Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Tuesday 22 February 1853, page 2

Local Intelligencer

WILD DUCKS AND TEAL.-A correspondent writes .- Since the colony has been formed, wild ducks were never so numerous as this season. At Muddy Plains, Mr. Henry Mornsby killed twenty-seven at a single shot, and Mr. Joseph, of Single Hill bagged twenty-five at one discharge. A tenant on the estate of Mr. Beauvois of Lauderdale, has earned one pound a day for some time past in supplying Hobart Town with ducks and teal. They are most excellent eating, and in good condition, but where they have come from, no person knows. They sell readily wholesale at 2s. per couple.

JUBTITIA'S POETRY. - Is it true, that Mr. Henslowe is employed Betting the verses to music ?-Correspondent.

FASHIONABLE ARRIVALS.-Arrived on Friday by land, from Port Arthur, the notorious hangman and flagellator from Norfolk Islnnd. This convict, one of the Stppings men, was made a pniil constable at Port Ai tliur for pnU services, and had 15 montbsof the judge'ssenteuce remitted. Me is now smuggled up to Hobarton by land, to be assigned or made constable. It is in this man-ner two or three of the Seppings men aie for«arded weeMy from Port Ai tliur, to be di aftcd into pri-vate families. This is another specimen of con

victism. - Communicated.

ENGLISH AND I'KUSSIAN POMCK.-In England, if wb do not seek the policeman, he takes no notice of us ; he has no political mission. A Berlin professor, who visited England in May last, is said to have been quite angry about it. " One goes about England," says be, "as though ex-pelled from society. No official takes the least notice of one ' " The dogs are more respected in Berlin. They ore all entered and numbered in the dog-book of the police. None hut a thief can feel eomfortable in England, for be is the only one of whom the government takes notice."

HIGHLAND EMIGRATION.-H.M. ship Hercules is appointed to be stationed at this port for some days, for the purpose of receiving on board «nd conveying to Australia nearly 800 in tendingemigranls from the Syke and Nist.-Camp

belt n Journal.

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BULLION ACT-The following communication from the colonial office was received this morning, in reply to an inquiry from the firm to whom it is addressed, regarding the assay-office established at Adelaide, South Australia, and the prospect of the establishment of a mint at Sydney, New South Wales :-" Down ing-strect, November 15. - Gentlemen, I am directed by Secretory Sir John Pakington to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1st instant, and to acquaint yon, in reply, that the Bullion Act, which was passed by the local govern-ment of South Australia, has been assented to by the Queen, and that her Majesty's government have communicated to the Lieutenant-Governor of that rolony their disposition not to interfere with the dlscietion of the local authorities, who have uvinced so-much ability in' their mode of dealing with this subject. I am further directed to acquaint you, that on the question of establishing a mint in some part of Australia, a report has been demanded from the government of New South Wales, and that it is not the intention of her Majesty's government to " take any steps on that subject until the receipt of the expected report. I ara, &c'.,-DssAiir, To Messrs. J. Wheeler &

Co."-Times, Nov. 17.

SiiKKNADEtts. - Rainer's company are giving much satisfaction at Launceston.

RELEASE OK A PRISONER TO EMIGRATE. -At ihe Loughborough Petty Sessions, John Rowoith, a lad 14 years of age, was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment, for robbing the till of his master, Mr. A. Newball, of Sileby. The lud's parents, who lived at WymeswoM, were not aware 'of the crime their son had-committed, until some hours after he had bepn sentenced } and the foi lowing -morning the father went to the Rev. W.

Acworth, at Rotbley, one of thu magistrates who I

heard the case, to intercede for a remission of the sentence ; the principal ground of his intercession being that he was about to proceed to Australia, that the passage money had been paid for himself, li is wife, and six children (one of them the lad ia prison), and berths secured in a ship which was1 about to sail from Birkenhead the following Monday week (the 4th instant.) The Reve. rend Gentleman immediately dispatched Roworth with a message to Mr. Woolley, magistrates' cleik, at Loughborough, requesting him if the lad was in the House of Detention, to detain him thereuntil the imprisonment to which he had the previous day been sentenced could be commuted, so that he might be at liberty soon enough to ac-company his parents from England. Unfortunately, on arriving at Loughborough, Raworth found that his son bud been sent to gaol, and it was im-possible to obtain his release until the term of his imprisonment had expired without an order fro » the Seer tary of State. Mr. Woolley at once wrote to the Home-office, stating the cau-e of Roworth's application, and asking for a commutation of the lad's punishment to one week's imprisonment. Three or four dnjs passed, but no answer was re-ceived. Mr. Woolley wiote again, and last Sátnr i day morning received an answer to the effect, that, i from the nature of Rowoitb's application,,the

