor Moore, D.D., will be conse. crated Roman Catholic Bishop of Ballarat on Sunday, 30th March. The ceremony will be performed by Archbishop Goold, assisted by bishops from the other colonies. Haydn's No. 5 mass, with a full band accompaniment, will be rendered by a select choir. Reference has frequently been made to the injuries cattle have sustained whilst being conveyed by rail from country districts to the metropolis. The Railway Commis. sieners have given the matter consideration, and have issued an order that the chain couplings upon cattle trains are to be done away with, and replaced by screw couplings. This will cause the trains to travel much more steadily, and will greatly lessen the danger of injury to the live stock. This reform is due to the representations of Mr. Robertson, M.P. The Associated Banks contributed to the Government of Victoria for the tax on their note circulation for the half year ended 31st December, 1883, the sum of £13775 7s, 4d. One hundred and fifty men have been killed by the explosion of a mine at Poca. liontas in West Virginia. The engagement fought between the British troops and the Arabs of the Soudan on Thursday.last was of a more serious charo acter than was shown by the first reports. The British troops advanced in two squares, in which position they had marched from Zareba the previous day. The rebels imme. diately attacked them fiercely, making re. peated charges. At one time they succeeded in breaking the leading British square, capturing the guns by which it was sup. ported. The 65th regiment was driven back on the Marines, but the troops rallied and again advanced. After fierce fighting, they retook the guns, and finally defeated Osman all along the line. The 42nd regiment bore the brunt of the fighting, and lost heavily. The battle lasted two hours and a half. The losses of the rebels amounted to 3000 killed and 5000 wounded.