Hobart Town Gazette (Tas. : 1825 - 1833), Saturday 11 February 1826, page 4

To thß Editor of the Hobart Town Gazette.

.Sij»,- Living in a part of the Colony |

which the Colonial Times seldom reaches,

1 had nQt, until last week, an opportunity' of seèiiig the celebrated State Paper, «f of

\ I which every man is to hfi prputf who ,hai

a drop of English blood in his veins'! I!" As it may be interesting to the inhabitants of Hobart Town to know what we Rustics think of it, I send you the substance of what my neighbours say.of a document to characteristic of the talents and judgment of him who produced it. You may sup-pose that the attention of every one was first directed to the signatures attached to this ne plus ultra of impudence and folly. (Thoufch writing the sentiments of many persons, equal in respectability to any of

the' statesmen of Hobart Town, I must use the singular number, lest Murray should accuse me of usurping the editorial we.). They were quickly analysed, and their appearance easily accounted for, with the exception of two or three names, the frequent appearance of which mixed up with Mr. Kemp's fooleries, excited general

wonder. One name was absent which certainly ought to have been there-but by his fruits he was known. Upon an atten-tive perusal of (he State Paper, and the correspondence which gavc~r¡->c to it, I agree with Murray that eveiy loyal sub-ject in the Colony has cause to be proud of it' (always excepting those Who put their names to it)-proud to see that the misap-plied talent of Murray, and the influence of Mr. Kemp, could not procure 12 signa-tures to their State Paper without bringing forward the cleiks of the Bank as repre-sentatives of the Colony !-proud to see Mr. Kemp and his faction, patriots indeed! fully exposed in their motives and views, and that' by their own boasted manifesto. Who will now ask-Why is not Mr. Kemp a Member of the Council ? We have seen a specimen of his State Papers, and hope it has gone to Downing-street in the "Black Bag;" which I trust contains also Murray's letters to the Yeomanry of Van Diemen's Land, with the reply of the Independency Committee. These State Papers will certainly enlighten the Offices in Downing-street, and prevent them from again cheating Mr. Kemp in their mode of complying with his requests, I have heard of another State Paper signed " Senex" which, it is said, the Commissioner of Enquiry took home with him, having proofs of the identity of its origination with our State Paper leader. This last, when compared with the pro*s in the 44 Cupboaid,'' will afford such ample proofs of consistency and sincerity, 'that Lord Bathurst will no doubt return the '« Black Bag/* with a carte blanche to its 44 Concoctor" and his familiars, to name a Governor and Council for themselves.The State Paper leader has had some ex-perience in such matters/ which will no doubt entitle him to the confidence and fa-

vourable attention of His Majesty's Mi-nisters. I should be sorry indeed to make any comparison between the state of this Colony and that of Sydney when the illtreated Bligh was deposed ; but, when looking for a cause to account for the pre sent attempts to annoy and vilify the Go-vernment (though they will prove in the end no more than the fly on the chariot wheel), and considering who is stirring up such an evil spirit, I cannot but remark that the insurrection at Sydney was really produced by Governor Bligh's issuing an order to prevent the Military and Civil Officers of the Colony from monopolizing all the cargoes imported there, and thereby filling their pockets by the ruin of the settlers ;-and that Mr. Kemp, on being asked what ground of complaint he had

against our present Governor, replied- ' " He may be a very good man, and I dare i say he. is a religious man-but what do you think he told me f-yes ! told the oldest merchant in the Colony-Mai he came here to protect the poor. That is not the Governor w is want ! ! !" Lone may Mr. Kemp be employed in concocting 44 Black Bags !" ' .

I hear that our Sydney brethren haye petitioned for a Legislative Assembly-no doubt our State Paper makers will be at the same work here, for they must be em-ployed ; but it is to be hoped that this matter will not be left in their hands, if

a meeting to petition for this most valuable privilege of British subjects is set on foot by persons of known attachment to the Government, the leaders of the State

Paper faction will find their level amongst their fellow Colonists ; and it is the opi-nion of every person whom I have heard speak on the subject, that the establishment of a Legislative Assembly really, repre-senting the people of this Colony, would

be the most effectual step to strengthen the hands of Government, and expose the folly and impudence of one or two troublesome individuals, who, with the cry of patriotism in their mouths, have no other object but to make themselves appear to be men of influence. Such were not the patriots to whom we owe the blessings of the Bri-tish constitution. But in every country, blessed with such laws as ours, men will be found who not being possessed of that combination of qualities which is requisite to entitle them to power in the State, will make an exhibition of their imaginary means to annoy those who hold the envied post. But remove such men to a country ruled by despots, where it would be pa-triotism to resist the tyranny of a Ruler, and you will find them the most abject slaves, or the readiest instruments of a tyrant's will. In England they would be pot-house radical orators-in any British Colony they would be state paper concoc-tors-in Spain they would be familiars of the Inquisition, or the humblest flatterers of the beloved Ferdinand-in Constanti-

nople they would be renegades, or per-chance bostanghis. I would not be under-stood to apply this to the Gentlemen who inconsiderately signed Mr. Kemp's State Paper ; I know that many of them would stand foremost in support of Government, if they thought that the delusions of Mur-ray, or the vagaries of Mr. Kemp, were likely to produce any serious effects. But they are following a dangerous amusement -they are throwing about coals and fire-brands, though they look upon it as sport Let the real friends of the Colony come forward and unite in petitioning His Ma-jesty for a Legislative Assembly. They will then shew, by their choice of repre-sentatives, how much they have been wronged by the presumption of those two men, who falsely arrogated to themselves the voice of the Colony in insulting our Ruler; and that Mr. Kemp may be al-ways "cheated" in his patriotic schemes is the sincere prayer of, Sir,

Your most obedient servant,

A True Blue.

February 1, 1826.