Secretary of State had advised her Majesty to com i ply with his request. The same day the lad «ras , set at liberty, and with his parents is doubtless by

this far away on the "mighty deep."-Leicester


CONVICT SHIPS.-The Dudhrook with convicts for Freemantle, Western Australia, had left Portsmouth, for convicts from Dartmoor. The Oriental Queen, convict ship, carries out to this colony a total of 280 felons, mostly on tickets-of-leave, and a draught of the llth regi ment, consisting of En-ign Patrie and forty-nine ! men, commanded by Major Reed, 9!)th regiment. , William Rogers, M.D. 1845, wab appointed . ur F geon-Superintendent of the William, convict ship. i The Oriental Queen arrived here last Saturday.

ANNUAL CoNTBAcr.-We .remind con-tractors that tenders to the commissariat for sup-

plying the military and contict services for twelve . luoatlis, will close'to-uionow ct 12 o'clock.

HOW THEY PUNISH TREASON IN PERSIA. We mentioned, a few days since, the attempt against the Shah of Persia. We now learn that Hajee Suleiman Khan, accused as the instigator of the crime, was seized, his body carefully drilled with a knife in parts which would not at the moment cause death; pieces of lighted candle were then introduced into the holes, and, thus illumi-nated, carried in procession through the bazaar, and finally conveyed to the town gates, and there cleft in twain like a fat ram. The Kurret il Ain, better known as Bab's Lieutenant, or the Fair Prophetess of Kazoeen, who since the late reli-gious outbreak, had been kept a close prisoner at the capital, has been executed with some dozen others. His Majesty received three slug wounds in the shoulders, but all of a very slight nature.

FAREWELL DINNKU.-A farewell dinner will ne given 'by the Odd Fellows on Thursday

evening next, at Mezgcr and Basstian's, to Messrs» » Oldlnm and Pettard, as a mark of esteem.

THE QUANTITY THAT DOES MISCHIEF.-? It is said that the lute Chjef Baron Thompson was a very facetious companion over the bottle, which he much enjoyed. At one of the judge's dinners «'uring the assizes, there was present a certain

dignitary of the church. When the '.loth was t removed, " I always think,1' said the very rev. guest, " I always think, my lord, that a certain quantity of wine does a man no harm after a good dinner 1 " " Oh, no sir 1-by no means," replied the chief baron ; " it is the uncertain quantity

that docs all the mischief I "

ESCAPE. - A female prisoner named Ahn Frea, undergoing sentence at the Cascades, factory, escaped on Thursday night.

THE Dunas op YOUTH.-The first years of ma» must make provision for the last. He that never thinks, never can be wiso. Perpetual levity must end in ignorance ; and intemperance, though it may fiie the spirits for an hour, will make life abort or miserable. Let us consider that youth is of no long duration, nud that in mature age, when the enchantments of fancy shall cease, and phan-toms of delight dance no more about us, we shall have no comforts but the esteem of wise men, aad the means of doing good ; let us therefore stop, while to stop is in our power ; let us live as mea . who are some time to grow old, and to whom it will be the most dreadful of all evils to count their past follies, and to be reminded of their former ignorance of health only by the maladies which riot has produced.-Rasselas.

PLBASURH TRIP.-The trip to D'Entre casteaux's Channel ¡u the steamer Tasmania took place yesterday. The company was very large the decks were crowded. By permission ? of the commanding officer, the band of the i)9th contri buted to the pleasure of the tiip. A great number of persons assembled on the Wharf to see Clio vessel start. Unfortunately the day did not turn out quite to fair as the morning promised.

PROCEEDINGS AT THE HUON.-A few days tinco an officious constable intruded upon the pre-mises of Mr. Walter, at North West Bay, in the district of Brown's River. The dogs attacked the stranger, and Mrs. Walter, went out to call them oft". 1 he constable, inflated to an enormous ex-tent with a vast idea of his own importance, was exceedingly insolent, and pointing his gun within ii few feet of the lady, pulled the trigger with the intention of shooting the dog ; the piece missed fire. On hearing the altercation, Mr. Walter went out to see what wag the matter, and fiuding the man was on his premises without any pretence whatever, ordered him off, and _tlueat,eucd»_ port him if he refused to go. The fellow replied that he was ns fice aman as Mr. Walter; and, feeling secure of his master's support, laughed at the tin eat. \'r. Walter subsequently addressed a letter to the chief police magistrate, detailing the above circumstances, and requested that steps might be taken to protect a lady from, the inso-lence of a convict constabulary. An investigation took place accordingly before the assistant police magistrate of the district, Mr. Kirwan, and the Rev. W. Freeman. After Mr. Walter had given his evidence, the prisoner was called on for his defence. He allege I that the complainant had called him a convict scoundiel, and that he deemed a sufficient provocation for all that ensued. I his assertion Mr. Walter most solemnly denied upon his oath. In the ordinary course of criminal pro-ceedings it is usual, and perhaps not improperly so, to attach greater importance to the oath of a witness than to the "mere story of the prisoner. But, in this instance, the rule was reversed : the reverend shiugle-splitter remarked that he -had no doubt in his own miud that Mr. Walter used th« words stated by the constable I and the assistant police magistrate, throwing up his head .with an air of oracular pomposity, informed Mr. Walter that the constable had an undoubted right to go wheie he pleased-even to the entering of his do-micile 1 I he case was dismissed, and an informa-tion was laid against Mr. Walters by the con-stable, for allowing his dogs loose-or some-thing to that effect. What a calamity to lose suck magistrates, and such police I The sooner they '" slope" the better. ' ?.- ")

