Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 17 August 1901, page 16


(By Jrmis.)

With Saturday's matches the 1901 season as regards the South Australian Lacrosse Associatioi came to an end. The programme drawn up t-; that body for the quartet of senior clubs has bed carried out, the premiership has been won, an wieldera of the crosse will soon be turning the$* attention to a summer pastime. There are several factors which go to make the. 1901 season^ morable one. Prominent in the' category is the success of the game and the consequent increase -. in popularity. The main reason for the improved conditions was the inter-State matches, which

In .reviewing the season the first 'thing to ba considered is the players. South Australia is famed ' throughout the Commonwealth for the sterling quality of her lacrosse players. Nowhere in Australia can a team be produced that can successfully cope with them, and we are Justly -proud oi this fact. Besides the splendid material At th-S -disposal of a selection committee for the formation,, of a senior, team, there are also many prominenlj players in the junior association clubs, playera who will be heard of in the future. One of thd best tests of the popularity of any sport is in tha , number of men who play it. Of recent years lacrosse has attracted hundreds, who have recognised its merits by at once becoming exponents oi it. This will be seen from the following figures, which embrace the senior and junior associations: —In 1897 there were .approximately 144 players; in ? 1898, 192; in 1899, 240; in 1900, 284; and in 1901, ' 216. This year the 216 players were divided into. 18 clubs, i senior and 14 junior. The season opened on Hay 18,- and the result of the first few matches surprised everyone. The North Adelaides, who had a splendid combination, met last year's premiers at Medindie, and after a warm game the result was a draw, one goal each. The Woodvilles, owing 'to a difficulty in getting a team together, forfeited to . University. On the

