Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Friday 25 May 1855, page 2

Shipping Intelligence.



May 23.-Reindeer, Schooner, 104 ton«, Jas. per, from Geelong May 9, with skins, &c. Agent

-C. Lovett.

23- Don Pedro II, bnrque, 166 tons, Grant, from Melbourne May 16, with sundries. Pas-sengers- Master Makeing, and three in the

steerage. Agents-Dickenson and Co.

24.-Emma Prescott, brig, 160 tons. Stanton, from Geelong, with sundries, Passengers-Mr Lewis, Mr Downing, Mr George Clements, and one in the steerage. Agent-Master,

24-Harriot Nathan, barque, 127 tons, Lloyd,

from Geelong, with sundries.

24-Pickard, schooner, 171 tons. Johnson, from Melbourne May 19, with sundries. Agents

Tondeur and Co.

24 - Lewe Van Nyenstein, barque, 440 tons. Borchers, from Hamburg Nov. 16, with general cargo, and 156 immigrants. Surgeon Superin-tendent - Mr De Bohn. Agents-Tondeur and Lempriere.

24-Pilot, schooner, 91 tons, Collins, from Melbourne 17th instant, in ballast. Agent-H


24-Mousam barque, 190 tons, Cole, returned to port. Agents-Reeves and Co.

24-Balniiral, schooner, 114 tons, King; from Newoastle, N.S. W., with coals. Agents-W C Eatton and Co.

1 ' 24-Circassian, schooner, Pie, from tho East

«o»si. Agent-J Wright

,. 24-Gertrude, brig, 119 tons, Watts, from Geelong, April 28, in ballast

24-City of Hobart (s), 363 tons, G V Bentley, from Melbourne May 21, with sundries. Passengers-Miss C Persse, Mi Butler, Mr and Mrs Casper, Master Ansell. Misses Fen nessy (2), Master Fennessy, Mr C Beck, Mr J Dunn, and sixteen in the steerage, and 60 bounty immigrants, Agent-C Toby.


May 23-Creole, schooner, 144 tons, Greggs, for Melbourne, with sundries. Passengers Mrs Phimmer, and three children, Mr. Arm strong, and nineteen in the steerage.


May- 23-Mount Aloxander, for Geelong. Creole, for Melbourne.


Per City of Hobart, from Melbourns-Sixteen líales gunny bags, H Lipscombe; I bag seed, Hollinsdale ; I case, White ; 2 cases merohan. "dise, I bale do, Stern, Baar and Franc ; 2 cases do, 2 bales do, Phillips and F irquahar : 1 trunk, Punsford ; 2 cases books and maps, C Toby ; 2 cases, Huybers ; 1 cask, 1 case, W Ivey & Co j > 1 case, 1 bale, Horwitz and Marks ; 1 case, Har.


Per Emma Prescott, from Geelong-Twenty. fire casks beef, I bundle shovels, order.

Per Don Pedro II., from Melbourne-Three casks, beef, 30 empty lihds, 2 cases writing desks, I do oloeks, 16 do paper banginga, 3 do drapery« 13 casks vinegar, 10,000 cocoa nuts, 5¿ ton

booes, Order.

i Per Lewe van Nyenstein. from Hamburgh

Five boxes glass, 25 cases oilcloth, 1 sample pkg dot 8 eases matches, l8 do glass, 1 caFe millenery, 5 bales woollens, 1 sample do, 1 case sewing cotton, 11 do books, 1 do toys, 2 do scented soap, 1 cample parcel do, 2 cases piano , * fortes, 6 oases paper, Marwedel. Buck and Co ;

1 box embroidery and toys, F Haller and Co ; 5 cases furniture, L Roope ; 4 boxes stationery, 9 bales paper, 1 sample parcel do, 11 cases dried fruits and provisions, 1 cask nuts, I do cheese, 4 oases toys, I do Eau de Colonge, 2 oases doors, I do samples, Order; 12 cases matches, 1 do samples, 101 do do cordials, 1 sample case do, 2 - oases grindery, 2 do carpets, 6 cases 'furniture

and slope, 6 do slops, 6 do cotton goods, 2 iron safes, 1 ease muslins. 2 do bronx?, 1 cace sam-ples, Stern; Baar, and Franc ; 3 casos pianofortes, 5 casks butter, 5 boxes hams, 11 cases furniture, 29 cases and 7 pkgs furniture, glass and marble mautlepieces, 8 cases Eau de Colonge, 21 do matches, 5 casks barns, 3 d> colors, 4 oases . «loth, 100 boxes candles, 200 deals, 1 sample

Îikg, 8 oases perfumery, 2 do leather, 115 cases »ney soap and perfumery, 4 do groceries. Ton-deur and Lempriere.


Per Creole, for Melbourne-Five cases oat-meal, 12 bags do, 55 casks do, R. S. Nicolson ; 30 000 feet timber 18,000 palings, 60,000 laths, 4000 shingles, 1600 posts and rails, 8 casks rice, 1 keg butter, H. F. Armstrong; 140 bags potatoes, 5 tons do, J. Johnson ; 71 bags oats, II. Lipscombe.

At sandown last night, the Tarbert Castle, barque, and the Wee Tot tie, brig, were off Blackmans Bay. No other vessels were sig-


The Marion (s) hence bad noLarrived at Mel ' bourne on Tuesday last.

The City of Hobart, steamer, from Melbourne, ? arrived on Wednesday at about balf-past nine,

after a splendid run of about thirty-eight hours from the Port Phillip Heads, this being the quickest trip ever accomplished by her.

The Mousam, arrived yesterday, has returned to port, having lost nearly all her eanvass, and beug disabled by the late gales.

The Helen, schooner, for this port elearsd ont

at Adelaide on the 15th.

I " The Lewe Van Nyenstein, barque, has been at

aea one hundred and eighty nine days, having ' left Hamburg on the 13th November, 1854. She

left with 165 immigrants, bot during the voyage sight ehildrsn died, and there was one birth She will, therefore, add only 156 routs to our present population. The protracted passsga of this vessel has been owing to light and yamble winds ; the only rough weither experienoed was off this coast during the last twelve days.


ARRIVE» -May 2».-Pirate, steamer, from Launceston ; Gertrude, ship, from Dieppe. 21 Hellespont (.), for Sydney.

SAILED.-May 20- Wodan, for Valparaiso; ' Actif, for Gnani.