Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 10 September 1898, page 30



(By 'Goal.')

Lacrosse has gone to the fore by leaps and bounds during the past few years until now it hold a high and most important position in the sporting world. The most successful season we have ever had has been our repeated comment year by year, and every time this comment has been reiterated it has come with additional emphasis. The season 1898 has been no exception to this general rule. The game has never before b.-c:i so hijrii in pub'.ic favor, the r.umbet of its devotees has largely increased. During the year no less than 19 teams have been iii the field, with

son.i- 25') players to pick from in Adelaide alone. The couiii rv lub's at Jaiiicslown and Koarlunga arc still in existence, thc-u^h ihe latter seem: in rather low water ,1'ist now, the Ga.vltt players have joined tho association, and a new club h.i» recently been formed a; An'.-ntion. The atttmlanccs at the matches have bi'tfn l.iri;e-r tlun ever, and the pcner^l interest in the' jams hits increu^ed correspondinfly. INTEUCOLONIA!. LACRfi'SE. In Victoria also lacrosse has corr.e cniy pro:rii,ently to the fore duri:.jj the past \i mon!h«, Though the team by which we we: a lcpiesiritc-d in MelLouriie last monihuii- I.;, no means rppri-6tiit.-itivc it was a ttroiij.' toiuiiii n'ion, ar.;! notlJ Ikivb liad but little liifiicultv a-;u:i'.5i ti:-.' Viclorian pl..ytrv cf las; year. We were' b:.-.'.e-:i easily, hoivtver, and our defeat ol 9 lo a is t;a recent 10 need any fr.r list refore-noe Ihts. T)ie Victorians ca'i now l.'Ocist 1^ ri bs wlu play on eiidose I grouudi to lur^e attendances, l-'ivc of these arc in the senior l/r.icie, iin-1 two, M.C.C. uni Unixersily, me very ptjut-iiul te-.-.nii. 11: rue South Australians, by thlway, now figure very prominently in first-class lacrositf in the sister colony. 11. Russell and K. Wilson are undoubtedly the1 strongest backmen on that side of the border, and come- well up to the vtaudard ot Cuattn nou-iu. (-ud ijiuari here, while

