Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (Tas. : 1839 - 1840), Friday 31 July 1840, page 3


(From the Launceston Advertiser.)



As is always the case when events of this sort occur, numerous reports are in circulation ; we think, however, we may vouch for the truth ol' the following account of this unfortunate occurrence, having spared no enquiry calculated to elicit the truth, carefully abstaining from stating anything admitting of a doubt.

The Ocean Queen left London on the 6th March, arrived at the Cape on the 28th ¡May, and sighted the heads of the River Tamar about the 8th July, after a passage of rather more than four months. About 8 o'clock in the evening of that day, the wind increased to such a degree that it was found impossible to reach the heads that night, the captain accordingly put about, in-tending to stand in the next morning, if the wind abated. For three successive days it blew a perfect hurricane, such as seldom has been equalled in these parts, during which the vessel was knocking about the straits, sustaining con-siderable damage and much loss of canvas. On the afternoon of the 11th instant, about 3 o'clock, she struck against a rock near Flinder's Island, and shortly after-wards dropped anchor within a short distance of the shore. The passengers and crew being completely exhausted, were rejoicing in the idea that their troubles were at an end,-the vessel riding in safe anchorage, and the wind moderating. About the middle of the night, however, they were roused from their berths with the intelligence that the vessel was fast filling with waler, and that it was

necessary for them to abandon her. The long boat was accordingly lowered, into which the whole of the passen-gers, (nineteen in number, amongst whom were five children,) were stowed, and remained by the side of the vessel all night, until 9 o'clock the next morning, when they were put on shore at Flinder's Island. As the vessel was fast settling down it was found advisable to slip her cables, and run her ashore at Flinder's Island, where she now lies on the beach, with nine feet waler in her hold at high water. The first intelligence received upon landing at Flinder's Island, was that the bark City of Edinburgh, Captain Fearon, bound for Sydney, had been totally wrecked the previous night.

The coast is represented to us as completely strewed with the wreck and cargo of the City of Edinburgh, the vessel being literally shivered to atoms, and a great part of her cargo washed on shore. The wreck and cargo were sold by auction for the benefit of the underwriters at Lloyd's, upon the authority of the captain. A Mr. Davis, well known in this town, who happened to be a passen-ger on board the City of Edinburgh, officiated as auctioneer, and disposed of them to a son of Captain

Simith, for the sum of £82.

The majority of the passengers by the Ocean Queen pitched tents upon the beach, where they remained about four days, and the others went to the settlement, where the Government brig Tamar happened fortunately to arrive, by which vessel they were all forwarded to Laun-ceston, with the exception of the captain's lady. It is with great satisfaction we add that no lives were lost, and that great hopes are entertained of saving the Ocean Queen. The David, Pickwick, Elizabeth, and Vansittart, government cutter, have been despatched to bring up the cargo of this vessel, the greater part of which, it is sup-posed, will not be materially injured. The following is a list of the passengers by these vessels : -

In the Ocean Queen, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Mil-ler, Mr. Kingstone, Mr. Edmunds, Mr. Ruffle, Mrs. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Warne and five children, Mr. and Mrs. Simes.

In the City of Edinburgh, Miss Bellingham, Mr. Boucher, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Fearon.


Wednesday, July 20.-We have not heard of ativ exten-sive transactions in Wheat during the week. Flour in small quantities, goes off ¡it áMO and .£4'¿ per (on.

Wheat still meets willi no purchasers-1 lie market remains in the same unsettled and inactive state. When none are willing lo buy, and few anxious lu sell, ii is im-possible (o quote a fixed mice. The (tinners generally appear to be confident I lint a rise must take place, anil the townspeople are equally certain that the depression will continue to increase rather than »bale. Jn bulli in-stances, we Imagine, (he "wish is father to the llionghl," for in the present condition ofthe market, it is impossible to form anything more than a mere conjecture as lo its future state The balance of opinion appears, however, to be decidedly in favour of a rise, for which reason very few are willing to sell at present prices.

Union Slea in Mills,

Wheat 9s to 13s, barley 9s to 10s, oats 5s Gd to Gs, pollard Is 9d, bran Is Gd, per bushel ; flour, first quality, till, second £32, ration .£28, per iiOOUlbs.


To Sydney, per Emma, To-Morrow.