Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Tuesday 6 May 1884, page 2

OB ER T SP ARKI TIMBER MERCHANT AND IRON.* MONGER, Murray Street, next Bridge Eonse, Has ON SALE at LOWEST PRICES " DDORS, WINDOWS, MANTELPIECES, Tand G FLOORING, and LINING, MOULDING, SKIRTING,. DEAL, SHELVING LIME, &c., &c. WINDOW GLASS, OILS, RED and WHITE LEAD. Carrenter's Tools of all Kinds. alvanised Iron, Plain and Corrugated Spouting, Ridgings, Sheet Zinc, Locks of every description Hinges, Nails, Bolts and Nuts, Screws, &c. Joiners' work prepared to order at moderate prices. A : N T .E. D Any . I A N T I' T Y ABBSIT AND OPOSSUM SKINS. litotd ti Met outfNs Psaoes IMMEDIATELY ...,- OWI ROS., Melbouxrne. RA I N Z I T o c K. The undersigned is prepared to TAKE .IN STOCK for GRAZING in the Paddock d..nowr ,s Whitchell's, in the parish of Barongarook. The Fees are-Working barllodk? Is. per head per week; other SloCk, 9i. per head per week, if booked for 'lthre amonths; horses, is. Gd. per head per week. Every care taken, buat no responsibility. Apply on the land to RUSSELL CHAPIIAN, ' Bam tOarook, 22nd December, 1883. W A NTED KNOWN That A. T": SITLINGTONI Hasoe SALE a SPLENDID A EsORTTIENT Of PAPERTHANGINGS, Also PAINTS, - S, COLORS, A.- J. sITL? NGTON Murray-stre ATTLE B A- P S. The BIEARLEY BROS. TANNEIRY CO., Limited, Geelong, give Highest Price for BEST BLACK WATTLE BARK de. livered at their Australian Tannery, M?arshalltown, or Corio Tannery, Western Beach, Geelong. . J. FLNAGAN, Secretary. W ApISTB pJ I R Or 514 !31ly +<3 W 4 it fit #hW gn fl

A'PATERSON· & CO. Successors to J. H. EBEALL AND CO., ' Beg to announce the ARR I V A L Of their FIRST PURCHASE Of -WINT ER GOODS, Which will be found to EXACTLY SUIT THE PUBLIC REQUIREMENTS. '.DRESS STUFFS SIn the Neweat, Styles, Shades, and De. signs, , LADIES' ULSTERS & JACKETS Of the'moat)jFashionable Shapes, at Ex. tremely Moderate Prices. HATS, FEATHERS, Winter Flowers Cheuille Trimmings, &c., in great Variety., LADIES OF FASHION Are advised that our Millinery Depart. ment is now under the Supervision of a First; class Milliner from Melbourne (MIss SWAN), and we shall highly esteem the favor of a share of the patronage of the good ladies of Col . BOOT S. SWe hav a especially high class lot of Ladies' and Gents' boots on hand at present; also, all styles suitable for working men, very economioal and good wear, READY-MADE CLOTHING. We make a Speciality of this Department, and the publio may rest assured that although we Sell Cheap, we do not pass through our hands any low class, inferior manufactures BESPOKE SUITS At Tempting Prices. Newest Patterns and Fabrics of the Season, ;Call and see our Pattern Cards.l CHEAP LINES. There are many Extraordinary Bargains to be had in ourp Tptiirs Room, where we are Clearing Out a lot of Mr. Beall' Old Stock, at prices just a fraction of the original coat. OUR RULE Of Business is, when we Pnrchaie adyan tageously, to give the benefit of our Bargains to our Customers, without any reference to the Prices charged by other Firms, and we feel aure that those friends who deal with us will not:be slow to recognise this fact. A. PATERSON d&CO. LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Large SHIPMENT just Opened, 4I. lid., 6s. lid., 8s. lid. BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED, - BOYS' .JERSEY SUITS(Jersey Knickerbockers and Cap), "Tar " and "Sailor" shapes, All Price. - FOOTBALL REQUISITES-, Jerseys, Hose, and Caps. All oelors. BRIGHT AaW HIT'CHCOOKS, Importers and Family Drapers, Ga.. : GaNo AeD LoHeO. ' April fth. i / Iv r , fSl ' W, MAWSON, MOORBaBOOL STREET, aOEELONO. ASPHALT. ASPHALT CONWAY AND EVANS Having a Spare PORTABLE PLANT o0 hand, are prepared to do ASPHALTING o all descriptions in Colao and district. Floors, Footpaths, Yards, Cellars, Tennis Courts Wool Sheds, c. Sheep Pens, Fowl Houses, d.&, &Uf. Asphalt is well.known to tbe te heat; a leeapett method of Paving, Kill i all SXeLs, and destroys all \VE.R.s C. & E. notify 1a MiETAL and SCREEN[NGS can he obtaine; in the district, thoy Scan do work at GEELONG PRICES. CONWAY AND EVANS, *I @R Sil44vy ltatio, zjB»»,'IjCg!

