Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 30 August 1902, page 39


(By 'Crosse.') s

Tlie South Australian lacrosse season ib a comparatively short one— it lasts from May until Aujust only— but it includes some very interesting contests/ which are fought out in a clean spirit of rivalry which must greatly help to popularise the' pastime with the public. Lacrosse ie essentially a game for athletes, and a successful player needs to be in the pink of training and possessor of stamina and fleetness of foot. Then there is

more &K111 «U1U at^vjj^i: uctucu iu jui:luebc iuaii iu any other 6port. Nowhere in the Commonwealth is tfic standard of the game so h'git as it is ia South Australia. This lias been demonstrated time after time in inter-State matches, in which -we 'lold a remarkable record. The season which came -o .in end en Saturday was a successful one, and the prospects for the future ol the game are bright indeed. A convict-on took root many years ago that there was something more desirable than the mere establishment of a club without . residence qualifications. It grew; was strengthened by the revival off football under the electorate system, and culminated this year in the application of a similar system to lacrosse. As' a result, the four senior clubs of ?last year were replaced hy six, and the halfhearted support of the public gave way to a more favorable state of affairs, which augurs well for the future. The season commenced on Mity 10, and before many Saturdays had passed it seemed as though the fight for the premiereliip would be a stern one. Woodville and North Adelaide, however, gravitated to the bottom of the list, but UniverEity, Sturt, Holdfast Bay, and East Torrens proceeded on very equal terms. The last-named club 'was defeated by- both the students and the Sturts, ?while the latter proved superior to the students and East Torrens, but succumbed to the Bays. University went undo- to Sturt only. At the end of the first round the competition was in an intcrest:ng state. The clubs were then placed as follows: —.s|.' .s|.' ?Club. 'S B- ^ f &-JS |i E £ ^ a o o eUniversily ? ? 6 . 4 1 — 39 14 8 fTtu''t ? -? ..'-.. .. .6 4 1 — 31 20 8 Holdfast Hay ? 5 3 2 — «7 25 C £ast Torrens ? 5 2 2 — 19 20 6 .'North .Adelaide ? 6 1 4 ? 3212 'Woodville ? 5 — 4 — 10 29 1 In tire second round, however. University, Sturt, and' Holdfast Bay were grouped together, East ?Torreni? being defeated by the three. Sturt, .after, being equal with ,' Varsity for some time, was again beaten by Holdfast Bay, and the black.ahd-whites isccured an advantage, which they retained. When the long break ensued' in the competition consequent on the inter-State matches, Univeisity was leading 10 points, Sturt having 14 points. Holdfast Bay 12, Kast Torrens ?8, -North Adelaide 3, and Woodrillc 1. In the final -matches played on Saturday University beat Sturt, thus winning the premiership. The JJaJ-B, by defeating East Torrens, came up on equal terms with the Sturte, the complete list being— ' g i ' ***?- ? sf * i I 1 1 % ?1 ?? ' . ?& :P 3 q ? a e- .|2 University ? 10 9 1 —102 26 U= Shut ? .. .. 18 f 3 — .77 48 li Holdfast Bay .. ;. .. 10 V 3 — GO S8 14 I^istTorrenB ? 10 3 5 2 37 Cl S ?North Adelaide ? 10 2 1 1 18 80 6 Woodville,. ? ? ... 10 s— 9 J 21 82 1 Tlie chief goal-throwers' of the season in- all matches— later-State, y.' Jamestown, and intcr-club — ai-t:— . . , . ...

. H. T. Ward (University), 42. U- Humphris (Sturt),: 28. . W. S. Crosby (Holdfast. Bay), 24. A. Thompson (noldfaiit Bay), 23. ; .O.'De Mole (Sturt), 22. V. Bishop (Sturt), io; -B. Xl. Gardiner {UnivcrsHy), 16. - -; ' : A. Prestrave ^Sturtt. 14 . ?'? ? . ? ' . .;

S. Fleming, (University); '1*.' '''?' ' ' E. B.NftvJnnd (Kast torrens), 10. ;; ??'??.??^PBEJOEHBHIP LIST. ? Season. . ,-i PremierB.- , . 'Runners-up. 1888 North ' AdcleW !?: .Adelaide 18S0 . . : fc'ortlr Adelaide ?-.- -Aaelajde 1P90 . Ui!iv*r6i(y ' ?- , AdelaJde 1891 University' - Iroquois 1802: lroquois: -? ^ . Univfirsity 1J593 . Irocuiois .? .- 'HJnlvcrsitr ; - , . ISO* University,; - -.-Kortli 'Adelaide JSOS'i-- '-., Jj-U5jS'er-{§|-:-?-''^- N0HI1 Adelaide im--*-.y -'-Vniverfi^V - NVrtli Adelaide1881., ,.iv ;. ,.c Koitli- Aflqlaide ;. .« sUi!iyet$iiy--. i* USB V. .. X'lilvereity.v: ; :ftbtft''-d?1aWe ?1890. ;. ,r ?': ,Iri)cpipis'.Vi',i.',' XJriitfitAty ' r: 1S00 '.?'?? -l; -? .'; Jr,o5floi85,' %... AJnivcrsify,.; ?;H 3»Bl-i-',V/-.^Si!6omH8-.:^':- - ' '.IJiiivcraty' '.V,;:';.