VICTORIA THEATRE.-The theatre having been taken by Messrs. Davies and Watson, wi.l be opened in a short time. Mr. H. Howson has been engaged as leader of the orchestra.

THE HUON " MKUTIWG." - A publio meeting called by Mr. Kirwan, the paid magistrate of the district, on his own requisition,-for " tKe purpose of considering the intention recently ex-pressed by the Legislative Council, not to vote the necessary fundí for police protection, and the consequent withdrawal of the police from the district," took place on Thursday last, at Frauk. lin. As might have been expeeted the portits most interested were in attendance, and from a calculation made without much trouble, but with great accuracy, we are enabled to state that the number present amounted to TWO,-the convener and a reporter. A postponement followed. ;. 'I he

Advertiser saya of this " meeting," that there will . be " many similar ones," It is to be hoped the printer's accounts will be settled. " ', ,

DALTON AND KELLY.-These two bush-rangers were brought up at the Launceston police

office on Friday, when the evidence of Mr. B. ' Lord, and one of his servants, was taken'relative to the murder of Buckmaster. The accused made no remarks, and were remanded for final examina-

tion until to-morrow.

PORTAL.-We .have had frequent,* corni ' plaints arising from the non-delivery of the Colonial Times in the Brown's River district. A fact with which we have just been made,acquainted may account in some measure tor tbe irregularity» The post master is-clerk the assistant, police augUtrate, and the post office ùJlie polio« ofltca

^amm^mi M I ..., .,".., ,

THE KENT BiiEWBriY,.-The damage done to the premises and plants by the fire at the Kent Brewery, Sydney, lins been estimated at ¿8802, being ¿65<j4 ou the building, nat! £2 'À8 on the plant* and machinery. No part of the

stock was insured.

CHRISTIAN LIBERALITY.-A correspon-dent of the Examiner says that I lie «veil-wishers of the Free Church in Victoria, have contributed npwnids of ¿260 townrds the erection of the pro-posed ne«v pince of worship in connection with that branch of the elim eli of Christ in Launceston. The collection made for this purpose in Knox's Free Church, Melbourne, descrvas special notice« as it amounted to the truly liberal sum of ¿80 10s. To the credit of tlicpeopleof Victoria, Mr.Lindsay testifies that he did not meet n single icfusal in the course of his applications, while many offered their donations unsolicited. This is an etample of com-pliance with the injuction of Holy Writ-" Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfil the la«v of Christ." It may be added, that the whole sub-scriptions uow amount to about ¿MOO.

HIGHWAY ROBBERS.-On Wednesday, three men, one holding n tieket-of-leav e, tbe others free by servitude, «vere hi ought up nt the police office, on suspicion of being the men who lobbed Mr. C. Fletcher mid Mrs. Haines' servant, a tnnn tiamed Jacobs. Mr. Fletcher could not identify them, and though Jacobs gave a minute account .of the mnnner of bis robbery, and tbe arms of the meD, he declined to sivpur to the identity o' the men, und they «vere discharged. The ticket holder was ordeied to rcmo«e from this district. One of the men who robbed Jacobs was armed with a doublc-b irrelleil gun, the other two had single barrelled guns, and arms of this description were found by the police in the possession of the " men, ashwell as twenty-five sovereigns in a smnll

bag (the sum taken from Jacobs,) seveial pistols' and _some ammunition. In all probability these were the men who committed the robbery. One of the two men formerly apprehended on suspicion of robbing Mr. Fletcher has died in gaol, and the other, it is said, has got away to Port Phillip.


<£3* THE property advertised by Mr. \V. A. Guesdon, to be sold on the 1st pioxiino at the " Ship Inn, will be offered to public competition on the 4th, ou the premises.