Sholl has pro\-ea himself secoud only to Wingrove al an ntitaok. D. White, the popularueeretary of the V. L. A. is second only to Drew in the sentre, and the brothers Murray are homes ot very high merit. Just after our visit to the 'big smoke' of Australia the Victorian representatives travelled to Bydney, where they gained a soft victory over the local champions, throwing 10 goals to 2. But the visit is already said to have done wonders for tbc game in New South Wales, and it is expected that next season will call forth a great deal of interest there. In West Australia the game is flourishing. There are two associations — one at Perth and the other on the goldfields, where four teams are now playing every week. On August 24 a string metropolitan team left Perth for the purpose of playing Coolgardie on August 25, Kalgoorheon the following day, a combined coldfields' team ou August 27, and probably another combined team at Kanowna on August 28. This is an astonishing instance of the spread oi the game in the western colony. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATE. The matches in tho South Australian Lacrosse Association have as usual resolved themselves into a triangular struggle between the three leading teams, University, North Adelaide, and Iroquois. The other two teams, Knightsbridge and East Adelaide, have been altogether outclassed, though tbe latter has im-proved wonderfully towards the close of the season, and should prove a formidable opponent next season. The Y.M.C.A. club found it impossible to put a senior team into the field, so that the number of contestants was reduced to five : but we shall pro-bably see them in this association next year under a new name. North Adelaide opened badly ; they were beaten in the first round by both Iroquois and Univer-sity. The students went through unbeaten, so that the positions at the end of the round were — Scores. Club. ? — . U. N.A. L K. KA. Pig. University .. — 2-1 6-2 15-0 15-0 8 Iroquois .. IS 6-4 — 8-1 4-1 6 North Adelaide .. 1-2 — 4-5 9-0 6-1 4 Knightsbridge .. 0-15 0-9 1-8—6-0 2 East Adelaide .. 0-15 1-0 1-4 0-5 — 0 Totals against .. 3-38 8-20 12-19i32-6 30-' — In the second round the premiers of List year were again beaten by Iroquois, this time by even greater odds. The black-and-whites, however, went down before the Norths, who had now settled down to work In right, earnest. The Squaws in their luin fell victims to the onslaught of tne 'Varsity mra, 30 tbat in this round each of the leading team* wns beaten once, the scores being — Scores. Club. ? U. jN.A.| I. iK..£.A. Fts. University .. .. — 0-2 S-2 21-OJ 14-0 6 North Adelaide .. 2-0 . — 2-4 6-0 5-2 6 Iroquois.. „ .. 2-8 4-2 — 10-O 8-1 G Knightsbridge.. .. 0-21! 0-5 0-10 — J 5-4 2 East Adelaide .. .. 0-14', 2-5 1-8 ' 4-5) — 0 Totals against .. 4-431 8-14 '11-24 40-5 32-7! — The Norths had not got well up to form, and through the last round they went without, a lo=3. University were agaia successful agaijist Ironuois, while the Easts, who had very much improved, scored tlieir only point by tying with linijhtsbridge. The Knights in this round forfeited to both Iroquois and University. The various matches resulted as follows : Scores. 1 Club. ? iPts. U. iN.A.i I. 1 K. E.A.] North Adelaide .. 2-0 — ; 3-1 8-11 ' 3-0 i 8 University .. .. — 0-2 j C-2 w.o ' 17-0 . 8 Iroquois ? '2-0 1-3 — w.o' S-0 ' i Knightsbridge.. ..I — 0-8 — — [ 5-5 . 1 ICabt AdelaiiJ..- .. .. 0-17' 0-3 ; 0-S 1 5-5 i — J 1 Totals against ..;4-23: 1-16 j 9-11 J13-5 33-5! — Up till the t'mil Saturday the premiership was not won for a ce-rLainty. Had Iroquois niMaji'l to win against University all thrde teams v.-ju'd havo b=on level, and a play-cfl n;-..-r-^ary. But this they wore unable to do, aud the final positions were therefore : — 1 Hitches. I Goal?. ; ci.b. ' «=? * ! i L 1 1 : i 1 ? 'i_jL:iJiJiL:JL University* ? ' 10 2 — !l04 I 11 I 20 North Adelaide C ..! 9 3 ? — 50 \ 15 j ]S ? lrou.uois* ? |S 4 ' — 54 1 32 \ 10 Kni-'-its'iriJue- .. ,.! 2 9 1 ltt So j 3 E^tAdelaide .. ..' — I 11 : 1 41 I 95 ] 1 The principal goal scorers during the season were : — NonTeT ? V. ,.V.A| L ii.. .12.AI T tl P. M. Neivland(U.) ..- — !—! 5 ' 10 j 20 ' 35 T. Ward (U.) .. .. — : — ' 6 I 7 1 14 j tl F. Monfr:es(f.) .. ..-4 71— 7 | 3 ? 21 S. Uri«hl(I.) .. ..i — 1 — 8 i 10 17 C. FotherhijjhamCN.A.)..; 2 — 3 10 — 15 I!. Evans (U.) .. ..'. — — I 2 9 2 13 T. M. Drew (J.) .. ..!— 2! 6 3 2 12 A. V. II. Kosinan(N'.A.)..! 1 —I 3 4 2 10 P.. Fot!icringhain(.NT.A.)..' 1 — i — 3 5 9 C. N3ivland(U.) .. ..'? — — I 1 4 1 9 Others who scored were :— IL Monfries (I.), 8; F. Nadebaum (K.) and C. a Powell (N.A.), G ; F. J. IJouglaa (V.), 5 ; A. G. Newman (N,A.) and R. Ailainjon (IS.), 4; II. SI. Knowles and O. Mildred (E.A.), 3; b\ D3wncr(V.), J. Lord, and E. S. Kekwick (i.), J. Henderson (K.), and W. Spence and H. Mildred (E.A.), 2; B. iloore (U.), F. Joyner, K ltogerj, O. AcraniMi, II. Hay, and J. Nottage IN.A.), V. K. Wright, F. Ilambridge, F. Kell, and D. Dawson(I.), F. Nadebaum, E. P. Auld, F. .laflries, and F. Stapletoa(K-), J. Uoulc, Eeaniei, G. Blockey, and W. Cocliburn (E. A.), 1. One goal for North Adelaide wis knocked by an East Adelaide back man. The following list shows the premiers ar.d runners up in tbe S.A.L-A. since its foundation in 1S8S. It will be *een that 11 seasons University has headed the list six time, North Adelaide three limes, and Iioquois twice :— Season. I Premiers. | Runner I.' p. 1SS8 . . North Adelaide Adelaide lb8J .. North Adelaide Adelaide 1S9U .. University Adelaide 1691 .. University Iroquois 1892 .. Iroquois University 1S93 .. Iroquois University 1 94 .. University North Adelaide 1S95 .. University North Adelaide 1896 .. University North Adelaide 1897 .. North Adelaide University 1S9S .. University North Adelaide