Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 28 October 1899, page 16


Thursday, October 26. Appointments.

Robert Benjamin Williams, sub-collector of Cus- toms, Port Pirie, to be an assistant inspector of kerosine. Edward Bennett Brown, postmaster, Overland Corner, to be an officer of Customs. Arthur Goode, M.B., Ch.B., to be a public vac-cinator. Florence Victoria Walker and Annie Cuonning-ham to be night charge nurses Adelaide Hospital. Mary Grey to he a laundress. Tenders Accented.

South - Australian railway ' sen-ice— 142 \yi»tter suits lor p.isseng-er 'guards, £3 U/10 each; 232 ? winter suits for goods guards, foremen, &c., £2 17/ each; 1,610 winter suite for porters, signal- -men, and others, £2 13/ cadi; 232 imitation serjre jackets for goods guards, foremen, tec, l-/0 each; 5,510 imitation serge jacke's for porters, signalmen, and others, 16,'i'-J.- . «?- McGregor & Oo. Seventeen winter suits for. boudoir - cat1 conductors, £3 6/* each; H2 imitation serge coats £or passenger guards, £1 13/3 each; 17 Imitation serge coats for boudoir-car conductors, £1 S/4 cadi; 124 overcoats for guards and others, 4-2 0/11 eachSouth Australian Woollen Company, Limited, 00 dungaree suits for lampmen, 10/6 each; 260 helmets for station-masters, 3/s) each— Ilall and Savage. 1,007 caps for- guards, porters, and otlicrs, 3/0i cafli— [.caver Bras. 132 cans for stationmasters, 0/ each; brass designation plates, 2/0 cacli— Sbierlaw & Co. Supply and delivery of 200 tons i in. stone screenings, £55— H. I-un-stan & Son. Supply and deliverv of one boiler for pumping-slation, Mount Gambiev, £185— L111011 I-.ngiiieering Company, Limited. Proclamations. tor prevent iiiff the introduction or spread 0! tick fever from West Australia to South Australia, and for i-rcvcnting the introduction of rinderpest from South Africa. Dividing portions; of the Korthein Territory into districts for (he purposes of the Dog Act, Dedicating Crown lands, hundred Wuikcrie for public school purposes. Dedicating Crown lands (Dulkanina bore reserve) lor tliein-cservatiou of water supply.