[THOMAS MARSHALL ? TE Begs to intimate to his Patrons and the Public, that his ] FIRST" PARCELS of (F iEW AND SEASONABLE WINTER GOODS,. ;arefully and advantageously purchased for the coming season, are now. RI OPENED UP, and marked at a ,INIMUM RATE OF PROFIT, Comprising the NEWesT STYLeS'In,adies' Bonnets, Hats, and. Millinery Trimmings ; Ladies' and Children's Ulsters, Jackets, ho. Dresses in the newast designs, and A Fabrics, with Buttons, Trinlmings, &c., Winter Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Skirts, and a. . SPLENDID 'ASSORTMENT:.I- . FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS. A Splendid "Lot- ofFLANNELS, BLANKETS,, r . CALICOES,' .e . , & THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT [8 now RE-STOCKED with New Fashionable Garments, equal to bespoke. SHIRTS,..i:. ; COLLARS, Cl SCARVES, &c., Tc : Also, a Large Variety of ?,EN'S, WOMEN'S; MAIDS','and CHILD S. REN'S BOOTS,) En Colonial and Imported, from the Best Manufacturers, ,T. MARSHALL : e Solicits an early INSPECTION of his. STOCK, which will be found to be WmLL. ovorrgscand CcEAP, WESTERN STORELS, COLA C. EXTENSION OF B,US.I.NESS J. H. ELLER and COQ, GENERAL! MERCHANTS,1 BIRREGURRA, In Thanking their very numerous Friends and Customers for the extensive patronage bestowed upon them alosince they opened here, beg to inform the Inhabitants of this district and neigh. borhood that they intend to makel IFURTHER EXTENSIONS; In their already IWELL-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, Being Connected with the Colas Firm (J. H. BEALL and CO.), They are in a position to PURCHASE LARGER QUANTITIES, •Thus enabling them to SELL At the CHEAPEST.RATES POSSIBLE. 2 THEIR STOCK will be FOUND REPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, Having established extensive connections with other parts of the Colonies, and over Seas, they are prepared to give the very HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE For All Kinds oft : DAIRY AND FARM PRODUCE, &c., &s, For which they have already LARGE ORDERS For the Coming Season. They would respectfully solicit the continuance of the very liberal Patronage bestowed on them, for the past five years since they opened business in this district. All Parcels directed to their care will be fetched from the Railway Station on the arrival of each train, and delivered at their Stores. J. H. ELLER and CO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, BIRREGURRA,. 22nd October, 1883.. iMPORTANT NOTICE. E, GLOWERY, , , ] GENERAL STORELEEPER, WnExAD JaeRs Stist MsrxcrItu, R BIPREGURRA, a. Wishes to inform the public that he has just purchased a large and Well-aesorted stock of SUMMER GOODS, ] including Ladies' Hats, &c., &c, and:in. tends selling at very low prices. He has also secured a thoroughly competent Dresse. maker and Milliner from Melbouraes, whb is I now prepared to take orders. The charge forqmaking dresses will be very moderate. Inspection Inveted. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISMENT. 31. DAVISON Desires to intimate to the psitblic of Colac that he has commenced Business in the pro. mises formerly occupied by. Mr. Sinclair, talor, Mttrray-street, opposite Market Square, Where he will keep a full supply of NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS comprising TWEEDS of all patterns sud makes CLOTHS HOSIERY, SUITS madelup on the Shortest Notice at Moderate Cost, as his motto is "Small profits and quick returns." Fit and Workmanship GRarapteed. M.ID. would also intimate that ha will cut for any style of garment eloth purFeaaee4 at his establishment free of char'e. A J. DERRICK AND CO., ARCHITECTS, RFRIE AND 1EOORAA~.O ' TS, tr~ictest Attenion Paid Ito DESIGN and jBULDINGS ERECTED, and Plan, pC,~o at~ins, aud.Estimates pieprboi A

