Gippsland Farmers' Journal (Traralgon, Vic. : 1893 - 1905; 1914 - 1922), Tuesday 14 May 1918, page 2

Memorial at Beersheba Q.M. Sergeant J L French (son of Mr J French, secretary of the Maffra shire) of the 4th Light Horse, now in Palestine (who took part in the capture of Beersheba) has executed a memorial tablet in honor of his comrades who fell in the charge. The tablet has been mounted on a cross, and erected in Beersheba. From an old aban-doned tank, Sgt French cut a plate of alluminumn, and upon this he engraved the names of his fal-len comrades. The whole work was done on tthe field with no other tools than he was able make him-self from scraps that he could find. The following is the text of the memorial: "In memory of Lieut B P G Meredith, Second Lieut F J Burton, R. Sergt Major A Wil-son (Traralgon Corp ) S N King-horn, Tpr. E R Cleaver ,Tpr W E Kerrigan, Tpr R H Morley Tpr T Wickham, Tpr J Reineke .Corp E E McGrath, killed in action, 31st October, 1917." Mr French will be glad to hear from the rela-tives of the above. "Times"