Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Tuesday 26 October 1847, page 3




! October 22 -Arrived the schooner Joseph Cripps, Marr muster, from Adelaide thr 9th inst., with a general cargo.'- Passenger?-Messrs. Bar-nett, Muir, Sorell, Stevens, and Rogers.

October 22 -Sailed the schooner David. Downs master, for Port;Phillip, with aundrios, and a number of p.issongers. *

October 25 - Arrived the barque Waverley Morgan master, from Dublin the 19th July, with 129 female prisoners, 32 children, and 39 free fe-males : Dr. Toms, R.N., Surgeon Superintendent, and Miss M'Causlin, Matron. She spoke the Duchess of Northumberland on the 9th of August bound to Adelaide with emigrants, all well.


October 17 -Sailed the schooner Minerva, Rosevear master, for Portland Bay. Passengers -Thomas E Tulloch, Esq , Mr E Lawrence, Mrs. Smith and child, Mr. Charles Baptiste and fourteen in the steerage. ,

October 19 -Arrived the schooner Elizabeth

and Jane, Sterrieker master, from Port Phillip,

in halbst.

October 19.-Arrived the hi ig Emma, Osborn master, fi om Sydney via Hobart Town.

' October 20_Arrived tho brig Haven, Bell master, from Port Phillip. Passengers-Mr. Bonner, "Mr. J. Matthews, Mrs Bannister, Mr.1 Goble and son, Mr. Swanston, C. H ora lake, J. llegan, J. Burgess and G. Jackson. i

October 21.-Sailed the hi ig William, Lovett master, for Sydney, willi twenty-three passenger*.