Hobart Town Gazette (Tas. : 1825 - 1833), Saturday 23 July 1825, page 4



July 21.-The ship Elizabeth, Captain Collins, from Sydney 6th July, with a

detachment of the 40th Regiment. Officers- Major Kirkwood, Captain Morrow. Captain Hibbert, Lieutenant Sergeantson, Ensign Moore, and Ensign Curteis - Also, Mr. John Cobb, Mr. John Briggs, Mr. C. A Wright, Mr. W. Wise, Mr. P. Hart, and three steerage passengers. Cargo-sundry merchan-dize, a quantity of maize for the Com-missariat, and 8 horses.


July 21.-The ship Mary Hope, Cap-

tain Farmer, for Sydney. Passengers-Mr. A, Clarke, and Mr. A. M. Ritche; with a part of her original cargo from

Rio Janeiro.

22. —Ship William Shand, Captain Kenn, for Sydney. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Mr. Laughton, Mr. W.

Fisher, Mr. T. Hore, Mrs. Spencer, Mr. T. Lewis, and several others who arrived in the ship from England; with part of the original cargo and a considerable quantity of Colonial produce.


We are sorry that want of room obliges

us to postpone our notices of nume-rous valuable Communications till next week.

We have received Sydney Papers to the 4th July. The French frigate La Thetis; 44 guns and 300 men, Captain Bougainville ; and the corvette L'Espé-rance, 20 guns and 150 men, Captain Du Campier, had arrived July 1. They have been out on discovery two years, and came last from Sourabaye. Also, the Ann, Captain Grimes, from the Isle of France, with sugar ; and the Lalla Rookh from this Port.

The schooner Prince Regent, had sailed for the Cape of Good Hope and Rio; the Valetta, for Manilla ; the City of Edinburgh and Sir Charles Forbes, for


Great part of the cargo of the brig Cyprus was insured, at 2½ per cent, from Sydney to Port Dalrymple.

- The cutter Nereid, Captain Forbes, setting out on a voyage to Manilla, was stranded about ten miles to the North-ward of Newcastle.

The Sydney Gazette is to appear twice a week after January next; orders for which, as well as for the Express, may be

sent to our Office here.

A rule to include the Emancipists in the list of Jurors had been applied for,

but was refused.

Our much respected Presbyterian Minister, Mr. M'Arthur, had pleached, with yery high approbation, a discourse in behalf of the Chapel there, and raised a large Collection.

Crimes and misdemeanors abound at

Sydney in a still greater number than here. Captain Gillman, at Port Mac-quarie, had succeeded in apprehending a formidable gang of twenty-two bush-rangers, two of whom were shot dead.

We congratulate our Brother Jour-nalist on the late rains, in consequence of which the mud superabounds so plentifully in our streets. The sooner

his Editor collects it into his magazine

the better for the Public.

At the Police Office, on the 15th inst. William Frazer, Murray-street; Moses Moses, Elizabeth-street, who had an ille-gal weight in his possession ; and James Roberts, Argyle-street, were severally fined for selling bread under weight. One baker had a deficiency of 169

ounces in 56 loaves.

Mr. Allardyce's hut, at the Clyde, was attacked by Brady and M'Cabe, on Fri-

day week, for the avowed purpose of, murdering Drummond, a constable, who has taken an active part in apprehending bushrangers. Fortunately the dogs gave an alarm, and allowed time to bolt the door. A pitched battle ensued, in which Drummond behaved most valiantly, and succeeded in beating off the villains. -Above 20 rounds were exchanged. Mrs. Drummond was wounded, and M'Cabe is believed to have received a shot about the head.