Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Saturday 3 November 1855, page 2

Shipping Intelligence



November 2 -San Francisco, barque, 450 tons, M Prins, from Hamburgh, July 7, with general cargo. Passengers - Cabin, Bombard Storch, Esq , surgeon superintendant and 118 immigrants

Agents -Kerr, Bogle and Co.

2-City of Hobart Town, (s ), 363 tons, G. ,rV Bently, from Melbourne 3'st ult., with sun 'darle« Passenger-fabln, Mr. W Robertson, Mrs. Napier and child, Mr. Burgess, Mr. dolin -son Mr. Noale, Mr. Rodgers. Mr Benker, Miss Morey, Mr. R Lewis, Mr. ».mitti, Mr. W J T - 'Clarke, Mr.'Hodgson, Mr. Tassells, Mr. Mur

»dock, Miss Ttobeitson, Mrs Gresley and four

children, Mr. MrCormack, Miss Gerrand, Mr 'Holland; 22 in the steerage an I thirty adults, and 48 children, immigrants, ex James Baines. Agent C. Toby., .'

* ' " ' CLCMlED OUT.

Nov 2.-Favorite, schooner, 77 tons, Cou««, for Sydney, with hay.


Per San Francisco from H -mburg -Two esses -passengers' luggas;, K>rr, Hogle, and Co:-l case manufactured goods, 12 dit'o fruits and victuals, 2 casks ditto, 2-cases tobacco, 3 ditto stoneware, 2 ditto woodenwnre 4 ditto tovs, 1 ditto musical instruments. 1 ditto looking g asses,'! ditto toys, 2 ditto watches and weights, 2 samples pickages Marw del, Buck, and Co ; 150 eases s'enne<can> dies, 30 boxes twine, order; 7 casks hams, 35 cast's soap, I simple case 50 demijohns vinegar, 12 boxes ditto, 12 ditto gin, 1-2 ditto cognac, Ton deur Lemprieri', and Co ; I rase gloves, 2 ditto picrutes, 2 ditto window blinds. 1 ditto snl>'d .. spoons and foiks, 1 rase, a washing apparatus

10O ditto soap, I ditto fancy goods, 4 ditto pit tures, 1 case concertinos, 1 ditto samples, 7 ditto fund ture, Franc and Co -, ?) cases paper hangings, .1do. millinery. 2 ditto confectionery, 2 ditto shot-ware, 4 ditto h isiery, 9 ditto som Iware and toys 1 do hits. 5 ditto wearing apparil, 1 case manufactured goods and sampl s, 2 ditto lace ma' er's ware, 2 di to luce goods, 1 bale manufactured ditto, d'» ditto soaps and perfumes, Stern, Uaar, Franc, 2 * cases pianos, F. Huiler, and Co.

Per City of Hob«t from Melbourne -Two parcels, Walch and Sons ; I ditto, Derwent Tamar Insurance Company; 1 ditto, Rev W. Stro'-gmin; I ditto, A. Walker; 1 ditto J. Park;

-2 boxes, 1 parcel, Brown and I ompson ; 6 qr. I . Ci'ka whiskey, 1 cn«e fancy goods, \, Huyhers; I

6 hal reis tapioca, W. A Guesdon, 1 bag, Nichol- j son; Scares merchandize, Horwi z and Marks; > 1 case, Halter and Co ; 3 casks, R. Cleburne ; ' 1 trunk, Ward ; 5 tons gunn«, 16 bags ditto, <? H Lipscombe ; 300 sheep, order.


Per Favorite, for Sydney.-Twealy.five tons "" hay, Brown and Thompson

THR City of Hobart arrived yesterday after- j

noon from Melbourne after an average passage, i .'having left on Wednesday. She bungs an addition | »>to our pnnu'a'ion of between seventy and eighty j > souls, who lately arrived at Melbourne by the ! - James Baines from Liverpool, having come out

undrr Hie bounty regulations.

THE San Francisco, barque, arrived yesterday, has had a protracted passage of 118 days from Hamburg, having left that port on the 7th July. She brings in all 112 German immigrants, who have come out under the bounty regulations, 49 only of them are, however, intended for Hobart Town, . the reainder, with the greater portion of her - cargo, having"been shipped for Sydney The health ??of the passengers, with a few exceptions bas been, good, one death only having occurred throughout, whil t there have been three births. No vessels con. vnected with the colonies were spoken by the San 'Francisco.