following Saturday another surprise was forthcoming. The Norths met and defeated University by 3 goals to 2, and at. AVoodville the home team favorably impressed everyone by the determined stand it niade against Iroquois.. This game was also drawn. In the third set the pale blues won their first game of the season by defeating University by 6 goals to 5. On the same day at Woodville the Norths scored their second win at the expense of tlie local club. At the end of the first round,' Jherefore', the clubs were placed as follows: —Goafe. Goafe. ' -. . P. [IV. h. D. ForAgst. PtS. North Adelaide- .. 8 '2 '— 1 ' 6 4 5. Iroquoie.. ...... 3 1 — 2 8 'I 4 University ? 3 1 2 — 7 9 »2 Woodville ? 3 — 2 1 2 . 3 1 The practice match- and the inter-State game occupied the two' following Saturdays, so that it was June 22 before the second round 'was com-, fenced. Tlhe latter was a remarkable one in several respects. .It. saw tlie North Adelaides, -who had been unbeaten in club, matches, go to pieces. The Squaws beat them in tlie s new round, and on the same day the 'Varsities scored a decisive win over the Wbodvilles. On' the following Saturday the pale blues bea't the latter club, and at Hedindie the Norths sustained their second de- ? feat, the students throwing 5' goals to ttieir 2. In tlie last set of matches tbe. 'Varsities beat the Squaws, and tfee Norths vanquished the Woodvillee, so that at the end of the second round the clubs were placed as follows: — . : — ? .. :) -Goals. ? P. W. L. D. ForAgst. PtS. . . University ? 6 4 2 — -23'. J7. S Irorjuois.. .'-.- .... 6 3 ll 2' 25 14 8 NorCh Adelaide ... fl 3 ? 2 \ 11*- 16 .7 Woodville .. . . .. C — ' 5- 1 ? 6 18 . 1 Tlie third and last round commenced on July 20. The Nortlis forfeited to tlie Squaws,' and the 'Varsities beat the .Wcodvilles. . On August .-3 the second set was played, University again defeating North Adelaide, whilst Wobdville and Iroquoia drew. The last games were played on Saturday, and the premiership list is: — .' ? . 1 ? .Goals P. W. L. D. for. agSL Pts. Iroquois ? 9 5 .-1 S 36 20 . 13 , University '.. ..9 6 3 — .' 38 2S 12 North Adelaide 9 3 5 1 12 23 7 ' Woodville .... -9 1 6 2 26' 31 4 The following table gives tlie premiers and the runners-up since the formation of the South 'Aus-tralian Lacrosse Association in 1838. It will be seen that the Universities have secured the coveted ?honor six times, tSie Iroquois four times, and the North Adelaides three times. In 1892 it was possible to score 22 points, in 1893-94-95 and 1890, 24 points; 1897, 30 points; 1898, 24 points; 1899, 20 points; 1900 and 1901, 18 points:— Season. Premiere. Pts. Runner-up. 188B .. .. N. Adelaide — Adelaide. 1889 .. .'. N. Adelaide — Adelaide. 1890 .... UniversMy — Adelaide. 1591 . . . . University — Iroquois. 1592 .... Iroquois 17 Univeisity. 1593 .... Iroquois 22 University. 1894 .. ..University 22 N. Adelaide. . 1895 .... University 22 N. Adelaide, 1896 .... University 24 N. Adelaide. -1597 . . . . N. Adelaide 28 Univergit3'. 1598 .... University 20... N. Adelaide. 1899 .... Iroquois 17 ' University 1990 .... Iroquois 15 University. 1901 .... Iroquois 13 University.. TBECl/uBS.' In 1&00 it was hoped that tlie following season would see an increase in the number of clubs, A bungle over the electorate scheme at the beginning of tiie 1SO1 season, however, prevented this, and the season was .commenced with four clubs. Soon alter the programme was opened, however, -the disparity between them became apparent, and ' ? it was Eeen tliat ae last year Iroquois and Univer-' sity would be left in tihe running for the premier-, ship. This proved -to be the case, aud although tlie two have played fairly consistently throughout the season, the pale blues won Saturday's match by lwtier ali-iound play. The Iroquois haya only been defeattfl once during the season, University having lost three times. The latter nave never -Ira\vn a game, whereas -the Squaws -'have done so three times. The Iroquois club was formed in 1S3G, and since then has 'filled the premier position five times. The following are tlie men who assisted in again placing their club at the head of S. A. lacrosse: — Messrs. E. Monfries, P. ' J£.. Wright, E. Gooden, H. Monfries, O. Bacfc, F. Goode, R. Newland, F. Kell, C. Lord, L. Hum- ? . phris, G. DeMole, E. J. Paxton, D. Dawson, ana H. Evans. The following table shows the matches . played by the pale blues and their results: — . - - - . '?? ? ' ~ ' Goals . ? Date. Club. {or. agst. .Pts. ?' May ]S— North Adelaide ? 1 1 1 May 25— Woodville ? '..1 1 1 June ] — University ? :. 6 5 2 June 22— Nortti Adelaide ? 0' 1 « June 29— 'Woodville ..,.....:.. 7 1 2 July 0— University .. -_ ? 4 6- — July 13—Noi'ih Adelaide .. .. N.A. forfeited- 2 August 3— AVoodville ........ 4 4 1 August JO— University ? 7 2 2 Total ? 36 20 13 The Universities were unfortunate in having been minus the services of two or three of their best men during the greater part of the 'season'. . .. Julian Ayers, their goalkeeper, had to give the game best, and subsequently Phil. Newland, their captain, had to stand out, owing to indisposition. The- club fell back on some promising- junior players, however, and made a decermined fight for the premiersbdp.. The following have played under the black-and-white guernsey during the season:— j; Aj'ers, ,C Newland/ L. Jones, — Edwards, R. ?Nadebaum, A. Clayton, F. Stuckey, B. Moore, ' ?T. Drew, E. Olrapple, .P. Newland, A. Fleming, T. 'Ward, C. Edmunds, A. Greenlees, and B. Bardiner.lae following are tlie 'results of the matches played by the club: — Goals.. Date. dub. for. agst. Pts. May 18— Woodville (forfeited) '.. — _ 2 May 25— North Adelaide ....... 2 3 = June 1— Iroquois .. ? 5 e ~_^ 1 June 22— (toodville ? 6 . 2 2 ,June 29— North Adelaide ? 5 '2 2 July 0— Iroquois ? ..5 4 8 July 13 — Woodville . . ,\ :? ? 8 4 2 August 3— North Adelaide.. ;. N.A. forfeited 2 August 10 — Iroquois ? ,, .. 2 7 — 33. 28 12 THie North Adelaides experienced exceptional misfortune during the year, and fopm occupying the leading position, tbey came down to the second to last place. At the end of the first, round the whites had won two . games out of three aud drawn the other. After that they lost one or two 6f t'heir best men and began to go down. At Hie beginning of tlie season it was a brilliant combination which represented .f the club — towards the end they were so hard pressed for players ' that they had .to forfeit two games. The following men have represented tiie Norths during the season:— 0. BlocUey, O. Auld, E. Cussen, W. ' . . ? D. Taylor, V. Hughes, U. ltiehardson, J. M, Nottagc, C. FoUiering'ham, A. Bosnian, W. S. Crosby, - ? . I R