A R D.L E: Y, IE OLD ESTABLISHED BONA FIDE PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER . ormerly with ROTUERHAM'S, LONDON,) Hiving taken advantage of the OSENT DEPRESSED STATE OF THE MARKETS, TO PURCHASE, CONSIDERABLY BELOW THE' USUAL PRICES, LA R GE STOCK Of TATCHES, -y" CLOCKS, And ( . JEWELRY, S: . jl determined to CLEAR OFF His -OL.D. S T O O .K AT ANY SACRIFICE. scond-hand Watches,inj good gologorder, as low as £1, looks, from 5s, Each. HE STOCK OF JEWELRY MUST|IBE REDUCED, and will be,.SOLD at any SACRIFICE. OW islthe TIME to GET BARGAINS, NOTE THISYARDLEY has no intention of leaving Colac, and as he has a reputation to ... sustain, the public may depend noon obtaining FIRST-CLASS GOODS ONLY, at his Establishment. YARDLEY is the only bon fide Practical Watchmaker in Colao; he has NO AGENTS; and parties sending Re. paira to him should be careful to forward through a safe channel, as when Watches, &c., are taken to the Wrong Shop the inevitable result is Disappointment and Useless Expense. TOTE YARDEY'S ADDRESS:NEXT DOOR TO IR. J. PARKINSON'S WELLrKNOWN BOOK STORE,J MURRAY-STREET, COLAC. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. OLE MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. V. M. PEA.R SON Has the Largest and Newest Stock of VATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELLRY .In the Western District, which he Sells 5 PER CENT. BELOW MELBOURNE (PRICES. COME AND PROVE. WATCH DEPARTMENMT. V. tM. P. Guarantees all Repairs to Watches, Clocks, &c.,| is done by him alone.] JEWELLBY DEPARTMENT. H.; SMITH, the Sole Manufacturing rJeweller, guarantees to Make and Repair 25 Per Cent. Cheaper than any house in the district. All Goods Soldered with Gold and Silver; not with Lead. NOTE THE ADDRUs-V. M PEARSON Next door to Dunoons', Saddlers), MURRAY-STREET, COLAC. AGENTS: Birregurra-J. H. Eller & Co. Beeao-A. Gilbert. Camperdown-J. A. Cameroni Geelong-C. K; Pearson, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEIMENT. PRING and SUMMER SEASON, 1883.4 J. H. ELLER and CO. Beg to intimate to their numerous patrons hat of their Large Stock of DRAPERY nery Department is now thoroughly replete rith all the LATEST NOVELTIES, Jomprising. the most Fashionable Shades nmd Latest Styles in Dress Materials, Printes Millinery, Eate, Bonnets, S. &c., &tc. The Millinery Department is still under the management of Miss MoosNE, so long and favorably known in the district, DRESS andMANTEL MAKING &c., &c. They have succeeded in making arrange. ments with MIss M'SHAnE, from one of the principal town establishments, to take charge of these departments. All orders entrunatd to them will be executed in the Newest Fashions and Styles, combined with the lowest charges possible. All materia bought elsewhere will be made up. J. H. ELLER and CO., GENERAL DRAPERS, &e., &c. Birregurra, 12th November, 1883. C W I L C 0 X, MONUMENTAL and MARBLE MASON, Corner of MoowAnoO, & GREAT MXYEasSToErs, GEELONG, Designs and Estimates furnished for MOQNUMENTS, TOMBS, and HEAD. STONES, ?RER)}N( 4 JION RAILING. All Kinds of Plain and Ornamental Work INeeRIirIoWs ENfRAVED AT CE?ETKERnB!. Photographic Designs may be seen and Estimatee furnished.J. J. B R E T , Murray-street, Agent for Colac and district. §5, GnApCC URCa.nT.REET, LOND.N, E.p. ,10. . ? .. . LL 7*...

M ONEYS TO IE'ND. MR. T. N. WHYTE,: SOLIorroR, has at present many Trust Funds for immediate in. vestment at lowest rates of Interest. Murray Street, Colac, and Malop Street, Geelong, DEATH.' GAMBLE.-At Barongarook, on the 4th May, 1884, Thomas Gamble; aged 76 years. The funeral will leave the residence of his son, Thomas M. Gamble, Baroogarook, at 12 o'clock noon this day (Tuesday) for the Colac Cemetery.. Friends are respect. fully invited to attend. WITH WHICH is INCORPOIRATED 4 coilgd oasave. ESTABLISHED 1866. Published on Tuesday and Friday Irornitgs.. TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1884.