'Tmscnfft, after considerable delay,'bas at length ?reached her final destination She is costly but powerful,*and although the engines are after a somewhat venerable patters, and the-machinery not of the most modern fashion, all is new.-strong, and serviceable. We presume the 'boat-is a small instilment to the port of Launceston, wl ich bas yielded so much revenoe, and received so little aid in return. To counteract the disadvantage of the long river, a steam-tug is indispensable, if trade is to prosper. It seems some good natured soul, who must exist far outside commercial circles, volunteered the statement that the people of this town did not want the tog that bad been ordered -expressly for them. Now there has never been a difference of opinion on this subject, and mercan. tile men think that if such a boat weie run at a loss, the expenditure within fair bounds would be highly judHoua It is to be regretted that a marine boird does not exisl to take the entire management of the harbour into i's own hanris. ID ibe mean time the tug will be placed in charge of a competent pilot, and much will depend on -the manner in which she is managed, whether the full advantage of sneb an auxiliary is realised or Bot. One of tbe first objects will doubtless be to ascertain the quanti y of fuel consumed per 'hour, and the »mount of wages, and other current .exi enses. When the fixed monthly disbursement and the consumption of roal per tip are known, it will then be easy to fix a scale of cliBrg»» for towing. _ Accurate accounts should be kept for ano her important purpo-e : that the public may see monthly the difference between the expenditure and receipts, so that there may be no rerkless

'waste of means.-LiUKcenTOK EXAMINER.


ARRIVED, Oct. 28.-Sweden, ship, from New York ; J. A. Jesurum, brig, from Bativia ; Ca ractarus, ship, from London. 30-Prince of Wales, schooner, from Circular Head.

SAILED, Oct 27.-Champion of the Seas, for Liverpool. 28.-Sea Nymph, brig, for Hobart Town. 80.-Henrietta, for Hobart Town i Island Lady, for Calcutta ; Meteor, for Manilla ; Eu phemia, for Hobart Town.

THE steamer Tasmania was sighted by Csptain Gilmore, of the Wonga Wonga, on the 23th in« st ant, at nine am , ten miles south of the Monta-gue Island. The Telegraph was also sighted on Monday evening, fifteen miles east of Cape Sbsnek. »-ABOUS, Oct 31.


ARRIVED, Oct 24.-Nora from Vilparaiso. I

CLEARED OUT, Oct 21 -Sea Bird for Guam ; Lucas for San Francisco ; John Ritson for New-

castle; Diana for Batavia. 26-Pocklington for' the South Sea Island); Balmoral for Hobart Town.

, CAPTAIN ANLY, of the schooner Nora, from

Valparaiso 4th August, states that violent northern winds were felt for some time after leaving that port; he has also had very bad weather on this «out The smart appearance of his vessel, how-ever, reflects the highest credit, as she looks more Jika an outward bound craft thsn one returned from

a long voyage. The English ship Horsburg, from Coauimbo, with a valuable cargo of ores for Eng-in«), was driven ashore at Valparaiso, in a heavy gale,' and went to pieces. The Southern Cross had abo lest ah tarbor and a large quantity of chain. Oa the fra August, the Chilian corvette, Indefati-gable; SMgkt in «bile some powder was being re-ams i* (Vom the magasine i the ship blew up, and sAsfwaras aaak» By this accident twelve persons .sit their the*. Tbe only «easels loadiag for the .otoaiesitaM« Jaw ¿selbourne, Yarra,' and Southern Gross. No ships wet« spoken by the No*». A «Iustér^o^taw and very dangerous islands were pamd atnightin 1st 10° 46'S., long. 146° 19' W. '" At Captain Anly very narrowly escaped running

* on them, and not being laid down on the charts m t - his possession, be wished to give publieity to the

above fact*-8YD»ET MORMINQ HERALD.

PORT OF~ADFLAIDB ' Aaa'ivaa, Oct 20.-Vixen, schooner, from Lstroecstoa.; 28. Freak, schooner, fiom Hobart

4-"V fTaaetrro of the'Fly log Cloud (which cleared .ñtih a »bort time since for Mauritius with bsrk) Will be mfaï&tmkifptitaJit* brig« Fanny, which yesterday

I went down for that purpose to the North Arm,

where the Flying Cloud has been lying since her destination was^hanged.-S. A. REGISTER, Oct."

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