'A. fi.' Harvey,- W. L. Saws, D. McLaren. The itluVe record is as follows:— Goals JD-ite. Club. . for. agfst. Pts. afay 18 — Iroquois ........... 1 1 1 May 25— University ..«' ., ,...', ..8 2 2 Juno 1— WoodTiUe .. .. ...?*?-}* 2 12 ?Hun© 22 — Iroquois .. ..* .. »* «) 16 — STuno 29— University ..i ... 1. ?..--» 2 5 ?*-'July 6— Woodvillc ,»....... )j 2 12 ?Jnly 13— Iroquois .. . ; «j ... .. i ; — — \ — 'Aug. 3— University *. .;. J.. ... ?i\:— — «—? fAyg. 10— Woodville V» ?.. :.....» a 1 12 — ? ' 12 28 *7 The tenm which represented Woodville coinittenced the season well, but subsequently failed against the more experienced elubs, and finally finished at tlie bottom of the list. Last year the SVoodvilles played with the junior clubs. This year, however, they had the courage to join the senior association. Tlie members of the team are on the whole good players, but lacking experience. They played several good games during the season, notably against Iroquois on May 25, North Adelaide on June 1, Iroquois on August 3 hnd North Adelaide on August 10. The following players have represented the club: — H. Skinner, H. Trevaskis, J. Fletcher, A. Stokes, H. Dawson, F. Stapledon. A. Connolly, F. Goldney, H. Stokes, J. N. Stapledon, N. C. Stapledon, F. Waters, A. Naughton. Their games resulted as follows: — Goals 3-atc. Club. .... for agsf. Pts. ?May 18— University ..,..,.-,,... forfeited) — ?May 25— Iroquois ? 1 1 1 June 1— North Adelaide ,,...» 1 2 — jdne 22 — University ? 1 ,\ 2 0 — June 29 — Iroquois ...«,,... .1 1 7 --'July 0— North Adelaide ? ,1 2 S^Silly 13— University ....,,'.,.', 4 8 ?*? August 3 — Iroquois ? ..4 i 1 August 10— North Adelaide .; .. 12 1 2 26 31 i INTER-STATE FIXTURES. The season just closed witnessed the advent of New South Wales into inter-Slate contests, and in future at is hoped that regular matches will be played between the three — Victoria, South Australia, and New South Wales. This season's programme included four inter-State matches, and, as is well-known, South Australia emerged from the contests with honor. The Victorians were the first 'to come over, and they reached Adelaide on June %i. Tlie team Mr. Ban White brought across was a stronff one, but on the Adelaide Oval on the day after (heir arrival the South Australian twelve Tomped over them', throwing 0 goals to .4. On the following Monday the North Adelaides, who at the tinuTwere at the head of the other clubs, having won two matches and drawn the other, met the Visitors. Tlie game, which was played in rain and mud, resulted in a draw, each sid£ scoring 3 goals. On July 25 a team of New South Wales players visited Adelaide, with Mr. A. B. 'Dickcnson aa manager and Dr. Clelarid as captain. It was not a strong combination, and the South Australian team secured an easy victory, throwing 9 goals to 5.. On the following Monday the visitors were beaten on the Oval by a team of junior players, the scores being 0 to 4 in favor of the local men.