Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Tuesday 30 March 1847, page 2

Shipping Intelligence.


March 26, - Arrived the schooner Eagle,

Patterson master, from Port Albert' 22nd

instant, with cattle and sheep. Passengers - Mr.

and Mrs. Thoms and two children.

March 26. - Arrived the schooner Joseph Cripps, Marr master, from 'Adelaide 18th instant, with sundries. Passengers - Joseph and William Waterhouse, Esqrs.

March 26 - Arrived the brig Nimrod, M'Leod master, from1 a whaling voyage, out since 26th January last, with six tuns sperm oil.

March 27 - Arrived the barque Elphinstone, Young master, from London 4th December last, with a general cargo and government stores. Passengers - Rev P. Palmer, M.A. ; G. Gurnett, wife and five children; J. Finlayson and child ; M. Hamlin, wifo and five children ; Andrew Passne, wife and three children ; John M'Arthur, wife and four children; William Madew, wife and four children; J. M'Qawley, wifo and seven children; James Matheson and wife; William Morrison, wife and three children; Thomas Hume, wife and three children; A. Brooke, wife and threo children; R. Burgess and wife; T. W. Reeves, wife and child.

March 29 - Sailed the schooner David, Bowden, master, for Port Phillip, with sundries, and about 100 emigrants.

March 29. - Sailed the barque Cheviot, Mansfield, master, on a whaling voyage.


March 25 - Sailed the barque Morayshire, Barclay master, for London.

March 27. - Sailed the schooner John, Walker master, for Portland Buy. Passengers - John Cashold, J. M'Donald, W. Smith.

March 27. - Sailed the schooner Si. Helena, Mann master, for Mauritius. Passengers - Mrs.

Mann and child.

March 27. - Sailed the brig* Skerne, Stow master, for Melbourne. Passengers-Rev. J. Hewlett, D. O'Connor. Esq., J. Meredith, Esq., Mr. J. Broadstook, Mr. C. Mortimer, Mr. But-ler, and 15 in the steerage.


SHIPWRECK.-On the 23rd of July last, tho Breeze, of Hobart Town, a small vessel of about 30 tons, wai wreoked at Upolu, having on board P. Imlay, Esq., of Twofold Bay, N. S. W., by whom she was chartered, and Mr. Williamson, merchant, from Huuhino, as passenger. She called hero on her way to New Zealand from Tahiti, and had loft Apia barbour on the evening of the 22nd, intending to call next morning at a village to the leeward for some oil, but was drifted in the night by tho current, and about 3 o'clock in the morning struck on the reef off Saleimoa, a placo about eight miles to the west of Apia harbour, where the reef stretches out consi-derably from the land. About sunrise, the mis-sionaries stationed at that place saw her fast on tho reef, with her bow on, and part of her sails set. Alarmed for the safety of those on board, they immediately hastened off their boats to their assistance. Happily no lives were greatly en-dangered, as the weather was favourable and tho vessel had struck when the tide was nearly at the full, which curried her high up on the reef. With the prompt assistance of the natives, connected with tho families of the missionaries and the mis-sion seminary, the cargo was saved. But for their prompt and friendly aid, there is reason to believe that the vessel would have been violently plundered and taken.-Samoan Reporter.